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Is it worth it for me to fill my mind with truth or is ignorance truly bliss?

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posted on May, 2 2008 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by GrOuNd_ZeRo

That stateside Army/ Marine Corps. BS went out the window as soon as the first units were deployed. We are professionals. I know exactly how you feel. Thats what I meant about friendship. You won't find friends like that under any other circumstances. You know they have your back and they know you have theirs. That is something special. Stay safe brother

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Kaiser Sohse

I didn't know where you were going with that. That was great. Point duly noted. Very true. Very very true.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by MaMaa

What a world what a world indeed. I pondered that very mountaintop for a while. Almost like when you were little and your mom covered your eyes during the scary parts of movies. You did your best to peek and when you saw what was there you wished you never had because no matter how hard you close your eyes after that you won't forget. So you find out through a little baby research that the monsters were just actors and it was all fake and everything is ok. But if you just closed your eyes instead of talking about it and finding things out it would haunt your dreams for years. Once you peek theres no going back it will only be worse, I guess you just have to open your eyes take evrything in and figure it out with the help of others and research.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 09:42 PM
I often have thoughts where I wish I didn't know what I know. The truth has literally changed my life.

I can't buy the affordable food at the supermarket because I know it will cause me pain and depression. I have to pay more for organic food in order to live a healthy and normal lifestyle. For the same reason I can't go out to eat with friends because I know the food will cause me to have headaches, RLS, pain and depression.

It's aggravating when I put on my shoes at the door to go to work, realize my cellphone is on the other side of the room and have to take off my shoes so I can walk across the room to get it. Why? Because I know my shoes track the cancer-causing carcinogens from the street to my carpet.

And for the same reason, I can't let my dog walk on the street. Sidewalk or grass areas only. I don't want him getting cancerous tumors from that toxic sludge on the asphalt.

The dog eats cooked organic meals because he has allergic reactions to dog food. The cat eats organic catfood because the commercial stuff caused her to have kidney failure (which I alleviated by treating her with homeopathic remedies... the vets think I'm practicing voodoo or something because their education doesn't involve natural cures).

It bothers me knowing that every product that's marketed on the TV is nothing but a scam because I know they are all loaded with toxic chemicals designed to make people chronically ill, dependent on pharmaceutical drugs and shorten their lives (and that's aside from the marketing of the pharmaceutical drugs themselves).

I see how the media twists every story in order to brainwash the public. I know that the "race for the cure" is really the "race to drain America's bank accounts". I watch TV in a whole new way... everything I see and hear has to be questioned. TV used to be entertainment, but now it's the "enemy" that I have to shield myself from.

After awhile, I start to feel like an outsider.... even though I know that I am doing the right thing by boycotting all mainstream food and products and refusing to believe the lies that are literally bombarded at us with pretty lights and happy music.

Sure I could go back to my old lifestyle... but that would mean going back to sleep, being ignorant and going back on antidepressant medication that caused me to be in a 'fog' for 7 years.

I refuse to go back to the "happy" place. And that means I'll spend the rest of my life in a "guarded" place. But I guess that's better than being in a "prison" place... although it sometimes feels that's where we're all headed.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by annestacey

After that Monsanto video I'm afraid to eat anything also. Sometimes I do wish I did not watch that one, but I guess I'm glad I did. You wonder how that isn't on every news channel but not really; we know why.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by devildogUSMC
I have spent the majority of my adult life on a quest for truth. I have been willing to go to any lengths up until this point. I even joined the United States Marine Corps. only because I felt I needed to know what really went on. I wish I had not. Every answer I get and Every inch I come closer to the truth in many arenas cause me nothing but psychological and emotional pain. I don't think I can win this fight anymore but I also don't think I can quit. I know the motto of this website is to deny ignorance, but honestly sometimes lately I wish for it. Does anyone else feel the same way?

I've been giving this some thought recently, it really is a head scratcher. Myself, I've been exposed to too much now to ever hope to go back to an oblivious life of ignorance and contentment with the world around me. I almost wish I could though... almost.

It'd be a lot easier thats for sure! Taking the government on it's word alone, disregarding the glaring evidence in exchange for a quiet mind, believing what society demands us to believe *sigh*

Theres just so much information to take in, process, make sense of and then piece together (sometimes forcibly, with crazy glue and scissors because it seems as though you have some of the pieces from 8 or 9 completely unrelated puzzles in front of you) informed opinions about. And then to make matters even more difficult, your master piece of logic and endless hours of research gets torn apart a thousand times over by people who are supposed to be on your side! You have to constantly prove, reprove, justify and re-justify opinions inflicted upon common friend or foe alike.

But! I wouldn't want it any other way to be honest. I might be fairly new (posting not lurking) to ATS but I've been a forum geek since there have been forums to geek... at... upon... forums are great! lol
If nothing else ATS and the whole Alt.History/UFO/Conspiracy/Cover Up scene is a great exercise for the mind, all the out of the box thinking keeps you sharp and on the ball.

Plus if you come into ATS with poor grammar skills (not saying you are), you will learn English or as I've seen around here; your existence will not be tolerated

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by annestacey
I often have thoughts where I wish I didn't know what I know. The truth has literally changed my life.

I can't buy the affordable food at the supermarket because I know it will cause me pain and depression. I have to pay more for organic food in order to live a healthy and normal lifestyle. For the same reason I can't go out to eat with friends because I know the food will cause me to have headaches, RLS, pain and depression.

It's aggravating when I put on my shoes at the door to go to work, realize my cellphone is on the other side of the room and have to take off my shoes so I can walk across the room to get it. Why? Because I know my shoes track the cancer-causing carcinogens from the street to my carpet.

And for the same reason, I can't let my dog walk on the street. Sidewalk or grass areas only. I don't want him getting cancerous tumors from that toxic sludge on the asphalt.

The dog eats cooked organic meals because he has allergic reactions to dog food. The cat eats organic catfood because the commercial stuff caused her to have kidney failure (which I alleviated by treating her with homeopathic remedies... the vets think I'm practicing voodoo or something because their education doesn't involve natural cures).

It bothers me knowing that every product that's marketed on the TV is nothing but a scam because I know they are all loaded with toxic chemicals designed to make people chronically ill, dependent on pharmaceutical drugs and shorten their lives (and that's aside from the marketing of the pharmaceutical drugs themselves).

I see how the media twists every story in order to brainwash the public. I know that the "race for the cure" is really the "race to drain America's bank accounts". I watch TV in a whole new way... everything I see and hear has to be questioned. TV used to be entertainment, but now it's the "enemy" that I have to shield myself from.

After awhile, I start to feel like an outsider.... even though I know that I am doing the right thing by boycotting all mainstream food and products and refusing to believe the lies that are literally bombarded at us with pretty lights and happy music.

Sure I could go back to my old lifestyle... but that would mean going back to sleep, being ignorant and going back on antidepressant medication that caused me to be in a 'fog' for 7 years.

I refuse to go back to the "happy" place. And that means I'll spend the rest of my life in a "guarded" place. But I guess that's better than being in a "prison" place... although it sometimes feels that's where we're all headed.

I can relate to that, awesome post

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by 1-Cent

I know almost very well. It's just so hard sometimes to believe that our government and laws are not here to protect us like we have been told our whole lives. They don't care a bit about us. I would say they are even against us and that, my friend, is alot to swallow. That isn't something I can ever forget.

[edit on 2-5-2008 by devildogUSMC]

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by devildogUSMC
reply to post by 1-Cent

I know almost very well. It's just so hard sometimes to believe that our government and laws are not here to protect us like we have been told our whole lives. They don't care a bit about us. I would say they are even against us and that my friend is alot to swallow. That isn't something I can ever forget.

Oh it is for sure. I mean I recently, finally, came to the conclusion personally (I know some of you came to this long ago, or the opposite) that America had in fact been to the moon.

Before I 'woke up' to all these truths of course I believed like everyone else; thats what I had been told to believe since I had been old enough to grasp the accomplishment put before me to digest.
After seeing so many films, documentaries, reading documents I was sure in my mind that the evidence weighed heavily against us completing such a journey in the 60s, I was firmly convinced of this.

Time went by and I took in more information that forced me to rethink my theory to match the larger picture I'd constructed for myself. Now I believe its much more complicated than a simple stroll on the surface for the camera, that there is a much much larger picture having taken 10 big steps back from the situation.

Thats just an example of what I mean, you take an event that to anyone else in the general public isn't even open for debate. They "know" it happened one way because that's what they were told and 'they' wouldn't lie so it must be the only valid answer. In other words, there are 5 possible answers, and all of them are "C", chose one. People like us see the page that reads "Circle one: C C C C C" and can't help but ask the question everyone in the class is wondering - what happened to A, B, D and E?

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by 1-Cent

A,B,D, and E are terrorists. Don't ever speak of them again or YOU are a terrorist. C and only C everyone knows that. Why do you "feel the need to be different"? you are either a terrorist or you have psycholgical issues and need to be "fixed".

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

It's the system you must Conform or you will be Assimilated. lol

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by devildogUSMC
reply to post by 1-Cent

A,B,D, and E are terrorists. Don't ever speak of them again or YOU are a terrorist. C and only C everyone knows that. Why do you "feel the need to be different"? you are either a terrorist or you have psycholgical issues and need to be "fixed".

I thought F was "All of the above points to me being a terrorist" and F is on the other side of the exam under the sticker and to select it you have to detach the secondary sticker from page 7B and re affix it to answer key 4F over the little grey alien that doesn't exist

You sound like you've heard a few Alex Jones shows
You also sound like you've got your head screwed on straight bro. You got through all this BS and you haven't flipped out, denounced your religion (as far as I know), hopped on a tractor and ran over grandma in a fit of blind rage. Thats further than most people get man, most of them see the first sliver of truth as it relates to their own small, selfish world and thats it for them. They're going back to the Matrix where they can be plugged in and force fed propaganda through a tube in their throat since chewing only slows down the indoctrination.

Truth is, oddly, I attribute some of my insight to psychological issues as you alluded to
No word of a lie, I tend to easily see things from many perspectives to the point of incessant inner conflict that keeps me up and unable to focus my efforts on any one thing (ADD). But it also opens my mind to patterns of thought outside the norm. Even if one isn't necessarily "better" it's still twice as many perspectives as any one person should have so I consider it another tool that I can abuse

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by devildogUSMC
reply to post by Kaiser Sohse

I didn't know where you were going with that. That was great. Point duly noted. Very true. Very very true.

Hang in there Marine.

Life can be explained as "a series of decisions". Every second of every minute of every day people are making decisions. Let us hope hope that we both make more good decisions than bad, and pray that our superiors do the same.

God bless-KS

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by 1-Cent

That was great
Really funny and true. How is it that so many people are willing to pull the wool over our eyes for the people that pull the wool over their eyes? I just don't get that.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Kaiser Sohse

You said it man. Thank you. I'm going to stick this out until the end. I just might learn something.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 03:26 PM
The truth is full of red herrings and disinfo so ignorance probably is bliss but keep an open mind to both imo.
Dont believe everything you see on the news but dont believe the likes of Alex Jones either,it seems everyone has an agenda these days.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Kaiser Sohse
Kind of makes ya wish human brain weren't just reptilian holiday dish, but a delicatessen they like to eat everyday.

Ya'll know humans are being raised on Earth as a reptilian seasonal/holiday delicatessen don't you? Well don't look so surprised and shocked, it's the SAME flesh and blood vampire food chain way of life yous humans like to play, so stop being such damn hypocrites, ha, and get in the crock pot. The reptilians eat human brains on their version of Thanksgiving day. Isn't that nice, just like your holidays.

Makes ya feel good and warm inside, huh, knowing the human harvest is just 3 years away.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 03:14 AM
There is a truth about everything that is the same for all of us and we'll all be made aware of it some day and when it happens none of us will be able to deny it and we will all unite with it.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

That is exactly what I have been thinking lately. We all have so much in common like our organs, how we breate, what we are made up of, and lots of other things externally. It is too much for me to think that there isn't something that is true for everyone at least about our physical existance.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:45 PM
Your question is a good one, but easily answered for me. For me, to cease to learn is to cease to live. ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge’. For me, knowing the horrible truth isn’t such a burden. I simply do all I can and trust God for the rest.

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