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Acording to recent developements, over 90% of blacks should be considered racist.

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posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by QBSneak000
Man, when are people going to realize that we are ALL ONE RACE, the HUMAN RACE. This fighting amongst ourselves is so stupid. If we could just get passed our physical, racial and religious differences the world would be a much better place.

Yes! thank you! my point exactly! There is intelligent life on Earth!

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by blimpseeker

What are you talking about?

You are the one dividing races. You say one thing, and then do another.

You have a guy who wants to "send 'em all back to Africa" (in my finest redneck accent) on your side... and that's about it.

So far your topic has brought up these ideas for your side:

1) Send them to Africa
2) End Affirmative Actions

Neither of those have anything to do with Obama. Again, proving you have another agenda that you may or may not even be aware of.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:20 PM
Oh Man there are lies , dam lies and then there are statistics. Your post is an example of the latter. If the rich White elite are elected to represent you for over 200 years..Why does it surprise you that we would like to see one of our own in that spot? Be thankful his name is OBAMA and not ORTIZ or HERNANDEZ because THAT is coming too. America is becoming BROWNER by the day and I read a study that said.(sorry no link or citation) by 2050 America and Mexico would have an open border and population make up the reverse of current figures with whites making up only 9.6% of the overall population make up.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by blimpseeker
Yes! thank you for bringing that up! see how the media is making a big deal out of Hillary's comments being racist?

No! The media is NOT calling her a racist.
Did you even read one link?

No one person called her a racist they merely said she touts the white votes. Donna Brazile said "stop trying to divide us" but thats it. Please read before you go back to your flash card notes on what to complain about next.

You are jumping to conclusions because your points are irrelevant.

Pay attention and stop creating your own double standards.

- Lee

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:22 PM
I thought the topic was "over 90% of blacks should be considered racist"

My post is in relations to race and racism. Maybe if I were talking about aliens you would be correct but I believe racism is a valid topic in a thread about racism, no? Once again, I try to offer an answer or idea and the complaining starts.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Sublime620
For the record, I am denouncing the guy that wants to send them back to Africa.

And I guess I have to clarify it for you a it..lets see.
YOU =want to keep treating blacks as inferior by giving them special treatment thereby implying that they can't handle an even playing field= racist

ME=want to treat all minorities as equals. even playing field, no special treatment for anyone.=not racist

does that help you understand?

edit to fill in the letters my rusty keyboard left out

[edit on 8-5-2008 by blimpseeker]

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:25 PM


posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:27 PM
Not to sound like a bong smoking hippie but really, this kind of fighting is exactly what the elite want. They don't have to worry about killing us, we'll end up doing it to ourselves, saving them the trouble.

Yes, the world is still in its infancy regarding racial, religious and sexual equality and we have been making great strides towards full equality and I know we have a long way to go, but again as I posted before, until we can all look at ourselves as one race, the human race and learn from our history we're doomed to repeat it.

I guess im just an over optimistic dreamer.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by blimpseeker

You are reading me all wrong. And I'm glad you denounce that other guy.

However, I never mentioned affirmative action - you did!

I simply said I expect black people to harbor some hard feelings towards whites for a few generations. Do I like it? Of course not. I've felt that hatred first hand.

I accept it. If 90% of blacks voting for Obama in NC is racist of them, then what does that make of us whites who have only elected a white President in almost 250 years?

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by dark_matter06
I thought the topic was "over 90% of blacks should be considered racist"

My post is in relations to race and racism. Maybe if I were talking about aliens you would be correct but I believe racism is a valid topic in a thread about racism, no? Once again, I try to offer an answer or idea and the complaining starts.

Wrong. You offered no solutions merely complaints mixed with a little vitriol.

Your post had nothing to do with the topic just you own personal feeling about black people which I could care less about. This is ABOVE POLITICS you do realize? That is the only reason this thread is here at all because it is framed in the context of politics.

So are you saying that the voters for Obama have personally complained to you about something and should go back to Africa? What is the context for your statement? What exactly is it relating to, other than being moronic and bitter?

Why shouldn't Americans complain about their country, anyway?

Personally I think we all have a right to and should complain about our country if it needs improvement, not close your eyes and pledge the flag but again this is just my opinion.

Of late there is PLENTY to complain about.

- Lee

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by blimpseeker
are you the blonde hottie in the picture? hubba hubba baby!


On that note, I'll take my leave.
I see I am debating a very juvenile individual that doesn't even care about his own topic. Even worse I started falling into the trap set up to keep us fighting each other.

I want no more of this sort of thing.


- Lee

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
reply to post by blimpseeker

You are reading me all wrong. And I'm glad you denounce that other guy.

However, I never mentioned affirmative action - you did!

I simply said I expect black people to harbor some hard feelings towards whites for a few generations. Do I like it? Of course not. I've felt that hatred first hand.

I accept it. If 90% of blacks voting for Obama in NC is racist of them, then what does that make of us whites who have only elected a white President in almost 250 years?

I mentioned Afirmative Action because you asked for an example.

Voting for whites all those years makes us the people that vote for who they think is the best candidate.

I would vote for Obama if he was the best candidate...but he is not.
He is very inexperienced

If Colin Powell was running I would have voted for him in a heartbeat!

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

Thanks for stopping by, glad we could chat.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by blimpseeker

Colin Powell has no spine. I would never vote for him.

People are voting for Obama because he represents a change from the current cycle we are stuck in.

And apparently then, you think there have been no blacks for the past 250 years that would be capable to run this country. Think about that for a second.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:48 PM
Ok I tend to wonder myself, why young black Americans whine and complain as if they've suffered what their grandparents and ancestors suffered through.

BUT the fact that black people vote for black people does not mean they are racist, it means they support with whats familiar to them.

And I've lived in the norther states my whole life and I do not think there is as much racism here as there is in the southern states today, and my state was once home to the Aryan Nation!

So NO it does not mean 90% of blacks are racist and it shouldn't even be considered, but it does mean it's time for change and gives blacks someone to vote for.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
reply to post by blimpseeker

Colin Powell has no spine. I would never vote for him.

People are voting for Obama because he represents a change from the current cycle we are stuck in.

And apparently then, you think there have been no blacks for the past 250 years that would be capable to run this country. Think about that for a second.

change? can you provide some examples of his proposed change?

can you also name qualified black candidates that have ran for President in the last 250 years?

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
If 90% of blacks voting for Obama in NC is racist of them, then what does that make of us whites who have only elected a white President in almost 250 years?

:shk: That's all there was to choose from.
It means nothing to the election NOW.

FACT - to vote for someone based upon skin color is racism.
FACT - 93% of blacks vote for 'brother' Obama.
FACT - That's racism.

No matter how anyone tries to say it isn't... the fact is that it IS racism.

Originally posted by Sublime620
People are voting for Obama because he represents a change from the current cycle we are stuck in.

No. They are voting for him because either because he's black OR because they don't know any better.

Rezko, Ayers, Uncle Wright, Judical Watch Top 10 Corrupt Politicians ....

Originally posted by Electricneo
Might I remind you that there's this little thing that happened for over 400 years. It's called SLAVERY!!!!

Irrelevant to the discussion. Slavery ended over 150 years ago. Blacks claim to want racism to end, but then they themselves are guilty of practicing it.

Originally posted by Sublime620
This thread is

Then quit posting on it if it upsets your delicate constitution so much.

Originally posted by Sublime620
According to recent developments, bigots can't spell.

And there you prove one of the points the OP was making. Anyone who doesn't like Obama, or the fact that blacks are voting in a racist manner, gets called a bigot.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

That's all there was to choose from? You mean we don't pick our candidates? We don't elect our senators and house reps? We don't put those people in their respective positions of power?

Originally posted by FlyersFan
FACT - to vote for someone based upon skin color is racism.
FACT - 93% of blacks vote for 'brother' Obama.
FACT - That's racism.

Okay, Dwight Shrewt...?

I suggest you take a look at the term "racist" that MS so generously posted and then rethink your position.

Not voting for Hillary only because she is white makes black people racist. Not voting for Barrack only because he is black would make someone racist. Good luck on that.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
No. They are voting for him because either because he's black OR because they don't know any better.

Rezko, Ayers, Uncle Wright, Judical Watch Top 10 Corrupt Politicians ....

Please, I already dismantled your little yellow journalism posts. The only thing you could do is cry to the mods and claim "I stalk you".

Saying people only vote for Obama because he's black, with no evidence to the contrary... now that's border line racist.

You so clearly have an agenda, you should be banned for advertising. That's basically all you are right now is an "Obama hate machine".

Originally posted by FlyersFan
And there you prove one of the points the OP was making. Anyone who doesn't like Obama, or the fact that blacks are voting in a racist manner, gets called a bigot.

I would think you would try to distance yourself from this thread. It only makes your already obvious Obama rants look even more extreme.

Yes, I happen to think that anyone who has the balls to call blacks racist is probably a bigot themselves.

It's nonsense.

reply to post by blimpseeker

If you want to discuss politics, there are open threads for it. I have two threads in my signature that are perfect for discussing policy (you'll find them pretty empty - lots of people who like to lay in the mud on this board).

I will no degrade myself to discussing politics in this thread.

[edit on 8-5-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 03:21 PM
Ahem! Let's discuss the topic, and leave remarks about each other's character aside.

This is a topic that has plenty of built in tension, and taking shots at each other only acerbates those with divergent views.

Keep it civil and on topic.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
I suggest you take a look at the term "racist"

Already did. The fact is that POWER is involved with voting and poltiics. Therefore it is not bigotry or prejudice, it is RACISM. Period.

Good luck on that.

Yes .. good luck .. I couldn't follow any of that. Try again.

I already dismantled your little yellow journalism posts.

In your dreams stalker-boy. You dismantled NOTHING.

The FACTS that I posted stand. FACTS. FACTS. FACTS.
No hope. No unity. No change.

You so clearly have an agenda, you should be banned for advertising.

Actually YOU are the one with an agenda. I just post the facts.
Those high on obama's hope-ium just can't deal with it.

that's basically all you are right now is an "Obama hate machine".

So what if I hate Obama? I hate Hillary too. I also posted a rather eye-opening thread on John McCain and I said his career should have been ended long ago.

I'd rather be an 'obama hate machine' (and a 'hillary is a shrew machine' .. and a 'McCain should have been kicked out of the senate' machine .. then an Obamatron who doesn't understand that Obama =CFR, and who ignores that Obama is on Judical Watch's 10 most corrupt politicians list ... and who ignores Rezko and all it's implications .. and who ignores AYERS and all those implications ... etc etc etc)

Yes, I happen to think that anyone who has the balls to call blacks racist is probably a bigot themselves

Well ... at least you admit to your shortcomings.
Its' a place to start with I suppose.

To vote based upon a person's race is RACIST.
That's all there is to it.
No excuses. No 'well what about what happened 200 years ago ... '

[edit on 5/8/2008 by FlyersFan]

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