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posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 11:30 PM
about a week ago i woke up in the middle of the night sweating and panting to find that i couldnt move but i could hear a thumping noise kinda like someone running very heavily. what ever it was was moving from the bottom right corner of by bed to the top left corner very quickly faster that a human could move. after about a minute it stopped but i still knew it was in there and i started freaking out and out of nowhere a thought popped in my head and it wasnt mine it said "we dont wasnt to hurt you we only want to observe" then i knew it was gone but i still layed there unable to move for about 30 minutes it was the scariest thing i have ever experienced. if anyone could help me figure out what this was it would be very helpful. and it wasnt a dream i was fully awake

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posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 12:08 AM
Do you own any pets? Do you take any recreational drugs? Hrmm... You seem to have a history of paranormal experiences.

Try Googling "Sleep paralysis".

Also, did you investigate the area after you were able to move?

[edit on 3/19/2008 by BrandonK]

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 12:16 AM
see thats the thing i do have a dog but i was at my dads house and he dosent have any pets. no i dont take drugs of anykind. and some of the other stuff i have posted has happed over the course of my life not recently

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 12:30 AM
I suffer from sleep paralysis as well, I have experienced very similar situations to the one you have described.

I believe you also are suffering from sleep paralysis as well, please do some research on the subject as it will help you understand more of what you are going through when you wake up unable to move!

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 12:35 AM
I've had similar "awakening " experiences. The only way I've been able to rationalize them was this way: The human brain is actually two separate brains joined together through a USB connector. And while we are asleep, both brains sleep and can dream (compared to cats, which both brains take turns napping or being on alert). So my idea is that when I awaken in those frightening semi-paralyzed yet aware states, I'm only half awake. One brain is still asleep and experiencing a dream, and the other brain is awake and experiencing this reality. And, both halves are suddenly experiencing each others experience.

From the way you told the experience, as being in bed waking up, you were that. The other brain (or other half when you look at it as a whole, but really there are two separate brains in our heads) was probably still dreaming whatever you were both dreaming together seconds before.

I dreamt once that I was running from a pack of wolves in the woods when I tripped and fell and hit my head. When that happened I found myself awake back in my bed. My heart was racing. I knew it must have been a dream, a nightmare, scary enough to wake me up. But I still felt terrified and couldn't calm down or sit up. Something still felt wrong. I thought maybe someone was in my room. A burglar? Then I felt something on me. I could hear my heart pounding. The room was dark, so I reached up slowly with one arm to turn on a headboard lamp. The bulb flashed brightly, and POP! The bulb burnt out.
Oh god, I swear in that brief flash, I saw a dozen wolves standing over, on, and around me.

To this day it's a wonder why I didn't wet myself at that moment. I closed my eyes and begun to pray it would go quick. Yes, surely these are professional killers, they will know how to kill me quickly. I lay there waiting . . . I could hear them . . feel them breathing in my face .. I think . . but wait, I was dreaming that just before I awoke, right? I relaxed a bit . . Just a nightmare, that's what it was, ha. Silly me. I reach to turn on the light. Oh yeah, ha, burnt out. Damn, what were the chances of that happening just then. And then I remembered wondering ~ what woke me up? Then I heard a noise in the room. And suddenly the cat jumped on me. $#&@, ha.

The wolves... that whole experience, I think that is what happens when both brains don't wake up simultaneously. One half is still tripping out in a nightmare, and the awake half now realizing it's in bed waking up to experience this world, and also the dream it's receiving from the still dreaming brain. Something like that. We've all probably seen people wake up like that, seemingly awake, eyes open, yet yelling about something and flailing their arms at it.

Oh, the same thing can be experienced it you stand over the threshold of a stargate too. Trippy.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by kyyuulle

thanks for that info i dont know much about that but ill do some reasearch

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Divinorumus

that kind of makes sense after i woke up and was a little creeped out i started thinking what that could have been and now that i think about it its more likley that it was a dream and not some trans-dimesional being in my room......haha...right?

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:11 PM
Sleep paralysis has been known to be accompanied by audio and/or visual hallucinations...

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:22 PM
I personally do not believe in sleep paralisis... and would probably insult those people if I could.... ....suuuurrre... I guess it isnt wrong to throw all these things out to "go to the doctor , get drugged up , forget about it" ...but honestly.... you people are either liars .....have never experienced "ghosts" .....or you are liars again but doing it for the "good" of others......(ie.. little kids who maybe "should not" know the truth!)

.....IMHO your mind does not play tricks on you..... and "sleep paralisis" is bs unless it is explained by "ghosts"

imagine an invisible and "etheral" (move through matter) kind of entity/being.....

this being can also mess with our minds... it can change and control our feelings and our thoughts
( how do you think you got that Idea beemed into your head "we dont want to hurt you")

the tricks in your mind....are the tricks of other on your mind...

ugh..... I need to get better at explaining this.... especially if this is some little kid or something...... .........*sigh*

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by WishI
I personally do not believe in sleep paralisis.

I don't believe in kansas because i've never been there, but that doesn't mean it doesn't

Sleep Paralysis is a scientifically verified occurance. I've had it happen 50 or so times in my life...always from not getting enough sleep or sleeping in a very uncomfortable position.

No aliens, demons, spirits or anything else....but I can play with it and produce noises/voices from my own imagination....definately hallucinations....

Sleep paralysis is more of an annoyance than anything else...

[edit on 3/19/2008 by Choronzon]

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by WishI

no im not a little kid i may however be younger than most of the people on here but i do understand what you are trying to say

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posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:31 PM
man, you are acting dumb... and that metaphor or whatever it is called does not even make sense.... we all know kansas exists .... it is not debateable like sleep paralisis............ sorry for my poor spelling and typing.

obviously, that was a poor attempt to debunk my poorly worded truth.

i bet he would have tried harder if he knew the OP wasn't so young.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Choronzon

exactly sleep paralysis is very real but it isnt insane to think that it couldnt be a ghost or alien.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by WishI
obviously, that was a poor attempt to debunk my poorly worded truth.

I don't understand how you can simply say something does not exist that has already been accepted by the scientific community as fact. Sleep paralysis does in fact occur.

People wake up and are paralyzed because the rest of their body has not yet awakened. You can read more about it and scientific references from the wikipedia link i posted above.

On a side note, are you a member of scientology?

[edit on 3/19/2008 by Choronzon]

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Choronzon

I am a poor worder of thoughts and ideas and pictures that instill meaning.

but to elaborate.

I did not mean that sleep paralisis isnt real, I mean that it isnt something that happens naturally. It is brought on by "ghosts" who have mastery over us, the puppets.....well maybe pets? I dunno... both labels are true, and maybe untrue... but like a kitten to a man, these beings are 20 times stronger than we are to our we are theirs.

These beings exist.

ever notice the saying....."your mind is playing tricks on you"

I don't know what you believe, but factually.... our minds do not "play"
or "trick" or "play tricks" PEOPLE do that WITH their minds.... "GHOSTS" do that TO OUR minds.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by WishI

There are way too many periods in your response so I didn't read your response.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by BrandonK

You must be one of those people who can only read perfect grammer. I understand and my post had nothing for you anyway

I apologize, though, after hearing what this guy said. My posts are poor and I am sorry to any one who has to struggle through reading them.

THOUGH, he made a poor point......and periods do nothing more than space out thoughts.......when used correctly, anyway........ hmmmmmm..

oh yeah, and also.... on sleep paralisis...... the reason I got so mad and tried to debunk it was becuase I see people ALL THE TIME trying to use that as a debunker for "ghosts" ......

"Nooooo that wasnt a ghost, it was just your mind playing tricks on you... YEAAHHH thats it.... sleeep paralisis.... its like when you have a nightmare and it comes true!!!" ....yeah, whatever.....

though, I do see a point to lying like that (if they even were lying) becuase maybe they feel some people just don't need to know or worry themselves..... I am struggling with this point..... wellll.... not struggling.. but trying to find an answer...... untill then... I think that I will try and tell the truth....

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Choronzon

Originally posted by WishI
obviously, that was a poor attempt to debunk my poorly worded truth.

I don't understand how you can simply say something does not exist that has already been accepted by the scientific community as fact. Sleep paralysis does in fact occur.

People wake up and are paralyzed because the rest of their body has not yet awakened. You can read more about it and scientific references from the wikipedia link i posted above.

On a side note, are you a member of scientology?

[edit on 3/19/2008 by Choronzon]

I know that sleep paralysis is a known factor when it comes to events like this.
But can it substanciate evidence that it is sleep paralysis for every event like this that happens?

Science here and science there....

But... you forget something, Science only works on scientifically aproved and worked out methods, science however, does not make us all knowing, and thinking that we know everything because of science, well...

Science is only a part of this world, and there is things that you can not explain scientifically yet.
And because of that, it does not exist.

Sounds almost exactly how some scientists reacted when they heard theories about earth not being flat, or that the sun does not revovle around earth.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by dylant93
reply to post by Divinorumus

that kind of makes sense after i woke up and was a little creeped out i started thinking what that could have been and now that i think about it its more likley that it was a dream and not some trans-dimesional being in my room......haha...right?

Don't dismis it though because it may have been a dream ~ all of "this" right now might just be another dream too. Although we seldom remember all our dreams, and those we do are often just brief little snippets of them, I do recall while experiencing them I thought they were real too, just like right now. Who knows for sure where our souls wander while our bodies here are asleep. During that experience, you could have had the priviledge of briefly existing within two entirely different realms simultaneously, which would be an excellent opportunity to observe them both in this way.

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