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December 21, 2012 new theory.

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posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 09:11 AM
I'm not a christian…so what? I live life and if Jesus’ father blessed me with this gift, then I will thank IT face to face (or soul to soul?) in heaven. (Or I might be meeting Satan in HELL!

I can't say for a fact if Jesus actually lived, but for this thread I will assume he did and that he was who he said he was.
I know that Christianity requires faith, and I can't change that.

Y2k wasn't terrible but we knew it was coming.
But christianity has faith behind it.
I don't think 2012 is special for us, no apocalypse, no enlightenment due to aliens. Please don’t post anything like “They do exist, and here are some facts,” I will claim neutrality. They don’t matter to me right now.
This is a quote from James Akin I found on in a column written around the time of Y2k. I don't believe in Catholicism so I'll let James tell you about it. I’ve heard the U.N. alien meeting theory.....revealing ufos in 2012, that'd be really fun, or it'd be really bad.

The first thing you must do when investigating God’s prophetic plan is to select the right resources. If you want to know the upcoming phases of the moon, you could go to an almanac. But if you want to know how the final drama of human history is going to play out, you’ve got only one source: divine revelation.

I agree, and James sounds like he knows his religion. But he should put some sources’s where I heard this idea first. These words were spoken by Jesus. (Some translations of these words have been accused of changing some spelling or being made up. Lets assume he was real, did say this, and was talking about the apocalypse. Honestly, I have no clue who James Akin is. I’m not familiar with his ideas because I wanted an unbiased opinion. I’m not sure if I expected this though…

So don’t obsess about any Native American calendars. Don’t worry about whether the moon is in the seventh house or whether Jupiter is aligning with Mars. Ignore the deliberately vague astrological verses of Nostradamus. Reject what trance channelers and UFO "contactees" have said. Dispense with it all. Stick to God’s word.

(You can say what you want about his opinion. I’m still on the fence.)

Mark 13:32 (KJV) — But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. – Jesus Christ

I can think of two points of view concerning the Mayan calendar stopping on Dec. 21, 2012. This is what I would do on the 22nd of December.
1. I stay up all night, waiting on the 22nd day of December and thank God for letting me live. I would grab my bible, go to church, and worship the good lord. When I arrived, I couldn’t be let in because it was packed full.
2. I can picture the pope blessing the human race via a live feed. Everyone near a T.V. watches as he thanks the lord for saving us, people of all races cheer and jump for joy. The pope says something like this……… “People, we have survived the apocalypse” and the crowd goes wild.
3.)While the news reporters scramble for a story. Bibles sell out, along with everything Christ related in stores. Millions of people convert, Christian’s will be deemed enlightened, holy, some may even say they’re we’ve evolved spiritually.

4.)Even though it is the most accurate calendar we have, the whole world will start seeing Mayan culture as old news, an outdated group of primitive people. This is what media will do.
Look back through time, this isn't new. Y2k? panic? 911?
This prophecy could start a global crusade. I love life, but christians can't have everything one way, faith and the sin are used to generate fear.

Who do I think came up with this plan? Nobody comes to my mind.
I think we did, not christians but the human race itself. What are others thoughts, good logic? of none at all?

[edit on 16-3-2008 by sumperson]

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 10:27 AM
You cannot truly believe what you don't see with your own eyes. Religions based around the words of the ancient people doesn't involve modern society. Up until the 1400's people really believe the earth was flat. Don't follow mainstreamism follow individualism.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 10:34 AM
[edit on 16-3-2008 by sumperson]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 04:39 PM
I believe the world will end , as John (you know that bible character ) heard it from the gob of god . BUT I am not blinded by faith as are some of my less enlightened brethren. I fully realize a number of things about the end . FIRST many things that have been written in the bible , could legitimately linked to actual events . Also , since the language in the bible is at best mystic in most cases , there are many "interpretations" that the original text could be seen to fit .THEREFORE , there is little point in debating the truth of the end , until it is seen to be occuring in an undeniable fashion. Thusly , I am not willing to suggest how that time could be linked to the present , or suggest means by which we may arrive at that juncture. What I will say is that its comming one way or another . Enjoy it . When it begins , get out in the street , and dont let your oppressors put you down. If theres ever a good time to fight the might , its when the might wont amount to a hill of beans .

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 05:39 PM
There sure seems to be alot of religious people who want the whole Rapture, Armageddon prophesy to happen as soon as possible. They actually seem to be pushing the rest of us to the edge so their predictions can come true. I am not just blaming Christianity here, there are many fundamentalist religion types who want their version of "the end" to come in this lifetime.

I wish they would stop steering us towards edge, and just try a little Unity, Love, Compassion for their fellow man. We should be working on solving some of the world's problems for a better tomorrow for our children, not letting the place go to hell because we think our lease is up.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 05:43 AM
You began this thread talking about the Mayan calander and referencing the hype about the end, since the archeologists tell us that the mayan calendar ends in 2012. I remain skeptical about this because the Spaniards DESTROYED written knowledge they found among the Mayans. For all we know, there may have been other writtings that continued after the 2012 one ended! I have discarded my 2007 calender and use the 2008!
I for one do not allow myself to be held hostage to fear through what archeologists and writters may claim as prophecy. Who knows what the Spaniards destroyed. It may have been a Mayan joke script for the populous then for all we know. There may have been other writtings discounting the conclusions about the end of the world in 2012. We don't know. So why take it seriously and live in fear generating THAT frequency?
Why not choose instead to do what we can NOW to promote through action, what we want THIS time to hold for us? Be forward LOOKING! Hold onto Love, Light, Liberty, Life and conduct ourselves in that way with every thought, without fear.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 06:36 AM
There are more than just the Mayans who predicted the End on Dec 21st 2012. The Hopi, The Bible Code, Nostradamus are a few who come to mind. Also i believe the Web bot project but i may be mistaken on that one.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Brain2100cc
You cannot truly believe what you don't see with your own eyes. Religions based around the words of the ancient people doesn't involve modern society. Up until the 1400's people really believe the earth was flat. Don't follow mainstreamism follow individualism.

uhhhhhhhhh no they didn't, they knew it was round since ancient greece.......

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by Pacem
You began this thread talking about the Mayan calander and referencing the hype about the end, since the archeologists tell us that the mayan calendar ends in 2012. I remain skeptical about this because the Spaniards DESTROYED written knowledge they found among the Mayans. For all we know, there may have been other writtings that continued after the 2012 one ended! I have discarded my 2007 calender and use the 2008!
I for one do not allow myself to be held hostage to fear through what archeologists and writters may claim as prophecy. Who knows what the Spaniards destroyed. It may have been a Mayan joke script for the populous then for all we know. There may have been other writtings discounting the conclusions about the end of the world in 2012. We don't know. So why take it seriously and live in fear generating THAT frequency?
Why not choose instead to do what we can NOW to promote through action, what we want THIS time to hold for us? Be forward LOOKING! Hold onto Love, Light, Liberty, Life and conduct ourselves in that way with every thought, without fear.

Archaeologists don't say that. Only pseudo-archaeologist end-of-the-world types do. There sill exist a few writings that mention dates past 2012. Most of the times the calendar doesn't display dates past then because of how many digits they use. Saying the world will end in 2012 on the Mayan calendar is like saying the world ends in 9999 AD on the Gregorian calendar. You just add another digit. Assuming we're still around and using the Gregorian calendar in 9999, it will pass to 10000 with no incident. we just add another digit. The same is true for the Mayan calendar. They just happened to have collapsed long before that was necessary.

EDIT: It carries a bit more significance to the Mayans than adding another decimal place does to us, but it's still far from meaning the end of the world.

[edit on 21-4-2008 by mdiinican]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Pacem Who knows what the Spaniards destroyed. It may have been a Mayan joke script for the populous then for all we know. There may have been other writtings discounting the conclusions about the end of the world in 2012. We don't know. So why take it seriously and live in fear generating THAT frequency?
Why not choose instead to do what we can NOW to promote through action, what we want THIS time to hold for us? Be forward LOOKING! Hold onto Love, Light, Liberty, Life and conduct ourselves in that way with every thought, without fear.

right on man. i know exactly what you mean about sending out negative frequencies. i cite the law of attraction. i dont know if i think the world will end in 2012 or not. one thing is certain in my mind though, and thats that in SOME way, its going to be an intense time. it might be the end of the world, or it might be something that only a fraction of the people even notice, but im confident something is going to take place. as far as the spanish destroying all their writings is concerned, you make an excellent point i hadnt considered, and thats that there could be a new calendar waiting to be used after the one we know of today. but if you consider what the apocalypse and the enlightenment are all about, you will see that there would still likely need to be a calendar for that "age", so i dont think that the existence of a "next" calendar would rule out any possibilities, except for the literal end of time and existence itself. consider what the classic apocalypse is... god rains down justice to all the sinners, and the good inherit the earth. there would still be days and nights and seasons and revolutions around the sun, so a calendar would theoretically still be needed.

as far as the enlightenment is concerned....
some think all humans will be enlightened, some think only the good will, and some think only those who have meditated in some fashion and tuned into the proper frequency will be enlightened. it goes further... some think that the enlightenment will consist of every chosen spirit ascending to the spirit realm, leaving all the rest on earth to continue living in the dark. and some think that we will still live on the earth, and just get along like never before. of all those possibilities, the only scenario that doesnt require a calendar is all humans being enlightened and all enlightened ascending to a different realm.

so as good a point as you make, it doesnt mean that 2012 will not be a momentous time in one respect or another

[edit on 24-4-2008 by alguymcgee]

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by ChilliWack33319

Originally posted by Brain2100cc
You cannot truly believe what you don't see with your own eyes. Religions based around the words of the ancient people doesn't involve modern society. Up until the 1400's people really believe the earth was flat. Don't follow mainstreamism follow individualism.

uhhhhhhhhh no they didn't, they knew it was round since ancient greece.......

how do you know this? i've never heard that before and im intrigued, but i'm going to need proof if im going to allow it to make me say "whoa" with a freaked out look on my face. and please, show your work everybody. dont just post one liners when arguing (or agreeing) with people. it just takes up space

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by ChilliWack33319

Originally posted by Brain2100cc
You cannot truly believe what you don't see with your own eyes. Religions based around the words of the ancient people doesn't involve modern society. Up until the 1400's people really believe the earth was flat. Don't follow mainstreamism follow individualism.

uhhhhhhhhh no they didn't, they knew it was round since ancient greece.......

You sir need to read a book. Most "educated people" of the Middle Ages in Europe subscribed to the belief the world was flat, and you could simply sail off the edge if you were to go too far out to see. People said Columbus would sail off the edge of the world! Just because ancient Greek philosphers and scholars figured out the world was a ball didn't mean that the information was readily availalable in the Middle ages. Why do you think they call it the dark ages? The Catholic church hated science.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 04:10 PM
I believe there will be a galactic alignment that only occurs every 26000 years...and thats good enough for me,not very often you see that.Oh and hi,new here...I dont believe that aliens have visited earth or likely to anytime aliens coming is a no no,Super large solar flare is highly unlikely according to NASA..but we all know what that means..although a big one would still mess up our GPS for a while...BUT! I think the Illuminati..Jesuits whoever you want to call them like their Astrology..they wouldnt let such an event go by without any significant event.BTW im a relative noob to the CT scene...but for the time i have been...its all ive been listening to.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 06:37 AM

There sure seems to be alot of religious people who want the whole Rapture, Armageddon prophesy to happen as soon as possible.

I struggle with the notion that a "true christian" would want god to take over as it would be an admission that they've failed as representatives and really; they should be in more trouble (with God) than the non-believers as they have failed to convince the masses of "the way".


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