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Sally Kern, "Gay's are Infiltrating our City Council."

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posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

That happened to me recently also. I just had to find the picture and replace it and redo, pretty much, my whole profile.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:00 PM
i]Originally posted by Bigwhammy:
Gay people are usually exclusively gay. If you are bisexual or heterosexual and promiscuous - you just like sex, in so many words you are a pervert. Those animals are just little perverts trying to get off, they're animals they don't know any better. If those animals were exclusively Gay the species would become extinct. Big difference.

I view homosexuality as a mental illness. I view homosexual sex as a sin. Judge the sin not the sinner. There are people born with both sets of organs, hermaphrodites - it's an aberration - the doctor makes a decision and usually snips away - now I am sure they can become confused about sexual identity - I think homosexuality is the psychological component to that confusion. It's a mental disorder like being a hermaphrodite is a physical abnormality. I don't see a need to persecute sick people but I'm not going to approve of their disease and call it normal. If they are trying to in act legislations that call it normal I think they are wrong. If it were "normal" there would be no human race.


So now if I like sex, I'm a pervert? MANY of these gay animals are exclusively gay. And 1 out of 10 animals supposedly is gay (just like with humans), how does that make the entire species go extinct? For that matter, if you statement was true, humans would all be extinct.

So now it's a disease? Well, that would mean they couldn't help it, wouldn't
it? So now, these poor people with a disease they didn't ask to have, have to become second class citizens so that the rest of us either don't catch it or are offended by it?

[edit on 10/3/08 by forestlady]

[edit on 10/3/08 by forestlady]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

I think people like this like to bait, and profess they know what is going on. From their point of veiw, some people are very very sick. And they claim they dont hate them, or speak of hate.
I could claim Im 12 feet tall and bullet proof, that doesnt change the fact of who I am. Words like Bigwhammy uses makes me lose alot of respect for people in his faith. You like champions of faith who spew such nonesense? Does he truely speak for you?
If so, what makes you think that doesnt border on hate?

This tells me that he is aginst love. He only wants to judge the sin, yet makes personal judgements about people he has no clue about.
He has not done any research, as its very clear he doesnt know what he is talking about.. AT all!
People who claim its wrong to love another person, thats my issue.
I dont see a sickness of two people sharing love.. I dont see how that is wrong to love another human being?
People dont see you are trying to bann love. Sure there are many forms of love.. Why cant two people love eachother if they fall in love?
Who are you to say what God says is right..
You are only humans like everyone else. Get off the high and might throne you belive you sit upon when you judge love at every level.
Like this lady here.. I think she should be put out of her place in office. She doesnt speak for the masses. Yet she does speak the tone of the right wing fundies. Pat Robertson, and the likes.
Many of you who think its wrong, and Jesus said its wrong have no proof of this. You can read the bible like Fred Phelps, or you can read into it with love and understanding. Sally Kern is just another cog in the hate machine that keeps on moving threw our lives. Some even endorse her.

[edit on 10-3-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:04 PM
Then you are not a Christian greeneyed. You can't be a Christian and actively go against God's word, and homosexuality is against God's word. Sorry to spill it out like that.

And people stop refering to me as a hate mongerer and bigot. I haven't said I hate anyone. Why can you people not accept that someone can think someone is wrong but still Love them and even like them? I have a very good friend that is actively gay. He knows how I feel and we can still hang out and talk. We are debating a topic, not starting a war. I refuse to debate with you sublime. I'm not continuing anything here as long as the labels and name calling continue to fly.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by Quazga Let's just call a spade a spade.

But, he said (tongue firmly jammed into cheek)...lets try to keep the word Fairy out of any civilized discourse on homosexuality.

I completely missed that at first..

Thanks for bringing it to my attention... again :-)

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Your comment leaves you open to the "bestiality-incest-molestation" attack . Just a fair warning that its coming.

Anyway its clear these people are not "true" "Christians" . There quick to pass judgment that is only reserved for there "DoG" . . .

Give peace a chance . Love thine neighbor. And love thine self .. If theres judgement to be passed so be it . Its no ones place but "DoG's"

I think greeneyedleo has said it best . (First time i stared a foe i think) If only more people saw there religion in that light . Or any light at all for that matter..

[edit on 10-3-2008 by oLDWoRLDDiSoRDeR]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:06 PM
I've been searching the Web to find which part of a Bigot they cut off to make them normal. Sadly, it appears there's no cure.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:07 PM
OK guys, let's keep this impersonal.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

I believe I challenged you to a debate. I've let you skip over my posts before, since so many reply to you and it would be hard to keep up.

This one will not be skipped over. Either you accept or you do not.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
Then you are not a Christian greeneyed. You can't be a Christian and actively go against God's word, and homosexuality is against God's word. Sorry to spill it out like that.

Uhm... do you realize that you sound like the Pharacees and Saducees (sp?) saying that Jesus was a blasphemer?

Do you realize how many different versions of Christianity there were before the council of nicea when all versions except the Roman version were deemed incorrect?

Here is one for you, I'm a Christian AND I believe we should stop following Christianity.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Zysin wrote:

"People who claim its wrong to love another person, thats my issue.
I dont see a sickness of two people sharing love.. I dont see how that is wrong to love another human being?"

Right on, Zysin, I've been saying this for years; how can it be a sin for 2 people who genuinely love each other to, well, love each other?

For the Christians who say Jesus wouldn't condone it - do you know this for a fact? How do you know this, when the Bible makes no mention of how Jesus felt about homosexuality. He was furious with the Jewish rabbis who had 16,000 different religious laws. He thought all those rules were stupid and harmful and he told people to love each other - that's the basic commandment. He also said that was the most important Commandment.
Thanks for pointing that out, Zysin.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
reply to post by Bigwhammy

We have exclusively gay people, why aren't we extinct. Oh great scientist, please show me your studies, as we have done for you with ours.

Does it take a great scientist to see that an exclusively Gay population would not be able to reproduce?

I just play one on TV

I'm tired of the garbage. "The Christian Voice" over here dismisses our study, then throws up some clearly biased websites info, and doesn't even actually answer any questions.

Don't cry to me about it.

Now you come in and say that sexuality is a mental illness.

Well you are misquoting me. Sexuality is Gods gift to a married man and woman. Read the Song of Solomon. God is not a prude. I said I believe Homosexuality is a mental illness. That's the way I treat it - so I do not judge the people. It is aberrant behavior.

I don't care what you view, I care about facts.

If you don't care about my view then don't respond to me. I don't much care about your's either.

Do you have any?

Yeah - the main function of sex is reproductive- that's a fact- homosexuality takes the real purpose of it an perverts it. It's quite obvious.

Do you have any facts, other than pervert monkeys?

[edit on 3/10/2008 by Bigwhammy]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
Then you are not a Christian greeneyed. You can't be a Christian and actively go against God's word, and homosexuality is against God's word. Sorry to spill it out like that.

Pardon me, CV, but...WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO SAY WHETHER OR NOT ANOTHER PERSON IS CHRISTIAN? If they say they are CHristian, they ARE. Period.

Jesus came to bring a new covenant. His message was that the old covenant is dead, over, kaput. He himself never said anything against homosexuality, it is the man-made Church that is saying that; making it NOT God's word.

With this kind of attitude, CV, I do have to agree with the many others on this board that it is a hateful and bigoted view. Maybe you need to really search those dark corners of your brain and heart to find out what's going on with you that you would say things that so many people think are hateful and bigoted.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
Then you are not a Christian greeneyed. You can't be a Christian and actively go against God's word, and homosexuality is against God's word. Sorry to spill it out like that.

And people stop refering to me as a hate mongerer and bigot. I haven't said I hate anyone. Why can you people not accept that someone can think someone is wrong but still Love them and even like them? I have a very good friend that is actively gay. He knows how I feel and we can still hang out and talk. We are debating a topic, not starting a war. I refuse to debate with you sublime. I'm not continuing anything here as long as the labels and name calling continue to fly.

I love it.

This is why I stay away from churches. The hypocracy kills me....or makes me bust a gut....guess that could kill me.

I once had people tell me im not a Christian because I have tattoos and pierings
I laughed at them too.

By pure definition alone, I am a Christian. By my faith, I am a Christian. Just because I dont interpret things the way YOU do, does not make you any more of a Christian then me.
And by me supporting adults to do whatever the heck they want does not take away my Christianity.

By your own definition, you must be one perfect man - who never ever goes against the Bible. I doubt it. It is impossible.

This topic has just turned funny to me.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Care to discuss this in a more civilized manner? It appears the great Voice won't respond to my offer.

So I will formally offer you. Will you debate me on this issue in a controlled format?

You will have the options I extended in my earlier post.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
Well you are misquoting me. Sexuality is Gods gift to a married man and woman. Read the Song of Solomon. God is not a prude. I said I believe Homosexuality is a mental illness. That's the way I treat it - so I do not judge the people. It is aberrant behavior.

Yeah - the main function of sex is reproductive- that's a fact- homosexuality takes the real purpose of it an perverts it. It's quite obvious.

Do you have any facts, other than pervert monkeys?
[edit on 3/10/2008 by Bigwhammy]

OK, so sex is God's gift to a married man and a married woman. But you also say that the main function of sex is reproductive...which is it? What is the main purpose of procreation? And do you have any facts or sources to back up that statement? Of course not, only the Bible. Which means that your statements are not fact.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by forestlady

I seriously doubt that God gave sex for the sole purpose of reproduction. If that was the case, he would not have given us a DESIRE to physically be with another human being.

After all. Not everyone gets married, nor does everyone have to get married.

After all. Not all married couples (using them as an example) are even able to get pregnant.

So in some eyes, God created sex for the sole purpose of reproduction, but then turns around and doesnt let them reproduce? That makes NO SENSE.
So, if that couple cant produce for whatever reason - should they stop having sex then?

And on top of that....why didnt Jesus write down what his opinon was on the matter? Why is that it was a man who claimed to hear from god what is and isnt right? Even today, "man" claims to hear from God, then tells people.....but who the heck knows if he really heard from God? There is some thread on there where the Pope has now announced new sins. WHAT?

This topic drives me nuts. LOL

*oh, I was agreeing with you...for the record....i dont think it came out that way

[edit on 10-3-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:29 PM
I dont even want to take the time to post all the parts of the bible that condone and show gods support for things like genocide,rape and lots of very weird stuff that makes me think maybe the bible is just another religious book like the many others people have witten!

Sally Kern and people who support her are ignorant plain and simple, I am not gay and I personally think its gross but I also think eating sushi is gross but I do not bother or assume I am supperior to those who do.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:29 PM

That happened to me recently also. I just had to find the picture and replace it and redo, pretty much, my whole profile.

I've got the picture, but every time I paste the link it erases itself.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:31 PM
I personally think that homosexuality is an over crowding defence ..

Look at plants for instance .. If there light cycle is disturbed too much they will hermaphrodite . Causing them to reproduce on there own as a prevention to extinction. Is it really that far fetched to believe we wouldn't do the same(opposite) seeing that we are faced with over population?

Besides . We will(would) be judged as a species i would think. Its funny were the only animal thats picked apart by race/gender/beliefs..And not as a whole.

[edit on 10-3-2008 by oLDWoRLDDiSoRDeR]

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