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A Conspiracy against TRUTH

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posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by DaleGribble
its clear through out history and the bible that the catholic church has nothing but malice intent, and means to decive any and all who will listen. luckly with God iggnorance is an excuse. the dark ages who was the super power then? could it have been the papacy? i dont know. who used to kill christians for haveing bibles? who removed two books from the bible?

and im the negitive one?

There's nothing outside "Our Father" and your personal relationship with Our Father. This is the only thing anyone of us each and our own should be focused upon.

We each choose to see the light or the darkness. We all each choose to see negitivity or positivity, and only through objectivity can the truth be reached and understood.

You for yourself are the negitive one. You are choosing to look into the darkenss that leads to chaos and confusion of thoughts. You don't focus on your own personal relationship rather you focus on part of the brotherhoods "ills" and this is your "ill". You should focus on your ill before others. And if clearing your own eye, you'll realize your brotherhood is not perfect.

OUR LORD WHO IS IN HEAVEN = We are all one brother hood.

FORGIVE US OUR TRESSPASSES AS YOU FORGIVE US OF OURS = God will forgive you as you are able to forgive others. If you are unable to accept your brothers God will be unwilling to accept you.

So therefore Think very carfully about how you treat all others.

I use to believe, or so it would seem, the world was a darkened evil place. Then I woke up. I realized the world, "reality" being 95% personal perception, was a dark place for that's how I chose to look at it.

As soon as I changed my percpetions of the world, the world around me changed.

Are you the negitive one? Yes you are, on your own account. Focus on the light and be the light. Focus on the darkness and be in darkness.

What is "Good" and what is "Evil" is according to the Will of God and not the self serving biased percpetions of any one man. For you to assume something in this world is "evil" is to superinpose your will as Our Fathers. and to do such a thing is one of the deepest acts of evil anyone can do here on earth.

Everyone should take their greezy point fingers and trun them inward where such fingers belong. Each only needs consern themself with their personal relationship with our father.

To point outward from you, to percieve "evil" outside yourself, is in fact a trick of the devil, whom only wants you not to focus on yourself and who only wants to drag you down with the rebels. As it is the evil that makes you see others as evil to do the works of evil.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 03:30 PM
In all truth I tell you this.

There is nothing hidden in any vault or by any man or group that anyone needs to do well. All that other info would only surve to confuse mankind more.

Nothing is hidden that will not reveal it self in God's Time. NOT YOURS!

For you to want is to be in want and not to be after the will of our father but to put your own will first and above God.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

im not a parent so i truthfully cant say for sure what i would chose. although my choice would depent on a few varible age, why they were dieing, ect. ect.

i am a firm believer that the catholic church is hiding the truth, to harvest as many souls for satan as posible. i would hide plenty if that were my motive as well. although i dont think its fair or right.

this is for the post that said the cathloic hirearchy never claimed to be devine

"Vicarius Filii Dei" (Vicar son of God) is on the popes offical mitre

Revelation 13:18 "Count the number of the beast:for it is the number of man:and his number is six hundred threescore and six."

we are now going to use the roman numeral system


what's our grand total? looks alot like 666

[edit on 15pmu32007 by DaleGribble]

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by DaleGribble

This is because you're have been tricked by the devil because the devil is after your soul.

The devil is not in control of anything. To say the devil, or satan or any dark force, is in control of anything in our world is to deny CHRIST IS LORD over all things.

That's a bad path you're on, and I strongly sudgest you reasses.


All things are under the rule of OUR FATHER AND GOD'S CHRIST! to state such things is only superposing your will over our fathers, but you will be tricked more and stay in your dark world until the time of your distruction if that's what you want.

It's up to you.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 03:38 PM
You want to blame a church for "hidding the truth" yet here I am offering you the truth that you just will not see.

The one that is hidding the truth from you is you.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

a great man told me once, " to get a positive you sometimes have to do some thing negitave."

i had to think about that for a while. then it came clear to me. so you see me as negitave but i asure you my motives are positive.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Incarnated
reply to post by DaleGribble

This is because you're have been tricked by the devil because the devil is after your soul.

The devil is not in control of anything. To say the devil, or satan or any dark force, is in control of anything in our world is to deny CHRIST IS LORD over all things.

That's a bad path you're on, and I strongly sudgest you reasses.


All things are under the rule of OUR FATHER AND GOD'S CHRIST! to state such things is only superposing your will over our fathers, but you will be tricked more and stay in your dark world until the time of your distruction if that's what you want.

It's up to you.

it say in the bible it's self that the devil was given power on earth, by god himself. give me a minute or two and ill dig up the passage.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by DaleGribble
i had to think about that for a while. then it came clear to me. so you see me as negitave but i asure you my motives are positive.

see you have confusion of though. I don't see you as negitive. I know your perspective of evil outside yourself is negitive. But I do not see the person you are as a negitive. You're only burdned with negitive thinking patterns. If I thought you were negitive do you really think me so vain as to waste my time on you? I would not. No positive thing comes from a negitive source.

We are all Objective, and it would surve each of us well to stay objective.

My point is simply this. You will in the end follow the path you want. If you wish to do well then you will seek after the path of our father. If you want to believe you know better then God, then buddy, you're on your own.

I hope you wake up to the fact that God is in control and for you to point outside yourself as something YOU percieve as "evil" is to deny that God is in control or that God is able to control. That's bad news.

It's all about the soul. The true things of God make your heart at peace. Does this negitive thinking bring you peace? if you say it does then you're a lier as well as a person lost in confusionion and chaos.

It's all about your relationship with God. Before you can do any work for God you have to get with God first!

Good Luck. I wish you well.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by DaleGribble

it say in the bible it's self that the devil was given power on earth, by god himself. give me a minute or two and ill dig up the passage.

Again, you only see that what you want to see. For I am aware of that statement but you obiviously have overlooked that at THIS POINT IN THE STORY, that power has been taken away.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

i have a complete diffrent look on what the bible has been teaching me. it is my impression from reading the bible that we haven't even begun to see the power the devil was given on earth. for seven years he will rule and kill millions and then the Son of God will return to this earth.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 04:28 PM
the "good pope" John Paul XXII named himself "Dominim Deum Nostrom Papam" (our Lord God the pope) and declaired himself infallible.

i really cant see where im going down the wrong track this sounds alot like blasphemy to me. but hey im negative and cant see the truth..

[edit on 15pmu42007 by DaleGribble]

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 06:44 PM
Merry christmas everyone. this ever going to be a contradiction in terms....

I mean no disrespect but my research has led me to believe that
all religion is well i won`t say inherently evil but i will say that they are designed to take us OFF the true path with god,

the bible says there is only one path to god(i agree with this)

but if you have to do this rule and follow that rule and worhip this or that or don`t eat this but eat this instead or don`t say this but say that instead
then well,,,,that doesn`t sound like a straight path ,it sounds like a bunch off stuff to lead you off of the path.
and I`m only talking about one religion.....what about the others.

So if its truth you are looking for you need a direct connection.
no rules ,no rituals,just a divine path....,it will show you the way without a bunch a religions trying to TELL you what path to take.

Now having said all that I still have and always will have a very deep respect for people of the cloth .
priest and the like are very strong willed souls who very much want to care for and assist our fragile societies.
so I salute you sir for your honest caring of humanity.
merry christmas to you.

-Music is Magic

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 07:18 PM
To get to the point quick. While Eve may have been tempted to sin, it was the man who was sopposed to watch over her. And he also ate, and because of his sin (not the woman's sin) we were all brought under the bondage of death and the oppression of the devil. But in Christ there is neither male nor female, we are one and equal before God as it was at the beginning.

It is not about religion with God. He is not impressed with our works. The first religious person was Cain who decided that the works of his hands were good enough to offer God. Vegetables and fruit that stunk on the altar. God has no respect for what we think is right in our own eyes. Now Able took a life and shed it's blood, an innocent lamb, and offered it up to God because he knew there was nothing that he could offer on his own behalf.

In the old Testiment, God set aside Saturday or the seventh day as a day of devotion and worship and drawing near to God as our source and life. But they spurned His day and cast God out for other gods and turned away. So God sent Christ to become the sacrifice once offered by Able, a life for the lives of an entire world, to remove the tyrrany of the devil and the pain of eternal death once and for all. Now we seek for God daily and not just one day or even a certain day. Now we depend upon the work done by Christ in ofering His life in exchange for ours, the innocent for the guilty. We no longer depend upon works of our own hands as if we could impress God in heaven.

If there is a conspiracy in truth, it's that it's been hidden and needs to be revealed often so that we don't forget, we are saved by grace not by works lest anyone should boast. Don't get hung up on churches, Jesus never told anyone to ever leave a church or temple, but to know that He would give His life for theirs so they could be free.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove
In the old Testiment, God set aside Saturday or the seventh day as a day of devotion and worship and drawing near to God as our source and life. But they spurned His day and cast God out for other gods and turned away. So God sent Christ to become the sacrifice once offered by Able, a life for the lives of an entire world, to remove the tyrrany of the devil and the pain of eternal death once and for all. Now we seek for God daily and not just one day or even a certain day. Now we depend upon the work done by Christ in ofering His life in exchange for ours, the innocent for the guilty. We no longer depend upon works of our own hands as if we could impress God in heaven.

i agree with most of what you are saying, but the bible tells us;

Exidous 20 8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. "

its plain and simple the catholic church hid the ture sabbath from christians and changed the day to sunday. in order for pegans and christans to worship on the day of the sun.

from Teutonic gods we get the days of our week
these all date back before christ

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by DaleGribble

Originally posted by Fromabove
In the old Testiment, God set aside Saturday or the seventh day as a day of devotion and worship and drawing near to God as our source and life. But they spurned His day and cast God out for other gods and turned away. So God sent Christ to become the sacrifice once offered by Able, a life for the lives of an entire world, to remove the tyrrany of the devil and the pain of eternal death once and for all. Now we seek for God daily and not just one day or even a certain day. Now we depend upon the work done by Christ in ofering His life in exchange for ours, the innocent for the guilty. We no longer depend upon works of our own hands as if we could impress God in heaven.

i agree with most of what you are saying, but the bible tells us;

Exidous 20 8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. "

its plain and simple the catholic church hid the ture sabbath from christians and changed the day to sunday. in order for pegans and christans to worship on the day of the sun.

from Teutonic gods we get the days of our week
these all date back before christ

And then again in Hebrews 4:1-11 it calls the sabbath rest of God "today", saying that he who has rested from doing his own works has entered that rest. And in Romans 14 it reads how one person respects one day over another to God and yet another person respects every day to God, that both are accepted in the Lord.

True, under the law we are commanded to observe the sabbath as God intended, but the Gentile believers were never given this commandment, and that no matter what day they observe,if they do so unto the Lord they are accepted.

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