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Do I need to be a Conspiracy Expert to get attention?

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posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 10:03 PM

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Duzey

Thanks, Duzey.

You have a U2U, too.

You gotta love this site!


posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 10:41 PM
Nice post mate, There are alot of experts here on ATS but im guessing there is more, if not just as many member who lurk around the forum just reading, like me. You have asked a few great questions, but if you look around a bit more you will find many, many points of view but ultimatly its down to your opinions.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by And3h


What time is it in Scotland at 11:44 PM EST in the US, like 7:44 AM your time, no?

You must be getting ready for work? I'm getting ready for bed!

Take care, friend!

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 12:11 AM
Keeping with the topic, I'd say that everyone can make a contribution here on ATS regardless of whether they're a conspiracy expert or not. It's all about presenting an idea whether it's a topic on its own or in response to another person's post. If you don't believe me, just read a few threads. There's plenty of sharp people here, but I don't consider too many of them to be experts. We're all just normal people here.

Conspiracy experts aren't born they're created. The only way to ever become one is to learn. ATS is a great place to learn about many things. There's a wide variety of topics discussed here every day. If you feel you have something to contribute then please do so.

As for the rest of your post, It's WAY too general. Presenting that many subjects in a single post just doesn't seem like a good idea to me. A good thread is focused on a single subject. If you get too many things going at once it gets confusing pretty quickly.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by cryingindian

9/11 (Do you accept the US Government Story or alternative theories?)

To a point. I believe that the government was not involved in the plotting of 9/11 in any way but they have covered up their incompetence that allowed it to happen.

The "War on Terror" (is it a farce to funnel money into the defense industry?)

No however now that the opportunity is there, the government has refused to reign in the jackals.

US Government Corruption (Are the people hold office truely the best choice for the positions they hold?) [most recently the Elliot Spitzer story]

The Bush administration is the most corrupt in our governments history.

Corporate Owned Media (Do the people who "report" the "news" really have your best interests in mind?)


Ghosts (Whatever?)

Big Pharma (Do the people who make and sell the drugs we take have your best interests in mind?)

Of course not, they have their best interests in mind. They're a for profit industry.

Indigo Children (Whatever?)

They don't exist. A made up thing to make ordinary people feel special.

US/Global Economy (Is it cool that average, law abiding citizens of the US are affected by choices of the rich [GREED]?)

Of course not but in a free market, this is what happens.

Aliens (Whatever?)

The universe is mind bogglingly massive so the odds that aliens don't exist somewhere are almost non-existent.

1 out of 4 Teenaged Girls are infected by an STD (Is the cause of this a lack of parental supervision; and is that lack of supervision created by a family's STRUGGLE to survive?)


US Military (individual) Unethical Behavior (What do you think causes some individual members of the US Military to act the way they do [killing 10 year old girls/throwing puppies off cliffs]?)

Massive amounts of constant stress, stimulates, etc.. The governments issues stimulants called Dexadrine to pilots and special forces all the time. I don't know if they're issued to regular military personnel or not.

US Currency Manipulation (It's OK, right? Because they obviously know what they're doing)

Depends on what the reason is.

Peak Oil (I think it's a real concern...What do you guys think?)

It doesn't exist yet. The supply limitation has been artificially created by the oil industry to maximize profits.

The current state of the United States of America (Are you OK with the way things are going?)

NO. The Bush administration has crapped all over the Constitution and are financially bankrupting our country.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:38 AM
I don't get many replies to my posts either. But that's okay. I can't expect all ATS members to be interested in everything I post material on. And likewise, I don't necessarily post stuff myself, even if the topic is something I'm interested in. It may be that there is, at least in my case, nothing further I can contibute to the thread or post in question. I just post where think would be most helpful to others and/or where it is needed.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:51 AM
9/11 - I accept nothing the government tells me about anything

The "War on Terror" - oh most deffinatly a farce

US Government Corruption our voting means nothing, they pick our leaders according to their own agendas

Corporate Owned Media - no they don't and I don't watch the news

Ghosts - I have seen them, they are real, as to what they are? I have no idea

Big Pharma -what a laugh, they have cures for most things that they wont release in order to keep us all medicated and paying big bucks

Indigo Children -I believe we are having a slow awakening

US/Global Economy not right at all, but how are you going to change it? the rich will always control the poor

Aliens it would be silly not to believe something is out there with the size of our universe

1 out of 4 Teenaged Girls are infected by an STD -partially because of the struggle to survive, partly because most parents no longer PARENT their kids

US Military - humph, I told my child I would be ashamed of her if she ever joined the army etc. enough said

US Currency Manipulation -AH HAHAHAHA

Peak Oil -we need to learn to live without it, I don't have oil heat nor do I drive a car

The current state of the United States of America -doom, death and destruction................

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by cryingindian

Keep trying...eventually people will notice. There are so many new topics and thread postings every day, that a lot of them just don't get noticed in the deluge.

Keep your chin up, and keep posting/threading.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 12:54 PM
I think ATS is so big now that nearly every old conspiracie has been de-bunked or talked to death in here. Only stuff that gets attention is the high profile stuff that nearly 0 peopel knwo about. Other-wise, pointless posting new topics these days.

If you think of a great topic,. i advise checking out the reserach forum, its my favorite. read up in there and you may liek that part.


posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by cryingindian

I personally like my potatoes mashed, fried or baked. It's a win win situation with potatoes as you know. Really can't tell the difference if they are genetically modified and I don't think I have much of a choice in it. It's not like I'm going to start a farm in my backyard. I'm glad we had this little talk, potatoe fans need to stick together. I wonder if I'm even spelling the word potatoe right?

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 03:55 PM
I haven't been here long but here's how I see it. If you want responses, just make a thread that has the word PROOF in it, or some other extraordinary claim. As far as volume of responses goes, it's not the content of your post, it's the content of your title. There is no shortage of threads with several hundreds of replies based of an OP that is nothing more than unsubstantiated rambling, unfortunately.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 03:57 PM
If you had titled your thread "PROOF there's a conspiracy against me at ATS!"
then this thread would be ten pages long by now,

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 05:36 PM
I have the touch of death when it comes to threads. When I post I seem to pass on a pox that is usually fatal. The threads I start take no more than a couple of breaths before expiring. But, who cares!
BTW Thanks to anyone who has posted in one of my threads...

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by cryingindian
I am just a guy. But also a member of ATS.

I'm sitting here wondering if I need to be an "expert" for other members to take what I add to ATS seriously.

I think that the following things should be on the minds of all members, regardless of age, or life experiences:

9/11 (Do you accept the US Government Story or alternative theories?)
The "War on Terror" (is it a farce to funnel money into the defense industry?)
US Government Corruption (Are the people hold office truely the best choice for the positions they hold?) [most recently the Elliot Spitzer story]
Corporate Owned Media (Do the people who "report" the "news" really have your best interests in mind?)
Ghosts (Whatever?)
Big Pharma (Do the people who make and sell the drugs we take have your best interests in mind?)
Indigo Children (Whatever?)
US/Global Economy (Is it cool that average, law abiding citizens of the US are affected by choices of the rich [GREED]?)
Aliens (Whatever?)
1 out of 4 Teenaged Girls are infected by an STD (Is the cause of this a lack of parental supervision; and is that lack of supervision created by a family's STRUGGLE to survive?)
US Military (individual) Unethical Behavior (What do you think causes some individual members of the US Military to act the way they do [killing 10 year old girls/throwing puppies off cliffs]?)
US Currency Manipulation (It's OK, right? Because they obviously know what they're doing)
Peak Oil (I think it's a real concern...What do you guys think?)
The current state of the United States of America (Are you OK with the way things are going?)

I was just wondering where other members of ATS stand on the above issues.

I'd be very pleased to have an overwhelming response.

Thanks, everyone!

F**k yeah man, I feel the damn same way.

It's like, what the hell? Why doesn't anyone feel like this too?

I like how you laid it all out, like you kinda just threw yout twig and berries on the table and are like, "what? here it is!"

It's people like you that create, change, and inspire ideas ...and in turn, make said people question their reality.

Props to you. Go Carefully.


[edit on 16-3-2008 by MystikMushroom]

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:23 PM
I totally agree with your point of view and that most people who eventually add some credible information aren't the people with the education. The common man and his opinions are easily forgotten because of someone commenting on the fact that if you don't have a degree from yale your uneducated and therefor marked as being lower/stupid. I have discussed many of your topics on other posts and have a broad view that would take to much room to post on this thread. I suggest you find the category your most passionate in and go from there, I'll look for your posts in the future and try to give my feedback whenever I can.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:29 PM
"Streed cred" comes from longevity. If you suddenly pop up on a web site and start talking--it won't matter how right or smart you are--nobody will listen. Opinions are like ears. EVerybody has atleast one, and they don't always function properly.

Be yourself, and believe what you say. Think before you reach for that keyboard, and do your homework. The rest is all longevity.

That's all any of us can really do.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by cryingindian
reply to post by zysin5

Maybe this is just what we need. Instead of breaking things down, to a point where people will only look at a thread topic that interests them, we present a multi-dimensional thread, and allow individual opinions to be voiced.

I'm keeping track of the topics, and will be watching for thread derailers.

This whole quote from page 1 has bugged me since I read it the first time. I just can't hold back any longer...

zysin5: What commitee here at ATS put you in charge of completely re-vamping how we do things here? Isn't that the point of free will, that we only need look at the topics we're interested in? No offense to anybody, but personally if the word "reptilian", "indigo-child" or other key phrases appear in a thread title, I steer clear. I've seen the arguements and I don't buy it. That's just me though.

I'll admit that I only came to this thread (not out of interest) because I wanted to find out who the cry-baby OP was, and what his/her beef was.

Here's how to get people to notice your posts and respond:
1. Write as clearly as you possibly can. Ambiguity can and will get picked apart on this site.
2. Research your topic- have photos if you claim you witnessed something "hard to swallow", documentation is key here.
3. Be well spoken. Check spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Nothing screams "teenage prankster" to me like a post with horrible spelling and grammar. Especially if that poster claims to be a college psychology professor or other type professional.
4. Stick around to answer questions/clarify your point. The old "disappearing act" after an OP sends up the red flags.
5. Persevere. Sooner or later, people will notice that your posts make sense, strikes a chord with them, or is the same point that they would have made. People will read your posts and reply in turn.

These are only some of the things that I've seen work for me. I would suggest implementing them in your posting, and see how they work for you.

Leave the begging for attention to the pre-schoolers. It's unbecoming, and just plain sad.

Good luck, and "man up".

[edit on 16/3/08 by cbianchi513]

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by cryingindian
I am just a guy. But also a member of ATS.

I'm sitting here wondering if I need to be an "expert" for other members to take what I add to ATS seriously.

I think that the following things should be on the minds of all members, regardless of age, or life experiences:

9/11 (Do you accept the US Government Story or alternative theories?)
The "War on Terror" (is it a farce to funnel money into the defense industry?)
US Government Corruption (Are the people hold office truely the best choice for the positions they hold?) [most recently the Elliot Spitzer story]
Corporate Owned Media (Do the people who "report" the "news" really have your best interests in mind?)
Ghosts (Whatever?)
Big Pharma (Do the people who make and sell the drugs we take have your best interests in mind?)
Indigo Children (Whatever?)
US/Global Economy (Is it cool that average, law abiding citizens of the US are affected by choices of the rich [GREED]?)
Aliens (Whatever?)
1 out of 4 Teenaged Girls are infected by an STD (Is the cause of this a lack of parental supervision; and is that lack of supervision created by a family's STRUGGLE to survive?)
US Military (individual) Unethical Behavior (What do you think causes some individual members of the US Military to act the way they do [killing 10 year old girls/throwing puppies off cliffs]?)
US Currency Manipulation (It's OK, right? Because they obviously know what they're doing)
Peak Oil (I think it's a real concern...What do you guys think?)
The current state of the United States of America (Are you OK with the way things are going?)

I was just wondering where other members of ATS stand on the above issues.

I'd be very pleased to have an overwhelming response.

Thanks, everyone!

You really are kidding, right?

Way too many topics to reply to in one thread considering that there are numerous threads on each and every one of your topics already.
Get with the program, man!

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