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reasons why Extraterrestrial Visits/Spaceships don't exist

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posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:53 AM
SIX reasons why Extraterrestrial Visits/Spaceships don't exist

1. Debunking the "U.S. Government conspiracy theory"
Just think, for the U.S. government to conspire to keep UFOs and alien knowledge from the general public, there has to be a perfect intergovernmental world conspiracy.

North Korea - hates the U.S. but co-operates with it on UFOs. Cuba - same thing, Old Soviet Union during the cold war- same thing, Many Arab countries - same thing. A lot of countries are in constant conflict all around the world, but when it comes to UFOs they are united even when they are at war. If there is an advantage to exposing the existence of UFOs to irritant their enemies, they won't take it.

Just think UFOs are uniting the world !!!!!

Let's face it, there is no government conspiracy except when it may be useful for the US military to keep the public thinking it's weapons research are UFOs as an extra measure of secrecy in case some of it's citizen's inadvertently spot a secret project.
Continued at source

Note: i want some answers to these six hot points

Also this is interesting:

I think they mean UFO like alien spacecraft


Mod Edit: External quote tags. added and quote trimmed. Please visit the links provided for more information. Thank you - Jak

[edit on 21/5/08 by JAK]

[edit on 21-5-2008 by mimmo77]

[edit on 21-5-2008 by mimmo77]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:59 AM
Take a looksie at mufon or nuforc sites. I think 100's of thousands may take issue to you narrow minded stance.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:03 AM
Well this is an easy one.

U : Unidentified

F : Flying

O : Object

A UFO could be anything from an undiscovered bird species, a new stealth plane, an odd cloud, alien spaceship, childs helium balloon... Anything that cannot be identified.

Whether or not alien spaceships exist is your opinion, but UFOs definitely exist.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:14 AM
1. All countries are baffled about the UFO phenomena, it is said that all nuclear capable countries are visited by these ETs and essentially told to shut up about it or else but this is hearsay.

2. There is ridicule in researching UFOs and many have been threatend that they'll lose their job or career if they speak up about it, it's a well known fact for comercial and military pilots that if they speak out that they may get fired.

3. Some may have thought that there was no aliens visiting us and so they started the SETI project out of ignorance.

4. Testimony is used in court as evidence.

5. Hoaxes were always abound and they may very well have lived on those planets in some sort of outpost, perhaps to study us, this in it self does not disproof the UFO encounters either.

6. who said that aliens use radiowaves for communication? and even then the radio signals may be so weak and scattered that they are almost indistinquishable from white noise.

And what Soulslayer said...forgot to put that in here as well.

[edit on 5/21/2008 by GrOuNd_ZeRo]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:19 AM
U.F.O.s do exist.

What they are is open to speculation as they are Unidentified
They can be identified at a later date, and until the point when they are identified and the general consensus is in agreement, they remain unidentified.
What they are once they are verified can be balloons, kites, birds, aircraft (from Earth), space debris, satelites, weather phenomenon, camera errors, ball lightning, Alien craft (not seen one yet) and hoaxes

The reason why warring factions would unite is the old phrase, "the Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend." The possibility is that if hostile Aliens do come to Earth, then they wouldnt be interested in who worships which God and would most likely be after everything for themselves.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:26 AM
I'd recommend changing it from "UFOs" to "Extraterrestrial Visits/Spaceships". But, these points do not stand as valid.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:28 AM
I think they mean UFO like alien spacecraft

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 05:20 AM
6 Excellent points, but we still believe.

1. We believe in what they have released. One question is, what did they not release to the public? Information can be kept classified for longer periods without it ever needing the public to know. Do I believe that? Yes. Certain details of the Manhattan project are still highly classified, with no release date. I'm not just talking about America with the Manhattan project, but Britain who helped develop it

2. Imagine a well known scientist giving his thesis on say the discovery of an unknown asteroid. Now imagine how the panel thinks of him.
Now imagine this scientist claims he has seen aliens and is now giving his thesis on say the discovery of an unknown asteroid. Now imagine how the panel thinks of him.

3. Maybe they have studied the possibility of receiving a signal. I've had Seti running in the background for over 5 years, (mine) still hasnt picked up anything. Its only a small window of opportunity when you consider it. If they've progressed to using a different technology instead of radio waves (or even came up with a different solution) then their signals would cease. If you're talking about space travel, then radio signals, even moving at the speed of light are too slow. As a silly example, there's no point in an Alien wife phoning her husband to ask what he wants for dinner, if he's not going to get the message for 40 years, or for 80 years for her to find out he'll get drive-thru

4. There has been a few objects, which have 'conveniently' vanished, but I agree with the main points of this

5. It seems everyone who has been abducted by aliens and had a chat with them, reports something different. They're friendly, they're indifferent to us, they're here to help, they're here because of global warming both to help prevent and create it, they created us, we were created by other aliens and they're here to observe, they're going to give us knowledge, they're a dying species, they're us from the future, they're the real people of Earth... and so on. I think aliens lie, or we dont understand what they say, or the people lie

6. See answer 3

These are my viewpoints

I believe aliens visit the Earth and abduct people. I have no evidence and I dont think they'll leave any

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 05:50 AM
good point expecially this:

It seems everyone who has been abducted by aliens and had a chat with them, reports something different. They're friendly, they're indifferent to us, they're here to help, they're here because of global warming both to help prevent and create it, they created us, we were created by other aliens and they're here to observe, they're going to give us knowledge, they're a dying species, they're us from the future, they're the real people of Earth... and so on. I think aliens lie, or we dont understand what they say, or the people lie

[edit on 21-5-2008 by mimmo77]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 08:25 AM
You joined what 2 minutes ago? probably because you heard some celebrity could be found here?

How about you take some time.. do some REAL research into something before you go off quoting a single article and make sweeping statements like you did when you started this thread.

I am not going to waste my time explaining why I know what I saw could not have been manmade because if you had taken the time to READ before you posted you would know too.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
You joined what 2 minutes ago? probably because you heard some celebrity could be found here?

How about you take some time.. do some REAL research into something before you go off quoting a single article and make sweeping statements like you did when you started this thread.

I am not going to waste my time explaining why I know what I saw could not have been manmade because if you had taken the time to READ before you posted you would know too.

No, you are wrong and you haven't understood anything.
however, I am a celebrity....

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 06:56 PM
I honestly don't care. I know, and have met many.. some are jerks some are good friends. Some post here and no one knows they are even here.

Makes no never mind to me. What does make a difference?

You JUST joined.. and you make sweeping statements.

Let me tell you something.. I have seen things that we could not conceivably have created.

Imagine something that defies the law of inertia. Imagine an object that can make a Z in the sky like zorro and not only just as fast as it can be done with a sword but FASTER!

Do you know of a craft that can change course that rapidle that is manmade?

Do you even know of the science that allows for this?

I don't care WHO you are.. you get the same treatment everyone else does.

That means the same criticism you dish out.. you better be ready to take in return.. because I guarantee you when you make a sweeping statement with very little to support it.. you are gonna get plenty.

[edit on 21-5-2008 by NephraTari]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by mimmo77

"1. Debunking the "U.S. Government conspiracy theory"

"A crashed extra-terrestrial craft with beings in it makes a perfect cover story, because surely the people would panic if they found out the Russians were releasing weather balloons from Mexico... [/sarcasm]" -Danx-

"But I am still to be convinced that whatever happened there - be it Mogul, or something else was incredibly more sensitive than extra-terrestrial beings visiting and crashing on our planet,
to make it a plausible cover story."


posted on May, 21 2008 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by mimmo77

No, you are wrong and you haven't understood anything.
however, I am a celebrity....

Can I have your autograph before I pi$$ you off?

1. Worldwide many nations DO admit the possibility of unknown craft visiting here. Suggest you try looking at South American nations.....uhhh, Brazil is a good place to start.

2. All scientist?

"The least improbable explanation is that these things are artificial and controlled. . .my opinion for some time has been that they have an extraterrestrial origin." -Dr. Maurice Biot, aerodynamicist and mathematical physicist.

"The discs use a means of propulsion different from ours. There is no other possible explanation. Flying saucers come from another world." -Louis Breguet, French aircraft designer and manufacturer.

"What I found [in doing research for the book Project Delta] was compelling evidence to claim that most of these aerial objects far exceeded the terrestrial technology of the era in which they were seen. I was forced to conclude that there is a great likelihood that Earth is being visited by highly advanced aerospace vehicles under highly 'intelligent' control indeed."
-Dr. Richard F. Haines, retired NASA senior research scientist at Ames Research Center and the Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science where he worked on the International Space Station.--From the preface of his book, CE-5, 1998.


posted on May, 22 2008 @ 03:40 AM
mmmm, no, I have not yet convinced.
I am studyng UFOs for my country military/defence and I still don't have a single proof of their ET origin, also I can't find a proof of many claims about ET revelations with all my country military documentation about ufos.

[edit on 22-5-2008 by mimmo77]

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by mimmo77
mmmm, no, I have not yet convinced.
I am studyng UFOs for my country military/defence and I still don't have a single proof of their ET origin, also I can't find a proof of many claims about ET revelations with all my country military documentation about ufos.

Partly i can agree with you on that what much of the things we see in our skies probably are of terrestrial origin, however there are a few cases that do stand out, alot.
Here is a thread a friend (WitnesFromAfar) of mine created here on ATS, it's a very good read, i have not been following it as of late but i think you will find it interesting....
The Battle Of Los Angeles 1942

Good luck with your research!

[edit on 22-5-2008 by Balez]

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by mimmo77
however, I am a celebrity....

Originally posted by mimmo77
I am studyng UFOs for my country military/defence


Try looking up Reptoids. They came here 3,600 years ago from planet Niburu which is expected to return in 21 December 2012. Sitchin who is a respected scientist and is an absolute expert on ancient languages has books and undisputable evidence and information on this. Also Billy Meirs could be what you need as well. He's had full contact with visitors and has pictures aswell.
Full details are available in the search engine.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by Mark Roazhar

Originally posted by mimmo77
however, I am a celebrity....

Originally posted by mimmo77
I am studyng UFOs for my country military/defence


Try looking up Reptoids. They came here 3,600 years ago from planet Niburu which is expected to return in 21 December 2012. Sitchin who is a respected scientist and is an absolute expert on ancient languages has books and undisputable evidence and information on this. Also Billy Meirs could be what you need as well. He's had full contact with visitors and has pictures aswell.
Full details are available in the search engine.

Experts say that it's all fake

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 04:48 AM
Hello Mimmo77.

First of all, welcome to ATS.

If you have only just joined us and have not already been a long time 'lurker' of the boards, you will find the site to be simply inundated with information which may aid you with your search.

As opposed to primarially relying on opinion and argument at this stage I would instead suggest that you take a look at the information already collected and review it over time.

You will find no doubt, opinions, questions and answers covering all aspects of the UFO phemonena archived somewhere within these boards.

As good place to start may be with the most 'famous' documented cases neatly presented by our Esteemed Colleague, Isaac Koi available here: Top 100 UFO Cases - Revealed!

Additionally, it is important to remember that UFO research is neither an even or unified field and as such you may find it beneficial to review some of the more alternative interpretations applied to the associated testimonies.

Since it appears that your main argument is thus far associated with the 'Nuts and Bolts' ideology you may find it more productive to pursue the Jacques Vallée's Magonia Concept or the associated Psychosocial Concept's which also exist alongside the more mainstream UFOlogical interpretations.

Good Luck!
..and enjoy your stay.



A small word of advice.

Here, within ATS, claims do not go unchallenged.

If you wish to state that you are a celebrity and researching on behalf of your government. Do not be surprised when your are required to present the same level of proof that you, yourself, would require to validate a particularly dubious claim of ufo contact.


posted on May, 22 2008 @ 06:19 AM
[edit on 22-5-2008 by Bob Down Under

[edit on 22-5-2008 by Bob Down Under]

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