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Why are we terrified of the Grays?

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posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:38 AM
Havent had any abduction experience or anything like that, havent even seen an ufo, but that picture...i scrolled back up like no tomorrow when i saw it and my heart skipped a beat. I

I have always been scared of em, remember one night I had a dream In which I was abducted (I was umm 13-14 years old I think) And there were these grays, so I woke up and started crying, couldnt sleep for the rest of the night.

What makes it a bit weirder is the fact, that this happened day or so after I visited some...extraordinary doctor, I dunno what it is called, but I think she did something with energies or something like that... (Helped my aunt and her son, she did that for free by the way, YOU COULD donate if you wanted, but there was obligatory fee)

So yeah, that one dream totally freaked me out. Even now, sometimes when lying in bed I just think bout ET life in the universe and then I remember about grays, and its hard for me to fall a sleep, I then often wake up to check if Im alone in the room...

So yeah, I dont really know why all the fear, im also not HUGE believer in the ET life, all these claims make just a nice story by the end of the day...but trust me, I want to believe, and fear of grays just makes it a lot weirder for me.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:45 AM
Why do we humans seem to universally feel guarded or even fear this representation.

Since we are descended from species that was basically a prey item for large mammals and water-dwelling creatures, there seems to be some innate mechanism to avoid certain shapes and appearances.

Infant monkeys instinctively fear snakes and other creatures.

So, the best guess is an offshoot of this 'instinctive fear' or repulsion, or a xenophobia, based on creatures which vaguely resemble humans.

In the case of Earth species, one might -imagine- several types, based on current species of animal.

1. Insectoid;
2. Reptoid;
3. Avian;
4. Elasmobranchs (sharks and rays);
5. Serpents.

It's only natural to speculate on the possibility of another species developing sentience if humans had not held a favorable niche and been able to develop.

Similar to the 'Uncanny Valley' phenomenon, any species which is too close to humans such as robotic humans, or a species-human hybrid, it's quite easy to imagine that a creature which appears to be a insectoid-human hybrid (specifically a preying Mantis) would bring on fear and repulsion.

Hope this answers your question or at least gives food for thought.

[edit on 17-5-2008 by Badge01]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Badge01

Hi , good post. Yes this whole issue is of course not a closed book many explanations can be seen and chose depending on your belief or what you expect to happen to you.

Some nights I go to bed confidently thinking "Right if I see a Gray tonight Im going to stand up to it" but then the lights go out and I lie there and my confidence disappears. I know Id just totally freak if those black eyes looked down on me.

Ive had sleep paralysis for years but never sensed a being during it which I find weird as most people do report this sense. I got so sick of it that I mentally shouted in my head "NO" just as the paralysis came on and I managed to stop it! Since then its not returned in the classic sleep paralysis experience.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Yes, a true skeptic would not totally discount your experience or your explanation. Just wanted to point out the other possibilities and to give you a sense of the unlikelihood of such an event.

If you were really 'taken up to the roof', I'd say the best explanation would be something like sleepwalking where your parents or someone in the house took you upstairs and you mis-interpreted it. Next, I guess we could say that it's more likely you were the subject of a hoax or an experiment, where someone terrestrial wanted you to think it was a non-terrestrial being.

Since it's a pretty good bet that if non-terrestrial space beings knew of Earth, they'd be MUCH more likely to send nano-tech craft or to appear as virtual beings than to actually physically visit here. Problems of space travel and of micro-organism infection, contamination, or incompatibility of our biosphere or atmosphere to their physiology.

Manipulation by non-terrestrial beings should be -way- down the list of things a rational, non-fantasy prone person without an agenda would start to look.

Though one might be tempted to 'rule-out' various things, it's such a 'high-strangeness' event that it would be quite difficult to do so - the existence of hypnosis and drugs which alter the memory would make a subjective analysis problematic. If one were regularly experiencing feelings of being abducted, the first thing I'd want to do is get it on film.


[edit on 17-5-2008 by Badge01]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by Badge01

Yes the memory I have of the "abduction" is so vague and muddled it could have been any of the above. I didnt see any aliens so to join the two up in this experience does have no base. Yet I still fear Grays immensly. A large insect would freak me out too or a large snake creature, but I do not go to bed with a built in fear of these other creatures you list. No doubt if I saw one of them I would be scared thats human nature but I would not look at a picture of a praying mantis and sense a deep routed fear of you see the difference?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Well it just means that for some reason, internal or external you were 'sensitized' to these two types of creatures.

Similarly, people who went to the movies were sensitized to great white sharks after seeing 'Jaws' and others were sensitized to devils and angels after seeing 'The Exorcist'. Note that the latter originally had images that were close to being 'subliminal' in nature (quick flashes of a frame of film on screen, but too quick for our conscious minds to register).

This is a way of directly getting stimulation of our 'sub-conscious' mind which is quite powerful. Not everyone is susceptible, I imagine, but some are probably more susceptible than others.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by spaceweaver
There are many who are in the "kindly space brothers" camp . They think that aliens are wonderful and sent to save us.

I don't think any creature who is of good purpose lies, scares, frightens, rapes, comes in the night, abducts, kidnaps, hurts, or leaves scars and bruises? Do you?

yup ...
i always imagine that shot in Independence Day, where the hippies are all saying .. welcome ! welcome! and the laser rails right through them.

I think it's extra eerie to see people who are so into love and harmony.. wearing fashionable design t sherts with the gray's iconic face symbol stamped into the artwork somehow.

it's like.. people either never really researched it at all.. and are just wearing it because they like the idea of "space brohers".. or they researched it too late and just found out info about grays and nothing else.

i think there's a small minority of "malevolent" beings left in the galaxy and they're the super advanced technological grays and reptilians (some of them at least) and they somehow feed off the specific electromagnetic waves of fear.. and can gain a type of "thrill " from it .. or high from cortisone in recently let blood that was from a victim in terror... from all the adrenaline.

so if you feel fear for them.. i'd focus on .. instead of trying to find "confidence".. which is really just a temporary shield against the outside world seeing your fear...
and rather practice.. "letting go".. of that fear.. learning how to control your heart rate .. and filling that void.. that you have in you after you let go of the fear... with self love...
practice that.. and i doubt they will be interested in you .

same way a young bully who's abused by his parents at home.. feeds off the thrill of picking on the smart kid.

i think they're beings that just evolved "TOO FAR" ...
..past morals or respect .. for the sake of technological knowledge... even going as far as manipulating their own genes in order to iron out certain emotions that prevented them from achieving certain goals that emotions would halt them from.

i think they're very very lost. and have no real idea of who they are any more.

I heard of a report where...
the grays were attempting to abduct someone..
then this crystaline being of geometrically patterned "light" appeared and said "LO!" (like an angel would i guess?)
and as soon as he appeared.. they went frantic and got in their craft and shot away as fast as possible.

so theres alot to be said about the "demonic" connection here...
the .. cold robotic methodology..
the disregard of humanity etc.. and no.. i'm sorry you CANNOT compare a man to a rat.
i dont like animal testing.. but we are sentient.. and so are the grays.. rats are not.

grays know they're doing these things to sentient beings.. and they don't care.

now the most important thign to think about , i think

is this..

you see all the corruption.. hear about all the satanic crap at the highest levels.. know the grays have been working with the gov for almost a century behind our backs..

with that in mind..
who do you think is the first TYPE of alien we're gonna be "introduced" to.


people are all gonna be like.. sooooo there ARE people out there..
lets welcome them and not question anything even though we've been lied to about it for the past century while paying our own money for them to lie to us.. etc..

i doubt many people will think.. wait.. if there are people out there.. then how many other species are there? and are some good and are some bad?

i AM down with the "space brothers" idea...

just not space brothers of the gray type.

i'm only interested in meeting and conversing with the wise and spiritual types.. the humanoid pleiadians, nordic types... at least for starters...

i think we're gonna be forced into a situation where artificially induced economic failure.. energy crisis.. planet "warming" or whatever. pollution.. violence..
all these things spun into action on purpose.. or at least antagonised..

so that these lil effers can come in and say "heyyy we have the solution to aaaalll your problems..."
"you just have to sign HERE." (billions of BS things you dont know you're agreeing to in the FINE PRINT mind you)

i can't imagine a scenario with that type of thing NOT happening.. the way things are going. it just fills in the gaps to complete world control too easily.

you dont do it by force.. you conjure the circumstances up for people beg for it.

who knows.. maybe the grays were genetically created by black budget labs.. or nazi research projects back in the day and they're not even from another system.

maybe no alien group would agree with the NWO to invade.. so they just made our own alien looking humans and pull it off themselves.

you never know...

its like some nordic alien said to this one guy once.. "dont pick a fight with the grays... ... they wont let you win .. AND they wont let you loose."

anyway.. i only see the gray's only possible method of their downfall.. akin to something like how the skekski's get caught by the good guys (uru?) in the end of the dark crystal.
like.. a complete overwhelming of love that they just realize what a$$holes they've been and are completely forgiven and loved unconditionally... and absorbed into a more balanced being.

because i highly doubt anyone is going to destroy them through technical know how. in any field. especially if they have control of time.


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by prevenge

Excellent post
Stared it. I think everything you have put is probably and unfortunatly true.
The part where you say its possible we genetically created them is a new one on me but its possible.
Yes it will be a shame if these aliens are finally presented to the masses as our space brothers. I do think they have advanced too far without thinking about it, and yes maybe eventually they will realize what they have done to us and beg our forgivness.......but not any day soon.

Although I am terrified of these beings, I still think there are a few of them who have taken a different evolutionary path to others. I think these Grays are few and far between but I do believe they exist.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:22 AM
I dont think the Greys want to hurt us by that I mean destroy our planet. But they will not let us get in the way of what they need like abducting people for there needs. Think of it like animals BESIDES the eating part. We dont openly want to hurt them but we will not let them get in are way of what we need. I dont think the greys hate us or want to destroy us.

[edit on 17-5-2008 by SixthDream]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:24 AM
The uncanny valley is a well-known phenomena and badge explained it perfectly. The rest of the replies in this thread are ridiculous to say the least.

It's amazing how people on this message board can say the most insane crap I have ever read and no one even questions it.

Soul DNA?
Greys have evil intentions?
The assumption that there is a real monster known as Greys?

Someone actually said that the Greys are liars and never bothered to explain how they knows this! Am I to assume that not only has that person seen a creature that is known as a Grey, but has had a freaking conversation with one and was smart enough to know that the Grey lied to them!!???

Pure comedy. I can't believe no one even questions this crap. It would be like me responding to the original post by saying, "You are naturally freaked out by the image of a Gray because Dragons are liars and they are distracting you by making you worry about Grays instead of them."

No one question how I know dragons are liars, I just know.


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by SixthDream

Hi sixthdream nice to see you posting. So what do the Grays actually want from us. I hope its not food!

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:28 AM
I hate to break it to you but it's probably your sub-conscious are probably taken by one before...

After watching the Alien Interview (IMO a legit video) I was able to condition my self to them and I am no longer as affraid, just occasionally startled...

you will get over it...I promise...

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:32 AM
The uncanny valley is a well-known phenomena and badge explained it perfectly. The rest of the replies in this thread are ridiculous to say the least.

It's amazing how people on this message board can say the most insane crap I have ever read and no one even questions it.

Soul DNA?
Greys have evil intentions?
The assumption that there is a real monster known as Greys?

Someone actually said that the Greys are liars and never bothered to explain how they knows this! Am I to assume that not only has that person seen a creature that is known as a Grey, but has had a freaking conversation with one and was smart enough to know that the Grey lied to him!!???

Pure comedy. I can't believe no one even questions this crap. It would be like me responding to the original post by saying, "You are naturally freaked out by the image of a Gray because Dragons are liars and they are distracting you by making you worry about Grays instead of them."

Please don't question me on how I know that Dragons are liars, I just know.


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:34 AM
I have no idea what they want thats the scary part. But there not eating us. I think were safe becuase there are probably millions or billions of planets in the milky way that our close to where we are in technology.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by GrOuNd_ZeRo

Lets hope I do get over this fear. Yes your probably right I have seen one but have had the memory errased. How does this conditioning work then? Do you look at a pic of them and desensatize your self or something? Has anyone knowingly been taken for good by one of these though? You know never returned. You may be able to get over the fear of actually looking at one but what about the fear of what they can do to you?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by ~~~PURE EVIL~~~

Much love to you too my friend .


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by SixthDream
I have no idea what they want thats the scary part. But there not eating us. I think were safe becuase there are probably millions or billions of planets in the milky way that our close to where we are in technology.

Thank god they are not eating us hey.
How can you know this for sure? Please this is not a green light to discuss the diet of the Grays as I doubt they eat much to tell you the truth, why else would they be so skinny.

Why would we be safe just because there are others like us?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:50 AM
Badge01 makes the best points of all. As humans we are still animals and naturally fearful of the new, strange, unusual, etc. I have NEVER experienced ANYTHING remotely like an abduction or met these "greys", but I would give them a real piece of my mind if I did. Were I able to move during an abduction, I'd capture one and punch the rest out to assert Terran control over these unwanted visitors.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:56 AM
LOL there anorexic aliens. If they were eating us we wouldn't hear about any abductions becuase the people would be dead LOL. The fact that these greys return the people they take shows a very little bit of goodness. They are taking these people for what they need but atleast they aren't killing them afterwards becuase there of no use. That would be pure evil. They know we can't stop them so they dont care. An abduction has got to be hard and seem very evil to us but the alien probably doesn't think its that evil but still knows its not right.

I guess. If there are billions of planets like earth in our stage of technolgy there certainly not going to take over all of these planets or destroy them all.
There not going to help us or kill us. Just use us. That is my best guess.

[edit on 17-5-2008 by SixthDream]

[edit on 17-5-2008 by SixthDream]

[edit on 17-5-2008 by SixthDream]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 11:06 AM
I've never posted on this board before, but I happened to stumble upon this particular thread and found it interesting. I've always felt that there were more types of aliens than just the "Greys." For example, looking back on some ancient paintings they have representation of a lizard-like creature (I guess "reptilians" as you would say) and then there's the classic "Greys" interpretation of such which seems totally seperate.

Now, think about it this way. If the Greys were from some planet, we'll say Planet Grey, and lets say they had a similar civilization to that of our own planet, with a similar infrastructure and Illuminati-type organizations. If someone from our own planet were to go to Planet Grey first, who do you think it would be? The "evil and satanic" elite? So what if it was the same way there? If their own equivalent to the Illuminati were the first to make contact here, you would expect them to treat us as rats, or worse. Hell, our own Illuminati does that on a daily basis. There could very well be a sense of good and evil in all of those creatures. I see no point in fearing them because if they come for you, they come for you. I realize this doesn't make it any easier not to fear them, as it is very hard not to fear the unknown. However, I have read reports saying that some people who reported crop circles in their area saw strange lights being chased off by fighter jets (I wish I had a link, I will work on finding it). So what if these "good" aliens were trying to reach us but the "evil" (or Illuminati-connected) aliens were preventing this?

How do you all feel about the Arecibo telescope message? Or the crop circle that included the face picture (which lacked the cold dark eyes of the typical Greys image) and binary code warning us against "Broken promises" and whatnot? Maybe those have been proven a hoax, I don't know, I guess I have a lot more research to do. I do think there are good "space brothers" out there, but maybe they just haven't figured out how to connect with us just yet. A lot of the crop circles make me feel strange, and seem much too detailed and geometric to be a hoax... yet, I have no idea what they mean. They seem familiar when you look at them though, like we should understand but don't.

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