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Sick of it All - Wall of Death

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posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:50 AM
Man, my cousin went to this show recently by Sick of it All and he showed me a video of one of the songs they played at the show (im guessing they play this song a lot based on how many video's there are) It was called "Wall of Death" and I can certainly see why!

I can only post one video of it right now because Im at work and cant view half of them to tell if their any good, but believe me when I say, some of the other video's are even more insane than this one.

Wall of Death

I love going into pits but I would never attempt to hit this pit.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by InSpiteOf

Reminds me of my younger days.
No way could I handle that now though.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 09:23 PM
You should check out a few other versions of that pit on youtube. Err by versions, i mean played at different shows.

My cousin saw some guy come out of the pit after this song with pins or screws coming out of his flesh around his ankle. It turns out the guy broke his ankle really badley a few weeks before the show, and had a plate and some pins (or screws I cant really remember) to keep it all together. He apparently went back into the pit afterwards.

Sick Of It All has a rough following. But wicked to see live.

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