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The Social Taboo of Criticizing Radical Islam

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posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Actually, for the attentive, it was because you posted a hate site, declared it unbiased truth, and have yet to acknowledge any point illustrating otherwise.

But let's not let reality enter your little bubble there, Ashley. it hurts and stings.

No, I understood you were referring to the other website but the 'jizz guzzling' comment was just tasteless and crass.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

Apparently you didn't understand, since you claimed I said that because you started the thread. Tasteless and crass? You're the one linking a hate site and claiming it's perfect, unbiased, unadulterated truth.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I'm not sure if my opinion is going to mean anything to you; but that comment was base, crude and entirely uncalled for. I realize that different people have different sensibilities, but that was truly offensive.


[edit on 25-2-2008 by EricD]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Did you Macrame me something nice? Did you check out the Saudi Story also on the guys arrested today?

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by EricD

The irony. Criticize a Christian posting a blatant hate site, and the mumblenuts come out of the woodwork to try to shut you up.

Laugh about how Muslims screw camels, not a peep.

You guys are great.


Sure did. Saudi law is screwed up. I believe this was covered on page 4 - so say nothing of the probably thirty other threads just on ATS.

[edit on 25-2-2008 by TheWalkingFox]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:23 PM

I'm a little surprised that this hasn't been covered more. It's anecdotal at best, but I found it interesting.


It seems that a man was apprehended by security at Tampa International Airport for trying to take a boxcutter that was located in a hollowed out book onto a plane (or at least beyond the security checkpoint). The man was carrying various books that indicated that he at least had a passing interest in Islam.

I didn't see anything about this in the mainstream press and I asked others if they had and they replied that they hadn't. Again, I realize that this is anecdotal.


posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by EricD

The irony. Criticize a Christian posting a blatant hate site, and the mumblenuts come out of the woodwork to try to shut you up.

Laugh about how Muslims screw camels, not a peep.

[edit on 25-2-2008 by TheWalkingFox]

I guess I wasn't clear in the post that you are referring to. Let me attempt to clarify. I don't have any problem with you criticizing AshleyD. I don't care if you take her to task for any shortcomings you perceive in her argument.

As an aside, I disagree with some of her arguments as well.

I have a problem with your use of what I would term vulgarity.

I'm sorry if that wasn't made clear. By all means, continue the dialogue. I was not attempting to stiffle discussion, but to plead for civility.

And for the record, I agree that insinuations that Muslims engage in bestiality are also reprehensible.

Chief Mumblenut

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:32 PM
What's up with the fox? Why so bitter? He have ED or something?

[edit on 25-2-2008 by cruzion]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I want my Macrame blanket delivered to me in Florida.....

Ok step one you saw the story. Ok Im a simple guy and I like to keep things simple because Im not smart like you. But its stories like this I and everyone see all the time and then I hear stories about people getting killed for stupid things like naming a bear after Mohamed or questioning Allah. This is the point the OP is trying to make I think. If you cant get that then I dont know what to say.

I agree Im sure there are people on the thread trying to stir things up I have people do that to my threads all the time. But until moderates stand up and say Prince Nayef bin Fawwaz Al Shalaan the way you are teaching muslm people and the way you treat your women and men is not how Islam really is this is what people will believe.

Ok Ok let me give an example. You know who Paul Revere is right? Well did you know the story of him is really not based on him it is based on a guy name Isreal Bissel. But because it was taught Paul Revere the legend became fact. Am I making sense?

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

Hol'jer horses there, pardner

But its stories like this I and everyone see all the time and then I hear stories about people getting killed for stupid things like naming a bear after Mohamed or questioning Allah. This is the point the OP is trying to make I think. If you cant get that then I dont know what to say.

The point Ashley is making is that there is a conspiracy to silence (or at least hush) any discussion or criticism of radical Islam.

But... you see such discussion and criticism all the time, you say?

Huh. Imagine that. I've been right all along.

'Course apparently all anyone has to argue against me now is how "mean" I am or something. Oh well.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:51 PM
Is everyone speaking the same language here? You are all going around in bloody circles saying the same thing again and again. The OP had a good point. Everyone is just gibbering on about semantics.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Im talking I see stories like this all the time on the news. You are one person coming out and saying what is being preached by extremists is not really what the book says. We need you and a lot more. I think a good uprising in Saudi Arabia would help. People finally standing up and saying what you are making us go through is not humane and not what the Quoran says. Ive always said if you want to solve the extremism problem gosh darn it let the men over there have some sex. This is all the want is some wild crazy sex. Then they wouldnt hate us so much.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:53 PM
I dunno, the beastiallity thing is pretty wild and crazy...

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I love it when people tell me what is going on in my own head. For argument's sake, regardless of what you were referring to, it was still a tasteless comment. Here are some statements from that one comment (not even including the other trash I've seen you spew in your other comments):

Murderous, foam-mouthed freak of a Christian
Pile of turds
Gulping down hate-jizz

And Heaven only knows what else you said before the mods edited it. On another thread you said something to another member about pulling things out of their 'twat' and other such nonsense before you were warned for that one, too. Gracious, Child. Get a grip and quit behaving like a 'foam-mouthed freak.' It doesn't become you and adds nothing to the discussion.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by cruzion
I dunno, the beastiallity thing is pretty wild and crazy...


posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:58 PM
"Murderous, foam-mouthed freak of a Christian" is my personal favorite. It has everything you want. Spite. Rabies. Immaturity and a nice blatant attack on someone's beliefs. Very nice Wolfy, very nice.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I love it when people tell me what is going on in my own head. For argument's sake, regardless of what you were referring to, it was still a tasteless comment. Here are some statements from that one comment (not even including the other trash I've seen you spew in your other comments):

Murderous, foam-mouthed freak of a Christian
Pile of turds
Gulping down hate-jizz

And Heaven only knows what else you said before the mods edited it. On another thread you said something to another member about pulling things out of their 'twat' and other such nonsense before you were warned for that one, too. Gracious, Child. Get a grip and quit behaving like a 'foam-mouthed freak.' It doesn't become you and adds nothing to the discussion.

Mmm hmmm. Yup, I talk like a sailor. Your chaste, driven snow of a Christian soul is scarred forever by my hideous language. Got it. Sadly, I'm not one of those people who just sprinkles vulgarity at random. Whoever I cuss at has earned every word.

So, we've covered your self-derailment and pity-seeking. I'm mean, you're a baby deer, and that's freaking awesome.

Now while you're re-reading my posts to prove how awful my word choice is, how about you take the small amount of extra time to also look at the rest of my posts. See all that stuff stretching between my acidpocked use of the English language?

Those are called points Ashley. I made them. And you have yet to address a single one of them.

Hop to.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Your chaste, driven snow of a Christian soul is scarred forever by my hideous language.

Nothing to do with my virgin ears but more to do with THIS and THIS among a few others.

Whoever I cuss at has earned every word.

'Earned' according to your own self inflated litmus test being those who disagree with you or offer a conspiracy you do not agree with. Foxy is right and anyone who does not agree is an idiot and has 'earned' cussing regardless if it is against the T&C's or anything else. You claim it is justified therefore it is A.O.K. Got it.

Those are called points Ashley. I made them. And you have yet to address a single one of them.

Let's see. You mentioned the atrocities of Christianity and Islam. I told you the focus of this thread was not atrocities. You mentioned that we were lumping all Muslims together but we corrected you again stating that was not the point of the thread and even brought up the Islamic texts showing it is not all Muslims. You think the link in the original thread is biased and not truth. Ok. That is your opinion.

Then you return to another misguided opinion that the thread was about Radical Islam. You were corrected again that this thread was not about radical Islam in itself, whether or not their beliefs are right are wrong, if the behavior is justified by Islamic texts, or whether or not such atrocities were occurring but that this discussion is about whether or not there is a taboo, silence, stigma, violent backlash, or any kind of repercussions about speaking out against such things. It certainly looks like your opinions have been addressed numerous times on this thread.

[edit on 2/25/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:11 PM
Moving beyond the stigmata..

Originally posted by AshleyD
Let's see. You mentioned the atrocities of Christianity and Islam. I told you the focus of this thread was not atrocities.

Actually, I didn't. I pointed out that one of the reasons people might be rolling their eyes at you or some of the others criticizing radical Islam, are being hypocrites. How? Because you turn a blind eye to the - I'll say it again - murderous foam-mouthed freaks in your own backyard, and instead want to point and stare at the murderous foam-mouthed freaks in someone else's backyard.

For those playing the home game, the murderous foam-mouthed freaks are Christian extremists. I even make the distinction between "them" and "you" in my initial post.

Imagine my puzzlement when you and so many others run to their defense by claiming, falsely, that I'm applying the term to all Christians. But thank you for proving my point about hypocrisy with that.

You mentioned that we were lumping all Muslims together but we corrected you again stating that was not the point of the thread and even brought up the Islamic texts showing it is not all Muslims.

No, I mentioned that another reason there might be some calls of bigotry for criticizing radical Islam is because A LOT of the criticism out there - Daniel Pipes, Salman Rushdie, Walid Moonbat... These "critics" draw no line between moderate and radical, between terrorist and innocent. They state, clearly, boldly (and with juicy book deals) that the problem is evil, Islam is evil, and all Muslims are evil or too stupid to be evil.

There was no accusations of you guys "lumping them all together" - Except for those several posters who did in fact do exactly that.

You think the link in the original thread is biased and not truth. Ok. That is your opinion.

No, I believe that you're being purposefully dense. Truth and bias are not mutually exclusive. I've repeated this to your BS claim several times

Yes, I know is biased. Just like Jewwatch, it takes actual news and quotations, and spins them to create an image of everyone that is Muslim (or Jewish) as falling into the stereotype, or being too dumb to do so properly.

You don't have to go to journalism school to recognize bias in a source.

Then you return to another misguided opinion that the thread was about Radical Islam. You were corrected again that this thread was [not] about radical Islam in itself, if the behavior is justified by Islamic texts, or whether or not such atrocities were occurring but that this discussion is about whether or not there is a taboo, silence, stigma, violent backlash, or any kind of repercussions about speaking out against such things.

[Editing on the assumption you left out the "not" above]

I'm perfectly aware of what this thread is about. Why you are focusing on me for bringing those other subjects in, when all I did was respond to people who brought them up, I don't know.

However, I have repeatedly asked you to provide backing for the claims you make. The sad fact is, noted by myself AND by several others, you're wrong. There is no silence. There is no stigma. There's certainly not a taboo - As your hate site shows, a person can make a lot of money by going after Islam as a whole, to say nothing of the radical elements of it.

Now maybe you can claim that the Saudis or Pakistanis freak out now and then. But you and I are both aware you're not talking about Saudi Arabian or Pakistani media.

(To be honest, if I lived in those nations, I'd have a lot to be pissed about, too - and if the only way I can express those pissed urges without ending up another victim of the regime is by screaming about a cartoon, then I'll scream about the cartoon and whatever hte hell else pops into my head)

It certainly looks like your opinions have been addressed numerous times on this thread.

Someone's have, but I'm pretty certain they're not mine

[edit on 25-2-2008 by TheWalkingFox]

[edit on 25-2-2008 by TheWalkingFox]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Wow!! Could not let this slip. "The Lords Resistance Army" a group that
kills in the name of Christ? Then you have the audacity to accuse another
poster of getting their research from matchbook covers and bubblegum cards? What exactly do you know about th LRA? I have personal experience with the victims of this group. I challenge you to prove the LRA
murders in the name of Jesus? So which is it Goof? Or lie. I'll go with good
old BS. Maybe others are buying you, But I for one am not.

The vitriol that you spew is a telling sign of ignorance. I'll do you a favor:
vitriol 1. noun (Abusive or venomous language used to express, blame, censure.) 2. verb(To subject to verbal abuse.) Based on your posts,you have proven yourself a bigot and one full of antipathy.

Oh yeah, look it up!!

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