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Judge Gives Choice: $500 Fine or a Spanking

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posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 12:42 AM

BROWNSVILLE, Texas — A Los Fresnos family is going to court to try to prevent a Cameron County justice of the peace from ordering spankings in his courtroom.


This is about 15 miles from where I live.

Most people down here are siding with the JP.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 12:54 AM
I know of a mother who lost both of her children after she spanked one of the kids in a supermarket. Now, the mother had indeed lost her temper with the little girl, but at least she only used her open hand on the girl's rear-end.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 01:32 AM
Spanking really doesnt work after a certain age it. Honestly it really only works to get a childs attention RIGHT NOW.

I was spanked too much as a kid, with a wooden paddle, but my kids were spanked very few times. The threat was usually enough.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:33 PM
Oh it does. I was spanked up until about 17. Pain is a good way to let one know what is right or wrong.

That is like saying you can only teach a child not to stick things in a light socket

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:40 PM
Spanking doesn't necessarily teach kids not do something, it just teaches them not to do it while the parent is around. I think it's a problem when you a raise kid who only "behaves" but doesn't actually like being nice/good.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by ThePiemaker
Spanking doesn't necessarily teach kids not do something, it just teaches them not to do it while the parent is around.

That's all punishment of any kind teaches anyone. Doesn't matter if it's a spanking, time out, taking away dessert, taking away toys, taking away freedoms, etc.

If anything worked, we'd never have repeat offenders of criminals.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:48 PM
Who gets to do the spanking? Is it in private and what is she wearing?

For some people getting spanked isn't exactly a punishment.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by xxpigxx

Oh it does. I was spanked up until about 17. Pain is a good way to let one know what is right or wrong.

I really seriously hope you are kidding.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:49 PM
Spanking doesn't teach kids any more than hitting them in the head with a good book would. A good parent should be able to teach their kids without resorting to hitting. After all, what does that really teach them bsides hitting is okay? If you have to hit your kid, you've already lost.

The only time I can see smacking a kid is to get their attention so that they don't hurt themselves. Like spanking a kid before they stick something in a light socket, touching a fire, or going too close to a highway.

[edit on 6/7/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by mrwupy
heck, i'd go for the spanking myself.

Boy, are you frisky or what???? A spanking for mrWupy coming up!!!

If you want details of dress it will cost ya.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

And that is exactly what is wrong today. When the spanking went down, the misbehavior went up

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by xxpigxx

You have drawn an invalid comparison. By that logic, anyone who was never spanked would be in prison.

Spanking is not the issue. It is the parenting skills.

Most of my more successful friends were rarely if ever spanked, whereas most of the kids who got the wooden spoon and the belt are either cops or in prison.

This guy here is the brother of an ex-girlfriend of mine...

Shawn Brightly

He got the brunt of the corporal punishment in their house, and that's where he is today.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:32 PM
As a hypothetical what do parents do when they tell their 11 year old child that they are grounded and they cant go outside to play with the other kids, because they did not clean their room and the kid says:
"screw you I am going out and you cant stop me."
My advice...spanking.
I suppose you could "ground" them for longer if you want and continue to watch them laugh at your punishment as they proceed to walk out the door to go play baseball, or you could spank their little tush and watch them not dare to step near the door.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
reply to post by xxpigxx

You have drawn an invalid comparison. By that logic, anyone who was never spanked would be in prison.

Spanking is not the issue. It is the parenting skills.

Most of my more successful friends were rarely if ever spanked, whereas most of the kids who got the wooden spoon and the belt are either cops or in prison.

This guy here is the brother of an ex-girlfriend of mine...

Shawn Brightly

He got the brunt of the corporal punishment in their house, and that's where he is today.

Your right he should have had his GI Joes taken as a child surely that would keep him from being a crimminal.
I think anyone can point to someone who is "hellbent" on doing the wrong thing but having a spanking as a deterent to keep childhood defiance in check is not what causes criminal behaviour.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by sacerd

I suppose you could "ground" them for longer if you want and continue to watch them laugh at your punishment as they proceed to walk out the door to go play baseball, or you could spank their little tush and watch them not dare to step near the door.

Then what do you do when that eleven year-old climbs down the fire-escape and goes out anyway?

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by sacerd

Your right he should have had his GI Joes taken as a child surely that would keep him from being a crimminal.

No, he should have been taught the difference between right and wrong through good parenting, as his older sisters had been. Instead, no one could be bothered with him as their family fell apart due to death and finances, and he was spanked to be "kept in line" instead of taught.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 06:24 PM
so what you are telling me is that this kid was kept in a closet and told to be bad and only brought out to be spanked?
I would assume that the kid in question was told what he had done that warrented the spanking and I correct?

Is it not possible that he was not spanked in any normal sense but rather abused due to the family trauma that you discribed?

I wonder if charlie manson was spanked.
likley not as he was in state ran institutions most of his life and I am certain that he was told and taught to be a law abiding citizen.

[edit on 04/13/2008 by sacerd]

[edit on 04/13/2008 by sacerd]

[edit on 04/13/2008 by sacerd]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by sacerd

I would assume that the kid in question was told what he had done that warrented the spanking and I correct?

Not necessarily. He got spanked for getting caught, not for doing wrong. The mother didn't really care what he did, as long as it didn't effect her or get CPS over to the house.

Is it not possible that he was not spanked in any normal sense but rather abused due to the family trauma that you discribed?

Borderline I would say. But where does one draw the line? That really is the point after all. If the kid does wrong a second time, do you hit them harder the next time? No, you should teach them why and how they were wrong right from the start, not reveal your own lack of patience and parenting skills.

Let me be clear here. I am not against the ocassional spanking of a young child here, but it should not be something that a parent relies on, and it is only really an effective tool for a few years, after which it will become counterproductive and foster only resentment, which then begets a viscious cycle and the spawning of an "uncontrollable child."

I wonder if charlie manson was spanked.
likley not as he was in state ran institutions most of his life and I am certain that he was told and taught to be a law abiding citizen.

I think you have unwittingly made my case here with your example. Cold and violent authority is all that an institiution has to offer. If you want people to grow up to be animals, then treat them like animals. Rub their face in # when they poop in the wrong place, zap them with electricity when they step out of bounds, etc. Do you really believe that any institution offers any more teaching than that?

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 07:06 PM
Spanking will not fix bad parenting because spanking is not parenting it is a tool parents use while raising their children. I agree that once the tool is no longer effective it is no longer to be used.
The example you gave me of how this guy was raised leaves me a little confused what precisely was it he was caught doing that warranted the spanking
was it good behavior or bad behavior?
Did he know the difference between right and wrong when he did these things?
If he didn't know the difference between right and wrong why was he sneaking?
In order to get caught one has to be hiding
If he was hiding his actions what actions was he hiding?
The Charles Manson thing doesn't prove either side. All it proves is that a lack of parenting equals bad children.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by sacerd

The Charles Manson thing doesn't prove either side. All it proves is that a lack of parenting equals bad children.

I'll meet you halfway there.

The example you gave me of how this guy was raised leaves me a little confused what precisely was it he was caught doing that warranted the spanking
was it good behavior or bad behavior?

Sometimes just "annoying" behavior. While at other times he was not punished at all for downright criminal behavior, since he was not caught red-handed.

Did he know the difference between right and wrong when he did these things?

I think everyone has some sense of right and wrong. So he probably knew some of the things would get him in trouble if he got caught, but he was unable to define why. Even today, he probably really doesn't u8nderstand why it is wrong to rob someone at gunpoint, only that if he could have gotten away with it, he would have been eighty-dollars less poor.

If he didn't know the difference between right and wrong why was he sneaking?

So he wouldn't be punished of course. But again, punishment did not necessarily define right or wrong in his life. Only what was acceptable and what was not. No moral fiber entered the equation.

If he was hiding his actions what actions was he hiding?

Oh, all sorts of things. I don't want to get too specific since I have used his name publicly here.

But let me give a general example. Kid "steals" food from fridge before dinner time, gets spanked and grounded. Kid steals from corner store, runs from clerk but never actually gets totally caught. You see the cycle taking root there?

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