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Seeing Near and Far Simultaneously

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posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:44 AM
note to moderator: I've spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to classify this post... so sorry if this is in the wrong forum.

I've been lurking on this site for a little while now. After reading about other people's experiences I've decided to post my own, mundane as it might be, in hopes that others might be able to relate to it.

I don't remember the circumstances of the initial instance of the phenomena I am about to describe, but I know the impression that it made on me. I can remember the feeling vividly.

I recall being on a balcony looking down on a tv. I kind of "remember" my vision zooming in quickly on the object i was focusing on the tv. I was then able to "see" both the tv extremely closeup as well see the entire area around the room from my vantage point on the balcony.

I don't want to stress to much on the "seeing" aspect. I think thats just the easiest way to interpret my memory... I am a very visual person. It was also partially reeling with the quantamness of the situation, as if something both existed and didn't exist simultaneously.

What really stuck with me was the feeling I had while i was "seeing" both near and far at the same time. I wouldn't necessarily say euphoric... but I would say that at that moment every fiber of my being or mind was focused sharply on one solitary object/area/space/idea. The feeling is truly indescribable, but it definitely made an impression on me and I wanted to experience it again throughout childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

This I kind of forgot about this feeling until I heard about the concept of the Atman and Brahman. Here's a good quote:

"To realize Atman is to know you are god, immortal, indestructible. To realize Braman is to know that all is god. To know Atman = Braman is to realize that you are alone in a perfect universe, a point of light reflected back in infinite mirrors."

When I first read that it reminded me of "seeing near and far" at the same time and the feeling that I had then. So, I would say that is a far overhyped yet semi-accurate description of the feeling.

Another description of the feeling comes from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time (wotwiki).

The Void is a concentration technique used by blademasters. The user envisions a flame and a void, then feeds all other concerns - emotions, thoughts, and everything else - into the flame. This allows the user to concentrate on the matter at hand, even ignoring pain or fear.

When I read that in the series it deeply reminded me of that feeling that I'd had, seeing near and far.

Anyhow, I found that I could replicate the feeling that I had that day. I can sometimes feel it by imagining a similar scene, where I am on a raised platform looking down on something small. Or if I'm just in a field and I can see really far in a direction. This kind of lets me focus on this memory/idea/feeling. I admit that I have not tried this in a couple of years (i'm 25 now), but generally have been able to experience that feeling by trying to see or experience things near and far at the same time.

Has anyone else had this "experiencing/conceptualizing two seemingly contradictory things at the same time" and reaching an extremely heightened state of awareness/oobe/super-intense feeling of raw emotion? If so, do share... if not... comments?


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