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Life on mars this is it! no doubt!

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posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 08:23 AM
Thanks to Mr Skipper Marsaomalies pages ,ArMap for circling the object,PooPooButt ,JohnDoeKnows,DarkRaver and others for keeping this thread alive. Here's a simple unmasking job assisted by ArMap circling an object. I have adjusted for camera angle,shot at 5 feet above surface from cam.
Most people will not see a face within the circle. The problem with nasa masking is that when they want to mask a face it will appear as compressed against the ground,when it's really sticking up well off the ground,then just leave it as an outline,instead of complete blackout which is easier to detect as obvious manipulation of images. In other words,painting a big black spot in the pic would send up flags of alarm,so just camoflage it,blend it into the surrounding rock with just a bare impression/outline for future reference.Don't destroy the data/info completely,just fuzz it over.
If nasa did that then vze would never see it.Everything will be just fine and dandy.Job Done ! success! Semper Fi ! Salute !

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 08:34 AM
In all my excitement of uncovering another Mars face,I forgot to show one that is quite a bit more revealing. Negative images sometimes show more detail,since nasa tends to mask in the positive images more than the negative,or at least less effects negative images.That's why I get flamed most because the very people who insist "only Rocks" are the most invested in cover -ups and detest the fact I've found an easy way around masking that would cost them $ MILLIONS $ of dollars in man-hours to correct. That's such a waste of time and money for them,and they wish I'd go away. I found their Achilles heel.Negative images. OOOPs one of my secrets just slipped out.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 08:42 AM
Hey -- Congratulations! I actually see the face in this one! It took the negative image, but I finally saw what you were looking for. Realize I still think your idea is bunk, but atleast I actually saw what you were talking about this time.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by vze2xjjk
Negative images sometimes show more detail,since nasa tends to mask in the positive images more than the negative,or at least less effects negative images.
An image has some detail, regarless of being a positive or a negative. The contrast, for example, is the same, as is the number of colours. The fact that we may see things better in a negative image (sometimes) is only because of the way we interpret the data, and in this case, the way we see faces.

That's why I get flamed most because the very people who insist "only Rocks" are the most invested in cover -ups and detest the fact I've found an easy way around masking that would cost them $ MILLIONS $ of dollars in man-hours to correct.
I suppose I could be considered one of those people that insists "only rocks", and if you consider me one of those, I would like to say that I have nothing invested in cover-ups.

In fact, the only thing I can invest is my free time, and I never invest any in hiding anything. I say that I only see rocks because I only see rocks, even in the cases where I can see a rock or rocks that may look like something else.

As I have said many times, you are not unmasking anything because there is no way of unmasking anything on a JPEG (or other "flat" file format), if the image was altered there is no way of knowing what was there before.

The fact that you think that the image was altered to almost hide something does not mean that that was the case.

For example, who took this photo?
If you say, in this post, "Look next to my belly in the muscle pose pic and see the little green guyin front of the car hood in the grass.", does that mean that the person who took the photo (that I suppose was you) tried to hide that "green guy" and you unmasked it?

Or does it mean that you see these things in photos regardless of who took the photo and the processes (like masking) used on the photo after it was taken?

PS: I can see the face (in fact I can see two faces) on that photo with the area that I circled.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 06:25 PM
Yes,ArMaP ,the muscle pose was a timer delay 10 second in front of my house with my cam stuck on top of a neighbor's car in October 2003 as best I can remember. I can see faces in pics regardless of the photographer,since as I reported I'd been seeing them somewhat randomly since my early teens in magazines and books. ArMaP, Thank you for mentioning the second face within the circle,because many times when emphasizing one face among many,I'm torn between focusing on ONE face , just so ONE other person can see it vs. emphasizing several faces and risk that NO-ONE will see them.It's a judgement call on the strength of the image and clarity. Usually when posting here I'll try to opt for the ONE strongest face in the pic,while de-emphasizing the weaker ones. It's even painful for me to paint a blur over surrounding faces to emphasize just ONE. I'd rather just circle them,and yet know that background sometimes defeats people from seeing the intended target face and background must be washed out for clarity and ease of access for a 2 second view/quick look.
Possible humanoid,Spirit rover 2004.*Note solar panels are about 3 feet from ground. Head size is similar to ours.

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by vze2xjjk

What a mazing find vze. This maze has many many lifeforms and the coloring of your photo presentation is a work of art. Rik Riley

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 08:09 AM
link < here is a plug for 5th week of podcasters who do a SPACE show.I directed them to this thread,but it was probably too much for them to absorb in their limited time.They did take the time to visit for half a minute to survey it.So I helped bring media attention to the site in a small way. It's a young husband wife team Ben and Carriann who are space enthusiats.Ben is the "evangelist" for space exploration,and Carriann is supportive and learning,with her own spin on things. They have clips on YouTube. They podcast on Thurs nights.Based in Minnesota,they show some nasa clips and grab news stories related to space. They interact with a live chatroom.They have featured guests on webcams.They have a sense of humor and youthful enthusiasm about space. While I'm plugging Space shows,for the benefit of those who have not yet discovered with Doctor David Livingston,he will be reaching his show # 1,000 very soon,7 years of broadcasts and podcasts.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 07:42 AM
Squeamish people WARNING: Graphic Faces Shown.Please do not look if you are sickened by graphic images easily. Please do not go further if you may be effected by knowledge of Mars life.
Would you like to see George Bush on Mars? Well here's the next best thing.Look very closely,very,very closely at the small image at the bottom next to the "n" in "Dragon".Within that yellow outline is a face.It's a male.It is looking directly at the Spirit rover.Compression effects show you detail washed out deliberately by nasa.The original image at the top is a small image to start with.Let me repeat that People like us live on Mars,and there are many diverse animals who visit the Mars rovers for 4 years. Few people can see what I see in pics,or this would be all over the news.We are being swindled from info that we paid for with tax dollars.I can only show you.I can't make you THINK.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by vze2xjjk

Hello vze, do you have the number of the cropped pic showing the rocket-like things? I found the contraptions in other frames and would like to search the vicinity. Please help me on this one, perhaps I can give you some interesting picture numbers in return. Best regards

[edit on 20-5-2008 by outrageousfortune]

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 10:23 PM
Viking Landers 1976 (lasted to early 1980's) STATIONARY. Rovers 1997,Pathfinder/Sojorner lasted over 1 month July 4 to Septemmber. 2004 Mars rovers Spirit(January) Opportunity (Feb). These 2 rovers contain plutonium to keep batteries warm during harsh Mars winter nights.They use solar cells on their "back and wings" for power renewal.Roughly the size of golf carts,these 2 rovers went to strategically chosen sites to "find the water" chasing down clues to water on Mars near the Mars equator.Meanwhile Sunday May 25 scheduled landing of Mars Phoenix lander(not rover) to dig thru layers of probably frozen ground mocking the mission of failed 1999 Mars Polar Lander. I have seen large life from pics taken by 5 out of 5 landers/rovers.I'm not sure I'll also see large life in the bitter cold of where Phoenix is targetted to land,closer to the Mars north pole. Summer will be interesting for a new Marscape and a very large missing piece of the puzzle provided.Congrats JPL nasa in advance for your valliant efforts at landing on Mars.Jeers,however for masking the images since 1976 and tampering with precious data that costs billions of taxpayers money to obtain. I designed(April 1987) the JPL logo that exists on 3 locations(not counting crashes)on Mars as I write this Friday night.By Sunday if all goes as planned there will be 4 locations at the surface where my JPL logo design appears. I would have preferred a rover,and would have preferred an airbag/tether landing.But my rover designs and dual orbiter /lander plans were sent in one shot ,Spring 1987,and I was never consulted later as a follow-up.That is unfortunate that JPL /nasa never followed up and consulted with me actively since my free contributions were so valuable to science ,notwithstanding I'm an amateur who could be trained to design more than rough drafts of rovers and sats with 1980's knowledge. Star Trek was my bridge to JPL/nasa at the time via Gene Roddenberry.I was his ghostwriter and he was my champion to deliver my drawings and concepts to JPL when the time was right,to effect change at JPL to think smaller and incrementally to build a better Mars dual platform of discovery.My 20 years of planned missions are "OVER" now,as soon as Phoenix lands successfully.I hope the data streams in for years. I'm available as ever,and never hid from JPL /nasa or Star Trek . Jerry Lehane III (age 50 in Delaware) [email protected] (302)731-9930 pics of Mars people,animals,fossils since 2004,designed initial first draft/originator Mars rovers 1987.You can also credit me(unofficially) for dual jets model of black holes illustrations provided(1987) in the same batch of drawings provided to Gene Roddenbery for Stephen Hawking to back up his writings,samples/excerpts from" A Brief History of Time" ( samples released from 1986 in Scientific American magazine if memory serves me correctly). The dual jets model challenged Hawking to later reverse some of his claims concerning black holes relating to time distortion/portals/escaping of gasses(outgassing ejecta) vs. old claims of N O T H I N G ,not even light can escape a black hole. You can see how I was not trying to to devalue Hawking's outstanding obsession with black holes and contribution to their further discoveries and exploration.I was acting as his hands for a day to illustrate them and the "cosmic blender model"of converting matter by extreme forces,compressing,tearing apart,converting to gas,simplest chemical components conversion,stripping down ,super-heating etc. Again,let me stress my amateur and assistant status.Hawking doesn't know me other than thru simple drawings and notations from 1987. Critics will demand proof,where I have only my personal accounts and no official backing from Roddenberry,unless he confided with 3 rd parties I'm not aware of and it's doubtful he would have ever written my name in any correspondence,since we never spoke or met. It's possible I talked to him on cassette tape and contributed a bit of music for Trek that was used briefly(in DS9). cle.cfm%3Fid%3Dblack-hole-plasma-jets-trace-corkscrew-path&h=320&w=320&sz=23&hl=en&start=6&sig2=eCvggXxKhQNFLcMKWlRXpg&tbnid=hn_mBhyI-rmHSM:&tbnh=118& tbnw=118&ei=w4Q3SNG8JqbaeoGDjKwO&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dblack%2Bholes%2Bgas%2Bjets%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26newwindow%3D1%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG _diagram.jpg My old crude models are rightfully getting left in the dust by computer models and multi-source data imaging models and the great telescopes new captures. It's at once eye-opening and retires my models to "Cave-drawing" status. "Torsion" corkscrews are the NOW-generation models,and in my 1980's lingo "supercool".
It makes me feel about as current and rellevent as a COMIC BOOK KID !

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by outrageousfortune

Help me out by being more specific on what you want.Assume that I just woke up,and need the pic shown to know what you are referencing/talking about.I'm visually oriented /or handicapped depending on your perspective. Words alone don't always give me the idea you are trying to convey,so give me some pic to "SHOW ME" ratherthan tell me. Meet me half way,because I am interested,just confused on what you want.OR...maybe someone else can clarify for me what OUTRAGEOUSFORTUNE wants. Thanks in advance for any help.Jerry.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by outrageousfortune

Help me out by being more specific on what you want.Assume that I just woke up,and need the pic shown to know what you are referencing/talking about.I'm visually oriented /or handicapped depending on your perspective. Words alone don't always give me the idea you are trying to convey,so give me some pic to "SHOW ME" ratherthan tell me. Meet me half way,because I am interested,just confused on what you want.OR...maybe someone else can clarify for me what OUTRAGEOUSFORTUNE wants. Thanks in advance for any help.Jerry.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by outrageousfortune

Help me out by being more specific on what you want.Assume that I just woke up,and need the pic shown to know what you are referencing/talking about.I'm visually oriented /or handicapped depending on your perspective. Words alone don't always give me the idea you are trying to convey,so give me some pic to "SHOW ME" ratherthan tell me. Meet me half way,because I am interested,just confused on what you want.OR...maybe someone else can clarify for me what OUTRAGEOUSFORTUNE wants. Thanks in advance for any help.Jerry.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by outrageousfortune

Help me out by being more specific on what you want.Assume that I just woke up,and need the pic shown to know what you are referencing/talking about.I'm visually oriented /or handicapped depending on your perspective. Words alone don't always give me the idea you are trying to convey,so give me some pic to "SHOW ME" ratherthan tell me. Meet me half way,because I am interested,just confused on what you want.OR...maybe someone else can clarify for me what OUTRAGEOUSFORTUNE wants. Thanks in advance for any help.Jerry.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by vze2xjjk

Sorry for being absent so long and thank you for reacting to my request. The picture I'm interested in is the one showing two shapes of triangular form looking vaguely like oil pumps. You posted that picture in your answer to green robot, two were in color, one showing planet Mars and the other showing an artistic drawing of some figures on yellow background. The third - the one I am looking for - is black and white and has these astonishing shapes in it. I would greatly appreciate your help in locating it. This picture seems to be of fairly high resolution, making it an ideal candidate for treatment. There are many beautiful things in our Solar System. Have you found the large decaying turtle head in the Spirit pictures? Left eye socket facing down, nose pointing to the left. There are several frames with different lighting. this one's dead but swarms of others are not. I promise to be on more frequently and wish I weren't so busy at the moment.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by sensfan

Ok first of all.. we have not even discovered ICE on mars yet so the "defrost" explantion that the source gives is hypothetical and cannot be construed as a real explantation until it is proven. It looks like a swamp gas story for a UFO only this is for these objects.

I am not saying they are definately something organic.. but I am saying that I do not give that sources explanation any credence of validity because we have not proven ice on mars so how can they use that as an explanation.

as for sunlight being needed.. we all know that plant life grows at the bottom of the ocean without sunlight. We do not presume to know the requirements for all life in the universe.. only that which is on our planet that we know of.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by outrageousfortune

I'm only 3 years late in responding to your request and still I don't have a good answer for you,other than it must have been close to Spirit or Op's departure from their landers,by using the word "ramp" in the title.I'm 85% sure it was Spirit since I tended to spend more time on Spirit images due to more lively terrain and variety of life in the early years.Let me say that Op provided some great signs of life also that Spirit could never match.But this pic is a negative image and will be hard to find again.I don't give up easily because of a compulsive need to find life on Mars.Best of luck.

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