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posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:39 PM
im a retired marine corp officer, i was in vietnam, three tours or three years, i can tell you that know matter, where your at you better be underground, bunker, ive been working on mine for 8 years, and im ready for anything, but a direct hit and i feel i can take on all the mobs and save my family. those un prepared will die, they cant find mine its hidden,75 ft long with many smaller rooms, dug out of rock by air drills. make it happen.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:14 PM
Why do i need to dig in? Should i dig with the intentions of looking for gold or silver, hell maybe even oil?

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by whamershaun
im a retired marine corp officer, i was in vietnam, three tours or three years, i can tell you that know matter, where your at you better be underground, bunker, ive been working on mine for 8 years, and im ready for anything, but a direct hit and i feel i can take on all the mobs and save my family. those un prepared will die, they cant find mine its hidden,75 ft long with many smaller rooms, dug out of rock by air drills. make it happen.

I went exploring and found a cave. 400 meters long and descends 250. I ain't no foo! I let nature do the hard work.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:46 AM
Thanks for the information. I'll start digging tomorrow.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:26 AM
I have a lot of money..I won't say who I am but I seriously thought about having an underground 'home' built, something large and deep enough to never be discovered, I am by no means a paranoid geek tin foil hat wearer, I go about living a normal life and browse this site at night when I'm off work, but the "stuff"
hitting the fan is always in the back of my mind.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:33 AM
Nice thread. I always thought about digging a shelter since I was 10. For some reason it just makes sense. It's that whole thing where your better "safe than sorry" kind of deal.

Reply to Dan Tanna: Not everyone has a cave nearby.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:42 AM
I've always wanted to have an underground shelter for you know, just in case something happens. But everyone thought I was crazy. How much would an average underground shelter cost to build, by average I mean the basic necessities.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:08 PM
My brothers and I recently found a small cave about 30ft deep with a 6ft ceiling with its own water supply from a small stream nearby. We move in in September.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:36 PM
i'm heading straight for a local cave system that has fresh water at it's lowest point and lots of sheep and cattle nearby and plenty of fields growing crops.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 08:22 PM
From an old Crimson King, Peter Gabriel tune:

When the flood comes you'll have no home, have now walls.

If after the deluge, any of us are still alive, it will be those who gave-up their islands to survive.

I think I will skip the after party, thank you for the invitation though!

I feel prepared to survive anywhere I am with virtually nothing to begin with. Should that plan fail me. I will not be unlike so many others, and perhaps better off than those who struggle on.

No one gets out alive! So give em hell while you can.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Raverous
I have a lot of money..I won't say who I am but I seriously thought about having an underground 'home' built, something large and deep enough to never be discovered, I am by no means a paranoid geek tin foil hat wearer, I go about living a normal life and browse this site at night when I'm off work, but the "stuff"
hitting the fan is always in the back of my mind.

Radius engineering... I plan on getting land and an Earthcom 32

If you do something elaborate... post pics of the inside!

[edit on 29-7-2008 by SHNIPE]

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by hawaiigurl
To house just a couple of people it would be in the tens of thousands of dollars.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 11:08 PM
there has to be plenty of bomb shelters in America left over from the 50's and 60's .Many probably that people don't even know exist in their backyards.

hiding in them will not save you when the big one comes if it does come.Unless you have lots of food and other essential items. and even then how long you can last in them?

best bet is to get the heck out of the big cities.

One thing is for certain
America teeters on collapse,While Russia and China threaten their status
I believe they will unleash every missile in every silo in order to fight off their impending doom.
The Neocons are not only criminals they are Fascists and are now in control of America.
they have broken many treaties even the nuclear non proliferation treaty
as such it is not hard to imagine what is coming when the American people
fully understand what they have done to them., there will be blood. when house values slip another 25% in value as expected ,watch what happens
they did not build all those concentration camps for no reason.

[edit on 1-8-2008 by solo1]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by solo1

while i agree that getting out of the big cities is necessary, the question then becomes HOW FAR outside of the city? I live approximately 20 miles from city center, 80 miles from the largest nuclear generating facility in the south west, our suburb is separated from the main portion of the city by a large set of mountians, and is easy to access the open desert from where we live. In the desert i would think it too harsh for my wife and daughter to survive unless adequately equipped. The baby could not live on squirrel, rabbit and fish just yet. In this case, i would see staying near your home (underground bunkers) would be best as you MAY have a chance to acquire resources to continue your survival. Also unless planned well enough in advance, by keeping a stock pile up north in the woods, moving your food stash from your home to your wilderness site could prove difficult and dangerous.

My plan is to have an underground bunker installed. ONe of the P15's from radius is what i plan on using. Its relatively affordable (home equity loans could be used) and is safe enough to last me through the first month when whatever happens happens. After that my plans for survival THEN include getting out of the city. I would monitor remotely through HAM connections (misinfo will be huge im sure) the comings and goings of local or foreign enemy to determine the best possible route out of the cities. I do have a Jeep thats overkill equipped to handle the most absurd terrain that my desert has thrown at it. I have a like minded friend who has land in the woods about 2 hours road time north of me (4-5 hours desert travel). Thats next on the list to be prepared.

Im open to criticism and advice!!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:53 AM
Most were filled with water after the military decommisioned them. I grew up in an area that had minuteman silo's and thought about making a house out of one. When i found out it was full i checked with the army and they said they filled them. You could pump it out but it would be a pain. They might have drained them by now tho cause that was 25 years ago.

If you live that close to a target city then you need to get out ASAP. Your little shelter won't work, because if the city is hit with a nuke you'll be close enough to get a lot of radiation and it will kill you if you go topside. Look at chernobyl, it's been twenty some odd years since the reactor blew and radiation levels are just now low enough to live there for short periods.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Anuubis]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 01:21 PM
I agree completely that getting out of the city is the best idea. The two main situations where i see hunkering down as the best alternative at the BEGINNING (no long term hunkering) are:

Nuclear attack:
My concern with quick egress becomes congestion on streets and highways/freeways. What good is trying to outrun radioactive clouds if i cant get my vehicle moving to get away fast enough? In this situation i see hunkering down long enough to let the initial chaos slow down, use rad suits and masks to deal with the fallout thats still around. My only concern about the radiation suits would be my daughter and her ability to don one. Might have ot have something fabricated specifically for her (infant) in case something happens soon. the mountains near the city will protect from blast effects so structures will still be standing and food items may still be locally available. This situation also plays a role in Chem/biological attacks only not having to flee the city forever like you would with fallout.

Martial Law situation:
Government manned highways/roadblocks covering the major ways out. Wait out the initial round sheep roundup. Once the sweeps are slowed down and its safer as attention falls lax then i would get my family out. I would think that this scenario would be more difficult when the time comes to leave so the choice to flee immediately when the time comes is more prevalent.

My line of thinking might seem wrong on both accounts and my in fact be, but as of now for my location it seems better.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by SHNIPE]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by SHNIPE
In my opinion you are very wrong on both accounts. In a nuclear situation you want to evac fast. In a martial law situation then you want to hunker down only if no one knows where your shelter is located,then use the cover of darkness to evac after you figure out patrol patterns. Otherwise you still want to get out fast. But in either situation never take main roads, smaller side roads will be less congested and you have a greater chance of getting out.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Anuubis

(Just askin questions for information/debate purposes. In no way do I consider myself an expert...yet

In what way would a nuke strike make me want to leave quicker? If theres no invading enemy to worry about, my food stock, air purification and nbc suits would protect me if there were an immediate need to go topside. Firestorms nearby would continue to push fallout higher and farther so I would think that safest place would be underground for a few months.

Martial Law will be at its scariest in the first week or two when it starts. I would think that it would be harder to escape and lethal force would be more willingly used in those first few weeks. I would think it would be best to spend a few nights observing patrols, tactics, command before making your move. Granted it would be just as difficult making yoru escape but i would be more fearful of tying to escape en mass on the first couple days when troop tensions are high and mobs are afraid than a single family moving under the cover of darkness.

Now a bit about me. I do live in a smallish town thats the north eastern most suburb of phoenix az. Its abutting indian reservation land so with as short a throw of a stone im in the middle of untouched desert land. Maybe my situation is dictating how i feel about moving out after a few weeks since its less than a block to desert. I know the desert to the north east of my house and know the washes well enough to follow them up to the areas where my friends have land in the woods.

On the other hand being so close to the open desert would also provide the quickest means of escape should we be sitting at home when martial law goes down.

I still do not think the open desert is the best place to be when a nuke/dirty bomb goes off. Underground is best until its safe enough to peace out.

Any thoughts? I know that every situation can have a different answer based on the circumstances. Location, time that it might take to hook up with my family to bug out, troop location, wind direction and speed, etc.


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