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posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:03 AM
This place is awesome! I'm glad to be a member here and look forward to reading and participating in many posts!

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:06 AM
welcome, i am new as well, but have been reading ats for a year or so,

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:07 AM
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Indeed this place is awesome lol, glad to have you aboard. You will find this to be a wonderful community. Enjoy your time and remember to wear your TinHat and Deny Ignorance.

Here are some helpful links to help get you started on your ATS journey:

Index of Important Website Related Threads *Read First*
The Handbook


posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:10 AM
Hi Maya. you seem like an interesing person. So you're into the mayan stuff eh? been to the yucatan penisula piramyds? welcome, my name is jedimiller and I make the most interesting threads around here. JK. but you will probably get to know me soon enough. welcome.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by jedimiller
Hi Maya. you seem like an interesing person. So you're into the mayan stuff eh? been to the yucatan penisula piramyds? welcome, my name is jedimiller and I make the most interesting threads around here. JK. but you will probably get to know me soon enough. welcome.

Thanks for the welcome everyone!

I'm totally fascinated by the Mayans and 2012. As a matter of fact, jed, I was just in Guatemala a few weeks ago to visit the ruins in Tulum and I'm going back next month.

Here's a pic I took from the top of a cliff looking at the ruins:

This site has so much incredible information. I'm really glad I joined!


posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 05:29 AM
wow you took that picture? did you there for spring break? I wonder, were you allowed to rent a jeep and go on solo into the jungle or did you find that too be too dangerous for you? I haven't been to those, I went to the others closer to the mexico city, but I always wanted to visit tulum.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 09:38 AM
Actually, I was on a Carnival Cruise that stopped in Cozumel. From there we took a shuttle boat to the Guatemala coastline and then rode a bus to Tulum.

Yes, I took that picture. Here's a few more:

Tulum, the City of Dawn, also means "walled place" and was used as a port for commercial activity. The city is walled on 3 sides with the final side facing the sea. The foundations that remain were houses for the nobility (foundation pictured in this photo).

My Tourist photo. Hopefully, you'll figure out which one is me. lol

This is a front view of the Tulum ruins, facing the Gulf of Mexico. The steps leading to the top are very narrow and steep, forcing one to look down at their feet when climbing to the top, showing respect to the building and to Kukulkan (the plumed serpent).

Souvenier: This is a hand-carved Mayan calendar, which is similar, but differs from the Aztec calendar.


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