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Dulce Level Six Video

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posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:02 AM
Dude look at the camera movement, this was shot using either a DOLLY or a hi-res still pan & scan simulating dolly track movement. You think they let someone set up a camera on a tripod on a dolly, and track along through a UTS lab?
Also, that still you posted could be of anything, even my kitchen. Sorry mate, but keep looking

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Shar_Chi

Good catch, Shar!!!!

Hey, I challenge anyone, with a hand-held videocam, to hold it so steady.

I'm going on a cruise to the Baltic in two weeks. I bought a NEW vidCam, just for the trip. (Canon FS100) No moving parts, (well, the moves when you turn it on) uses an SD I going to get a lot of useless video? OF COURSE!!! That's why I'm bringing a laptop, to download from the SD card, and edit and erase the useless bits!!!!

The first VidCam I owned was a Hi8mm Sony, back in 1992. Did I get a LOAD of useless hots??? YES!!!! Did I have the benefit of digital editing, back then? NOOOO!!!!

If people don't understand by now, they never will. Spoofs abound, all over the with it, learn from it.....

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
Dude look at the camera movement, this was shot using either a DOLLY or a hi-res still pan & scan simulating dolly track movement. You think they let someone set up a camera on a tripod on a dolly, and track along through a UTS lab?
Also, that still you posted could be of anything, even my kitchen. Sorry mate, but keep looking

Correct... i noticed that in my post on p1 Absolutely a fake

and sorry, that still is a Meth lab for all I know

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by jkrog08

HAHA....I agree although I really don't think it will take a video expert to disprove this video.. Anyone who watches it can tell that it is a video..although of what would be another story, I think that an episode of spongebob square pants is more realistic than this tripe. There is a Museum of science and industry in Portland, OR that has a room full of live fetus' from embryo to fetus, about 40 in all showing the growth of a human child inside the womb, and it looks very similar to this ...the only exception is that it is real! and not a video, you can walk through this room, maybe someone should film it and then post it, it would still be fake considering that they are not is a stasis environment, but still more realistic.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 09:10 AM
yeah the camera pan is pretty still, and according to other accounts that place would be swarming with scientists, it looks like the excerpt from independence day even though it isnt

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:33 AM
Yea I concur,it is a fake........................although there is supposedly a picture of a lab in Dulce.

I really wish people wouldn't make hoaxes like this.Oh well,Ufology is FULL of them.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:37 AM
Please read from this The latest information on the Dulce papers and video

There is a still picture on this page from inside Dulce, it also explains about the footage posted on this Thread, and how it came about.

I guess you either read it if you wish to know the truth, or you dont and keep being afraid of Dulce.

Im no where near being a debunker, or a skeptic, im the biggest believer on Earth regarding UFOs and Aliens, go and have a read.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:44 AM
This is probably another attempt to either gain attention or confuse people.

Ok, why is the frame rate so low? Why bother making it so slow and choppy?
The camera apparently is moving in a perfect horizontal fashion which I'm sure human's can't reproduce manually.

Also, why is there no sound? It could be just that the uploading removed the sound and compressed the video to make it obscure.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by azzllin

I will have a read,thanks.There are countless 'classic' threads on here,I haven't had the time,nor patience to read through them all(as I have only been a member for 6 months) and the information is vast,but I will check out yours and some others I was referred to.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:46 AM
i have seen more than just the Dulce thread disappear. There was a thread that was deleted and the member banned once. Only a couple of posts in that thread, too.

I agree...when that sort of thing happens you start to think that someone stumbled onto something.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:12 PM
Everything should be taken with a grain of salt... or at least filed in a scientific way as ' possibilities '.
The internet was allowed ( or encouraged ) for the purpose of military intelligence; it's usefulness as a psy-ops tool can't be denied.

I too have noticed interesting and seemingly credibe stories dissapear... but, and therefore- if I wanted to convince you of something ( and I had the power to do it )... then I would get it ' out ' and then yank.
These gov't agents aren't geniuses but I'm sure this has occured to somebody.
Most of these facilities do mundane ( if secret ) work- they're far too well known to do something truly earth- shattering.
The important stuff is done in a block building in Maryland or Virginia- where there are millions of gov't people running around all the time...

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by titorite

Good eye. To my mind that's the only interesting thing about what really does appear to be an obvious fake for reasons already given in the thread.

It might be an artifact from the video compression and it's just a flat screen with an image on it, but that doesn't make sense as if this is as old as it's supposed to be, I don't think they really had flat screens that large. Hmm.

Whatever it is, like I said, it;s the only interesting thing in the video...

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

reps & greys for the lose...

i wish our gov. made deals with beings of light instead of the dark...

i wonder if they wish they had done things differently?

i wonder if they will join the light for the win?

i guess i cant blame them..since the dark won this planet back in the day..but humans have had some choices...too bad we have leaders that make bad choices..the whole current structure sucks for the human race.

but the light shall it should...always and forever

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Optix
It looks like a cable sci fi movie, Also is there not suppose to be "live" creatures down there, where are they? and why is the video so short?


Okay first of all....either that man carrying that camera has very very steady aim or of course it's been produced in a studio (which it was.) Why are you people so guiliable? And I am not picking on a select few, I just don't understand how people can believe this sort of junk?

Best Regards,


posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
i have seen more than just the Dulce thread disappear. There was a thread that was deleted and the member banned once. Only a couple of posts in that thread, too.

I agree...when that sort of thing happens you start to think that someone stumbled onto something.


What was the staffs reason?

Could you direct me as to when this thread happend,and any post that talk about it?

Am I the only one who is somewhat worried here about if the reasons for deleting multiple threads by ATS STAFF were sincere?

This is really bothering me that a site supossedly devoted to 'uncovering the truth' would delete a thread that claimed pictures of Dulce,and other threads without any normal reason to do so??!!

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 03:43 PM
Here is the link:

I am unsure why the thread was deleted and the poster was banned. From what i understand, there was nothing posted there that was against T and C...but i didn't get a chance to read it myself.

I mentioned this once and got about 50 U2U's asking for more info. I don't have much more info. My email address is ATS member name at yahoo.

I like being at ATS. i don't want to be banned (it apparently go that other OP banned). So i will avoid discussing it further here.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 04:07 PM
To be completely honest:

A Hollywood Technical crew could re-create that video and the room it was filmed in, in a day or two and make it look just as realistic as it appears in the video.

Honestly, I've read the Dulce Papers years ago. It scared me a bit. I don't know if it is real or not and I guess maybe that is not the issue here. The issue at hand is verification of the video either being real or being a hoax.

The Jury is still OUT !

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan
very interesting! thanks for staying with this topic, ATS is a big, important site, and not all its mods or controllers are benevolent. I would not be too surprised that if an subject matter was too damaging (names, locations, alarming pictures or videos) that would have been cause for immediate concern to government entities, they can easily force ATS to remove said topic.

Could one post nuclear secrets or blueprints on ATS? No, and that goes for any additional information (military or otherwise) about Dulce Base that could cause immediate damage.

Unfortunately, this seems to be the reality.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 05:14 PM
I have some interesting evidence about Dulce that has never been posted on the Net before.
I assure you the video in question is a hoax.
I have things that i would like to post, but not in this thread and not until i have permission to post them here.
Keep one eye open,

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Dulce Secret Guy

i am dead serious when i say i am not trying or intending to come off as rude. having shared that caveat, i will also tell you that you are in the wrong place.

Every week or two someone comes in with a new account with "info to share that has never been shared before."

Don't expect to be treated well. Every single one before you has been shown to be a hoaxer. If you want to retain any reputation, put the info out there. Defend the info.

But leave the foreplay to the bedroom.

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