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All kids 'must' get flu vaccine: Fed Panel

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posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:16 PM
You want to keep healthy drink a glass of organic orange juice and a glass of organic cranberry juice several times a week (at least), and take real vitamins that do not contain carbon fillers, such as supplements from GNC... and oh yea stay as far away as you can from all forms of "conventional" medical treatments (i.e. vaccinations).

Are there not in fact numerous case studies that prove undeniably that vaccinations do more harm then good... yes there are. Vaccinations are a trick of people the believe in eugenics.... absolutely deplorable.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by RexxCrow
Are there not in fact numerous case studies that prove undeniably that vaccinations do more harm then good... yes there are. Vaccinations are a trick of people the believe in eugenics.... absolutely deplorable.

Without any references to back these statements up, they are pure speculation, like pretty much all the vaccine-hating in this thread. I have yet to see any verifiable facts that vaccines do more harm than good. Please provide these case studies and the data that show where vaccinations do more harm than good, and I will be happy to evaluate them.

Until then, I will stick with my kids not getting terrible and preventable diseases, thank you very much!

Come on, DENY INGORANCE, people!

[edit on 29-2-2008 by keeb333]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Peace Frog
Kind of funny. The only people I know that got flu this year are the same ones that actually went and got these shots.

I would be interested in a study on what is actually in these shots, if someone can get a vial and analyze it professionally. I'm sure it's nothing pretty

[edit on 28-2-2008 by Peace Frog]

Yes, I've been wondering about that. The only ones in my family who didn't get the flu were the ones who did not get the vaccine. I got the vaccine and was sick for weeks with the flu.

I will not be getting a shot next year.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

It's because their God, Alex Jones, said there's cancer in it. And woe to all ye who speak against the great God Alex.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:32 PM

Flu spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics, killing millions of people in pandemic years and hundreds of thousands in non-pandemic years. Three influenza pandemics occurred in the 20th century and killed tens of millions of people

A lot of people confuse other viruses (colds) with Influenza. I've noticed people run around saying they have the flu when in fact they do not. They claim to have had the flu often and it was not that bad. They did not have the Flu however.

Influenza does not onset slowly and it is not ever mild. It hits all at once. One moment you will feel fine and the next you will feel like a Mack Truck hit you. Your fever will go up to 103 to 105 almost immediately. You will barely be able to function. Anything else is not the Flu but a different virus altogether.

If you actually have the real Flu it is something you will remember. Most people going into their doctors saying they have the flu have colds or other things. I've had Influenza 3 times. I nearly died all three times. Yes the Vaccine gives you very mild manageable symptoms for a couple of days. It is far preferable to death however. Children are more likely to die than adults. Withholding vaccination from your children could easily be considered child abuse. That decision could easily kill them needlessly.

It boggles the mind that people in this day and age are so uneducated they fall for these ridiculous theories that the medical community is out to get them. I think in most cases it is that people are so scared of getting shots they invent this stuff themselves. They then pass the harm those irrational fears cause them on to their children and others.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Corkscrew

None of those things would have any effect on Influenza. What is your point?

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Corkscrew

Are there not in fact numerous case studies that prove undeniably that vaccinations do more harm then good... yes there are. Vaccinations are a trick of people the believe in eugenics.... absolutely deplorable.

I'm calling bull**** on this one. There are no such studies. Prove me wrong. I'll give you a hint. Look in JAMA or Nature for the Peer Reviewed studies. Please don't use any fake studies by confidence men selling snake oil on C2C or Rense's program.

[edit on 2/29/2008 by Blaine91555]

[edit on 2/29/2008 by Blaine91555]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Flu spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics, killing millions of people in pandemic years and hundreds of thousands in non-pandemic years. Three influenza pandemics occurred in the 20th century and killed tens of millions of people

You need to stop using wiki to get your information...

Flu kills millions of people and hundreds of thousands of people every year??? Incorrect. You can look at the CDC, and WHO sites to debunk those numbers. Here's the health canada website in regards to numbers from the 2003-2004 flu season

Health Canada

December 20, 2003 - While the 2004 influenza season arrived earlier than in previous years, and appears to be more severe than the last three seasons, current national and international data indicate that its impact in Canada is still within the expected range.


On average, 500-1500 deaths per year are reported in Canada due to influenza or pneumonia as a complication of influenza.

Don't know...maybe we have better immune systems up here in Canada


posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Michelle129

No, there's just fewer people in Canada. I love how people expect numbers to stay the same in larger or smaller nations.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by paxnatus
Just wanted to know how many posters have actually experienced the"death flu" of 2008? I and my 11yr. old boy have it now. I call it that because it will make you wish for death!! This is day 5 for us. I cannot
recall a time I was sicker. fever 103+ violent chills, neck,shoulders,and back hurting constantly, shortness of breath and this non stop deep hacking cough. Had someone been able to give me a glimpse of what this flu would be like...I would have been first in line. After being a nurse for 15yrs. you build up immunity to almost everything. I hadn't had the flu in 7yrs.nor had I taken the flu shot. My son has never had the flu. I think many of you would think twice if you could see how sick a child
can get. I think the reason for the article in the first place is because several children have died from this years flu. While I realize this may fall on deaf ears, if you have young children I urge you to take precautions.

I and much of my family had this and we all had the flu shot. Those in my family who didn't get the flu shot this year did NOT get sick.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Jessicamsa

This doesn't matter. It's all a matter of if they had prolonged exposure to the virus or already had immunity. If you have repeated no infection, you probably have something in your blood to stop it, or the virus hasn't penetrated your DNA format yet. Everyone is different, and everyone has defenses to different things. It takes a certian mutation to eventually get you though.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:13 PM
Im reading the CDC website an i read this

Can the flu shot give me the flu?

No, the flu shot cannot cause flu illness. The three influenza viruses contained in the flu vaccine are each inactivated (killed), which means they cannot cause infection. Flu vaccine manufacturers kill the viruses used in the vaccine during the process of making vaccine, and batches of flu vaccine are tested to make sure they are safe. In randomized, blinded studies, where some people get flu shots and others get salt-water shots, the only differences in symptoms was increased soreness in the arm and redness at the injection site among people who got the flu shot. There were no differences in terms of body aches, fever, cough, runny nose or sore throat.

And Laughits a trick answer, No it doesnt cause the virus, of course a dead virus wont cause the virus but maybe the dead virus while in you an your body is fighting to get rid of it or whatnot that your immune system will be weakened enuff to get the flu lol

I also found this about a combined flu shot
combined flu shot compared to the 2 seperate shots

Its a dead virus with a host of other chemicals, Now I wanna dig up my moms old Nursing books an look at some things too bad shes 400 miles away lol an its 5 thousand pages long lol.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Trance Optic
your immune system will be weakened enuff to get the flu lol

How? It's not fighting off anything.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:23 PM
ITS dealing with the dead virus, even thoe its not alive its still foriegn in your body an thus forth requires attention,

Safe and effective vaccines can be produced from either dead or weakened viruses.

Viruses are “killed” by using chemical agents such as formaldehyde. The killing process is known as virus inactivation and the vaccines which result are known as inactivated virus vaccines. After the virus is inactivated, it is no longer able to replicate and produce disease in the body. However, after injection it is still able to stimulate an immune response. This immune response, primarily the production of circulating antibodies, are able to prevent illnesses when the host is later exposed to the infectious virus. Inactivated virus vaccines can be produced from the whole virus or the virus can be disrupted with only pieces of the virus are used in the vaccine. Vaccines produced from the whole virus are called inactivated whole virus vaccine, while vaccines using pieces of disrupted viruses are known as inactivated subunit vaccines. The current vaccines used to prevent influenza are available in both the inactivated whole virus and subunit vaccine formulations.

my source

[edit on 29-2-2008 by Trance Optic]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Mich do you have a problem reading what people post, Blaine's reference said that in PANDEMIC years millions die which is true and in NONE PANDEMIC years its hundreds of thousands.

Blaine is correct people pass on their ignorant irrational fears to their children and denying your child the best health care available is wrong.
Between 1918-1919 the influenza pandemic killed between 40 and 50 million people.

The WHO models state that a pandemic now would kill 2-7.7 million, and that in high income countries there would be 134-233 million outpatient cases and 1.5-5.2 million hospital admissions and if you pardon the pun those figures are not to be sneezed at.

Does that allay your fears at all or do you still believe that hugs and kisses will do it for you, an act I may add that is very good at passing the virus around. So you see rather than thinking that the Goverment is out to force vacs on you its the opposite its about being prepared for the next pandemic outbreak.

And if we were to believe all these irrational fears of what our respective govs are up to they could just sit back and do nothing whilst millons dieso they are dammed if they do or dont.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Mich do you have a problem reading what people post, Blaine's reference said that in PANDEMIC years millions die which is true and in NONE PANDEMIC years its hundreds of thousands.

Blaine is correct people pass on their ignorant irrational fears to their children and denying your child the best health care available is wrong.
Between 1918-1919 the influenza pandemic killed between 40 and 50 million people.

The WHO models state that a pandemic now would kill 2-7.7 million, and that in high income countries there would be 134-233 million outpatient cases and 1.5-5.2 million hospital admissions and if you pardon the pun those figures are not to be sneezed at.

Does that allay your fears at all or do you still believe that hugs and kisses will do it for you, an act I may add that is very good at passing the virus around. So you see rather than thinking that the Goverment is out to force vacs on you its the opposite its about being prepared for the next pandemic outbreak.

And if we were to believe all these irrational fears of what our respective govs are up to they could just sit back and do nothing whilst millons dieso they are dammed if they do or dont.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Michelle129

The Wiki is just fine in this regard. You have your facts wrong. In fact I'm going to use it again as I know these facts are correct.


The "Spanish flu", 1918–1919. First identified early March 1918 in US troops training at Camp Funston, Kansas, by October 1918 it had spread to become a world-wide pandemic on all continents. Unusually deadly and virulent, it ended nearly as quickly as it began, vanishing completely within 18 months. In six months, 25 million were dead

Before people believe these fantasies being presented here, do me and your children a favor. Find an old Cemetery. One that has graves dating back into the late 1800's. If you happen to live in the Everett, Washington area it has an old Cemetery which has a particularly striking example of this.

You will find a section made up of an incredible number of children's graves. They often put lambs or baby shoes and the like on the headstones. They will all be dated 1918 and 1919. The first thing you will realize is the incredible number of them compared to children's graves in other years. I stumbled over this in one graveyard and then watched for it in others. I was brought to tears walking through the one in Washington State thinking about how it must have been.

When I was a young man we had a strain called the Swine Flu. I was a 6"2" 220 pound mass of solid muscle in those days. I was working for a company that mined phosphates bearing ore and produced fertilizers to earn money for Graduate Studies.

When it hit me I was twenty feet in the air holding the tops of two walls together for a welder. Out of the blue, I started uncontrollable convulsions and my safety rope saved me. The welder thought I was having a panic attack due to fear of heights and grabbed me saving my life. By the time I got down I was burning up with fever. They drove me out to the parking lot in a company truck and I managed to drive the 50 miles home somehow.

I could not care for myself and I had a 104 fever so I went to my sisters house. She kept me covered with cold wet towels for 3 days to no avail. I ended up in the Hospital with IVs and by then my fever was topping 105. I don't remember most of the next couple of days but obviously I survived.

During that month, I attended 3 funerals of family friends who were not so lucky. All of us could have gotten vaccinated as it was in circulation by then, but we ignored it. My mother being sensible got the shot and survived while watching her best friend die.

I think part of the problem is that the vaccines work so well young people have never seen how devastating these diseases can be. You are not afraid of them and you should be afraid of them! Don't risk your children's lives based on the lies from these confidence men trying to hawk books and snake oil cures. Don't bet your kids life on some radical anarchists opinion because his living depends on scaring you and inventing conspiracies.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Jessicamsa

I and much of my family had this and we all had the flu shot. Those in my family who didn't get the flu shot this year did NOT get sick.

That means you caught a strain not covered in the vaccination. It has been in the news for some time that there is a strain going around that was not covered in this years vaccine. I've seen at least two doctors on TV explain what is happening. The vaccines work when they correctly predict the strain(s).

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

Sigh, magicmushroom, go back and read my post again. Then tell me which one of us doesn't read properly



posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:59 PM
Holy crap look at all the doctors on here. The only thing I can tell you abut flu shots is last year and the year before was the first time I ever had them. Suprisingly both years I got sick as hell for the first time since I was in sixth grade, I am 30 now, so that was some years ago. This year, I didnt get my flu shot, while people around me had the flu, I havent. The only thing I have been doing is vitamin C, and if I feel something coming on zinc and euchinasia (however the hell you spell it). Not saying that some people jump off the deep end with stuff like this, but in my experience of two years with flu shots getting the damn flu, no more for me. For the record, it was the flu, it was not a cold that i had, I probably have the bill from the doc around somewhere.

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