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U.N. Could Lead New 9/11 investigation, says Japanese MP

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posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 01:20 PM

U.N. Could Lead New 9/11 investigation, says Japanese MP

Japanese member of Parliament Yukihisa Fujita told the Alex Jones Show yesterday that a potential new investigation of the 9/11 cover-up could be led by global parliamentarians he has been in contact with, or even by the United Nations itself.

Fujita, an MP for the Japanese Democratic Party, and a member of the House of Councillors in the Diet (national legislature), presented evidence which contradicted the official 9/11 story during a widely publicized Japanese Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee meeting in January of this year.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 01:20 PM
Oh....If only....

There is definitely SOMETHING wrong with 9/11---I haven't made my mind up yet, but I am absolutely convinced that our gov had a hand in it, perhaps not directly, perhaps so...But at the very least they KNEW it was coming---Bush recieved over 40 intelligence warnings what was being planned and he did NOTHING. Nor did he appear to be concerned whatsoever when he was being told it was happening. This has dirtiness written all over it.

My guess is that they will do everything to block a UN investigation, because if an OUTSIDE entity does the digging, they will not be able to rig and cover up things like they can internally. If the truth about this ever gets out, it could have earth-shattering implications IMO. These rulers will do everything possible to stave that off---Their security depends upon it.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 01:32 PM
It's pretty pathetic how we have to have an outside entity come into our own country to do an investigation on a situation that was against our own country. It's absolutely sickening to know our government didn't send in our best investigators to find out what happened that day, why it happened, and how it happened.

There should be a new investigation into 9/11, and an investigation into the incompetance leading up to that day, throughout that day, and following that day. I just can't fathom why the government would stimie an investigation, unless they had something to hide.

However, I know in my heart that 9/11 was at least partially an inside job by members of our government and the NWO government. Therefore, I don't expect to ever see another investigation.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 01:36 PM
As it stands, the only way for such an investigation to yeild any results would be for the US administration to cooperate in full. I dont see any chance of that happening, so i doubt this will go far.

Even if it somehow did go forward, much of the evidence (at least, evidence of any of the more fringe theories (explosives, thermite, etc)) is long gone by now.

This seems to me, to be more of a political stunt, then a real chance for an investigation.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 01:55 PM
The attack was on American land and did not include an attack on the UN.

UN has no right to get involved. Alex Jones talks about the UN stealing American sovereignty and now wants it to investigate, over-riding the democratically elected US government?
Alex thinks the UN is the NWO, it makes no sense. It's the heart of all of Jones conspiracy theories, so why support it?

...Oh, I forgot. It's Alex Jones.

Does that mean the UN has a right to investigate the chemical attack on the Tokyo subway system too? Somehow, this Japanese MP will refuse it

Political stunt if you ask me

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 02:03 PM
Our government didn't perform a proper investigation because they didn't want one in the first place! It's quite obvious when you look at the evidence surrounding the investigation and how it was run that the administration did everything it could to stack the cards against the families and those looking for a decent probe into what happened that day.
The fact that our own gov't only allotted $3 Million at first, $14mil later on, to investigate the murder of 3000 people, should tell us all something about how little they actually wanted to look into the tragedy but instead, pushed through things like the PATRIOT Act, Military Commissions act, etc.etc....Did you all know they spent over $40million to find out what Clinton did with that fat intern or "that woman". Just some perspective for everyone!!
or this video
Notice how little concern he shows for anything regarding 9/11, like the families!!...what a sick joke!!

9/11 Press for Truth is a good documentary to watch if you don't want to get bogged down with the other evidence relating to 9/11. By "other" evidence I mean the NORAD stand down order, the Military drills being run that day...the list goes on.
Hopefully something good will come from the UN investigation but since the US does not listen to anything the UN says, I don't think anything will come of this....and we'll go on believing more lies.


posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by infinite

I know... :shk:

Never for the life of me will I understand how people who are so into studying the NWO conspiracy will be quick to take side with the United Nations when convenient. Oh thats right, I said when convenient.

I used to read Alex Jones daily, keeping up with what he posted, as it is a good site to get stories from major sources that are compiled in one place. But more and more it has become tiresome to sift through what is real and what is his own version of belief on that site. I believe something wasn't right about 9/11, be it the way our government handled it or how our government handled it. However I am of the belief that if the UN touches this, either way it is going to be for the furthering push of NWO agenda.

Think about it, if the UN says it was an inside job, and people take this seriously, it is going to lead to a lot of unrest around the world. If the UN says it was just as the US says it happened, conspiracists around the world are going to freak out. Unrest is the best way to gain more controls on the population though, and we don't win that way no matter what.

[edit on 3/31/08 by niteboy82]

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 02:35 PM
I can't imagine being 'convinced' by an investigation conducted by the UN - after all - aren't they just as suspect in being involved in this mass manipulation of global fear? If 9/11 was conspiratorial, wouldn't the UN have some complicity in its cover-up?

How many nations are involved? How many interests were potentially served by the event? Let's face it, unless they say exactly what we want to hear - will we be inclined to accept their inevitable declaration that the plan was masterminded by a cave-dwelling billionaire with an IQ of 98, and executed by his team of crack pilot ne'er do well minions cleverly disguised as white middle-class businessmen with weapons sequestered from the local office supply store?

IMHO we will NOT get answers from 'outside' the US. We need to scour the records of our local 'heroic officials' and their 'completely unrelated business activities' to find motive and opportunity. THEN we need to water-board them until they beg for a free trip to the Guantanamo Spa.

But looong before that happens Chaney will retire to Dubai and Bush will become an American 'statesman' living in Paraguay.

[edit on 31-3-2008 by Maxmars]

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 03:00 PM

Fujita...presented evidence which contradicted the official 9/11 story

It would have been nice if Jones could have told us what this evidence supposedly was.

I noticed this heading and had a bit of a chuckle...

9/11 Truth Conference at EU Parliament in Brussels, February 26th, 2008.

That's a cute little use of doublespeak. This isn't about "truth" but finding evidence for something they already have their minds made up about.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 03:05 PM
it is good to see awareness spreading, one way or another.

these are international war crimes, and the U.N. has every 'right' to do an investigation.
it's U.N., not U.S..

the idea of U.N. troops being sent to police america sounds a little familiar to this ol' conspiracy hound.

i just see layers of big brother laughing at one another over the joke that is the seething mass.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

Could not agree more

To me, it just seems Alex Jones has lost his principles and just chasing everything linked to 9/11 just so he can sell some more DVDs.

I know of conspiracy theorists who think this is treasonous of Alex Jones. He tells us to fight the globalists and now he wants us to side with them?

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by infinite
reply to post by niteboy82

Could not agree more

To me, it just seems Alex Jones has lost his principles and just chasing everything linked to 9/11 just so he can sell some more DVDs.

I know of conspiracy theorists who think this is treasonous of Alex Jones. He tells us to fight the globalists and now he wants us to side with them?

I've heard the same. Mr. Jones is losing the confidence of much of his 'audience' because he seems to be slipping into a disingenuous mode of reporting. I hope that if he has not 'gone over to the dark side' - so to speak, he can at least explain his new found confidence in the very system he became so popular questioning in the first place.

[edit on 31-3-2008 by Maxmars]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

" U.N. Could Lead New 9/11 investigation, says Japanese MP "

WHAT?!?!?!? You mean the 9-11 commission didn't do a good job of smothering the truth?

AND, what a great idea, to have an institution started by a commie [ alger hiss ]
try to get to the truth, for the people of the world.

You gotta hand it to these jokers....Talk about a case of un-mitigated GALL!!!!!

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