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2012 For The Faint Of Heart...

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posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by dontwannadie

You are definitely a very smart guy, Robert. I am sure from a scientists POV the creation of atomic and sub atomic energy was in an attempt to understand energy and see how it would apply in understanding something as big and vast and mysterious as the universe. Yet time and time again curiosity has killed the cat- and its continued fascination with devastating historical consequences has not deterred science from trying. Its like telling a genius to remain stupid because its better for them!

There is an evil exploitative foreign element which is obviously ruining thing for everyone. Is it merely the worst human trait which has not been eradicated yet? Not likely, because instinctive nature would have brought this into bigger play by now.

Is this element a lizard-like extra-terrestrial entity? Who knows, but listening to the rantings of a failed sports star who wishes to remain in the spotlight and make mega bucks certainly is not the person I would be inclined to listen to. His popularity is really based on the superstitious fear driven traits which so many people are heavily infected with- religion has never cured this malady and if anything has kept it thriving.

Science has not cured this malady either- which suggests the cure lies in alternate philosophies and practices because it is clear that science has no answer and cannot either confirm or deny it- therefore science is useless on this particular issue and should by all responsibility- shut the hell up. Science clearly states if there is no imperial evidence either way then it is not science- yet science and scientists are offering conclusions, theories and disinformation.

This is not because science is evil This is because deception, corruption and dishonesty has reached its peak of effectiveness and its over. Consequences will now be witnessed as will the remaining holders of deception squeezing the last vestiges out not unlike getting that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube.

This is where we are at and I do not need science or anything else to prove this is reality.

So change must occur and it will occur and it will be just as awkward and painful as change always is- now if you add spirituality to this recipe "divine" intervention will happen to help transition and universal healing can happen and it will happen.

We are nothing more than a universal boil that is about to be lanced and all the puss squeezed out so the infection will not spread. Anyone who does understand this concept (you don't have to agree- just understand) is an over educated idiot- and there are plenty of them- my father included. My dad has a Phd and is one of the dumbest experts you will ever meet.

You seem like a really nice guy who wants to spread good news and bust all the horror and hype of horror- which is a good thing on one level- but a very unhealthy thing on other levels.

"The road to hell is often paved with the best intentions"

[edit on 21-3-2008 by dk3000]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by dontwannadie

Ok, I'm replying to my own post, sadly. Just one bit I need to clear up...

I said, "Tell me about an NWO that involves everybody standing in the welfare line, and I'll agree that it could happen. In fact, I'll even join the club."

I meant: Poor people rising up to take over the world; sign me up... makes more sense than the rich people. Rich people already, practically own it anyway. It's simple: rich people control things and poor people don't.
Therefore, the NWO is completely unnecessary due to the fact that there's no need to gain control of what you already have control of. Name one speculated member of some secret society, that plans to take over the world, and I'll give you a estimation of the time that person has remaining on this planet. Not very long, I assure you. No time worth wasting on world domination. We've had a few who have felt as though world domination was a worthy endeavor... boy, were they wrong.
Unfortunately for most of the megalomaniacs out there, the days are numbered. And in America?? Where criminals are armed with machine guns? I don't know... sounds pretty far fetched to me. Do the NWO constituents have their evil sights set on New Zealand as well? How about the Swiss? Are they going to get it too?
Sorry for the heavy sarcasm. Just having a comic relief moment.
This is all part of the NWO section of the thread, I guess. Saves me the trouble of referencing material and assembling proper counterpoints.
I believe that the tone of this response is clear enough.

It is this blogger's humble opinion that the NWO is just an excuse to point fingers at a higher, in this case evil, power rather than accept the responsibility for our own existence on this planet. It seems just one more convoluted way to spin our world into something that is out of our control, therefore, can not be helped. When we develop these fantastic theories, we relinquish all responsibility for the poor shape of things...
the bad guys are at fault.
We ARE the bad guys. But, we're not so bad really.
We're just overwhelmed.

What seems to be a beacon of light, shimmering in the distance, is this incredible global conscience to quit polluting so much and reel in the waste.

Whether you, or anybody believes that global warming is our fate sealed in blood or just a temporary nuisance... the good news is, we're getting a global conscience handed to us and are actually doing something about it.

We're growing, emotionally. Maybe by force, but nevertheless...

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 05:20 PM
The END IS NEAR!!!!!!

B.C.-A.D. According to the New Testament, The End should have occurred before the death of the last Apostle. In Matthew 16:28, it says:

Verily, I say unto you, there be some standing here which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.

One by one, all the apostles died. And the world rolled on for everyone else. . . .

A.D. 992 In the year 960, scholar Bernard of Thuringia caused great alarm in Europe when he confidently announced that his calculations gave the world only thirty-two more years before The End. His own end, fortunately for him, occurred before that event was to have taken place.

December 31, A.D. 999 The biblical Apocrypha says that the Last Judgment (and therefore, one supposes, the end of the world) would occur one thousand years after the birth of Jesus Christ. When the day arrived, though it is doubtful that there was all the panic that was reported by later accounts, a certain degree of apprehension was probably experienced. It was said that land was left uncultivated in that final year, since there would obviously be no need for crops. According to the Encyclopedia of Superstitions, public documents of that era began, "As the world is now drawing to a close . . ." Modern authorities suspect that historians Voltaire and Gibbon may have created or at least embellished this tale to prove the credulous nature of medieval Christians.

Significantly, Pope Sylvester II and Emperor Otto III momentarily mended their considerable political differences in anticipation of a certain leveling of those matters.

A.D. 1033 Theorists pressed to explain the A.D. 999 bust decided that the 1,000 years should have been figured from the death of Christ rather than from his birth. Bust number two followed.

September 1186 An astrologer known as John of Toledo in 1179 circulated pamphlets advertising the world's end when all the (known) planets were in Libra. (If the sun was included in this requirement, this should have occurred on September 23 at 16:15 GMT, or at that same hour on October 3 in the new calendar.) In Constantinople, the Byzantine Emperor walled up his windows, and in England the Archbishop of Canterbury called for a day of atonement. Though the alignment of planets took place, The End did not.

A.D. 1260 Joaquim of Flore worked out a splendid calculation that definitely pinpointed A.D. 1260 as The Date. Joaquim had a bent pin.

February 1, 1524 This was one of the most pervasive Doomsday-by-Flood expectations ever recorded. In June of 1523, astrologers in London predicted that The End would begin in London with a deluge. Some 20,000 persons left their homes, and the Prior of St. Bartholomew's built a fortress in which he stocked enough food and water for a two-month wait. When the dreaded date failed to provide even a rain shower in a city where precipitation is very much to be expected, the astrologers recalculated and discovered they'd been a mere one hundred years off. (On the same day in 1624, astrologers were again disappointed to discover that they were still dry and alive.)

The year 1524 was full of predicted disaster. Belief in this date was very strong throughout Europe. An astrologer impressively named Nicolaus Peranzonus de Monte Sancte Marie, found that a coming conjunction of major planets would occur in Pisces (a water sign) that year, and this strengthened the general belief in a universal final deluge.

George Tannstetter, another astrologer/mathematician at the University of Vienna, was one of very few at that time who denied The End would occur as predicted. He drew up his own horoscope, discovered that he would live beyond 1524, and denied the other calculations were correct. But George was considered a spoilsport, and was ignored.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 05:23 PM

A "giant flood" was prophesied for February 20 (some say February 2) of 1524 by astrologer Johannes Stoeffler, who employed his skill to establish that date in 1499. Such was the belief in his ability that more than one hundred pamphlets were written and published on his prediction.

The planets involved in this dire conjunction were Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, along with the sun. Neptune, unknown then, was also in the sign Pisces. Other major influences, Uranus and the moon, were not. Nor was Pluto, also unknown then. But the date of this conjunction was February 23 (old calendar), not the twentieth.

In response to the 1524 prophecies, in Germany, people set about building boats, while one Count von Iggleheim, obviously a devout believer in Stoeffler's ability, built a three-story ark. In Toulouse, French President Aurial also built himself a huge ark. In some European port cities, the populace took refuge on boats at anchor. When it only rained lightly on the predicted date where von Iggleheim had his ark, the crowd awaiting the deluge ran amok and, with little better to do, stoned the count to death. Hundreds were killed in the resultant stampede. Stoeffler, who had survived the angry mob, re-examined his data and came up with a new date of 1528. This time there was no reaction to his declaration. Sometimes people actually get smart.

Incidentally, the 1878 Encyclopaedia Britannica described 1524 as "a year, as it turned out, distinguished for drought."

1532. A bishop of Vienna, Frederick Nausea, decided a major disaster was "near" when various strange events were reported to him. He was told that bloody crosses had been seen in the skies along with a comet, that black bread had fallen from midair, and that three suns and a flaming castle had been discerned in the heavens. The story of an eight-year-old girl of Rome whose breasts, he was told, spouted warm water, finally convinced this scholar that the world was due to end, and he so declared to the faithful.

October 3, 1533, at Eight A.M. Mathematician and Bible student Michael Stifel (known as Stifelius) had calculated an exact date and time for Doomsday from scholarly perusal of the Book of Revelation. When they did not vaporize, the curiously ungrateful citizens of the German town of Lochau, where Stifel had announced the dreaded day, rewarded him with a thorough flogging. He also lost his ecclesiastical living as a result of his prophetic failure.

1533 Anabaptist Melchior Hoffmann announced in Strasbourg, France, a city which had been chosen by him as the New Jerusalem, that the world would be consumed by flames in 1533. He believed that in New Jerusalem exactly 144,000 persons would live on while two characters named Enoch and Elias would blast flames from their mouths over the rest of the world. The rich and pious who hoped to be included in that number saved destroyed their rent records, forgave their debtors, and gave away their money and goods to the poor. How those commodities were to be used among the flames was not explained, nor did anyone point out that such sacrifices so near The End were hardly meritorious.

The time of cataclysm by fire came and went, and a new apostle named Matthysz arose to encourage those who now expressed slight doubts, telling them it had been slightly postponed. Thus, in February 1534, more than one hundred persons were baptized in Amsterdam in anticipation of the still-expected event. As it turned out, the years 1533 and 1534 were noted for their lack of conflagrations, a fact that might be explained by the public's suddenly increased awareness of danger from fire.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 05:24 PM

1537 (And also in 1544, 1801, and 1814) In Dijon, France, a list of prophecies by astrologer Pierre Turrel was published posthumously. His predictions of The End were spread over a period of 277 years, but all were fortunately wrong. He had used four different methods of computation to arrive at the four dates, while assuring his readers that he had strictly orthodox religious beliefs——a very wise move in his day.

1544 See 1537.

1572 In Britain, a total solar eclipse and a few impressive novas seemed to signal something important. Considerable panic ensued, to no avail.

1584 Astrologer Cyprian Leowitz, who had the distinction in 1559 of being included in the official Index of prohibited writers by Pope Paul IV, predicted the end of the world for 1584. Taking no chances, however, he then issued a set of astronomical tables covering celestial events all the way to the year 1614, in the unlikely event that the world would survive. It did.

1588 The sage Regiomontanus (Johann Müller, 1436-1476), posthumously a victim of enthusiastic crackpots who delighted in attributing occult and magical powers to him, was said to have predicted The End for the year 1588 in an obscure quatrain, but in 1587 Norfolk physician John Harvey reassured his readers that the calculations ascribed to the master were faulty, and the resulting prophecy false. Harvey was right.

1624 See 1524.

1648 Rabbi Sabbati Zevi, in Smyrna, interpreted the kabala to show that he was the promised Messiah and that his advent, accompanied by spectacular miracles, was due in 1648. By 1665, regardless of the failure of the wonders to appear, Zevi had a huge following, and his date was now changed to 1666. Citizens of Smyrna abandoned their work and prepared to return to Jerusalem, all on the strength of reported miracles by Zevi. Meeting a sharp reversal when arrested by the Sultan for an attempted coup and brought in fetters to Constantinople, the new Messiah sat in prison while followers as far away as Holland, Germany and Hungary began packing up in anticipation of Armageddon. Unfortunately for these faithful, the Sultan converted the capricious Zevi to Islam, and the movement ended.

1654 Consulting his ephemeris and considering the nova of 1572, physician Helisaeus Roeslin of Alsace decided in 1578 that the world would surely terminate in flames in another seventy-six years. He did not survive to see his prophecy fail. That should have been an evil year indeed. An eclipse of the sun was predicted for August 12 (it actually occurred on the 11th) and that was also widely believed to bring about The End. Many conversions to the True Faith took place, physicians prescribed staying indoors, and the churches were filled.

1665 With the Black Plague in full force, Quaker Solomon Eccles terrorized the citizens of London yet further with his declaration that the resident pestilence was merely the beginning of The End. He was arrested and jailed when the plague began to abate rather than increasing. Eccles fled to the West Indies upon his release from prison, whereupon he once again exercised his zeal for agitation by inciting the slaves there to revolt. The Crown fetched him back home as a troublemaker, and he died shortly thereafter.

1666 See 1648.

1704 Cardinal Nicholas de Cusa, without Vatican endorsement, declared The End was to arrive in 1704.

May 19, 1719 Jacques (also Jakob I) Bernoulli, the first of a famous line of Swiss mathematicians who made their home in Berne, predicted the return of the comet of 1680 and earth-rending results therefrom. The comet did not come back, perhaps for astronomical reasons, but Bernoulli went on to discover a mathematical series now called the Bernoulli Numbers. He is renowned for this and for the eight exceptional mathematicians his line produced in three generations, but not for Doomsday nor for his astronomical calculations.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 05:26 PM

October 13, 1736 London was once again targeted for the "beginning of the end," this time by William Whiston. The Thames filled with waiting boatloads of citizens, but it didn't even rain. Another setback.

1757 Mystic/theologian/spiritist and supreme egocentric Emmanuel Swedenborg, ever willing to be a center of attention for one reason or another, decided after one of his frequent consultations with angels that 1757 was the terminating date of the world. To his chagrin, he was not taken too seriously by anyone, including the angels.

April 5, 1761 When religious fanatic and soldier William Bell noticed that exactly twenty-eight days had elapsed between a February 8 and a March 8 earthquake in 1761, he naturally concluded that the entire world would crumble in another twenty-eight days, that is, on April 5th. Most suggested that the date should have been four days earlier, in tune with the probability, but many credulous Londoners believed him and snapped up every available boat, taking to the Thames or scurrying out of town as if those actions would save them. History records nothing more of Bell after April 6, when he was tossed into London's madhouse, Bedlam, by a disappointed public.

1774 English sect leader Joanna Southcott (1750-1814) had the notion that she was pregnant with the New Messiah, whom she proposed to name Shiloh. History records that her pregnancy "came to nothing," nor did the world end as she had prophesied. She left behind a box of mystical notes that were to be opened only after her death with twenty-four bishops present. Perhaps because of a failure to interest that many ecclesiastics of high rank to attend the occasion, the box was not opened and vanished somewhere. She was succeeded by several minor would-be prophets, all of whom tried other End-of-the-World predictions, with the same result. One successor, John Turner, we will meet up ahead.

1801 Astrologer Pierre Turrel (see 1537) chose this date, along with three others, for The End. His first two had already failed by this time. Again, no luck.

1814 Astrologer Pierre Turrel (remember him?) chose this last date for The End. His three others had already failed, and, again no luck! As author Charles Mackay wryly noted, "the world wagged as merrily as before."

October 14, 1820 Prophet John Turner was leader of the Southcottian movement in Bradford, England. The specialty of this sect was End-of-the-World prophecies, the first one having been made by the founder of the group, Joanna Southcott, whom we have already met back in 1774. His failed prediction turned his congregation against him, and John Wroe (see 1977, up ahead) took over the movement.

April 3, 1843 (And also July 7, 1843, March 21 and October 22, 1844) William Miller, founder of the Millerite church, spent fifteen years in careful study of the scriptures and determined that the world would conclude sometime in 1843. He announced this discovery of what he called "the midnight cry" in 1831. When there was a spectacular meteor shower in 1833, it seemed to his followers that his prediction was close to being fulfilled, and they celebrated their imminent demise. Then, as each date he named failed to produce Armageddon, Miller moved it up a bit. The faithful continued to gather by the thousands on hilltops all over America each time one of the new dates would dawn. Finally, on October 22, 1844, the last day that Miller had calculated for The End, the Millerites relaxed their vigils. Five years later, Miller died, still revered and not at all concerned at his failed prophecies.

The movement eventually changed its name and broke up into a number of modern-day churches, among them the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, which today has over three million members.

1874 A date calculated by Charles Taze Russell of the Jehovah's Witnesses (which see) for The End.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 05:27 PM

1881 Those who delighted in measuring the various passages of the Great Pyramid of Giza, presumed to be the tomb of Cheops, calculated that all would be over in 1881. Careful remeasuring and some imagination gave a better (but not much better) date of 1936. That was improved upon by other students who decided upon 1953 as the terminal year. Further refinements and improvements of technique are still being made. If we get a new date, we'll let you know.

1881 Mother Shipton is supposed to have written:

The world to an end will come
In eighteen hundred and eighty-one.

The prediction, as well as the rhyme, are faulted. A book titled, The Life and Death of Mother Shipton, written in 1684 by Richard Head, was reprinted in a garbled and freely "improved" version in 1862 by Charles Hindley. In 1873 Hindley admitted having forged that rhyme and many others, but his confession caused no lessening of the great alarm in rural England when 1881 arrived.

The world not having ended in that year, the above spurious verse has since been published in a refreshed version which substitutes "nineteen" for "eighteen" and "ninety" for "eighty." The world, according to most authorities, did not end then, either.

1936 One set of Great Pyramid measurers came up with this date.

1914 One of three dates the Jehovah's Witnesses promised The End. The others were 1874 and 1975.

1947 In 1889, "America's Greatest Prophet," John Ballou Newbrough, said that for sure in 1947:

all the present governments, religions and all monied monopolies are to be overthrown and go out of existence. . . . Our present form of so-called Christian religion will overrun America, tear down the American flag, and trample it underfoot. In Europe the disaster will be even more terrible. . . . Hundreds of thousands of people will be killed. . . . All nations will be demolished and the earth be thrown open to all people to go and come as they please.

It wasn't a great year, but it wasn't all that bad.

1953 Again, a group of Great Pyramid nuts with their tape-measures figured out this year as the last. Back to the King's Chamber, guys.

1974 Interestingly enough, the conjunction of heavenly bodies that occurred back in 1524 was far, far more powerful than the more recent one described in a silly book titled The Jupiter Effect, written by two otherwise sensible astronomers who, in 1974, predicted dreadful effects on our planet as a result of a March 10, 1982, "alignment" of planets. Other astronomers denied that any effect would be felt, and when the date came and went, as you may have noticed, no one noticed. One of the authors reported that some earthquakes which had occurred in 1980 had been the "premature result of The Jupiter Effect," and the public yawned in amazement.

1975 One of the several dates promised by the Jehovah's Witnesses as The Date. Wrong.

1977 John Wroe, who is described by the kindliest historian we can find as a "foul-mouthed, ugly, dirty lecher," in 1823 inherited the leadership of the Southcottian sect in England when an End-of-the-World prophecy by John Turner failed. Learning from the example, Wroe took no chances. He made his Armageddon prophecy for 1977. A 1971 book, Prophets Without Honor, says of Wroe:

At a time when thermo-nuclear powers face each other across the Iron and Bamboo Curtains, it is well to remember that——as far as can be judged from the scanty records——John Wroe, indeed, was a true prophet!

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 05:28 PM

1980 A very old Arabic astrological presage of doom specified that when the planets Saturn and Jupiter would be in conjunction in the sign Libra at 9 degrees, 29 minutes of that sign, we could kiss a big bye-bye to everything——camels, sand, mosques, the whole bag. That astronomical configuration almost took place at midnight of December 31 (new calendar), 1980, a date calculated by astrologers many years ago as the one spoken of. Jupiter was at 9 degrees, 24 minutes, and Saturn was at 9 degrees, 42 minutes, so the calculation was close to correct. However, nary a camel blinked an eye.

1980s The unsinkable Jeane Dixon, ever optimistic and daring, predicted in 1970 that a comet would strike the earth in the "mid-80's" at a place that she knew, but did not deign to tell. That information was to be held until a "future date." Perhaps she is now prepared to tell us? She said of this event that it "may well become known as one of the worst disasters of the 20th century." But then Jeane also said that, "I feel it will surely be in the 1980's that [an un-named person] will become the first woman president in the United States." Back to that ephemeris, Jeane.

1996 It has been reasoned by biblical scholars that since one day with God equals one thousand years for Man, and that God labored at the creation of the universe for six days, Man should labor for six thousand years and then take a rest. Thus, using other scripturally derived numbers, the world should end sometime in 1996. It didn't.

July 1999 In Quatrain X-72, Nostradamus declared:

L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
Du ciel viendra grand Roy deffraieur
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois.
Auant apres Mars regner par bon heur.

The year 1999, seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

Wrong again.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 05:35 PM
The above list of doomsday duds is brought to you by James Randi.

Thanks for keeping score, James!

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 06:58 PM
My Opinion

Short & sweet. Year 2012...The Universal equivalent of the Y2K scare that cost me thousands of dollars in computer upgrades due to my IP guys thinking the world as we know it would come to an end unless everything and everyone was Y2K compliant.

[edit on 21-3-2008 by mizzu]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by dontwannadie

I am a religious guy but I don't follow catholic or protestant teachings because they are corrupt. I follow the teachings of the original Church of God. My humble opinion is that a person claiming to be a prophet should not be deemed, "wrong" until the date has come and gone. According to bible prophecy, we are indeed living in the end-times and unless God intervenes, we will indeed destroy all life on this planet. As for your comment on the 6000 years of man's rule..... you forget to mention a transition period between that time and the 1000 years of peace under the rule of Christ. You say that the 6000 years ended in 1996 but the seals of revelation started to open in 1994 according to a self-proclaimed end time prophet, Ronald Weinland. I don't know how true that is but isn't it possible that this transition period which includes the last 3 1/2 years of man's rule, are not part of the 6000 years of man's rule and 1000 years of Christ's rule? This transition period would be known as the tribulation even though the seventh seal marks the very last 3 1/2 years. This "end-time prophet" claims that the sixth seal of revelation was opened on Sept. 11. 2001 and started the 7 thunders of the sixth seal. The demise of the USA is suppose to happen next month some time according to RW. I'm not saying that I believe it but my point is to realize that Christ mentioned that false prophets would come in his name but you should not rule out someone as a prophet until they are proven false. The mayans have not been proven false yet and just so you know, my faith doesn't mention the end of the world. It's simply the end of the age. It's the end of the age of man's rule on earth. We were given 6000 years of rule on earth in order to prove that we could live in peace under a variety of failed governments. God knew we would fail but we have turned our backs on God so many times that he allowed us to do this in order to humble us at the end and let us realize what arrogance we lived with. We are arrogant. Your list of failed prophecy is an arrogant list. Your blindness, along with the majority of the population, is arrogant toward the possiblility of the NWO. Just look at the world today. The EU is the start of the NWO. President Bush signed a pact to creat a North American Union in 2006. The NAFTA superhighway is one way of this coming about. It will eliminate borders with Mexico, USA, and Canada. There are talks of an African Union, Asian Pacific Union, and South American Union as well. How about RFID chips that are a direct violation on your right to privacy which is supposedly protected in the Constitution? I can get into some real conspiracy with you man! Arrogance is what blinds the population. Our government was created for the people and by the people. The US government needed the citizens to survive when it was created. It was meant to be that way. Today, people are nursed to need the US government in order to live a safe life. Our government has taken control away from the people. Just look at the primary elections. Ron Paul had more support than any other republican candidate but because of the lack of media attention and diebold electronic balloting machines, the outcome was fixed. Everybody else talked about the same old thing every politician trying to get elected talks about. Ron Paul spoke of the truth and spoke of the upholding of our constitution. As he said, we are going bankrupt... which by the way is perfect for the Bilderburg group to impliment the Amero as a common currency when our dollar falls flat thus creating the perfect opportunity for a NAU. There are talks of population control as well. Rich people are the ones in control of this. They don't want money, they want control of the money and power. It's not a matter of life and death for them.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 12:43 PM
I have a question to the OP, how many satellites were in orbit during the last solar max? any? What will solar max do to our satellites?

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by psychedeliack

Ah yes... a rhetorical question. Please, everybody, understand that this thread is simply a means to comprehend a sensible reality. I'm not about to begin to argue with anybody over their religious beliefs. That's called a slippery slope. The reason for the lengthy list of false doomsday predictions is just to point out the fact that people have a tendency to fear the unknown.
Those false predictions actually scared people.
For those who need it spelled out: that's bad!

Ok, back to the real reply...

Here's what I've found:

"In March, 1989, during the last solar maximum, major solar flares and the resulting space storm knocked out the electrical system throughout Quebec and destroyed a large power transformer in New Jersey. Ten years ago, computers could not cope quickly enough with scientific observations to provide alerts. Now that high tech capabilities have vastly increased, warnings, watches and forecasts can be issued, albeit not so far in advance as might be hoped. But at least the general public can be made more aware of the impact on their daily lives as well as on navigation, power distribution, and radio communications systems."

"Solar scientists calculated that the Sun reached the peak of its most-recent eleven-year sunspot activity cycle in April 2000. The solar maximum is the two-to-three year period around the peak of activity when the Sun appears most tempestuous and Earth is buffeted with powerful solar gusts."

That's the year 2000... remember anything unusual? Or particularly damaging? I can't.

"On the ground, aurora light shows could be seen as far south as El Paso, Texas. Power companies' delivery systems suffered overloads of geomagnetically induced currents that tripped capacitors and damaged at least one transformer. GPS satellite accuracy was degraded for several hours. The July 2000 Bastille Day event had surprised users who hadn't seen such solar activity for a decade."

Again... most everybody didn't even notice! This is all news to me and, more than likely, news to you.

Predicting Cycles 24 and 25:

"The Predictive Flux-transport Dynamo Model is enabling NCAR scientists to predict that the next solar cycle, known as Cycle 24, will produce sunspots across an area slightly larger than 2.5% of the visible surface of the Sun. The scientists expect the cycle to begin in late 2007 or early 2008, which is about 6 to 12 months later than a cycle would normally start. Cycle 24 is likely to reach its peak about 2012.

By analyzing recent solar cycles, the scientists also hope to forecast sunspot activity two solar cycles, or 22 years, into the future. The NCAR team is planning in the next year to issue a forecast of Cycle 25, which will peak in the early 2020s."

"This is a significant breakthrough with important applications, especially for satellite-dependent sectors of society," explains NCAR scientist Peter Gilman.

The NCAR team received funding from the National Science Foundation and NASA’s Living with a Star program.

So... I can't help but think that, well, the more we hear from scientists discussing the year 2020 or 2050 or even plans for 2015 leads me to believe that the dreaded 2012 is a fairly average year. After all, if 2012 was the great send-off, then what's the point in making big plans for the future???

If you want to believe in ghosts... you just may convince yourself that there's one around every corner. Every once in a while, you should pinch yourself.
You know? If only to get a momentary grip on our immediate reality.

Another thought on the above mentioned list of doomsday duds provided by James Randi...

He's offering $1,000,000.00 to anybody who can prove that they have psychic abilities.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by psychedeliack


Does this headline make anybody else sick?!
We're fearful little buggers aren't we?

Sun's rage could darken high-tech Earth

Radio communication is knocked out. Beepers and cell phones fall silent. Power blackouts shut down subways, elevators and traffic signals during rush hour.

High above Earth, delicate electronics on military, scientific and commercial satellites sizzle and quit.

Just in time for the year 2000, when some fear computer systems will go haywire anyway, a new worst-case scenario is coming: A raging fury on the sun, 93 million miles away, could disrupt life as we know it on Earth.

But scientists believe that the planet is in for perhaps the most intense solar storm in recorded history. Beginning in January, the sun will reach the peak of its 11-year seasonal cycle, resulting in solar flares and explosions that each can send waves of energy equal to a million 100-megaton bombs speeding toward Earth.

And that's when cosmic convulsions could begin.

Have they frightened you into subscribing to their magazine yet?

If the superheated, electrically charged gas reaches Earth's upper atmosphere, it will create an over-electrified field that could block electronic transmissions to and from satellites. Electrical charges could build up on the surfaces of satellites, triggering phantom signals or sending the spacecraft out of orbit.

On Earth, excess electromagnetic energy from the sun could surge along power lines, shorting circuits and burning out equipment.

"This could be one of the biggest" sun storms ever, says JoAnn Joselyn, who heads a panel studying "solar maximum" at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Environment Center in Boulder, Colo.

All signs point to this being a much more powerful solar maximum than average. Scientists have plotted 23 solar cycles to follow the sun's behavior the past three centuries.

"It has been years since the space environment has been as disturbed as we are expecting," Joselyn says. "During that time, technology has become more vulnerable as electronics have become smaller and more delicate."

A decade ago, when the last solar maximum hit, there were about 870,000 cell phones in the USA. Today, Americans use more than 40 million of the phones, many of which rely on satellites 22,300 miles above Earth to relay signals, the Electronics Industries Association says.

Don't forget, this prediction is for the year 2000!

Even as they seek to spread the word about solar maximum, scientists are reluctant to portray it as a doomsday event.

"It would be irresponsible for anyone to take that kind of position," says Richard Canfield, a solar physicist at Montana State University-Bozeman. "What we're doing now is our homework, so when this happens, we've got our ducks in a row. But it's important not to sensationalize this or make it out to be like Chicken Little."

-- excerpt from article published in USA TODAY 6/24/99

"... reluctant to portray it as a doomsday event."

Unbelievable!!! In other words... it could be, but they won't say.

This is just another fine example of how people can work themselves into a panic, with a little help from our beloved media.

Observe how people love to use words like monstrous, terrible, and violent when referring to the upcoming solar max prediction.

Why not "fascinating" or "beautiful" (when referring to the northern light activity) or "awe-inspiring" ... but that wouldn't get the desired result.
The desired result being the average person's attention. Sad.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by mizzu
My Opinion

Short & sweet. Year 2012...The Universal equivalent of the Y2K scare that cost me thousands of dollars in computer upgrades due to my IP guys thinking the world as we know it would come to an end unless everything and everyone was Y2K compliant.

[edit on 21-3-2008 by mizzu]

My Opinion:

You dont know what could have happened if you didnt patch your system, you're only ok because you had sufficient warning and patched your system to enable a 4 digit year on the system clock. So where was your money wasted ?

Besides people - you're missing the point - All true revelations are given so they can be avoided, not so that they can come true. Yes of course many people falsely prophecy doomsday events, but this doesnt mean they're all false. The best thing we can hope for is that we change our ways and avoid the event - then the revelation has worked. There's no other purpose of a prophecy other than to avoid the terrible event (if it infact even is terribleto start with.)

Otherwise you're saying that God/higher intelligences are giving certain people this info to simply look cool and laugh when it happens saying "told you so!" - of what good is that ?

If people only realised how many times their lives are saved without them knowing, but I see so little gratitude among people of the world these days. Does the baby know you've saved it from pain when you keep the dog inside before letting him/her out ? - Does it make a difference ? - The child is safe.


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