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UFO Brigade, New York

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posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:15 PM
I've seen very similar ones in Mexico.. at few different events> This one here, though looks like a symbol! IF anyone could compare it with Egyptian or Mayan symbols, I will bet it is! I read somewhere that the formation looked like the symbol for "rebirth" in Mayans language! Any thoughts ....

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by TrailGator
at this whole thread....except for those that see the [admittedly poorly formed] V's and understand that these are birds.

umm.. birds don't float at one spot, neither do they EVER create this type of formation. Although there was a bird at lower altitude around 40-42 sec. IF they were birds they are amazingly in high altitude and NOT the same type as the one that flew at much lower altitude at 40 sec.!

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:26 PM
Its hard to tell either way. Is there anyway to prove they are not birds? Theres a similiar Mexico video to this but you an tell the objects are shiny and metallic.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:35 PM
It's a flock of snow geese. Guaranteed. I'll stake my life on it. I see them all the time.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by VisionQuest
Its hard to tell either way. Is there anyway to prove they are not birds? Theres a similiar Mexico video to this but you an tell the objects are shiny and metallic.

Well i'm comparing it to the bird (40sec) distance and the color. Assuming they are birds, most likely they move in groups and are native to that location. So the birds should be same color and moving the same way... but it moves the opposite way and it's brow color! So if one were to make an assumption, odds are they are NOT a bird!

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by freighttrain

Originally posted by VisionQuest
Its hard to tell either way. Is there anyway to prove they are not birds? Theres a similiar Mexico video to this but you an tell the objects are shiny and metallic.

Well i'm comparing it to the bird (40sec) distance and the color. Assuming they are birds, most likely they move in groups and are native to that location. So the birds should be same color and moving the same way... but it moves the opposite way and it's brow color! So if one were to make an assumption, odds are they are NOT a bird!

The bird at 40 sec is a different species of bird, and it's flying in the opposite direction as the flock.
I can't believe people are really entertaining the thought that this is a formation of hundreds of UFOs... and a crappy formation at that.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:07 PM
lolllllllllllll an lollllllllllll again it.s geese l live in quebec canada and we see this twice a year ...spring and autum it's the secon time that l see these video and picture abour strange formation of ufo lollllllllll

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:10 PM
we're gonna meet our "real" people..prepare!

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:17 PM
Yes Geese exist and fly in broken formation. Talk to ornithologist who study flocking behavior.

Of the tens of videos I have seen, these are not Geese. There would be unstable reflective light from wing profile changes (how they are tangent to light sources). The flocking behaviors are not as stable. They would vary quite visibly. Re-study the images of actual video.

Their distance from each individual vary quite obviously. Even in massive flocks there is very interesting collective consciousness at work in how they change direction and undulate in overall form. Some higher altitude examples.

CGI Flocking behavior Boids See the extensive references in this for science and behaviorist facts that when studied, discount what we are observing in these UFO phenomena.

Look at how dynamic the structure of a flock is.

These and other birds need to be fairly close to each other to maintain position. This has much to do with their eye position so they can also stay in correct social structure from the alpha or lead bird. Notice the "arrow" formation birds including Geese take in migrations flight. It has much to do with how they can see each other in flight. There are differences in species, but for the most part birds do not hover at high altitude, maintain a solid wing position to reflect solid light albedo. stay separated by 100-200 yards at 10,00ft.

With ALL the video I have looked at over the years on this, I can find NO correlative dynamic for birds and these objects.

I have photographed and videoed these objects on several occasions myself, and saw one in the sky "rock solid" on September 11th 2002 with my wife. When I turned and reached for my binoculars my wife said it disappeared.

My experience with such and science knowledge and ability to research "before" I make a statement like "yea it's Geese". lead me to a different conclusion.

Geese in Mexico? Yes
There are white balloons also. But that is for the next debunk.

Also, see what happens when you mix up a bird with an aircraft. EJECT!

Keep looking up. Tell us what you see. You will see something eventually.


posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by freighttrain
Well i'm comparing it to the bird (40sec) distance and the color. Assuming they are birds, most likely they move in groups and are native to that location. So the birds should be same color and moving the same way... but it moves the opposite way and it's brow color! So if one were to make an assumption, odds are they are NOT a bird!

Why couldn't the bird at :40 just be some other bird, of some other species, flying in a different direction as the birds in the large formation? How does that fact that bird looks different automatically make you think that the other objects can't be a different kind of bird?

I can look outside my window and see 3 or 4 different kind of birds at one time. I suppose in New York there can be Canada Geese flying at 5000-7,000 feet going one way, and a pigeon or a hawk flying at 200 feet going the other way.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 11:41 PM
Flock of Seagulls! oh man, I thought we've heard the last of them!

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 12:05 AM
Where is the proof its from NYC? I've seen similar vids from Mex for some years now. There is NO explanation or "love" or "xplanation" that I have ever heard from MEX or anyone credible.

Why do we care now that it is supposedly from NYC when no one cares that it happens all the time in MEX?

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 12:30 AM
I've been hunting geese all my life. My first thoughts from the video were of a migratory geese formation. They do travel quite high at times as in this picture.

This picture shows the geese in formation at low altitude and also very high. This formation to me looks very much like the formations in the video.


[edit on 27-2-2008 by Guzzeppi]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:42 AM
Very nice find.

Its very interesting.
The original videographer has some other good videos on You Tube as well.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by freighttrain
umm.. birds don't float at one spot,

They appear to float on one spot because they are so high up, its called perspective - geese migrate over Mount Everest you know.

neither do they EVER create this type of formation.

Please, please review the rest of the thread before commenting. If you had, you will have noticed the video posted by Soylent Green Is People. If you missed it, go back and watch it. Geese DO create this type of formation all the time.

Zero Ghost - all your videos appear irrelevent IMO. They do not show a flock of Snow Geese at high altitutude (as in, more than 10, 000 feet) which is what we are seeing in the original video.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 02:25 PM
If not for the amazing dot patterns I would have said.. chemtrail zoomed to hell. Honestly, no clue as to what is depicted! I wouldn't jump to a ufo formation though...not enough evidence even for believers.

Just to add it was very difficult to make any sense of the video because there were no reference points. The video could literaly be anything and severly manipulated by editing software. The only thing suggesting "realism" was the sound of dogs barking and some traffic noise in the background.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 03:49 PM
They are definitely snow geese. I've seen them many times.

Furthermore, NYC is in the flight path of their migration:

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 06:38 PM
Here is a screenshot of the original. It was tough to get a focused shot... this is one of the best.

Here is a screenshot of the video Soylent Green is People posted. Granted these are not snow geese I think this is 100% debunked.

Can case be closed now?

[edit on 27-2-2008 by samureyed]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 08:43 PM
Well im Leaning towards the Bird explanation now ..thanks to the evidence presented above. Thanks for all your Posts! & Evidence

I guess Video Debunked..


posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Willbert
Birds migrating north.. tis the season.

Birds migrate SOUTH for the winter. Which is another thing not quite clear in this video...which direction ARE they moving??

If the formation is moving North, it CAN'T be birds. Likewise, if it's moving West it cannot be balloons hitching a ride courtesy of the jet stream/prevailing winds which in the New York area moves East/North East.

It might be helpful to get an idea of the fleet's direction.

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