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Black National Anthem?

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posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by Rasobasi420

Those radical individuals are increasingly sharpening their fangs and coming out of the closet. As the election grows nearer you can increasingly see their contempt for this great country: not singing the National Anthem, when that is what they are there for; refusing to stand for the National Anthem at sports events, and the list goes on and on...

Is that the most radical you've got? Sitting when a song is playing? Not singing along?

* If you consider the American National Anthem a "song" you have no place being in the USA...Desecrating a National symbol is in fact the most radical thing I can think of, maybe your values are different from mine...

So, this has everything to do with race. "White America" proved to have thrown their bigotry into the past, in electing a black Democratic Candidate.

Thanks for throwing them a bone. By segregating yourself btw (i.e. White America vs. America) you show your slip a bit. But again, I won't hold it against ya.

* I am not throwing anybody a bone, I'm Republican so I didn't vote for him. I did not segregate myself, if you don't know the difference between "White America", which is what, and how, I wrote, and White America, what you wrote, then I think you better stay in school for a wile longer...

I have been seeing that will not happen, the ones most affected will be, like always, the hard working black Americans that pay the price for a small number of individuals that have no place in an organized, peaceful, multicultural society.
As for me, I'll be ready and whiling to give them their just reward: a full metal jacked...They do like their bling...

So, in response to this woman singing a different song than she had agreed to sing, you're going to go out and 'bust a cap' in black people? Is that how the hard working black Americans are going to be 'most affected' by this race war?

* Again you try to put words into my fingers, please read what I have written, the context in which it was written and stop trying to invent things I did not say.
I clearly refer to "a small number of individuals" that, as I said before, do not represent the Majority of Black Communities, whatever that is.
I did not say I was going to go out and do anything of the sort, guess your imagination got the better of you, or else you don't know how to contextualize phrases and words. What I said, and meant, was that in the event of rioting and looting, which I predict, anyone trying to put their hands on me, my family or my property will receive a full metal jacket, for their effort. You see, I wont lie down and see everything I love being destroyed...guess I'm not as liberal as our friends from the west coast.

But since, like you said above, you, your family and your friends will be either at work or in school, there is nothing for you to worry about...or is there?

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by LLoyd45

Originally posted by neformore
The article you linked is nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. He has not endorsed it, he did not orchestrate it - hell as far as I can tell by searching google he's not even commented on it - and yet you chose to link it - solely because of the colour of the skin of the woman who sang the song.
I was under the impression that most people who posted here on ATS were conspiracy theorist, and believed in conspiracies?

Would such a connection be that farfetched? I've seen some pretty wild theories expounded on this forum! Why does this particular one trouble you so much?

Well Ted Bundy was white. Using the same logic what does that tell me about white Americans?
That a small percentage of it's constituents fall into the sociopathic category of mental illness?

Ted Bundy was a suave, well-educated lawyer like Barack Obama, what should that tell me about Barack Obama?

Corellations can be drawn between any two variables if you try hard enough..

Yes As far as I know, this site is for conspiracy theorists, but I do think that it is rather far fetched for someone to assume that Obama had anything to do with this. I'm sure if he had any idea this was going on, if he knew this woman, he would have encouraged her not to do it. He seems to have some common sense. I'm sure he would have known that this would anger lots of people. At this point in the game, He knows what could ruin the chances of him winning the election.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by HooHaa

Oh come on!! I want to sing the White National Anthem. I want White Entertainment Television (WET TV). Mrs White America and the National White College Fund (NWCF). Blacks constantly cry about racism but they are the only ones continually perpetuating it. They continually draw lines and constantly make distinctions between the races. I say let it go and be an American not an African American. Slavery happened along time ago. I dont know of any living black slave in America. I also cant think of any living white slave owners. Im tired of hearing about something that happened before any American today was alive. This women saw a chance to get her 15 minutes and took it.

To the poster who made the Obama connection. I see it. Obama has made distinctions between himself and white America. His wife has made distinctions and would this women pulled this stunt if Barack wasnt a presidential canadate?

Before I get flamed for my comments be advised. I have a sister in a "mixed" marraige and I have a beautiful neice and nephew whom I love very much. Along with my brother in law and his family. So dont cry racist.

You have never, and will never be black, therefore you don't know how it feels or what blacks go through. Racism is still rampant in this country, I've experienced it first hand many times, and there are still countless instances of racially motivated occurances in the media mainly towards blacks and latinos. Slavery might have ended, but I guarantee you there are still many people out there who wish that it didn't and that is very sad.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:15 PM

You have never, and will never be black, therefore you don't know how it feels or what blacks go through.

Hm, true... but I am a minority in a ton of different ways. So, just because I'm white, does that mean that I can't -possibly- associate with how you're feeling?

Okay, let's look at it a different way. If you heard a song about Jews, or like, Jews want a Holocaust Remembrance Month, instead of a day, or Paraplegics want a political party, would you laugh?

I'd never, ever say "You can't possibly know what it feels like to be in my situation." No offense meant at all from this, but- Blacks get a TON of respect and a a group tend to ask for MORE recognition as being different instead of less.

I'd go for integration, if I were black. I go for integration with everything and if there was more integration and less race-specific holidays and events and music and this and that subculture, then Obama would probably win the election and no one would CARE if people are black or white or purple or green or yellow or red.

Just my thought, but hey, I'm not black.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:20 AM
Silly talk from silly people!

Everything in america until just recently has been totally catered to white people! There was no need to label miss america, miss WHITE america because it was stipulated in the miss america rulebook that only WHITE women could become miss america! (Google it)

Black people have "Black" versions of american things because blacks have been until just recently EXCLUDED from those things!

Now some idiots in white america want blacks to dismantle the profitable "Black" things that they invented under the pretense that white america isn't racist anymore! Yet hate crimes are on the rise against blacks! (Google it)

Hell No!

McDonalds makes mexican fast food now, so should Taco Bell go out of business and send all it's employees to McDonalds?

So why should black mainstays like miss black america, united negro collage fund, black entertainment television (which is now owned by a white corporation called viacom) go bust over a false pretense of "equality" when the facts show the opposite?

This is the GRAND Power of the Universe Born from Allah = GRAND PUBA

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by TKainZero

You are such a racist. I'm glad she opted to sing OUR national anthem and not YOURS. Rene Marie doesn't have to try to pull stunts in order to make it because she already has. Get your facts together.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13

Hm, true... but I am a minority in a ton of different ways. So, just because I'm white, does that mean that I can't -possibly- associate with how you're feeling?

Okay, let's look at it a different way. If you heard a song about Jews, or like, Jews want a Holocaust Remembrance Month, instead of a day, or Paraplegics want a political party, would you laugh?

I'd never, ever say "You can't possibly know what it feels like to be in my situation." No offense meant at all from this, but- Blacks get a TON of respect and a a group tend to ask for MORE recognition as being different instead of less.

I'd go for integration, if I were black. I go for integration with everything and if there was more integration and less race-specific holidays and events and music and this and that subculture, then Obama would probably win the election and no one would CARE if people are black or white or purple or green or yellow or red.

Just my thought, but hey, I'm not black.

To answer your questions in order, no I wouldn't laugh, and I can honestly say that it wouldn't bother me at all if Jews had a month, why not? Keep in mind though, Jews are still considered white for the most part. And there are many Jews who ironically enough hate blacks.

You say blacks get a ton of respect, but thats only on the suface, as I've said before, racism is still rampant. I admire that you support intergration on the utimalte level. Unfortunatly we don't live in a perfect world. Now a days, most white owned cooperations hire only the percentage of minorites required to meet a quota. Keep in mind I said most not all. Are you aware that there have been specials done on cooperations disregarding applicants based on their first and last name regardless of their qualifications? Meaning The Jacksons, Lopez, Williams, Sanchez, are thrown out, because there's a 95% chance that they are black or latino? You can google it. I know people including myself who have been pulled over by the police for no obvious reasons other than the fact that they were black or latino. I wish we lived in your ideal world where people were color blind, but we don't. The whole reason, minority scholarships were invented was because originally minorities weren't allowed into white colleges. Black colleges were formed for the same reason, and to prove to white people that we weren't inferior. A few years back, I applied and got accepted to a prestidious University. One of my best friends who applied for the same school didn't get accepted. It was hard for me to understand this, because he applied months before I did, and had a higher GPA. I went to a school that was predominatly white, and he went to a school that is now predominatly black. I find it a huge coincidence that pratically no one from his school who applied got accepted, when practically everyone from my school who applied did.

I admire your ideals and the fact that you are so open-minded, and If everybody had your views on equality, we wound't need the race specific holidays, scholarship, etc. The problem is that there are still people at the top, who just happen to be white, who don't feel the way you do.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by tazm_99

The problem is that there are still people at the top, who just happen to be white, who don't feel the way you do.

I've skimmed through this eleven page thread of garbage and from what I've seen, this one sentence is the only piece of truth in this ignorant hate fest. Unfortunately, very few of our lighter skinned, "cousins", seem to understand this simple point.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Jerimiah Wright

Originally posted by tazm_99

The problem is that there are still people at the top, who just happen to be white, who don't feel the way you do.

I've skimmed through this eleven page thread of garbage and from what I've seen, this one sentence is the only piece of truth in this ignorant hate fest. Unfortunately, very few of our lighter skinned, "cousins", seem to understand this simple point.

Love your ATS handle
and if I'm honest there are a ton of threads on ATS just like this one....its sad, a bit frustrating, but very put up links that nobody reads, talk about your own experience and get sarcasm, nastiness, and ridicule...but hey - same sh## different century...

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