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Preserving/Purifying water

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posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 08:56 AM
We've got the food thread,I didn't want to derail it so I'm starting this one.

What's the best way to preserve/purify water for when you're on the go. Boiling is good I suppose,you can even hold a plate over the water and collect any salt in it. But are there any other ways of getting drinkable water,on the move?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:28 PM
For water you can get those water purifing tablets that work pretty good. The only bad thing about them is they leave bad taste in your mouth, but i dont think you have to worry about how your water tastes in sitx. Also they work alot faster then boiling.

You can also get a portable water purifier for around $100 if you want. I have never used them but i heard they work fine. And They are probably better in a survival sitution because they would last longer.

And one final thing, for storing water I dont think you need anything special besides a clean container.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:42 PM
Boiling will often make water drinkable. A simple distillation will remove many impurties, even most chemicals.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 09:05 PM
You can put water under a plastic tarp sitting in the Sun, and the water will evaporate and condensate on the plastic tarp. If you angle the plastic tarp downward toward a second container, you can make the condensated water droplets run downwards and collect there.

The second container will have drinkable water. (Assuming the plastic tarp or the 2nd bowl isn't already contaminated.)

[edit on 25-3-2008 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 04:06 AM
Aside from everything mentioned in this thread, would a capful or two of hydrogen peroxide 3% to a gallon of water help purify and kill bacteria?

Thank you!

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 05:22 AM
Go to this website:
Survival Gear

Search for this product:

It costs $21.99. I have used this many times, it works!

[edit on 26-3-2008 by craig732]

[edit on 26-3-2008 by craig732]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 06:01 AM
Two birds, one stone...

The best method to preserve water post-x would be to design your latrine area so that urine is collected seperately from solid waste.

This would enable you to reclaim the water through evaporation/condensation methods leaving the by-products from the process available to fertilise your food crops with (and it makes for an excellent fertiliser!)

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 12:48 PM
Option 1: Boiling water – This is generally the safest method to destroy any disease & organisms. In order to boil water you will need a source of heat either from a fire or a camp/emergency stove (I recommend a CampChefstove) a camp pot or cup. If the water you locate is murky or cloudy some people like to first pour the water through a coffee filter/paper towel to get rid of any sediment that may be in the water, of course this is optional. Make sure that you bring the water to a rolling boil for a minimum of 60 seconds plus one added minute for each 1000 feet above sea level in order to ensure that all living organisms are dead. If the water taste flat after boiling it may need to be aerated, this can be done by pouring water back and forth between 2 containers.

Option 2: Tablets – This option is the most light weight and portable solution. There are two common types of tablets that are available to purify water Iodine & Chlorine. If the water you locate is murky or cloudy some people like to first pour the water through a coffee filter/paper towel to get rid of any sediment that may be in the water before you add the tablets, of course this is optional.

Iodine Tablets – Iodine will kill pathogens that are heat resistant. When using iodine drop the tablet in the water and wait 30 minutes before drinking the water as per instructions on the bottle. You can also use liquid iodine. If there are no directions on the iodine bottle use 12 drops to the gallon of water. If the water is cloudy, double that quantity. Again, mix well and allow to stand for thirty minutes. Iodine is a quick and easy solution. Pregnant women and people with thyroid problems should contact a physician before taking iodine.

Chlorine Dioxide Tablets - Like the iodine this is also a light weight and portable solution for water purification. Chlorine Dioxide is a stronger pathogen killer than iodine and will not discolor the water. To use these tablets drop them in your water and wait 15 minutes before drinking as per the instructions on the bottle. The water will have a slight chlorine taste. You can also use liquid bleach found in your home - Liquid Chlorine Bleach: Be sure the bleach you have on hand for this purpose contains only sodium hypochlorite (5.25% solution) with no soap, phosphates, scents, etc. For one gallon of clear water, add 8 drops (1/8 tsp) of bleach. To five gallons of clear water add 32 drops (1/2 tsp.) If the water is cloudy, double these amounts. Use this eye dropper or spoon for nothing else. At the time the bleach is purchased, it should be dated. Bleach which is over a year old has lost about half its strength so the quantities you use would have to be doubled. After adding the bleach to the water, mix well and let stand for thirty minutes before using.

Note: Both chlorine and iodine will impart a taste to the water. Pouring the water from one container to another several times will help dissipate some of that taste by re-oxygenating the water. If you have some Tang or Kool-Aid they will help disguise these tastes for children.

Option 3: Water Filters - Water Filters will remove bacteria, cysts and parasites & filters can remove many waterborne chemicals and even filter out "off" tastes that boiling or tablets cannot. These filters are made in various sizes and output capacities. Some are small enough to be carried in a backpack. It would be advisable to have several of these on hand. Filters are an excellent option when you have the need for something that you can carry and will last long term.

All the product you need can be found at

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 11:07 AM
tie a plastic bag around a couple of large leaves on a tree and make sure its sealed, then come back a day later, and you have drinkable water.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 12:29 PM
I keep a few of these,
in my GHB and in the cars.

for my BOB I have one of these,
and a bunch of extra filters.

for an extended SHTF a slow sand filter may work if you are staying in one spot.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 06:17 AM
Well my 'Lifesaver' was delivered today. I got the smaller one, the 4000 litre unit. Its about the size of a normal flask.

I will have to have a play with it this weekend


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