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School To Put Students In 'Prison Jumpsuits' As Punishment

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:40 PM
I am a teenager and when I first read this I was angry. Then I read the comments. This disgusts me. I understand that some of you will not share my view in this, but it is my right to put it here.
First off, it was said that we don't have the right of freedom of dress. Well, the Supreme Court disagrees, as illustrated by the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, in which they ruled not only did Americans have the right to dress freely, but also that that right is not taken away when they enter public school doors. I am not saying that dress codes are not important or constitutional, in fact, within the correct perimeters it protects my right to an education which I value and respect to the highest level. I can even understand the merits of a school uniform, but this is NOT a school uniform. A school uniform is worn by all students where this is used as punishment and will not diminish the idea of separating students by way of dress but increase it.
Also, you have to remember the power of suggestion. At my age, my peers have very malleable mindsets even if some of those who have posted comments think they are hard headed and stubborn. In fact scientists theorize that during our teenage years the part of our brain that defines ourselves and our peers is maturing. So, if you are dressed as a prisoner and treated like one at this important time in your life, will you began defining yourself as thus? After all, if you believe you are strong, you will do things that a strong person would do, and in turn you will become strong.
Now I have a few more points to make based on former comments. For those who think teenager need to be more respectful, I would like you to look back on the way you expressed this opinion, because some of the comments were mildly insulting and disrespectful. Maybe if you taught children respect through example, instead of not practicing what you preach, our society would run better. Also for those who think the American school system is so bad, I would like to say that, where we do have issues, unlike most other countries we don’t only let the A and B students enter high school, but C through F students also. This accounts for some of the test scores verses other countries. The United States is one of the only countries where with the mindset, you can literally make for yourself any position from homeless person, to the president, no matter from where you start. America, we’re a little messed up, but at least we have the right to be.
Thank you, for taking the time to read my opinion!

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