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horrific dreams...

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posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 09:34 AM
before christmas i was having really disgusting dreams over n over every night. i made a a dream diary. theyre were so bad. like i dreamed i was at a party, one of those ones like the 'cluedo' boardgame u no? all adults. all in a big house. dressed up. n slowsly ppl were dying. being brutally brutally murdered. it was so bad. things would happen like a woman was running towards me saying he stabbed me n she was falling everywhere n bleeding and i held her n said it was ok then she looked at me n and stabbed me in the left of my stomach it was horrible.then when i thought everything had calmed down and people had stopped being killed i was sitting in the livingroom with others and i felt something on my forehead.i brushed it away. then i felt it again. and i noticed everyone was looking at me,then i looked at the hand i had touched my forehead with and it had blod on it. i looked up and on the ceiling was a pool of blood. and somehow i knew that directly above us was the babies room. i dont wanna say what i saw when we went upstairs.anyone know what that dream means? i had it seven times.and no i dont do drugz...

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 06:32 PM
You have been betrayed by someone close to you. Someone who either was supposed to protect you like a mother or father or a friend that you have known since you were younger.

The betrayal made you (or will) make you embaressed among your peer group (friends, maybe coworkers)


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