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What Star System do you think that ET could originate from?

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posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Kinesis
51 Pegasi, Upsilon Andromedae, Epsilon Eridani, 55 Cancri, Rho Coronae Borealis, 16 Cygni B, 47 Ursae Majoris, 14 Herculis and Tau Boötis.

Good that you brought up some interesting star systems. I figured I fill in some blanks:

Bold = There is a biosphere.

Blue = Colony is present.

Green = Actual alien homeworld, not colony.

If you stated 61 Cygni A, there would have been two up there that are marked with green, but you listed the 'B' component.

Originally posted by angelc01
Hello WFA -- I do not know if it has been mentiond on this thread but how about The Hyades cluster northern constelation Taurus [the bull] view this link>>

There is mention there of a large planet capable of life. Of coures these are theories based on speculations from astronomers using the latest in hightec telescopes.

The Hyades cluster is a far better place to look for life compared to the Pleiades cluster (not that the latter should be excluded). Thanks for bringing it up

Originally posted by SageOfWisdom
Little bit of debunking, Pleiades open star cluster is less than 100 million years old, Too young for intelligent life, and before you say life migrated there. most stars in the cluster are B class, most likely too hot for life to be supported.

I have studied the Pleiades cluster members, and there seem to be quite a few stars that are F, G and K-class. Most of them are foreground or background stars, but I imagine an ET species would rather mention the cluster (easier to find, associate), than any specific stars there.

Age means little to a colonizing species. If they found a way to traverse hundreds of light years distance in space, I think they would have some technology to terraform young hot planets and shield themselves from excessive radiation.

I'm not a proponent of the Pleiadian thing and the stars these beings claim to hail from (actual Pleiades members, like Taygeta or Alcyone), but in all honesty, the rest of the 1000 and so stars cannot be so easily excluded. Just playing the field more fairly.

Sirius is also too hot, and the gravity from Sirius B also makes life seemingly impossible.

Like I said above, I'm sure colonizers (as the hailers from Sirius claim to be), are capable of shielding themselves from the radiation. Also, Sirius B was once an F-class star, nothing says a civilization couldn't have had colonies there before the star went in its giant phase and then shrunk to a white dwarf. Don't forget Sirius C, a dim, low mass red dwarf orbiting Sirius A (any planets orbiting that red dwarf would only experience the effects of 'A' on periodic basis, because they revolve rapidly around its parent star, the red dwarf).

And another thing - Recent studies suggest that white dwarfs can last almost more than half their previous, main sequence lifetime lasted, which is 5-6 billion years of cooling down period, for stars like our Sun, when they shed their lair. The same studies, suggest that after the initial ejection of mass, the orbits of inner planets shift outward, and the materials that were blown shift inward, causing in some models for a new habitable planet to form, if the right mixture happens. The only difference to our sun would be that it would shine more white light, and the light wouldn't be coming from a big circle like the sun, but from a small star-like dot on the sky.

Pollux however, is a good candidate for life IMO.

I don't see under which criteria is this star system better than any others (i'm puzzled, as this system was mentioned a couple of times, if not more, in this thread, so I'm amazed how people draw these criteria ... Is it because of the planet in orbit?)

Originally posted by yeti101
SageofWisdom, sorry but Gliese 581 is an M class star the more we learn about these stars and the planets in the HZ the less likely they are to develop complex life.

to say they are problematic would be an understatement. Any planet in the HZ will be tidally locked like the moon is to earth. One side in eternal sunlight the other in darkness. Recent calculations on the tidal forces exterted on these planets by the parent star are MASSIVE. Were talking collosal disruption to the interior and surface.

Theyre more likely to have a global magma ocean than a water one like ours. Sucks considering they make up 90% of the stars in our galaxy.

Recent models suggest that life around red dwarfs might not face such negative impacts as previously thought. In fact, planets around it, even though tidally locked, would have more or less, Earth-like characteristics, although they may be slightly more storm-generating. Even the solar flares don't seem to be much of a problem.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by SageOfWisdom
Well, problem with this is that M15 is not a galaxy it is a globular cluster of stars that lie on the edge of the milky way halo. all the stars in that cluster are extremely old and cannot support life. especially that close together.

as for Alpha centuari, I dont think life can form in multiple star systems.
IF anyone is interested they can go in there backyard(Northern hemisphere only, this time of year.) look at gemini and locate pollux which is an extrasolar solar system, and a fairly bright star.

Pollux is not a better candidate than any other star in line between our Sun and that system, surely not Alpha Centauri. Also, Pollux is too young to develop even multicellular life on any of its planets so far, let alone extraterrestrial intelligence capable of spaceflight.

Also, nothing suggests globular clusters cannot support life, where the hell did you get that idea? If anything, the close proximity of such stars provides additional motivation for ET intelligence to develop spaceflight capabilities and visit neighboring systems. What has the age of the cluster have to go with life itself too?

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
Based on the observed anatomy and physiology of the Greys, assuming they are not wearing suits, I would say we should look for a planet or moon that is a likely habitat for them.

Assuming they are not wearing suits, does their appearance suggest a paticular kind habitat? Do their large black eyes suggest a certain kind of lighting maybe?

Well, the "Tall Greys" (very tall, 7-8 feet tall), coupled with their frail build, long extremities and such, would suggest that they have evolved, or lived (in their more recent history), on worlds that are small in size, and with lower gravity than Earth (Some common people who have had contact with these beings have been told that they do inhabit smaller worlds).

Their large eyes would imply that they probably started off on a world that either orbited a very hot, bright star, or probably a medium close binary star system. The black color of their entire eyes suggests that at least recently (in their recorded history), they have switched to places that lack light.

There are mentions that the 'Grays' also inhabit hollowed out asteroids (in the Asteroid Belt), or places like the martian moon Phobos, or Mars itself (or its underground to be more precise). This would explain the lack of light, and low gravity (with the asteroids, approaching near zero G). If you put humans underground for half a millennium, they probably would end up with similar, fully (or almost full) black eyes.

There is also a scientific hypothesis that suggests that certain extraterrestrial civilizations would rather live in artificial habitats or internally terraformed asteroids rather than planets, after being engaged in space exploration for a long while.

Originally posted by easynow
considering the impossibilities of anything traveling from another star system why do people assume aliens would be from somewhere far far away ?

There are no such impossibilities. Only motivation and dedication (or lack there of).

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by alextron
From what I know or been told; these star system in our galaxy have life.

Zeta Reticulia 1 and 2; near Rigel. the Greys (Zeta)

From my research (and experiences), it seems that Zeta1 and Zeta2 Reticuli are only .. sort of a "bus stop" in their long trade routes.

There are many genetic variants of the 'Grey' exophenotype, in many sizes, skin colors, physical traits etc., but they all seem to be roughly situated around a myriad of star systems, interlinked with each other between the constellations Orion, Ursa Minor, and Ursa Major (the bulk of it here). Most of the star systems that I've been told of, that are associated with them, at least the core systems, seem to be the majority of the stars that are part of the Ursa Major Moving Group.

It would stand to reason that they would be there, as these stars move in same speed, roughly same direction in space, and that in turn implies long term wormhole stability between the neighboring systems.

By the way, most of the Orion (ZETA) Empire controls almost
a whole galaxy in the Abyss (antiuniverse).

DALS (Lord Loki is the supreme leader - they are nordics) are
in the DAL universe (Dal is actually the same as DAAT in hebrew,
which is the Abyss universe).
The Dals and Pleaidians also call our physical universe the
DERN Universe; hebrews call it malkuth (kingdom).

The thing about matter/antimatter universes, is that whatever is here, shouldn't be there, and vice versa (seems to be some kind of physical law).

That's why we have the 'daleon' (or Dals, as some call them), and the 'kolidassa' (or Koldasians, as some call them), coming from that universe, and not much of else that is here, exists there.

If you have read the 'Koldasian' case, if I remember well too, in their universe, life is rare, and this made it difficult for a body of civilizations to unite and create some kind of alliance, as we have numerous examples of, here in our "matter" universe, because any civilizations live too far away from each other. And they never mentioned any Orion Group as far as I know.

Altair (Aquila Constelation); Green reptoids/dinoids

On one of the gas giant's moons there, a primitive life form has developed that is now being genetically altered by some of the "reptoid" species that had annexed that star system. So I'm not sure if you are referring to the natives, or the aggressors here.

Pollux ; red ants

Pollux's planets lack multicellular life at this point in time. Where did you get this information?

Auriga (Capella); Blue Aurigans humans

There are no human-looking ETs in the Capella system, but a "reptoid" exophenotype variant. You did guess the color correctly, they are indeed blue.

Alpha Centauri (Zeus..)
Promina Centauri (Ningishidia.. yellow reptoids)

The only "reptoid" variants in this trinary system are located on one of the planets in component 'A', not 'C' (Proxima). They are not just yellow too.

I say I'm a SahSohTao human; since I believe quite strongly I'm an
old blue orion incarnate (6 billion blue orion queen of saiph).

Elohim are nothing but another name for the same culprits blamed for Nibiru and carrying the label Anunnaki as well. They actually don't have a home so no wonder they didn't tell you much about it

As far as Saiph, its not one of the main Orion stars being populated/used. Betelgeuse, Mintaka, Rigel and Bellatrix are the only ones.
edit on 23-3-2013 by Basqiat because: (no reason given)

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