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'Wrong' woman given abortion after nurse mixed up patients

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posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 03:26 PM

I hereby award this woman my prestigious award for not taking the time to ask a simple questions of

"I'm only in for a check up whats this pill for"

Congradulations . And to the others that entered . Better luck . umm . Well nevermind

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by lilsugag99
And how about the father of this baby?!?!? You make it seem as though it is only the women who cannot keep their legs closed. But how about the man who donated his stuff in order for her to get pregnant in the first place. I agree that the woman is at fault for not asking the nurse what she was taking. However, you judge this woman on the basis that she was pregnant not fully knowing what the circumstances were leading up to how she got pregnant in the first place.

What does that todays society we as men have NO say in a womans abortion. Of course he too is irresponsible if he knocks up a woman..but once she is pregnant HE has ZERO say in whether to keep or abort the baby. So how can I fault the guy...other then to not have done his part by NOT having sex or having had resposible sex! You woman have fought REAL hard for YOUR right to do with your body what you you got that leave DAD out of it when it comes to this decision and type of murder. Unless of course you ladies are finally willing to allow the father some say in what happens with HIS baby.

And circumstances...other then FORCED rape..there are no circumstances to justify the murder of an unborn child.

[edit on 7/19/2008 by rcwj75]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:06 PM
What a shocking story... very sad. What else can you say. An unforgivable mistake thats for sure.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:09 PM
Someone compared a nurse's work to a small war being waged inside the hospital itself.

Cool, but don't fault the nurse for mixing up medications that the patient took without asking anything about what it was first.

That mix up is as easy as sending an email to the wrong person just because their first names are the same at your job.

Also, if she get's tried for manslaughter, then so should military leaders, knowingly sending soldiers on missions that they expect casualties.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by luckycuban
Also, if she get's tried for manslaughter, then so should military leaders, knowingly sending soldiers on missions that they expect casualties.

And so should all the mothers going to these places to murder their unborn children. Unless there is documented medical proof and a police report of RAPE...other then that...YOU choose to have the sex...and you and the guy you picked better man up and take the responsability of what you created...

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:15 PM
It seems to me that the article indicates that Patient A was there to consult for what type of abortion she needed to get, while Patient B was already in the process of undergoing the chemical abortion.

This would seem to me to negate the whole murder argument. Patient A was planning to terminate the pregnancy any how. She just didnt have the "how" part determined as yet.

None of this of course excuses the nurse for her carelessness, and of course she should be dealt with.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:17 PM
Why should she be punished though....all the women going in the building are looking to already kill their creation...the nurse and doctors just help EVERYONE in that buidling is a killer in some form or fashion....why punish a nurse...she was doing what momma wanted done anyway...

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by rcwj75

Actually, there are many medical reasons for having a termination. I suggest you look some of them up.

As a nurse, it is not down to me as to whether it is right or wrong for a woman to have a termination, nor is it down to you either. It is down to the woman who is having the termination to decide whether it is right or wrong.

I do not judge either way, nor do I influence any decison ... I am just there to support them on whatever decision they decide to make.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Wotan

I agree there are SOME medical issues when a woman gets pregnant...but those IMO are probably less then 2% if not 1% of ALL abortions given. You and I both know women choose this road as a cover their butt route more then anything.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75
reply to post by Wotan

I agree there are SOME medical issues when a woman gets pregnant...but those IMO are probably less then 2% if not 1% of ALL abortions given. You and I both know women choose this road as a cover their butt route more then anything.

Actually my friend, you are probably wrong on your statistics. I worked in a unit (NHS) for 3 months that did surgical terminations and I can tell you that approximately 80%+ were for medical reasons. I cant say for the private sector as I have never worked in it.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Wotan

80%...I can't buy that. That tells me that almost ALL women are incapable of having children for one reason or another...sorry...

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75
reply to post by Wotan

80%...I can't buy that. That tells me that almost ALL women are incapable of having children for one reason or another...sorry...

*Sigh*, Like I said in an earlier post, read up on the list of medical reasons, remember age plays a BIG factor when terminations are mentioned. Also remember a lot of women nowadays leave having children to quite late into their child bearing age range and this accounts for a high percentage of terminations. Also another big factor alongside womens ages are the higher incidence of Gynae related problems, this also plays a big part in terminations. Do your research.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 05:25 PM
OK for all of those making this nurse sound like the devil incarnate, take a step back. Do you think this nurse is just laughing this off? Do you think she feels nothing about it? I've known a few nurses and they were lovely people, deeply caring and people i'd happily have look after me. Anyone can make a mistake, and whist this is a terrible mistake, a horrible incident, it should not be something she loses her life over.

Punishment and a review yes, complete disqualification from medicine? I think not. Let's also remember which newspaper this comes from, the daily mail. This is a rag of a paper who love to sensationalise a story, to demonise anyone they can to make a bit of money.

I feel deeply sorry for the woman involved and i also feel sorry for the nurse.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 05:54 PM
I've reached a point on this topic that anger has been replaced with a sadness. Having raised a daughter, I will never understand how anyone could kill their own child. Infanticide is beyond comprehension, even in the case of rape. In what way is Rape the fault of the child and why should the child pay with its life? What sin did the child commit?

From the moment of conception, no person can say what a person’s life might be like and nobody can predict it. I arrived at my belief based not on religion, but on logic.

Every time an unborn life is taken it may have been a life of a person who would have been a blessing to the world regardless of how the pregnancy occurred. Many of the world’s greatest minds and hearts may have already been extinguished by abortion.

The reduction of human life to a commodity will be part of the undoing of humanity. We are precious few generations away from a time when only those deemed perfect will be allowed to live and the decision of who lives will be made by heartless monsters created by a heartless, inhuman society. Soon we will see the Elderly and the Infirm eliminated for convenience by a Secular Society, no longer possessing a Soul. Our children will be like the latest stylish automobile, selected for popularity and assigned the same value as any other piece of property. God forgive us.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 06:00 PM
There are a lot of good people on this thread and they are all trying to respond to this unfortunate incident in their own way.

I can say I agree with the member who is a nurse and is trying to explain the system is 'in crisis'.

Nurses had a tough job in the past and it's gotten harder. Nobody has their back. They are frequently victimized by the system, and distracted.

Patients are often in a confused state when they are seeking treatment and not fully in possession of their faculties. It's important to be a partner in your treatment, but who hasn't felt a sense of unreality when in the clinic? It's loud and confusing and you are expected to do what you're told. You assume the 'child' role to the doctor's and nurse's 'adult'.

The system is geared to covering up mistakes and not seeing patients as individuals. 'The liver in room 10 wants a pain pill', is sometimes heard.

There are no easy answers.

I feel for those who posted angry replies. No doubt they had loved ones who were abused by the medical system.

I feel for the nurse and all healthcare providers who are victims of the staffing shortage.

To me, there is a difference between making a mistake and someone acting carelessly and with disregard. I wouldn't want to be the arbiter here.

Ruining more lives, casting blame and looking for revenge may not help solve anything.

Hopefully this woman will get compensation and not be further 'raped' by the system trying to get a settlement. This is where the true injustice can occur - the hospital will hire aggressive lawyers and try to blame the patient and the nurse and avoid making things whole.

Again, good to see all the outpouring of care and even some anger at this kind of thing, but I hope we can also have mercy and understanding, and not promote a rush to judgment.

2 cents.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

She works in a place that slaughters babies and destroys lives. How caring can she be? She has no regard for human life. She is willing to kill for the few pieces of silver she takes home on payday.

What the Pro-Abortion Crowd does not understand and never will, is you are asking us to condone the murder of babies for convenience and to sell our souls in the process. You are not asking us to do a little thing. All so you can have sex without worrying about the consequences, because you can simply murder the result at a local corner clinic.

A Nurse should value a human life above all other considerations. To do otherwise is to lead us down a path to when an individual will have no value and we will pray that Orwell was right as reality is far worse than he predicted. Those who work in Abortion Clinics can't possibly have a heart or soul and must by definition be sociopathic personalities for which a human life has no more value than the tools they use to destroy that life.

My beliefs tell me I must forgive them and I do, but I can never understand their stony hearts or how they convince their hands to take the life of innocent child without regard.

A few months ago, there was a thread here that showed a video of a female baby a Chinese person had thrown in the gutter and the uncaring monsters China has created walking by as if the baby were like any other piece of trash. That is where Western Society is headed if we do not wake up in time. When the value of a society outweighs the value of an individual worldwide, our lives will become as living nightmares if we are not one of the privileged class. Secularism is pushing us that direction at breakneck speed right now.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 06:37 PM
I don't think the nurse should be charged with manslaughter as the woman was there for a consultation to terminate her pregnancy. The nurse made a mistake in giving her the wrong medication, in fact in giving her medication at all. The medical profession should have a system of checking before any and all medications are given. There should always be two people in attendance when giving medication so that both may make sure that the right medication is given to the right patient.

The woman bears some responsibility for the mistake also as she took the medication, i wouldn't take medication without knowing why i was taking it and what the medication was for. I believe the article said the woman said "that was quick" when she left which would suggest that she thought she had recieved treatment of some kind. If all you were going to an abortion clinic for was a consultation, why would you take medication ?

The nurse should however be repremanded and be put on some type of supervision for a certain amount of time being that she made any kind of mistake with medication. What if she made a mistake that would've cost a person their life ? I also believe that if she makes another mistake in the furture concerning the administration of meds then she should be relieved of her duties and not allowed to practice again.

Last year i went to the doctor for an upper respritory infection and the doctor had already left so i had to see the nurse practitioner. It clearly states on my chart that i am allergic to erythromyicin, and i also reminded her of that fact when she was writing my scrips. She handed me the scrips and i looked at them and asked her if she had given me a form of erythromyicin to which she answered no.

I got the prescription filled, went home and was about to take it when i noticed the writing underneath the label that the pharmacy had put on the box. I took off the label and saw what it said, looked in my pill guide, and called the pharmacy and both the book and the pharmicist verified that it was a derivitive of erythromyicin. Had i blindly taken the medication i could have died.

When i went to the office the following day to get a new scrip and complain about the mistake all she said to me was i'm sorry i was so busy yesterday, and i honestly didn't see any sense of concern or remorse from her. Her i'm sorry would have been of no condolence to me if i had taken that medication and died a horrible death with my throat closing up, hives all over the place and suffucating to death, nor would it have been any condolence to my sons, my grandchildren, brother, mother,or the rest of my family had i died.

So yes they need to be more careful when giving medication, because they could cost somebody their life when giving the wrong meds.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Infanticide is beyond comprehension, even in the case of rape. In what way is Rape the fault of the child and why should the child pay with its life? What sin did the child commit?

In what way is rape the fault of the woman that was raped ? Why should a woman that has already been victimized and traumatized be forced to carry the child of her attacker ? She did not go out and willingly have unprotected sex, nor did she try to become pregnant. She should not have to endure the changes to her body that go along with pregancy, nor should she have to be reminded of what happened to her every time that child moves inside of her. She definitely shouldn't have to go through the pain of labor and childbirth to bring into the world her rapist's child.

I don't agree with people using abortion as birth control, especially when there are so many forms of birth control available. However i don't understand why it is incomphrehensible to you that a woman would not want to carry and give birth to her rapist's child.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 06:57 PM
I love that some of the strictest "The laws the law" people are in here complaining about abortion .

Just think not too long ago if you didnt want a kid you could kjust push your wife down the stairs or punch her in the stomach till she miscarried. ahhh the good o'l days eh? /s\

People and there crazy superstitions.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by d11_m_na_c05]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
She works in a place that slaughters babies and destroys lives. How caring can she be? She has no regard for human life. She is willing to kill for the few pieces of silver she takes home on payday.

Lets not turn this into an anti-abortion thread shall we? That's a different debate.

Originally posted by Blaine91555
What the Pro-Abortion Crowd does not understand and never will, is you are asking us to condone the murder of babies for convenience and to sell our souls in the process. You are not asking us to do a little thing. All so you can have sex without worrying about the consequences, because you can simply murder the result at a local corner clinic.

I use condoms, i've never gotten anyone pregnant with my careful practice of sex, again lets not turn thi sinto an anti abortion thread. Let's leave this as a mistake, a very bad mistake about a woman who wanted her baby. This nurse should be taught again about careful procedure not banned and tried under criminal law.

Originally posted by Blaine91555
A Nurse should value a human life above all other considerations. To do otherwise is to lead us down a path to when an individual will have no value and we will pray that Orwell was right as reality is far worse than he predicted. Those who work in Abortion Clinics can't possibly have a heart or soul and must by definition be sociopathic personalities for which a human life has no more value than the tools they use to destroy that life.

I suggest you look up a thread between myself and TheRedneck, he argued some very good cases against abortion and i argued for it, although we were talking about cloning at the time. "Fight to clone a human", take a look as it's more in keeping with your comments on this thread.

Originally posted by Blaine91555
My beliefs tell me I must forgive them and I do, but I can never understand their stony hearts or how they convince their hands to take the life of innocent child without regard.

that's a horrible comment. I believ eina womans right to choose but i don't have a stony heart, i'm one of the most empathic people you will meet.

Originally posted by Blaine91555
A few months ago, there was a thread here that showed a video of a female baby a Chinese person had thrown in the gutter and the uncaring monsters China has created walking by as if the baby were like any other piece of trash. That is where Western Society is headed if we do not wake up in time.

Disgusting, sorry but it's not where we're heading, if we did i'd be right with you standing against the people doing it. Let's nt turn this thread into a pro and anti abortion thread, if you want that then start another thread and message me the address.

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