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Nasa Scientist: The Artic is screaming - gone by 2012!

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posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by Rhain

There is that date again. Probably coincidental right, maybe, maybe not. For you to decide.

Best anyone can do when forcasting the future is education and preparation. What will happen if we lose the ice? Will the ocean levels rise as much as predicted?
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 11/12/07 by Rhain]

dont know if this is true but i heard that sealevels could rise as much as 50/60 meters if both poles melt

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 05:32 AM
You should be much more worried about an overall rise in global ocean temperature than a local rise in arctic or antarctic temperature. According to my Oceanography prof, the main contributor to rises in ocean levels is not the melting of ice, but rather the increase in size of all the water already contained in the oceans as it heats up (it becomes less dense as the molecules spread out). This expansion of the water dwarfs the increases seen from melting ice.

Just something I learned in class that I thought was interesting and relevant to the discussion.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by WuTang

That is absolutely correct.

And on a related note to the topic at hand, scientists have uncovered a part of the reason for the glacial melt in Greenland.

Earth's heat adds to climate change to melt Greenland ice

Scientists have discovered what they think may be another reason why Greenland 's ice is melting: a thin spot in Earth's crust is enabling underground magma to heat the ice.

This of course does not mean that we are completely vindicated and that we are not having an impact. It simply adds to the various factors that contribute to global warming, anthropogenic or otherwise.

Edit: Grammar... nobody's perfect... sigh..

[edit on 13-12-2007 by Beachcoma]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 09:24 AM
What people dont realize is that the north pole melting is quite normal and has happened numerous times, its a cycle.

THe north pole was originally in Hudson bay, before that it was in indonesia.

The north pole melting is normal. The ice age is still thawing out so expect warmer weather, new trade routes, new wars for territory and oil.

It has been proven that all the planets in the Solar system or heating up almost at the same rate as earth's pollution induced 'global warming'.

One only needs to read the ancient American indians creation stories and the bible aswell to know that earth has been flooded before, in actuallity we are still recovering from the last flood. Ancient coastlines, and coastline civilizations can be found almost everywhere submerged in meters of water.

One more thing, about the melting and sea level rise.... get a cup of water and put an ice cube in it, when that cube melts the water will not rise but if i paid attention when u put the ice cube in the water rose same with green land and antarctica, if those continents melt, expect drastic global flooding.

A 300 meter rise in sealevel will pretty much flood all of north america leaving the ancient hopi island of creation in the west, turtle island, the four corner states, utah plateu, once again. Everything east of texas will be submereged again.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by IvanZana
THe north pole was originally in Hudson bay, before that it was in indonesia.

Huh? That's the first time I heard that. Are you sure you're not confusing polar north with magnetic north?

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:03 AM
There are other dramatic changes going on as well, maybe global warming is difficult to prove but the bees disappearing is real and proveable. Albert Einstein said "Wenn die Biene von der Erde verschwindet, dann hat der Mensch nur noch
vier Jahre zu leben. Keine Bienen mehr, keine Bestäubung mehr, keine Pflanzen mehr, keine Tiere mehr, keine Menschen mehr."
Which directly translated means
"if the bee of the earth disappear, then humans have to live only four years. No more bees, no more dusting, no more plants, no more animals, no more humans."
Here is one bee farmers experience From National Geographic : In October Hackenberg had delivered honeybees to a Florida farm to pollinate crops. The bees typically return to their boxed hives when their work is done. But this time was different.

"I came to pick up 400 bee colonies and the bees had just flat-out disappeared," Hackenberg said. "There were no dead bees, no bees on the ground, just empty boxes."

"In almost 50 years as a beekeeper, I've never seen anything like it."

There have been several attempted explanations for this phenomena
1. Bees are getting their built in radar disrupted by cellular phone usage, which apparently uses a similar frequency cycle to theirs.
2 Chemtrails Deliberately laced with a bee killing cocktail
3 Insecticides and Chemicals sprayed on crops
4 Costantly moving hives for payed pollination of crops.
5 A type of hive illness : The United States' bee population had already been hit in recent years by a tiny, parasitic bug called the varroa mite, which has destroyed more than half of some beekeepers' hives. But the problem with the mite explanation is the bees would be dead in their hives, and the are not.
There are other explanations for this but the outcome of an all out dissapearance of the species is well documented. FAMINE.
One has got to begin to see the biblical prophecies unfolding here.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by the b rain

I don't think GW has anything to do with the bees disappearing, after all they were around when the weather was much hotter. Not to mention the bees in my country are still alive and kicking. The Equator is pretty warm, and much more so than it was in the past decade...

The following thread suggests where and why the bees in your part of the world are missing:
Bees are disappearing!

The most compelling evidence presented in that thread is the link to Monsanto and BT/GMO crops. Of all the conspiracies presented on this site, I think Monsanto is the scariest of them all. The more I read about them, the more I'm convinced that they were the basis for The Umbrella Corporation in the Resident Evil series. Bioengineering, chemical weapons... oh my

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:44 AM
I read the link you gave me, Thanks but let me ask anyone a question of anyone who can help me to understand this better.
The problem isn't that the bees are sick or dying it is that they are disappearing. Does somebody have a big bee net! Not likely, more likely is that the bees like moths to a light or flame have been deliberately drawn away by something Cleverly utilizing the bees own navigational system as a mechanism to play pied piper. I mean is that so far fetched.
Who gains! That is the question. If we lose our bees in the West Who gains.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by the b rain
Who gains! That is the question. If we lose our bees in the West Who gains.

The puppet masters and their population reduction agenda? I don't really know. On the subject of disappearing bees, I kind of see it as an unforeseen side effect of genetically modified crops.

Kind of like how climate change is an unforeseen (or maybe seen, but ignored anyway for profits) side effect of a wasteful lifestyle.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 03:43 PM
That's the spirit! Call this tragedy an opportunity for opening new trade routes, besides this has happened before - Yes, before there were Homosapiens.

Well, trying to make light of the situation is fine, but doing it through ignorance is a like digging a 6 foot hole and lying in it.

Long before the poles melt seriously affects the sea levels, there are two issues that will smack you hard upside your head. Salinity will change causing sea currents to adjust; in turn will cause jet stream to shift. This will get your attention. You think the weather is bad now, just wait. Entire cities will have to migrate to livable conditions. The drought stricken areas will become large swaths of desert and extreme weather will dominate the planet.

Driving your SUV doesn't seem so appealing anymore, does it!

The second issue that is overlooked are the mass extinctions of animals that rely on the ice and fish that cannot live in the new ‘less salty’ conditions. This will trigger the collapse of the entire ocean ecosystem. No more fish for the hungry humans who already have lost of thousands of square miles to deserts.

The entire planet will be transformed into either African deserts or Siberian planes. None of them are hospitable.
This is sort of Earths self correcting natural pattern. If it gets too hot and melts the poles, adjust weather to refreeze it, turning the UK into Siberia.

Food and water shortages in extreme weather will make life hellish for the next 200 years. NAU and Iran seem a whole lot less important now.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by eagledriver]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by the b rain

You want bees? Come to central Alaska. We have a MAJOR bee problem here....Bees and mosquitoes.

We had about 10 bee traps outside this past summer...they got filled up rather quickly.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 04:51 PM
well if the bees are disapearing in one area but being found in another, could that mean that the natural magnetic readings aRE CHANGING>?

I heard birds were nesting and going on different paths then normal, I mean a change in the natural magnetic fields would mean a pole shift.

just some tidbits of thought

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Rhain

Sure the oceans might rise.. but gradually. I don't see the oceans suddenly rising a few feet when the clock strikes midnight on Dec 31 2011

If you want to do your part then have no more than 2 kids. That's what this planet really needs... less people!

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Scramjet76
If you want to do your part then have no more than 2 kids. That's what this planet really needs... less people!

The planet can do fine with another 3 billion people. But then considering the selfish attitudes of most people, maybe less people isn't such a bad idea. Maybe that's why the puppet masters are trying to reduce population with BT crops, induced famine via the pushing for the wrong biofuel crops (corn, soy, rapeseed) and religious wars.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Beachcoma

You're probably right beachie... I think I would go with less people as a precautionary measure. You've heard of the book "The Selfish Gene?" According to Richard Dawkins it's all genetics... ugh!

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by eagledriver
The entire planet will be transformed into either African deserts or Siberian planes. None of them are hospitable.
This is sort of Earths self correcting natural pattern. If it gets too hot and melts the poles, adjust weather to refreeze it, turning the UK into Siberia.

Food and water shortages in extreme weather will make life hellish for the next 200 years. NAU and Iran seem a whole lot less important now.

Spare me the Day after Tomorrow doom and gloom. Do you really think all of the landmass of the Earth will become the Sahara or Siberia? Where exactly in your world of increased temperature and increased water does all the extra water vapor that goes along with both of those go?

However your point of the Earth have mechanisms in place to self regulate is probably very close to the point.In warming and cooling cycles, weather patterns will change and climates will adjust. The Earth has stayed a relatively stable temp for a very very very long time. Nothing we as humans can do will change that, short of us detonating every nuclear weapon on the planet at the same time. Yes temps will fluctuate, but not beyond the range of making life impossible to thrive.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 09:46 AM
Snow today in Baghdad and warm rainy weather in Toronto Canada hmmmmm.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by the b rain

There is a common misunderstanding between climate and weather. Canada just may be a tropical paradise 50 years down the road. But the facts remain that indeed there is a change.

Nice in TO!!

We had rain all week but almost 10 inches of snow last night.

[edit on 11/1/08 by Rhain]

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 11:24 AM
I cant say I would want it warm here all year.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 09:04 PM
There is a much different viewpoint than we see in this thread's original post. Have a look and see just how different it is.

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