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Mystery 'Boom & Light' Captured On Video

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posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 09:26 PM
Is natural gas lighter than air - I'm pretty sure it must be.

Some guy might be filling balloons up from the hobs on a gas cooker - improvise a fuse and hey presto.

Even better - so as not to leave any remnants of balloon that could give the game away could be using condoms.

And if there is not enough pressure in the gas mains to fill up a balloon then a can of lighter gas could be used - plenty of options really.

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 09:57 PM
Appears the cause has been found.

Police have arrested Frederick Lee Mackler, of the 8000 block of Brynmor Court. He faces charges including possession of a concealed weapon, fireworks without a permit and reckless endangerment.

Think its a bit harsh to say he was terrorizing the neighborhood it seems he was having a bit of a giggle.

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 10:33 PM
if you listen to the actual news report it says he used a "pyrotechnic device" to create the bang, and flash of light.

Probably some type of mortar shell, just used for creating a bang, and not an actual firework display.

An explosive mortar will create a large, but very brief flash of light.

I'd say this case is closed, but just like the latest pheonix lights case, there will be those that won't believe it. *sigh*

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 10:42 PM
Good gawd...what an idiot...good thing his house never caught on fire or there would have been more then a flash and a bang I am sure.

Well I am glad they caught the moron and glad he wasn't my neighbor. I get very grouchy when awakened

Another case closed...thanks for bringing it to our attention Frank, was an interesting read!

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 11:56 PM
Interesting story!

What can you tell from such a small video..
Well the sounds compared to digital sounds from storms sounds almost the same, it sounds like electric discharge in the atmosphere, a short thunder, but since no one pinpointed or filmed a light source might be well ..almost everywhere in that area.
If you freeze the video and examine the shadows casted by the light, it shows evidence of intensive short flashes high above this town, since it casts shadows it can be pinpointed but the residents are not sure of an actual location of every event? Sound tracking has to be used and then a map to be made about acoustic and lighting anomalies in this area. We need more video from different locations around the city to examine the shadow angles. IMO the shadows casted from this source of lighting show like the source might be from something sizable.

Lets see if this phenomenon will cease after the reported arrest.

[edit on 30-4-2008 by spacebot]

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by SystemiK
We would take a glass soda bottle, add about a half inch of powdered lye to the bottom, add a couple inches of water, and then drop tin foil balls into the mixture. The lye caused a reaction with the tin foil and the resulting gas (hydrogen??? not sure) had enough pressure to fill up a rather large ballon. These ballons would float just like a helium balloon. We would then take a string which had been soaked in lighter fluid (and subsequently dried out) to the ballon, light the string and let it go into the night.

OK, Soda bottle, powdered lye, water, tin foil, balloon, lighter fluid soaked string....

yep wont do it. Scouts honour

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 04:58 AM
Put cameras up pointing in every direction, leave no space unrecorded. Next time it happens you'll have whatever the culprit/source is.

[edit]: Okay, sorry, I just read that it's been solved.

[edit on 30-4-2008 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by Nola213
if you listen to the actual news report it says he used a "pyrotechnic device" to create the bang, and flash of light.

Probably some type of mortar shell, just used for creating a bang, and not an actual firework display.

An explosive mortar will create a large, but very brief flash of light.

I'd say this case is closed, but just like the latest pheonix lights case, there will be those that won't believe it. *sigh*

Mortar shells are shot from a tube wich would cause an initial bang and then
a howling sound and a trail of light against the night sky, and then the explosion and flash in tyhe sky. The bang and flash in the video just originated mid-air.
What is strange also, how could such a loud bang and bright flash come from a condo window, without blowing up the entire appartment, or at least destroy some windows?
The only non supernatural explanation I can think of is, as said before, some sort of balloon with an explosive device, so it could be this guy was letting these balloons go up in the air from his window.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by enigmania

Originally posted by Nola213
if you listen to the actual news report it says he used a "pyrotechnic device" to create the bang, and flash of light.

Probably some type of mortar shell, just used for creating a bang, and not an actual firework display.

An explosive mortar will create a large, but very brief flash of light.

I'd say this case is closed, but just like the latest pheonix lights case, there will be those that won't believe it. *sigh*

Mortar shells are shot from a tube wich would cause an initial bang and then
a howling sound and a trail of light against the night sky, and then the explosion and flash in tyhe sky. The bang and flash in the video just originated mid-air.
What is strange also, how could such a loud bang and bright flash come from a condo window, without blowing up the entire appartment, or at least destroy some windows?
The only non supernatural explanation I can think of is, as said before, some sort of balloon with an explosive device, so it could be this guy was letting these balloons go up in the air from his window.

Good point. But mortars (4 inch types ) arent that easy to see going up(especially between 2-4 am), and it wouldn't take much for the guy to grab the small tube after it went up, and walk away, he could be amost inside when the "report" is heard, and quick flash is seen.

I suppose you could get the same effect useing m80's or blockbusters(pine-apples), and a tennis racket. I used to light m80's and hit them a good 50 feet up in the ait with a tennis racket.

But when they said he used "pyrotechnics", mortars was the first thing that came to mind. But your right, those could be seen going up, if you were looking for it, and had a good view of where they are comeing from.

Again though, if this guy is shooting 4 inch mortars from his balcony on that 4th floor apartment, or who knows, (people are crazy) out his damn window, at 3am, I doubt anyone would see it going up.

You do raise a good point again though about mortars being seen going up(maybe thats how they snagged him?), and I'm sure police don't want to reveale to every lunatic in the US, exactely how to do this.

It's just the first , and simplelest explanination that popped into my head when I heard "pyrotechnics", but the word would cover a huge amount of home-made as well as manufactured devices. I guess anything that uses fire to create an effect would be considered a pyrotechnic. Don't know the exact definition of the term though.

When i said case-closed. I didn't mean it was definitely a mortar, just that it wasn't anything supernatural.

I guess we can speculate all we wan't on how this guy made a flash bang in the air at 3 am from a 4th story window(with a possible balcony , they only showed the one side of the building if I remember). But that really isn't important. Fun yes, but not that important.

[edit on 30-4-2008 by Nola213]

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:19 AM
I countn't believe it took you so long to figure it out.

All you needed to do was sit and listen to the videos they showed one after the other and they told you.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:56 AM
Wow this really peaked my interest.
I live near Base Gagetown and often hear them when they do the training exercises but the base is east of me and the sound always comes from that direction.
This past Friday night at 12:10am I was standing on the back porch and saw a very bright flash low on the horizion in the north towards the city of Fredericton. Then nearly a full 5 or 7 seconds later I heard a rather large boom. I knew immediately that it didnt come from the base. I then thought that someones propane tanks must have exploded or something like that. The next day I asked around and a couple of others had heard the boom from inside their houses but nobody had heard what caused it. I asked a friend who works for the local fire department to see if he knew anything and he said there were no fires or explosions that night. It was too cold to be heat lightning so maybe it was a meteor entering the atmosphere and then hitting the ground.

Until now ... that was the only explanation I could think of.

Interesting for sure.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:11 AM
"He was charged with disturbing the peace, reckless endangerment, two counts of possessing fireworks without a permit, possession of narcotics with intent to distribute, paraphernalia possession, concealing a dangerous weapon, another firearm charge and two further narcotics possession charges."

LOL they cut him no slack on this case. That's 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.... 11 charges! Poor guy. He must be pretty messed up though.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by InterestedObserver
"He was charged with disturbing the peace, reckless endangerment, two counts of possessing fireworks without a permit, possession of narcotics with intent to distribute, paraphernalia possession, concealing a dangerous weapon, another firearm charge and two further narcotics possession charges."

LOL they cut him no slack on this case. That's 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.... 11 charges! Poor guy. He must be pretty messed up though.

Now that you mention that, the cops seem pretty eager to get this guy. Could it be that they had been on him for a long time, waiting for a reason to "raid his crib". This explosion phenomenon in the area would make a great reason for a warrant, if it was somehow seen originating from this guy's appartment window by some random witness.
Just a thought.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 01:12 PM
I'm sure the dude will get Flash Banged in jail!

Sorry, I couldn't help going there on that one.

But really! What an idiot! I could see doing it once, you know HA HA! That was cool!

But this guy was a SERIAL PRANKSTER! He must be super whacked! And I have to admit the whole think puts a smirk on my face just out of the sheer incredulity of the whole thing.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by turbosciencewig
I'm sure the dude will get Flash Banged in jail!

You know, the flash and loud bang in the video are kind of consistent with a flashbang grenade. Home-made flashbangs? No way

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 05:50 PM
I'm gonna throw out a maybe here. maybe a perp in an apartment got hold of flash grenades and filled a helium balloon and let er rip. Knowing the cops would be snooping around, he would hold off for several nights before launching another ka-boom.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 06:16 PM
Very interesting that they were so quick to make the arrest in this case. But in the case of the supposed hoax here in Phoenix (where fireworks are also illegal), where the man ADMITTED on the local news that he supposedly tied burning flares to helium balloons and launched them into the flight paths of a few airports, and over extremely dry wildnerness that usually erupts into a wildfire at least once a year, the police, FAA, fire marshall, etc. have all said they have NO intention to investigate. Very strange indeed.'

[edit on 30-4-2008 by 27jd]

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 07:07 PM
i'm gonna laugh if after arresting this guy the booms continue...

i dunno what it seems like flashbangs,but i dunno why someone would do it so often.

only other thing it reminded me of was this alien abduction video,but i dont think the alien technique has a boom sound when they beam people up.

here's the

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