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Are the Missing Taken to Hell?

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posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 08:24 PM
I decided to start this thread after reading Millions of people disappear every year by Skyfloating. In the thread, the member/moderator points out some alarming statistics of people who go missing every year and are never heard from again. There is also a discussion that follows examining different ideas of how these numbers can be explained. Member "indierockalien" touched on one such idea that I have thought about from time to time over the years. It goes something like this...

There are vast underground catacombs below the surface of the Earth and below the oceans. In these hidden realms live a species that many might identify as The Reptilians. A sinsister and demonic entity inhabiting the realms we would think of as Hell according to religious teachings. But this Hell is not a place to spend your afterlife tormented by eternal damnation. Instead, it is a very real, though hidden physical realm of the Earth.

Is it possible that some of these people who disappear every year, are snatched from the surface and taken underground? For what purpose? Many of us have heard the rumors that the Reptilians feed on human flesh, with a particular affinity for innocent flesh. But there are a few problems with this. Why take them below ground to start with? Secondly, surely more people would go missing to support the needs of a Reptilian food supply, no?

Well, perhaps this could be explained in this way. Those who are snatched, are not eaten immediately, if at all. Instead they are used to breed. Perhaps there are millions, if not billions of people living below us, who have never seen the light of day, and who's sole purpose is to be sustenance to a demonic race of beings. Perhaps we on the surface are little more than free-range meat. A gene pool that is plucked and culled.

Now I think of this. Go down the page about halfway to listen to the recording, supposedly of hell, below Siberia.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 08:39 PM
That recording has been de-bunked as a hoax.

There very well could be "Hell" underground. That is what the entire "Dulce" conspiracy says.

If I'm not mistaken, there is supposedly a giant underground base at Dulce NM. I have been to Dulce, (Elk Hunting) and didn't see anything wierd. Where the base is, is on an Indian reservation, the Hicarilla Apache if I believe.

There are many tales about the "green eyes" in the area. Many people I have met up there claim to have seen them. What they describe is like in the movie "Predator" water looking outline of a large animal with glowing green eyes.

Anyway the base was dug using nuke powered tunnel drilling machines. There is a certain level know as the "hall of horror" because there are genetic tests being carried out on humans that have been abducted. This place is inhabited by at least 5 different kinds of aliens, including the "reptilians".

Seems pretty believable if you read the papers, I couldn't tell you where to find them, but I would bet ATS has them somewhere.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 10:51 PM
I don't know for sure, but I often wonder whether Reptilians actually do live under the surface of the Earth, because it would make sense biologically! Reptilians are naturally cool blooded, and they need a heat source in order to keep their bodies heated enough to function properly. If some reptiles/dinosaurs took towards the catacombs of the Earth in the event of a natural or unnatural upheaval mill;ions of years ago, by now they would have evolved to a point where it would be very very hard to survive on the surface because of lack of skin pigmentation to protect from UV radiation, degenerated light sensing organs, and other things. Also, they would've most likely evolved into more telepathic beings, seeing as how sound travels much easier inside caverns and such...

So what could the demons be? Perhaps the "greys" are just these very creatures we refer to as "demons", and perhaps they AND the reptilians descend from the same ancestry millions of years ago.

Maybe the greys went so far underground that they developed radically different and mostly shed their more terrestrially identifiable form. Makes sense why they need a thick layer of tint over their eyes.

The reptilians are probably a few Hell Levels above the greys.

Eh, could be.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 10:53 AM
The people who vanish!

This has always been a puzzle for me. So where do they go?

Obviously we have so many that have been murdered, witness protection, fake ID, new life etc.
Then there are those who do not fit in any of those categories. Where are they and what is their fate?:

  • Reptoids – No. It is a silly concept
  • Hell – I don’t believe in Hell
  • Aliens – Possible. For whatever reason these ones are taken not to be returned
  • Government – Possible. Experimentation, not plausible as by now they should have been able to work out what they were trying to do. Another black project, is plausible, but for what purpose…? Internment camps? Possible, but again, for what purpose?
  • Non-existence- Possible. they popped out of our dimension to who knows where
  • Misread figures – Possible. There is the possibility that some of the figures are actually wrong and sums do actually add up. Dead bodies do turn up and are not always reported in the news.

It would be a grim undertaking to perform, but I suspect the last item on my list may actually be the correct answer. If it isn’t then one of the other options must also be taken into consideration.

..except Hell or Reptoids

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 11:16 AM
Great thread
where to start?

If we are a supposed food supply for the reptiles, why, with all their advanced tech, wouldn't they just clone what they need? wouldn't that make more sense as a cloned human that is kept brain dead, would not try to escape and would not put up any sort of resistance. I can see this not being viable if they also feed on the brain energy such as fear as I have heard in other threads.

Perhaps we are nothing but slave labor to them as well or subject matter to be experimented on for that matter.

For me I believe in heaven and hell as you cannot have one without the other so maybe both sides are abducting people for their own purposes (cannon fodder for an army?)

As for hell below us? possible but most likely one we or "others" have created ourselves.

As for the greys being demons, aren't there supposed to be 2 different species of them, tall ones (bad) and the short ones (good)? or are all aliens regardless of type, bad? I don't know, I am so confused on this matter

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by QBSneak000

If we are a supposed food supply for the reptiles, why, with all their advanced tech, wouldn't they just clone what they need? wouldn't that make more sense as a cloned human that is kept brain dead, would not try to escape and would not put up any sort of resistance. I can see this not being viable if they also feed on the brain energy such as fear as I have heard in other threads.

There are a few possibilitites here. The first is that the Reptilians may not actually be mroe advanced than us in a linear sense, though they may posess technologies and/or abilitites that we do not understand.

Then comes the "quality of the product" so to speak. Deliberately engineered reproduction and inbreeding will likely detriorate the qualities they find favorable to their palate. The same way we prefer meats and produce that have been raised and fed in more natural ways. It may go further than this though, if they are actually feeding on mental energies as well as our physical flesh. We actually have a very closed perception of our place in existence, but that does not mean that these energies which are generally ignored by us are not prized by the underground race.

Perhaps we are nothing but slave labor to them as well or subject matter to be experimented on for that matter.

This is another thing I have considered, though more in relation to extraterrestrials. That we are really here to mine precious metals, and everything else we do is of no consequence to the patient overlords. If some alien civilization has existed for millions of years, it would not be a realtively long time to them, if it took Humans ten or fifteen thousand years to strip-mine the planet.

For me I believe in heaven and hell as you cannot have one without the other so maybe both sides are abducting people for their own purposes (cannon fodder for an army?) As for hell below us? possible but most likely one we or "others" have created ourselves.

In this thread, I am not trying to discuss heaven or hell in a spiritual or religious sense. But hell in the most literal sense. An actual physical realm below the surface, that exists with or without our perceptions and notions of right or wrong, or good and evil.

As for the greys being demons, aren't there supposed to be 2 different species of them, tall ones (bad) and the short ones (good)? or are all aliens regardless of type, bad? I don't know, I am so confused on this matter

I am no expert in alien races, but keep in mind that the Reptilians I am thinking about here may not be aliens at all. They may be a race of beings that were here long before humans evolved. An indigenous but hidden race of beings with key advantages over our young and naieve race.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 02:56 PM
No, no. People become "missing" when something disrupts the timeline in the past, so they're wiped out of existence. We miss them because we have still experienced time from our perspective and still hold the events and memories of their existence in our minds, even though they have been nullified in the present.

Get it? The people vanish because some kind of time traveler or reverse-time event got them or one of their ancestors, causing them to vanish. Except in our memories.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 03:00 PM
OP your link seemed very biased towards belief in CHristianity? I like the theory but when I read the religious standpoint and lack of open-mindedness in telling me that unless I accept Jesus Christ then I am going to hell to? I do believe in alien abductions wheather is CIA/shadow gov or actual aliens its just as a non-religious person I easily get turned off of stuff that tells me I am going to hell for not believing a specific ideology.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Slickinfinity

Perhaps I should have found a better link to the sound-bite. I am in no way trying to recruit for any ideology. To the contrary in fact. My whole point here is to dissolve all of the mythology that has been built up around what may indeed be a factual physical realm and race of being right here on Earth. A place we might call hell, and a race that we may have known as demons at one time, but now identify simply as "reptilians."

EDIT to add: This isn't about ideology, but literal physical existence. Not that "bad people are going to hell," but that even "good" people might just as easily be snatched by this hidden race that really don't much care about what we believe.

[edit on 4/7/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 03:13 PM
i want to believe in this i really do but even the so called " wackos " of our time havent touched on their subject matter....

nosterdomus never talked about this or these reptilians,

Edgar cayce - never spoke of em either,

the bible _ well the bible is so many words an opinons that im sure you could connect internet an britney spears in there somewhere... but they talk about demons... best i can do. an serpents.

the other Psychic an mythological mystics an so forth to my knowledge ( which isnt that big compared to all who are in the knowing already ) Havent spoke of these creatures....

Wouldnt one of these people spoke about these guys in some way? I mean each one of them have talked about subject matter they havent a clue about or couldnt even obtain a clue since their wasnt anything in that nature around their time.

Im not bashing, im just honestly asking myself this, we have alot of military members talking about it, an alot of underground intel folks talking bout it, but as far as i know, they have never reached a vision, or prophecy, or anything of that matter have they? if they have light it up i wanna see, Im only so much person I have yet to stretch myself into the all knowing all seeing section....maybe next week..........

talk to mah people.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Trance Optic

You have to keep in mind that most of the prophets were Christians, and therefore already accpeted the existence of demons (reptilians) without having to be specific about it. Not to mention the fact that most other religions and cultures accept that there is, or at least that there was, a demonic race influencing mankind. The hard part is peeling away all of the mythology and ideology that has been wrapped around it.

Here is an excellent thread on the pseudo-historical origins of the reptilian mythology.

Ancient Biblical Texts and Art Depict a Reptilian-Humanoid

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 04:48 PM
Bravo.... good call, amazing how much serpents are depicted in Various texts an art all around the world....

an in modern logos an trademarks lies the same symbolism... Scurry.

Again good call on directing me to that thread... listening to podcast now....

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 12:10 AM
look into folklore and read up on changelings, don't assume everyone you meet is human christianity stole that from pagan mythologies, Arcadia more like, a #ed up place if I ever dreamt of it, but oh so enjoyable

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Nohup
No, no. People become "missing" when something disrupts the timeline in the past, so they're wiped out of existence. We miss them because we have still experienced time from our perspective and still hold the events and memories of their existence in our minds, even though they have been nullified in the present.

Get it? The people vanish because some kind of time traveler or reverse-time event got them or one of their ancestors, causing them to vanish. Except in our memories.

yes I get what your saying, amazing info.

Just where did you get it? Quite interesting, I had read ages ago that if you meet up with yourself in another dimension, you vanish.

didn't seem logical at the time, but is interesting what you put forward.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Yea thats all I was sayin, that link was pretty christian based (nothing wrong with that) and I just think their report is biased towards their belief.

On the topic of Hell being a metaphor or primitive description of some deep underground lair where unholy horrible acts are commited on abducted/farmed humans, well I am interested in this. Lots and lots of primitive cultures (to tired to find exact names) have references to similar stuff regarding Reptilian like beings and giants. Not to mention how lots of previous civilizations also had death and ritual beliefs like the Norse Ragnarok sorta fits the cast here to: A giant snake wrapped around some form of land mass or inner landmass?

Basically history is littered with clues that make me personally thinks things are far more interesting then official records let us believe. I need to read more on this and hopefully see more evidence but now I am still on the fence.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Slickinfinity

I need to read more on this and hopefully see more evidence but now I am still on the fence.

To be honest, I hope I never know for sure, first hand.


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