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Why can no one prove a Masonic conspiracy?

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posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Totally irrelevant.

You first accused me of lying about the thread length. Then you fabricated a point about Nestle vis a vis Coca-Cola.

You still have not provided any evidence in regards the topic, which is 'Why can no one prove a Masonic conspiracy?'

Stop with your off-topic non sequiturs and start posting some evidence.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

no I won't. See Idon't claim I know it all, but I kind of saw it coming, what you're answer would be. It's not pretty getting caught, so you try to get back at me. So okay, why not, let's play. Why should we stay on topic, when it is too hard for you to contribute.
Compare the companies and tell me what you see? The one has in his hands in pretty much everything you, me and most of the western world eats. The other produces a soft drink. What do you think who has the say in this relationship? As I see it, Coca Cola got offered a partnership in an on-paper joint venture, because it is an American landmark- Nestle didn't want to risk a stir up, that would damage the brands value, while taking over. But just compare the volume and you know who got swallowed.
Want to go back on your topic?

That is pure conjecture and not evidence of anything.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Ts, ts, ts, you edited the post where you accused me of drive by posting for 900+, even changed it to 950+.
But okay. That's just how you Masons are, and now you created your own conspiracy: Do all Masons deceive?

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Masonry isn't the Biderburgs, or the Bohemian Grove. It has nothing to do with those groups. It's very possible that some members of those groups might be masons, but then some members might be atheists too. Please, you make conspiracy folks look idiotic. You can pretend you understand how to research if you like, but so far, what you have shown is how lazy you are.

Bohemian Grove



Start with this. read it. Understand it.

The world isn't some simple little puzzle for ages 3 and up. bad men can and do exist even beyond groups or organizations.
Generalizing is the easiest way to be lazy. Don't be that guy.
edit on 15-12-2014 by network dude because: bad spelr, and Augustusmasonicus drinks skunky blatz out of dirty mugs.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Had to give you a star plus

It's true, no evidence.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
Ts, ts, ts, you edited the post where you accused me of drive by posting for 900+, even changed it to 950+.

I did, when I realized it was not 949 but actually over 950. Either way it is not the 443 that you claimed it was when you accused me of lying.

But okay. That's just how you Masons are, and now you created your own conspiracy: Do all Masons deceive?

Unlike you I will admit what I do, but you still have not retracted your comments.

Still waiting on your evidence too....

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

How can I have evidence? I am just entertaining possiibilities?
And I am not generalising anything, I just wonder if it wouldn't be possible there is a behind the scenes war between clubs going on. Maybe since the crusades? I was trying to figure out if there is a possibilty for a club so secret and so powerfull at the same time to exist?

And @network dude: I never said they are the same thing, I was just wondering if all the clubs descendents of masonic clubs, are connected to a shadow club. If it really is a pyramid, they built by now, given the long history and experience.

But I see this is not the thread for ideas, or questions, which is kind of funny, if you guys really would be masons, you would do the opposite of what the Masonry is about...

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
How can I have evidence? I am just entertaining possiibilities?
And I am not generalising anything, I just wonder if it wouldn't be possible there is a behind the scenes war between clubs going on. Maybe since the crusades? I was trying to figure out if there is a possibilty for a club so secret and so powerfull at the same time to exist?

Because you are making accusations and accusations need proof.

...if you guys really would be masons, you would do the opposite of what the Masonry is about...

And what would that be?

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Okay, if you want to take it accusation.

Like I said most Masons I know, are humanists. They gather and help each other grow and learn, some work in no-profit institutions to help others, so in my opinion Masonry is about becoming a better person, while learning about the structures of the world.
Of course I have no evidence, just personal observations.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
Like I said most Masons I know, are humanists. They gather and help each other grow and learn, some work in no-profit institutions to help others, so in my opinion Masonry is about becoming a better person, while learning about the structures of the world.
Of course I have no evidence, just personal observations.

And why do you feel we do the opposite of this?

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: Peeple

And @network dude: I never said they are the same thing, I was just wondering if all the clubs descendents of masonic clubs, are connected to a shadow club. If it really is a pyramid, they built by now, given the long history and experience.

But I see this is not the thread for ideas, or questions, which is kind of funny, if you guys really would be masons, you would do the opposite of what the Masonry is about...

Are you for real?

See, there is a difference between asking questions, and telling someone something. You have told us about what you think of all the evil groups being all tied together.

Not being a member of masonry, kind of makes you not 100% knowledgeable on the subject. That's fine and expected. Lucky for you and others, there are masons here, who are happy to answer any questions on the subject. But please don't get your panties in a wad when we offer facts to explain away your fantasy. If you just want validation, you can go to all sorts of Zealot web sites and slap each other on the back a the Pope giving the masonic grip.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Because I was trying to discuss some ideas and get pretty aggressive answers instead of a civilized discussion, with people focussing on what they feel "hurt" their feelings, instead of answering questions and in general a stock of three talking down on the one with different opinions for the sake of "I don't like your face". Bullies, no humanists.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: Peeple

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I got a conspiracy for you: Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, etc. are all Masonic. Since they love their hierarchy so much, would it really be that surprising, if the Bilderbergers are the public side of the power medall? Like someone said, they managed to survive from the temple of Salomon during the crusades, after their "extinction" the Templars became the Masons... And if you look around it is still kind of overwhelming how many symbols are still "active".

Also the murder of this Vatican banker in London 1982, is a Masonic conspiracy. And the Skull&Bones story behind the Bushes. Because no matter how you look at it, the "Masons" are a pretty colourfull bunch, with very different lodges and members. I assume you only get into the "good ones" by invitation, like it's usual practice with them.
So my conspiracy is this: They maybe shape and build the world, but even if you combine the power and all the money of them and say it is bundled on the top of one super secret power pyramid, there would still be a lot of concurrence. I assume the Assasine, for example, maybe a still active bushido club, or samurais, would then also have survived and fight for the reigns to this world.

Not really doom though, because I still consider Scientology as far more dangerous and can't find a lot of bad in people aiding each other to grow and thrive. And as far as I know, the highest principle is free will. There are freemasons freely talking about it, because they choose so. Must sound like a distant dream to a Scientologist...

That was your post. In case you forgot.

Kind of why I posted what I did.

Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, etc. are all Masonic

Please don't play the victim card.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: network dude

I didn't know this is the thread in which it isn't allowed to discuss ideas. I didn't forget what I write,I should have made it more clear I was entertaining ideas. But that's also forbbiden apparently. No victim card. I think you guys really are bullies. And I'd like to add, this is maybe exactly what went wrong with these Masonic descending clubs: What is the best idea good for, if you only got thumb apes listening?

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: Peeple

You want to discuss ideas about how all the evil groups have masonic ties. how original.
So I won't be accused of "bullying", why don't you continue to share your wisdom on this subject.

My apologies for offering facts. I forgot those don't sit well around here.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

How can I have evidence? I am just entertaining possiibilities?
And I am not generalising anything, I just wonder if it wouldn't be possible there is a behind the scenes war between clubs going on. Maybe since the crusades? I was trying to figure out if there is a possibilty for a club so secret and so powerfull at the same time to exist?

This is called a hypothesis. One can hypothesize anything and upon hypothesizing always has the possibility of being true. Once hypothesized, one has to then set out to prove it right or not. That is where philosophy and science depart. Philosophy is all about hypothesizing while science seeks to fill the other side of the equation.

You can ponder if an NWO exists all day, but AM puts out a good question, where is the proof of conspiracy? Sure there is quite a bit of circumstantial evidence, but nothing conclusive. Most of the evidence seems to fit a narrative of confirmation bias, it exists as evidence because the presenter wishes it to be so. Plenty of us have pondered this question, but no one has proved it so. In fact, all REAL evidence seems to point to a different narrative being true (that humans, all humans, tend to be assholes; especially when money is involved).
edit on 15-12-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
Because I was trying to discuss some ideas and get pretty aggressive answers instead of a civilized discussion, with people focussing on what they feel "hurt" their feelings, instead of answering questions and in general a stock of three talking down on the one with different opinions for the sake of "I don't like your face". Bullies, no humanists.

If you feel that people asking you for evidence to support your accusations is 'aggressive' and 'bullying' then perhaps you are a bit to sensitive to be posting on this site as the site's motto requires one to adhere to facts.

Additionally, the fact that you accused me of lying (and were proven wrong) and fabricated points to support your assertions is rather ironic and hypocritical considering the above quoted statement.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 10:50 AM
I think there has been plenty of decent evidence provided (in the thread about lucifer for eg) it did get over looked though from my perspective.I get the impression theMasons here are being blatantly defensive which speaks volumes imo.

I hear you mention Augustus that a pier reviewed source would be acceptable?well technically theMasons have infiltrated every aspect of study etc so could that hypothetical source be relied upon to be unbiased? I'll suggest not.

On top of evidence and joining the dots there has to be a leap of faith taken,the same goes for most things in life (I hear America is real but I have only seen photos and heard people's word,does this mean it really exists?) i know it is a simple comparison but I hope you see my point.

What are you opinions on Manly.P.Hall out of interest incidentally?

I fully believe the masons are nefarious at their core,whether this is the top 10 percent for example is speculation on my part.

Now, if you are one of the genuine charity workers say and oblivious to this,or are even in denial is just speculation again,but you seem like a chosen member for your role here on Ats so with that and the rest of the evidence I am suspicious.

You mention freight tomsen?i think he provided enough evidence and it is clear from the discourse that you guys shared that you attempted to smother him and what he brought to the table,this has happened many times on this site when sensitive info is encroached upon.

I find a lot of the claims put forward are insulting to people's intellect and the system is clearly on guard as your presence indicates.

Just a few points I wanted to purvey there,as I feel these threads chase their own tails.


posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: EndOfDays77

I think there has been plenty of decent evidence provided (in the thread about lucifer for eg) it did get over looked though from my perspective.I get the impression theMasons here are being blatantly defensive which speaks volumes imo.

Lucifer? Seriously? I have an even longer thread on that and are still waiting on someone to offer any proof of this fairy tale boogeyman being relevant to Masonry.

I hear you mention Augustus that a pier reviewed source would be acceptable?well technically theMasons have infiltrated every aspect of study etc so could that hypothetical source be relied upon to be unbiased? I'll suggest not.

So I guess we are just to take you word on this or did you have some examples to review?

What are you opinions on Manly.P.Hall out of interest incidentally?

Considering he wrote most of his musings on Masonry 30 years prior to joining his views on the Institution are rather irrelevant to me.

I fully believe the masons are nefarious at their core,whether this is the top 10 percent for example is speculation on my part.

Good for you. Since we are just sharing our sentiments I fully believe that people who believe in Lucifer are dangerous and delusional.

Now, if you are one of the genuine charity workers say and oblivious to this,or are even in denial is just speculation again,but you seem like a chosen member for your role here on Ats so with that and the rest of the evidence I am suspicious.

Yeah, I got tabbed by the Masonic High Council to head its Disinformation Department and chose Above Top Secret as my home base.

You mention freight tomsen?i think he provided enough evidence and it is clear from the discourse that you guys shared that you attempted to smother him and what he brought to the table,this has happened many times on this site when sensitive info is encroached upon.

Ooooh. One of my favorite posters, Eric Dubay. I think he checks under his bed every night for Masons since he is such a paranoid nutter. He thinks he is banned but he is just to wimpy to come back and post. Still waiting on his 'evidence' since he never really supplied anything other than his opinion.

I find a lot of the claims put forward are insulting to people's intellect...

Yeah, me too, like the whole Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones connection (or lack of connection). I cinder block could look at the facts and see that there is not substantiation in any of his claims.

edit on 15-12-2014 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer because Eric Dubay drank it

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: EndOfDays77

If I state that the sun is actually made of butter, and the moon of stale bread, it doesn't make it true. If others wanted to discuss my opinions, they may ask for facts to support my argument. If all I had was opinion, I suppose the whole idea would get laughed away quite quickly.

Just as you have opinions that masonry is nefarious and has some sort of pyramidal structure where evil lurks unknowingly, yet offered nothing but opinion on the subject.

What do you have to offer as proof of your claims? (kind of the whole premise of this thread)

Oh, and please don't make some incredibly lame comment about this being some sort of attack.
edit on 15-12-2014 by network dude because: augustusmasonicus secretly works as a taster for Milwaukees Best brewery.

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