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Venezuela: End of Chavez Era, a terrible social explosion will lead it to a civil war

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posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 01:22 PM
This next winter and spring the intention of the government to implant a centralized economical system based in the Marxism-Leninism Ideology is going to stimulate the beginning of a general disorder in many states of the nation. In Many regions the civil population will declare its complete rebellion to the authorities and armed groups will begin the confrontation that become a national movement that will overthrow the government of Hugo Chavez. The President will be declared officially an illegitimate Dictator & clinically mad by the oppositon parties and leaders.
After the referendum for the Constitutional amendment promoted by Chavez finished, many accusations of fraud lead to a coup d'etat that would be pretty much grave and effective that the one happened in his second term. In this case it is clear that the life of Chavez can finish in a so violent act. This will be the begin of a so cruel civil war that is going to create instability in all the region, since the international support to both sides is going to be constant, although the national movement will receive more aid than the Bolivarian forces and the solidarity and sympathy of the international community. In particular the danger that this national conflict will extend to other nations will be higher in Ecuador, since the alliance of its current government with Chavez and its own project of constitutional reform, for Columbia since the so long border with Venezuela and even it will represent risk for the small countries in the Caribbean like Aruba, Bonaire, Trinidad because the leftist side will claim those islands as part of the territorial integrity of Venezuela. Thousands of refugees will move from Venezuela to the surrounding nations, Columbia will be literally invaded by crowds in exodus trying to escape from the war. United Nations, A.E.O must arrange special plans and send troops to control and supervise the evacuation of extensive zones of the Columbian-Venezuelan border and to protect the small countries that are in the Caribbean. President Uribe will declare a national emergency special state and will receive a lot of military and economical support from United States to assure that Columbia will not finish in the same situation as its neighbor. Even Great Britain will send its navy and military contingents to Guyana, Trinidad and some other small Antilles; also France will take actions to protect Guadalupe and Martinica. Even countries that are so far from the region will decide to act in favor of their interests and the protection of its citizens that would be the case of Israel and United States. In this last country the political debate about how to solve the Venezuelan crisis will be crucial point of the Presidential Campaign.
Great debate will happen in the A.E.O when United States, Columbia and the small states of the Caribbean request the intervention of an international force that enter to Venezuela and stop the internal conflict. Countries like Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia & Ecuador will boycott that measure and in United Nations Iran, Siria, Libia & Argelia will try to promote the intervention to support the Bolivarian forces in favor of its particular interests.
The Petroleum Prices will break all the limits never known until now as a consequence of this conflict.
I am so sorry to predict this so grave and complex situation for the Latin-American country but the causal lines that are behind all these facts are so strong and only a miracle could prevent the incoming disaster for that region. If you have interests or plans to travel to Venezuela this is probably the worst moment to do that, refrain you since all shows that the country will bath itself in blood.
In some of my visions the silhouette of Chavez face turns into the head of a Jackal, this symbol recall me the famous Terrorist Carlos El Chacal( The jackal), another famous Venezuelan extremist and psychopath.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 11/16/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 06:59 AM
Well i can only hope you are right, and Chavez loses power.

My mum is from Trinidad... so if that crazy man starts messing with that little island, i will personaly... umm... well... the T&C won't allow me to say what I will do to Chavez.

Socialism doesnt work, and it is only a matter of time until it collapes in on itself.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by The angel of light

Interesting post, I thought to include this news clip about how he's going to remain in power until 2013:

The referendum package introduces new legal concepts such as "social property" and "collective property," promoting them above individual interests as part of a constitutional goal of creating a socialist economy.

Without the law change, the man who calls Cuban leader Fidel Castro his mentor would leave office in 2013.

"Venezuela Congress OKs lifting Chavez term limits" (11/3/07)

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 03:47 PM
Hi again,
This is my message for the Latin-American friends that are reading my column & especially for the Venezuelan for this so crucial election of Dec 2nd, it is so urgent that the constitutional reform will not pass since if it will happen there is only a horizon of war and terrible economical crisis for your country and the continent.
It is important that you understand that even Hitler used democracy to arise to the power so an election does guarantee the democratic or republican character of a rule and to vote for communism is not only bizarre but a contradiction. Here are my words in Spanish to whom are not sure about what is the correct decision to take in this hour & that are looking for advising:
Hermanos venezolanos voten a consciencia en el referendo y háganlo pensando no solo en ustedes sino en sus hijos y en sus familias. Si la reforma constitucional propiciada por Chávez triunfa las consecuencias para su País y para el mundo serán desastrosas.
Votar a favor de la extensión de los poderes constitucionales y del mandato del Presidente Chávez es votar por la instauración de un régimen comunista donde todas las libertades individuales cesaran automáticamente este se implante. Esto significa que Venezuela adoptara una forma de gobierno que ha sido ampliamente rechazada y revaluada por la historia misma.
La economía centralizada fue la causante de la terrible crisis social y económica que produjo la caída del comunismo en toda Europa oriental e incluso en Rusia donde llevaba 7 décadas en el poder. Nadie se interesa por producir en un sistema en que el fruto del trabajo es para los burócratas y no para quienes laboran, en que todos los bienes son para el gobierno y no para la gente.
La ideología Marxista leninista utiliza muy bien el discurso de la igualdad pero solo para conseguir adeptos, su fin no es otro que el acaparar toda la riqueza de un país y ponerla en las poquísimas manos de elites burocráticas. Los peores niveles de corrupción política de la historia son los que el comunismo desarrollo, las peores violaciones de derechos humanos son las que este sistema ejecuto. Mas de 20 millones de presos políticos muertos en campos de concentración en el GULAG hablan mas que cualquier retórica por convincente que esta sea.
Chávez dijo, al interrumpir en forma impropia la ultima cumbre iberoamericana de Santiago, para tomársela como es su costumbre como vitrina publicitaria, que un tigre es mas humano que un fascista, amigos de Venezuela yo les puedo asegurar que un tigre y un fascista lucen como santos al lado de Stalin y de Beria y todos los malhechores que actuaron a su amparo para implantar una tiranía que quizo borrar a Dios mismo por decreto.
Chávez no solo les esta vendiéndoles una utopia irrealizable sino que esta irrespetando su inteligencia al creer que puede hipnotizarlos a todos para que lo mantengan en el poder a el y a sus amigos hasta su ancianidad como la ha hecho Castro en Cuba, una nación que es hoy de las mas empobrecidas del planeta.
Respeten la tradición demócrata de su País, respétense a si mismos, piensen a la hora de votar si Bolívar El Libertador por excelencia de verdad consentiría en rebajarse a si mismo a ser el biombo para que Marx y Lenin resuciten de nuevo cuando la historia ya los sepultó para siempre como grandes farsantes de la peor tiranía jamás creada.
Voten por la democracia plena y la verdadera libertad rechazando la dictadura mentirosa que les están proponiendo y diciéndole con su voto que no van a ser ustedes los idiotas útiles de una causa perversa y perdida.
Si Hoy ustedes no hacen bien su elección muchas generaciones de venezolanos se los demandaran en el futuro, muchas juzgaran que todo un pueblo decidió arrodillarse ante un demagogo loco que sacudió las banderas del populismo, de la división y odio entre clases sociales y los condujo ala guerra fratricida y la peor crisis nacional de su historia.
Mediten en si un hombre que no es capaz de distinguir entre interrumpir y ser interrumpido, entre discutir con Jose Maria Aznar y Jose luis Rodriguez-Zapatero puede estar en sus cabales o haber perdido el control de si mismo mucho tiempo atrás.
Su Amigo
El Angel de Iluminación,

[edit on 11/18/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 10:09 AM
The Peace of God with all the ones that belong to the light:
Recently I released a so important prediction about the incoming political crisis & change that Venezuela is going to have during this end of Year of 2007 and the 2008. I have received as a consequence of that thread so aggressive and rough menacing message from people that are supporters of this Dictator or probably the simple people that honestly think that this is a genuine leader working for the weak and poor people of his country and that don't understand that they are all victims of a mischief of the Master of liars that is Satan acting through this visible insane "leader".
First at all the prediction was mine entirely & I don't have any fear with respect to the attacks received, indeed that is part of the risk to work in the side of God, to affront the enemy constantly & show the people the things that are hidden, to show the truth about this false Messiah that promises a new social order that will be in fact the return of slavery to America.
There was a question about if this was the message of a Venezuelan so I would like to clarify that there are at least three great souls, three spirits of light so near to God praying with the Angel of Venezuela for the future of their motherland: Miranda, Bolivar and Jose Gregorio Hernandez, they are the ones in which I support my attempt to refrain this bizarre false revolution of the hate that is promoted by the Marxist leader that for long time was hidden his real intentions using the name, the words and the titles of The Liberator of Nations to join more & more innocent people to his perverse plan.
I again urge to all the people of good will in Venezuela to be conscious about the election of December 2nd that would be the last chance to stop the danger of civil and international war around the crazy plans of Chavez.
That day the country will decide basically between two options:
- Democracy and the Revolution of the Love of God based in the promises of Lord Jesus Christ and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This will be the beginning of the creation of a new Social agreement between all the sectors of the Nation for the common progress and the suppression of the misery & poverty that allowed to Chavez to arrive to the power.
- Tyranny and the Revolution of the hate inspired in sin and the power of the Devil through the materialistic & atheist ideology of Marx and Lenin that is the desire of Chavez. This would be the beginning of one the most sad chapters in the history of tyrannies and more misery and poverty for all the social classes since the wealth never has been concentrated in that nation as it will be in his hands.
For the supports of Mr. Chavez Let me remind that to speak in different thongs is also a gift of God, so be sure that I will write in Spanish if it is necessary to show the truly face of this dictator and his Machiavellian plans to the people.
Concerning the so low accusation that I would be receiving some personal economical benefit from my work against this new communist attempt to extend its influence in the western hemisphere, let me say that I am not surprised of those attacks, are typical of atheist and materialist people that thinks only in how to take advantage of any possible situation. Communism, the truly name of Socialism scientific, is a like a giant vulture that always come to nations that are in crisis trying to find the way to obtain advantage of the misery of the most weak people. Who is corrupt must judge that everybody is also corrupt and cannot understand to whom work for the humanity without personal interests & for the arrival of the Realm of God.
All my respect if for the brave People of Venezuela that finally I suspect will surpass the power of this dictatorship and its tremendous rhetoric and political machinery with the power of the faith and the Love of Christ in a massive votation for democracy and freedom.
This is for the Chavez’s friends: don't send me more menacing letters saying that you are to god children, when according with your ideas and your so "saint" intentions you are acting as the sons of the devil, the least that you can do is to show clearly that you are atheist & convinced communists.
Finally, in my next update I will respond to these menacing messages that were sent to my email properly with two important essays in Spanish, one about why communism never save the man and the second describing with details or the signs that shows clearly that Chavez is like Marx, Lenin or Stalin, another Antichrist coming to extend misery and war to many nations.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 11:24 AM
Hi readers, this is the first part of my response in Spanish to the menacing message received in my email that was sent by followers of President Chavez of Venezuela. I am going to explain here why communism is an ideology completely opposed to democracy & why as a form of government & economic system it failed in many countries that between 1987 to 1991 in Europe and former soviet Union decided to finish it as a consequence of the so grave social & economical crisis that it caused.
Estimados lectores, me parece importante subrayar, aprovechando los ataques por escrito recibidos en mi email por fanaticos chavistas, puntos medulares sobre porque el cambio que se ha propuesto al electorado de adoptar una economia fuertemente centralizada no solo es un desproposito sino que acarreara todavia mayores males que los que pretende corregir:
No solo es disparatado sino perverso usar a un espíritu de libertad y respeto profundo por el ser humano como lo fue Bolívar para allanarle el terreno a quien suena con ser otro “padrecito” como Stalin quien elimino 20 millones de personas para construir el “paraíso terrenal” gracias a los poderes extraordinarios concentrados en su única persona.
Es solo mi buena voluntad por alertar sobre el peligro inminente que una mala decisión en la elección del 2 de Diciembre acarrearía me lleva a tratar de evitar la que va a ser una horrible tragedia para su gran pueblo si se ve enfrentado a otras naciones por aferrarse a un modelo político que nunca ha buscado el crecimiento espiritual del hombre por que de plano niega la existencia de Dios y del espíritu.
Puede ser de Luz quien invita a la división nacional?
Quien agita la lucha de clases sociales?
Quien socava la unidad de una sociedad para disgregarla en grupos étnicos o raciales oponiéndolos entre si?
Quien llama al odio entre conciudadanos es realmente patriótico?
Quien una y otra vez alimenta al resentimiento sin perdón de ninguna índole?
Quien convoca al enfrentamiento por diferencias de opinión?
Es demócrata quien busca ser la única persona con voz y voto en una nación?
Por que le tiene miedo al Dictador Chávez a que haya división de poderes y participación de muchas opiniones en las grandes decisiones de estado?
Si revolución significa cambio radical, como puede serlo aquella que busca resucitar una ideología mentirosa, bizarra, moribunda y desechada como basura por un tercio de la humanidad hace 15 años, en medio de una gran crisis económica impresionante, en forma tan clara!
Quien quiere una revolución verdadera busquen la del Amor de Dios, sigan a Cristo y no a Marx, quien solo respiraba odio y resentimiento profundo... eso mismo dijo un verdadero líder moral como Karol Wojtyla tantas veces, el mismo que en su visita a Managua ante los gritos sandinistas que buscaban acallarlo en 1981 y ante el gran sacrilegio cometido de entronizar a los héroes de la revolución atea en el altar reservado a Dios, todo aquello promovido por el Sr. Daniel Ortega gran aliado de Chávez, el pidió respeto hacia Dios con estas palabras:
"Silencio, Silencio,.......Guarden Silencio, Es la voz de la Iglesia la que les habla.....escuchen a sus obispos "……esas fueron las Palabras de este gran y verdadero líder ante quienes querían ser la única voz con derecho a expresarse y que hoy regresan a hacer de las suyas de nuevo.
Cuando el discurso de Bolívar se agota para dar paso al de Marx solo un necio no vería claramente cuales son las únicas posibilidades:
- o hay alguien que nunca entendió lo que es verdaderamente la Libertad y la Democracia
- o la confundió con algo mas que se llama demagogia y populismo irresponsable.
O es que la mascara de tanto usarla tarde o temprano se desgasta y ya no hay maquillaje alguno que la pueda renovar.
Sin embargo para los que todavía lo dudaban, cuando quien ganó fama a la sombra del Libertador termina haciéndole elogios a quien manchó este continente con el estigma de la primera dictadura totalitaria y atea es claro que se trata de un insensato que ha tomado a la humanidad por ciega, a todo mundo por ignorante en Historia o carente de memoria histórica o que debe haber perdido el juicio hace mucho rato.... por que quien ha vivido una vida de engaño termina solo engañándose a si mismo.
El Materialismo dialéctico Marxista es la interpretación mas negativa jamás escrita sobre la Historia, basada en la idea fundamental de que toda la civilización ha avanzado esencialmente en la ley de la jungla por siempre, donde el mal, la ambición sin medida, la perversidad individual, la injusticia son la regla y no la excepción. Esto es por si mismo un Pecado Capital pues niega la intervención De Dios en la historia para realizar su plan salvador y la comunión del espíritu santo preparando el reino de Dios. Pero va todavía mas allá al decretar que el espíritu creativo, la virtud moral, la caridad, el respeto mutuo, la inventiva, el talento, la iniciativa empresarial que corre riesgos para dar vida a nuevas fuentes de riqueza no son la norma a seguir sino la que hay que suprimir a toda costa. Es por eso mismo es que su principal fruto son sociedades increíblemente empobrecidas no solo en lo material sino también en lo científico, tecnológico y sin espiritualidad alguna que se arrodillan a rendir culto a la personalidad del Dictador, por que es el quien tiene el derecho absoluto y exclusivo a pensar por todos los demás.
Quien no cree en el Hombre como puede prometer el paraíso en la tierra?
Quien le teme ala libre discusión de las ideas no cree en la bondad de la consciencia humana, no cree tampoco en la oportunidad que cada quien tiene entre elegir entre hacer el bien y no el mal, no cree en el poder del Espíritu Santo inspirando a quienes son verdaderamente el pueblo de Dios, Ese alguien necesita encadenar las conciencias, necesita ponerle candado a la opinión publica para poder sentirse cómodo de hacer su única y absoluta voluntad, y eso desde luego ese es Pecado de soberbia y no proviene de Dios, sino de la ambición desmedida de poder y la arrogancia, rasgos principales de la conflictiva personalidad de Chávez.
"El que tenga oídos para oír que oiga y el que tenga ojos para ver que vea".......pero desde luego "el Diablo es el maestro de la mentira por excelencia, lo ha sido desde el comienzo del mundo" por eso quienes no son de Dios no aceptan este mensaje, por que ellos no creen en los dones del espíritu, ellos solo creen en la materia y tampoco creen que la riqueza se crea y la otorga Dios sino que ven todo el devenir histórico como una eterna rapiña de algo que ni se crea ni se destruye solo se reparte como botín siempre entre los mas malvados.
Que distinto es el buen pastor que da su vida por las ovejas: Jesucristo. El no constriñe a nadie, el no domina o le quita al ser humano su libertad, por el contrario el lo libera del pecado y le da de beber el agua del manantial de la vida eterna, no se la cobra ni tampoco le pone candado al mismo, lo comparte generosamente, el no empuja a pueblos enteros hacia su exterminio sino que se ofrece a si mismo como una victima de su causa.
Que Dios tenga piedad de quienes piensan todavía en que Chávez tiene la razón, por que quien sigue a un ciego tarde o temprano caerá. Que interesante seria que quien busca realmente la Luz le pregunte a un obispo lo que opina de esta revolución que mis contradictores tanto aman? Pregunte aquel que no crea en mis palabras si es posible poner a comulgar en el mismo plato a Cristo y a Marx o Lenin?
Estimados hermanos Venezolanos, aunque no nací en su país los siento muy cercanos y por ello me dirijo a ustedes así, "no le tengan miedo al poder renovador del evangelio, acérquense a Dios, no tengan Miedo, " esas fueron las mismas palabras que un sencillo hombre de Polonia dirigió a su pueblo en su primera visita como Papa, el que si pudo conocer de cerca los frutos podridos que el comunismo suele producir....sigan su ejemplo, con fe sencilla pero valiente ese hombre sin hacer uso de la violencia cambio el mundo para siempre, acabo con el régimen Comunista no solo Polaco, sino Europeo y Ruso.
El árbol ya esta podrido solo hay que sacudirlo para que caiga, voten y háganlo en forma masiva el 2 de Diciembre para darle a la democracia Venezolana otra oportunidad, voten contra la Tiranía de Chávez para desagraviar a Bolívar Y Miranda sufren increíblemente en su lugar de descanso al ver este despropósito que ocurre en su Patria y como sus palabras son usadas para construir los cimientos de una tiranía totalitaria. Si Uds. tienen Fe y Amor podrán romper ese día las cadenas del odio y el enfrentamiento mutuo y sentar las bases de un nuevo pacto nacional entre todos los sectores sociales.
Su amigo,
El Ángel de Iluminación

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 11:42 AM
Chavez is not a dictator. In Venezuela you can be as capitalist as you want, but not with oil.
You would like Venezuela to become something like Nigeria where foreign oil companies make the laws ?

Shell in Nigeria


[edit on 26-11-2007 by pai mei]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 01:07 PM
Peace to all of whom that actually belong to the light,
Of course that in Venezuela there is freedom to inverse money and start new businesses, especially for the foreigners, since that is exactly the thing that Chavez wants. He needs to attract more and more private capital with his false promises since part of his plans is to steal it and all the technology that they bring to the country when he obtain the extraordinary powers to centralize the Economy. He has working so hard creating this so effective trap for the careless investors that think that in a centralized economy they are going to obtain privileges from the regime to control the market, as monopolists, when in fact they are going to be preys of this predator of freedom and wealth that is Chavez.
The Open menace that Chavez publically sent recently against the Spanish inversions in Venezuela to confiscate their capitals as a reaction of his supposed "insults" received in Santiago is a clear sign of what is the real risk to have deals with this so dishonest man.
Anybody can say here what ever he or she want with respect to my advise, but anyway the own words of Chavez in his recent meeting with the President of Iran show clearly his truly intentions: He is working to destroy the market economy, he declared the war to the capitalism and say that he is going to weak dollar and send it to the trash can. He himself finally is showing his real face to the world as the principal enemy not only of Democracy but of free economy.
What would you think my Romanian contradictor is suddenly there is a new "Messiah" like this one that appear in your country offering the Socialist revolution to only return to the sad days of Nicolai Coceascu? Would you agree with that? Would you defend him too?
There were also very ambitious and dishonest Capitalists in the West that were dealing with Lenin, Trotsky himself were receiving donations in New York from them in his exile in New York on the 1910’s, they were financing the so called “Proletarian” revolution only to obtain oligopolies over Russia, and again they did the same during the World II with Stalin. Were these contradictions? What was the reason for these strategic alliances, in the own words of Lenin? Nothing more or less than the truly essence & principal goal of Communism: to concentrate all the wealth of a country in the few hands of the bureaucrats of the Party, they were all the time hypocrite liars manipulating the masses. Lenin himself signed an agreement with the Kaiser of Germany and also corrupt capitalists of that country to go to Russia from his exile in Switzerland to begin his “Socialist Revolution”, he was like Chavez a very dishonest & ambitious man, capable to sell his own mother to obtain all the power he wanted, doing pacts with the devil, even being a traitor of his own nation dealing with the enemy.
Wait for my next message in Spanish for the freedom warriors that are this week fighting in this so big battle against the evil forces to save Venezuela and the western hemisphere of this new Stalin that is Chavez and his bad called Bolivarian revolution, (is in fact the Anti-Bolivarian one, since is against liberty so it is working against the truly ideals of the Liberator Simon Bolivar)
Your friend,
The Angel of Lightness

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:15 AM
Hi, the peace of God to all that belong to the light,
In this final part of my message with respect to the Venezuelan crisis and the election of December 2nd I will explain why it is not only a wrong decision but a terrible sin to give support to Chavez, since he by himself is showing with all his contradictions, with all his fights in many international events to which he has been invited during the last year, that his mind is out of control & of course to give him more power is not only risky but so dangerous for the world peace & the stability of the democratic nations.
There is also here a so important message of God, a promise about what is his plan with respect to Venezuela, and the one that if it is accepted and followed by the people can bring the desired peace, justice, progress and salvation for this suffered nation and prevent the incoming disaster that otherwise is coming.
It is important to clarify that the urgency to prevent a tragedy of incredible proportions in this south American country force me to give my message in Spanish since is the only way to assure that the major part of the possible people that is part of all this important process can receive and understand it on time. Any way, there are thousand of readers of my predictions which first or second language is precisely Spanish as I have verified by reading their emails.
Para los miembros del Pueblo de Dios en Venezuela,
Fiel a la promesa que hice, de dirigir un mensaje urgente por la salvación de vuestra nación,
Hago un llamado urgente frente a las terribles perspectivas de violencia generalizada, frente al revanchismo de un lado y del otro, del odio exacerbado entre las distintas clases sociales en que lamentablemente el país se haya polarizado por todos los errores y abusos de los políticos de hoy y de ayer, para que no ocurra la tragedia de que una de las democracias mas antiguas de América Latina sea presa del caos y un espantoso baño de sangre entre hermanos.
Este es un llamado urgente por la reconciliación nacional, un mensaje que me ha sido confiado por la divina providencia y que debe ser escuchado y acatado por todo aquel que tenga en estima la salvación de su Alma, que es aunque los políticos aseguren lo contrario mucho mas importante que cualquier otra necesidad temporal del ser humano.
Hoy toda esta gran agitación, todo esa enorme tormenta de odio que se respira desde hace muchos años en Venezuela y que lamentablemente ha ido creciendo mas y mas finalmente ha llegado a convertirse en un factor de la mas honda tristeza para Dios mismo, para toda la corte celestial y particularmente para Nuestro señor Jesucristo que ve como una nación entera que tiene 5 siglos de proceso evangelizador esta a punto de precipitarse en el abismo de la eterna condenación por la acumulación continuada de mas y mas pecado.
El gravísimo estado de cosas que ha llevado a que finalmente alguien haya tenido la insensatez de proponer el establecimiento de un Estado totalitario como única forma aparente de reorganizar socialmente a Venezuela, incluso cuando esa Dictadura iría en contra de todas las libertades básicas del individuo, es un signo inequívoco de que se ha pecado mucho y por demasiado tiempo.
El Señor pide arrepentimiento auténtico y una jornada nacional de penitencia, en la cual cada uno de los hijos de Venezuela medite seriamente acerca de cuanto odio hay en su corazón y cuanto amor esta ausente del mismo.
Dios pide que en cada hogar se haga una jornada de oración en la que las familias se reúnan y piensen en si realmente se aman mas entre si de lo que odian a sus enemigos o contradictores por motivos políticos.
Dios, quien tiene una paciencia infinita ha decidido que es el momento de que su brazo poderoso se muestre a este pueblo para que quienes por amor no se arrepientan de sus pecados al menos por temor lo hagan.
Si la nación opta este Domingo por descartar un referendo que es inútil en todo sentido, como lo han expresado los ministros de la Iglesia, si la nación entera decide desechar este proyecto de crear una sociedad sin Dios, una sociedad en que un hombre y su proyecto político se conviertan en una nueva forma de idolatría popular, El Señor enviará una época de prosperidad muy larga para Venezuela, en la cual todos los problemas sociales queden superados, Pero si no es así y si se insiste en seguir por el camino de la perdición lamentablemente ese mismo Dios retirara su protección especial al País y cosas muy graves, incluso en el orden natural ocurrirán y es castigo sobrevendrá por culpa no de el sino de los pecados que ustedes mismos han y siguen cometiendo.
Esos son Pecados son:
• Discriminación ya sea esta social o racial,
• Falta de Caridad con el prójimo,
• odio dirigido incluso hacia quienes ustedes ni siquiera conocen personalmente fomentado por adoctrinamiento político,
• Querer socavar el estado de derecho fomentando la implantación de una tiranía,
• Actuar soberbiamente al no ofrecer perdón y seguir acumulando más y mas odio en esos corazones que lucen como de piedra para el Señor.
• Usar la autoridad para explotar o para acumular privilegios indebidos y egoístamente ya sea esto desde el Estado o desde entes privados.
Los primeros en recibir este castigo serán precisamente quienes inicien la ola de violencia , quienes agiten al enfrentamiento entre la ciudadanía. Ningún motivo, ningún propósito por justo que parezca legaliza o despenaliza ante la Ley divina pecados tan graves como los de asesinar, torturar o lesionar a seres humanos, así que esta es una advertencia de lo alto pues quien peque desafiando este llamado pagará caramente las consecuencias y será por su propia culpa. Ante la Justicia de Dios no hay impunidad, como muchos a veces piensan confundiendo la oportunidad que el da al hombre de arrepentimiento con tolerancia al pecado.
El llamado de Dios a los muchos miembros del gobierno actual es que analicen en su consciencia si puede ser realmente un sistema cristiano y justo de gobernar a un pueblo, el que busca convertir lo que se prometieron muchísimas veces iba a ser un experimento ejemplar de cambio social en la mala copia de la tragedia que otros pueblos cristianos del planeta ya han sufrido como la nación Rusa o los pueblos de Europa central y oriental que durante mas de medio siglo sufrieron la perdida total de su libertad por dejarse llevar por el Materialismo de Karl Marx quien hizo celebre su propio aforismo, en su crítica a la filosofía hegeliana del derecho (1844): "La religión es el opio del Pueblo", mismo que posteriormente fue esculpido , en una acción sacrílega terrible, por orden de Vladimir I. Lenin en 1917, después triunfar su golpe de estado contra la democracia en Rusia, en la pared frente a la célebre capilla de la Virgen de Iberia, de Moscú.
Ese mismo Lenin afirmo categóricamente "El miedo creó a los dioses" en su articulo la Actitud del partido obrero hacia la Religión en 1909.
Esta es una invitación también a los señores miembros o partidarios del régimen actual, que puedan ser personas de buena voluntad que inocentemente militen en el mismo, si puede ser cierta a la luz de estas verdades que ya son Historia, la frase blasfema, varias veces pronunciada por el Jefe del Estado Venezolano afirmando que Jesucristo fue el primer comunista de la Historia? Esa es una afirmación de una mente que esta totalmente desquiciada ya que no puede distinguir entre el máximo representante del ateismo científico y promotor de la separación de los pueblos en clases sociales y su posterior enfrentamiento, con la persona divina del Salvador del hombre venido al mundo para sembrar la civilización del Amor, una que no excluye ni distingue ni enfrenta a nadie con nadie, sino que al contrario ofrece reconciliación y perdón mutuo que es la solución perfecta al drama humano.
Quien es de Dios sabe, gracias a la inspiración del Espíritu Santo, distinguir a cada conocer los corazones y sabe también cuando alguien por mas elevada que sea su autoridad esta obrando bien o No.
"Por sus frutos los conoceréis" ha dicho el Señor, observen como la fuerza demoledora de una pasión de odio y división de quienes para muchos es un líder salvador, ha podido en poco mas de una década convertir a una nación que alguna vez estuvo unida a los pies de Dios en un campo cultivado donde la cizaña ha terminado por ahogar la cosecha, donde los resquemores y las desconfianzas mutuas han logrado socavar todo el tejido social desbaratándolo por completo.
Para quienes siguen creyendo que este terrible falso Mesías que ha elegido por su propia voluntad ser el Sr. Hugo Chávez, sería otro Jesucristo como el mismo se ha atrevido a sugerir muchas veces en sus arengas, es importante que sepan que solo puede recordar la triste figura de aquel guerrillero Barrabas que siendo asesino recibió un indulto que debió ser para nuestro Señor, quien murió en su lugar sin cargar con culpa alguna, siendo ejecutado como un criminal. Ese Barrabas fue en su tiempo también un líder de la Revolución violenta contra Roma, el también despreció el mensaje del evangelio como muchos de ustedes y fue uno de los responsables de que toda una Nación, la del pueblo elegido por Dios fuera destruida en el año 70 por las legiones de Tito y repartida por el mundo en calidad de esclavos. Esa destrucción fue acarreada por quienes sembraron la Revolución del odio y desestimaron o persiguieron el mensaje de salvación del Evangelio, por quienes rechazaron a Cristo para entronizar a Herodes en su revuelta contra Roma y esa gran calamidad también fue profetizada con mas de 40 años de anticipación por nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la semana anterior a su pasión.
" No lloren por mi, les dijo a las mujeres que se lamentaban por el, lloren mas bien por ustedes y por sus hijos, ".........."Ven estos edificios y esas murallas que se levantan imponentes, en verdad les digo que de esto no quedara piedra sobre piedra"...."Jerusalén, Jerusalén, cuantas veces he querido apacentarte como lo hace una gallina con sus pollitos pero tu no me has dejado, "... Cuando ocurrirá todo esto preguntaron sus discípulos? Cuando vean a Jerusalén rodeada de Ejércitos extranjeros sepan que ha llegado el fin. “
El Sr Presidente de esta Republica Bolivariana, Hugo Chávez empezó odiando a muchos de sus propios compatriotas y ya ese odio se desborda en todas direcciones, no conoce fronteras,...."Se levantara pueblo contra pueblo y nación contra nación dice la escritura y habrá falsos cristos en muchos lugares diciendo Yo soy síganme.......y serán muchos los que los seguirán.....habrán guerras y revoluciones…… todo eso ocurrirá antes de la venida del señor" bien dice Jesucristo en su discurso profético en los evangelios. Esta no es un alma tocada por Dios, como muchos suponen erróneamente más una que esta puesta para perder a muchos y ser motivo de onda contradicción.
Hay un nuevo amanecer por delante, construyan una sociedad nueva basada en el amor de Dios, en el perdón mutuo, háganlo como hermanos y dejen atrás a quienes están encadenados por el odio. La enfermedad moral que engendró al régimen de Chávez ya esta atrás, aunque el no lo pueda ver con claridad, su régimen ya sido juzgado por Dios y por la Historia.
Este hijo de la amargura no puede prometerles nada por que nadie da de lo que no tiene... y el no tiene amor para repartir.....el vive amargado todo el tiempo entre los odios y rivalidades del la Venezuela en la que el creció, de las injusticias que el vio en su infancia y que el podría remediar ahora sin lastimar a nadie, pero no puede hacerlo en paz por que esta prisionero en la cárcel de sus propios odios, viviendo en un pasado que ya no existe más, pero para el es eterno.
Si hay entre algunos de ustedes algún sentimiento de lealtad o de agradecimiento a este hombre, por alguna acción buena que el haya podido hacer, oren por la salvación de su alma, por que Dios tenga piedad de ella cuando deba juzgarle por el terrible Pecado de haber dado origen a este momento de terrible conmoción con sus escandalosa conducta. No obstante es importante aclarar que aun para el puede haber misericordia de Dios si muestra su profundo y autentico arrepentimiento retirando este descabellado proyecto de reformas en que se ha empeñado, pero sino no lo hace, si decide ceder ante esta horrible tentación que el príncipe de las tinieblas le ha planteado, el será el único responsable de su terrible fin y la maldición que sobre el caiga.
Dejen al Sr Chávez atrás para siempre, como una lección que nos da la historia de lo que puede ocurrir cuando un pueblo se abandona a si mismo al materialismo, a la codicia sin medida, al consumismo, al mercantilismo y se olvida de Dios; Que su nombre quede registrado en los anales junto con su revolución de odio por odio y mas y mas venganza y su proyecto de una sociedad en la que el sea el único Dios y el socialismo la única religión, como una pesadilla que ya paso, como un mal sueño que se desvanece para siempre, por que despierta una nueva Venezuela democrática, unida en paz y Cristiana para el porvenir. El Señor ha empeñado su palabra de que no hará oídos sordos a quien pronuncie con corazón arrepentido una oración sincera y perdone a sus hermanos, háganlo y denle la oportunidad de mostrar su salvación a todas las naciones desde Venezuela, dense la mano como hermanos y a la tentación de ir tras el camino de perdición digan un rotundo NO este Domingo, exprésenlo libremente dentro de los canales legales y por sobretodo dentro del mas importante que hay que es su Voto libre y espontáneo. Defiendan también dentro de la legalidad y el orden la pureza de ese voto emitido y vigilen por que todos hagan exactamente lo mismo, así como por que el sistema electrónico de computo sea fiel a dichos resultados.
Un siervo de Dios que los ama,
El Angel de Iluminación.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 10:38 AM
Hi, Dear readers,
The peace of God to all that belong to the light,

You cannot imagine how happy I feel today early that finally Hugo Chavez accepted his defeat in the referendum of Venezuelan constitution, finally the reason and the good judge won and that admirable nation surpassed this very important proof.

This is a political miracle that shows clearly that it doesn't matter how well arranged & prepared is a regime to maintain its control of the political life of the people if the citizens act with courage in defense of their rights, with faith in God and decision there is no way that the evil forces can win, and there are now weapons that can repress the will of a nation.

This is a victory of the Christian values that were severely weaken by this demagogic Dictator that was confusing millions with his rhetoric. This is also a victory of the Love over the hate, of the charity over the tyranny, of the truth over the lie. Many times Chavists forces claimed that they were the Majority and now it is clear that they are too many but fortunately they are not the majority.

I predicted only a week ago that Lt. Colonel Hugo Chavez Frias was going to learn this Sunday 2nd of December a Lesson of Democracy and that's it, here is a the evidence that I was telling the truth to the people.
I received a lot of verbal attacks from the followers or supporter of this corrupt regime through emails because my prediction, that now I am going to keep as souvenirs of this important battle that we won together over the Devil.

Let me express my satisfaction and Joy in Spanish to the Venezuelan Liberty Fighters and insist on the steps that must be filled in the agreement signed with God today:

Hermanos Venezolanos,
Hoy se ha hecho realidad el Milagro Politico que les anuncie ocurriria si ustedes actuaban con valor y decision sin renunciar a su libertad, sin renunciar a la primogenitura que Dios les ha ofrecido por el plato de lentejas que Chavez prometia.
Hoy se ha visto como no importa cuan bien organizadas esten las fuerzas del maligno no hay nada inalcanzable para quienes tienen Fe.
Hoy se ha hecho realidad al fin la ultima voluntad del Libertador Simon Bolivar: " Si mi muerte contribuye para que cesen las divisiones politicas y se consolide la Union yo bajare tranquilo al Sepulcro".
Hoy el alma de este gran hombre de la Libertad, asi como la de Miranda y la de Sucre han hallado reposo y descanso ante la ansiedad generada por este perfida maquinacion del Comunismo que intento con una insistencia unica y feroz envolver a la mayoria de ustedes en sus redes de odio y venganza enterna.
Gracias Venezuela por haber obrado con cordura y temple, gracias por haberos decido por Dios y rechazado esta tentacion tan grande que Satanas habia urdido tan ingeniosamente.
Hoy comienza el nuevo orden de cosas para Venezuela.
Hoy Chavez ha visto el fin de su carrera de embustes y ha entendido que su malicia y habilidad para manipular tienen limites despues de todo.
Hoy este hombre tan infinitamente sobervio ha visto que el no esta por encima de Dios, que el no es Venezuela, y que Jesucristo no es comunista como el tantas veces afirmo.
Este es el instante en que se puede ver que el justo premio a la enteresa moral de un pueblo y el justo castigo a quien ha blasfemado sistematicamente sin ningun asomo de verguenza.
Hoy quien incluso se atrevio a decir que la alta jerarquia eclesiastica del pais se iba con el para el infierno ha entendido que el unico que va camino de ese destino es el, que a Venezuela no la mete el alli.
Oren a Dios agradeciendo por este gran paso y por que las tremendas heridas que el Chavismo abrio cicatricen pronto, para que en este campo de batalla la vida y el amor, su principal alimento, florezcan de nuevo ocultando para siempre las huellas de la division que este Mal hombre le produjo a la Nacion, para que la Ley divina del Perdon y el poder de la Caridad cristiana rompan los muros que la maquinaria chavista ha levantado entre la poblacion para mantenerla dividida y permanente enfrentada y asi poderla controlar a su antojo.
Este es un gran paso pero es solo el comienzo del proceso de sanacion que Dios ha preparado para todos los sectores de la sociedad Venezolana y como ejemplo para American latina.
Sigan las recomendaciones que les hice llegar sobre que pasos deben de darse para sanar al pais de todo mal y Dios cumplira su promesa de enviar una era de paz y prosperidad nunca antes vista a su tierra.

su Amigo por siempre,

El Angel de Iluminacion.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 06:58 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

Let me send this prediction, specially dedicated to the freedom warriors in Venezuela, the ones that are fighting against the Neocommunist tyranny of Hugo Chavez. I am pretty sure that tomorrow will be a historical day the new renaicense of the Venezuelan Democracy, when finally the political control that the corrupt bolivarian regime has on the cities and states is going to be severely weaken if not finished.

I can see millions of venezuelan citizens voting massively to stop the advance of the Populism and the demagogy and the return to a trully democratic athmosphere of tolerance, civil rights, peace , mutual comprehension and harmony between all the social sectors and parties.

The election of Tomorrow in Venezuela will be a clear message to all the populist leaders of the Neocommunism in the continent, from Raul Castro to Evo Morales, from Daniel Ortega to Rafael Correa.

This would be a message that the common people has acquired political maturity and is not going to continue following this type of false messianic projets that appear with the utopic discourse of the social equity only to promote the increase of the State control and power, just not really to give justice to the poors, that are still millions in Venezuela despite of the populist propaganda, but to create terrible burocratic monsters that exploit the human miseries promoting dictatorships and centralizing the economy in the few hands of the members of the revolutionary political elites.

Hugo Chavez, as I predicted in 2007 before he lost the referendum in which he was planning to acquire dictatorial powers, is now going to learn another important lesson of democracy. All his cleverness to deceive the masses and his very well known hypocrital talent to manipulate the people, all the impressive bolivarian political machinery, are gong to fail again and in a such way that it would be clear that Venezuela is demanding a new leadership that he can not offer or perform.

Tomorrow is going to be the begining of a new era of Peace and Hope for millions of fighters for the civil rights in latinAmerica and also for the ones that claim for freedom of expression and free press and media that have worked so hard to prevent the arrival or expansion of the Totalitarian regime that Chavez has created.

thanks for your attention,

with my most possitive and angelic vibrations,

your friend,

The Angel of Lightness

[edit on 11/22/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,

The general results of the regional elections in Venezuela certainly showed that the power of the bolivarian regime is sensibly weaken, since the opposition got the majority of the cities goverments that were in dispute and specially the ones of the major cities of the country.

The victory of the democratic forces of the oppostion in Caracas, Maracaibo and Valencia, all so important metropolis of Venezuela is a clear sign of the incoming change for Venezuela.

Even in Sucre, a city in which the ample majority of the inhabitants are low and middle class the opposition got a so clear victory, since the population is so tired with the demagogy of Chavism that didn't fix their social problems along years of their rule.

It is true that the impressive Chavist machinery could retain the majority of the governors of the states but Zulia, Nueva Esparta, Tachira, Miranda, and Carabobo, the motherland of the independence in Venezuela, were so important victories for the oppostion.

The three last states I mentioned were previously ruled by Chavists governors so indeed this represents an important defection for the regime.

A complete report of the election results is given in:

In that last place Chavez himself pronounced a speech that showed clearly to the world that he is not actualy a democrat, but a totalitarian communist able to impose its regime by the force of the arms if his electoral machinery cannot buy enough votes to support him from the millions of the peasants that are still living in extreme poverty under his tyranny, even in times of high oil prices.

These were the words of Chavez:
Speaking in Carabobo state before the elections, Chavez said,

"If you allow the oligarchy to return to governing, maybe I will end up taking my tanks from the armored brigade to defend the revolutionary government"

you can read the whole press report at:

Those words reflect not only the well known marxist rethoric to disqualify the oppostion democratic forces as decadent members of the "oligarchy" but also the disperation of Chavez to see that after the failed referendum of December 2007 the trends are not favoring his regime.

thanks for your attention,

your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 11/26/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 04:51 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

This is about the situation that Venezuela will have all this following week and during the next months. As everybody knows today again the stubbornness of the Tyrant Lt. Col. Hugo Chavez is doing his job to try to use all the imaginable tricks to get the change in the Constitution and the electoral law of the south American country to assure his unlimited reelection forever and ever until he dies, not after to have transformed one of the eldest democracies of the continent in the bad imitation of the former Soviet Union.

I can say to my dear readers in Venezuela that today it is a critical moment, yes indeed, but that most motivate that everybody go to vote, even knowing that the so powerful machinery of the communist Party of Chavez is planning all the details of the most fraudulent operation in the political history of the nation. A People already united never will be defeated, it does not matter how smart can be the oppressors or how corrupt will be the way they will try to remain in the Power.

Two so nice examples of this fact we can mention from the recent History of the world:

- The fall of the most powerful political Tyranny of the History, the Communist party of Russia that even with the biggest nuclear arsenal ever existed could not avoid the end of its rule and the end of the Artificial state that it created: The Soviet Union.

- The fall in Latin America of the so corrupt regime of the PRI in Mexico in 2000, a party that used all the possible dirty tricks to maintain its hegemony for seven decades but finally fell and now after the 2006 election it is reduced to be so weaken as the third political force of Mexico.

I know the moment look to be so negative and there are many clouds in the horizon pointing to the fact that the so suffered Venezuelan nation must affront more of so hard situations before to be released of the Marxist rule, however, be confident that this evil forces are not fighting only against your freedom and your right to live in Democracy but also against the celestial powers that are today also in battle against Satan that is of course the lord protector of this new Antichrist that Chavez represents, the same that with all his lies and Machiavellian projects is creating an empire of oppression for all the Latin American nations.

I told once some time ago, and I am also now repeating that Chavez finally will fall and that is going to be in a so dramatic way, that even there will be treason and plot among many of his more closer collaborators when his judge hour arrive. I can see clearly a coup d’état directed even by some of his more friendly military partners that are also so tired with his personal way to rule the country and that will be enlighten with wisdom to see that this is no more than other Dictator wanted to have all the powers in his hands : political, economical, media and even religious since in his so uncontrolled ambition Chavez is trying also to create a schism in the Venezuelan Catholic church with a new version of the” Liberation” Theology, a Marxist theology that actually wants to manipulate in a so smart way Christianism as a political propaganda in favor of the tyranny of the State over the citizens.

Thanks for your attention, please vote consciously about your future and the future of your sons and defend your vote with courage being confidents that the end of this so sad Chavez era is so near and the dictatorship he is planning to maintain will be his own end.

Your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 2/15/2009 by The angel of light]

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

Dear Readers
The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,

Let me return to this thread in which long time ago, almost three years ago, I predicted the end of the Chavez Era in Venezuela in the middle of the most catastrophic political crisis in that southamerican country.

In that occasion I clearly foresaw treason involved in a huge plot that will come from even sectors that in the past shown great support to the regime, I mean among the principal military leaders that rescued Chavez from the civil rebellion against his rule in 2001, to reestablish him in the Miraflores palace after 72 hours that he was kidnapped by the popular forces.

Well, let me complete my thread by remarking that the fall of Chavez will come in one of his trips to receive treatment for his Cancer in la Havana, he was going to be surprised out of the country for an explosive manifestation of the people that will press over his sympathizers, the ones that were at that moment ruled Venezuela in his name.

The magnitude of the revolution, a very similar situation than the one happened in Egypt, Lybia and Tunisia, will make the Chavist paramilitaries think that only if they all together take the power promising the acceleration of new elections a long and devastating civil war could be prevented.

Hugo Chavez will be in a severe health crisis when this situation exploit and he will not be able to react on time to prevent the end of his regime, that will be also the end of the Marxist revolution he started in 1998. He will be declared officially and unable to rule and the vice president will join the civilian - military transition government toward the return of full democracy, afraid of the consequences is he insist to continue the Chavist hard line regime.

There will be of course confrontations and multiple acts of violence in the streets but finally the danger of complete chaos will force the people in charged to accept the inevitable end of an era, however, this will occur not before bombings and battles among supporters and revels, and even a massive exodus of civilians to Columbia and the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao and Trinidad. .

Thanks for your attention,

your friend,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 10/12/2011 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:44 AM
I had a dream last night that Vice President Joe Biden will be killed in Venezuela.
Doesn't seem to go here though.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:19 AM
No is not going to happen: Chavez will die naturally from health problems and Venezuela will be democratic.
Also he knows when he even look at Aruba or Bonaire it will be a excuse for the world to get rid of him.
By the way those small islands are not interesting at all for Venezuela.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by ahamarlin

Dear ahamarlin,

I could say that even before Hugo Chavez die the return of democracy to Venezuela will be clearly a fact, his illness will inhabilitate him to perform the duties and responsiblities of the Presidence in such a way that the political crisis will be unavoidable before he expires his last breath.

The great mistake of Chavez is the same all the Communist regimes have had, the cult to personality, his revolution is primarly HIS, everybody either friends or enemies, supporters or detractors all associate the political changes that were carried out in Venezuela with his person.

His leadership has been so strong that even he has changed various times of Vicepresident in only two terms, he has had three at least, and that gives us an idea of how weak is that second position in the line of succession to the power.

There are, in the lanes of the Chavism, many Generals that believe to have more right to take the power directly in their hands that the one could have the current Vicepresident of Venezuela, a man that is by the way clearly unexperienced to rule the country.

thanks for your comments,

The Angel of Lightness

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

The recent events in Venezuela are going exactly in the way I predicted years ago, here in this thread. President Hugo Chavez is slowly dying of a Cancer that is evident has advanced to a level of no return, he is experiencing very advanced symptoms of metastasis and the best evidence of this is all the several surgeries he has received in Cuba and the ulterior chemotherapy.

Now, it is clear that the regimen is fighting fiercely to try to survive, everybody is aware that the death of Chavez must be delayed and practically hidden if it is possible for years. Here the idea is to maintain the Dictator with artificial life, connected to any kind of biomedical machines, just to justify the continuation of the regimen, this is going to be a disparate strategy , very similar as the one used to preserve the life of Francisco Franco in Spain in 1975.

VicePresident Maduro is more conscious than anybody else that he is lying so much, as well as many other functionaries of his administration, to try to brain wash the people that Chavez really has chances to recover his good health and return fully to perform the Power responsibilities for which he was recently appointed once more in the last of many manipulated elections.

However, this plot of misinformation will not continue for ever, soon or later members of the armed forces will have to decide to take action in order to assure their political positions by planing a coup d'etait against the constitutional framework. They know that if Chavez die new elections will give a real chance to the opposition to arrive to the power, so there is going to be an attempt to force the cut the return to the Democracy.

Nevertheless, I can perceive that this will not succeed in the long run, that the reaction of the international community and also of the different civic organizations fighting for true Democracy will be decisive to stop such a conspiracy.

Uncontrolled political personal ambition without control is going to be the key of the fall of the Chavism, other generals in Venezuela are willing to follow the steps of Hugo Chavez, but each one is looking for his own benefit, and that will erode the cohesion of the arm forces supporting the tyranny, so what is going to start as a coup d'etait against the Democracy will end as a huge confrontation in between plotters.

In the same way that the Francism couldn't survive the death of his inspirator and leader, the Chavism will end with the departure of his ideological leader of this world.

Pls read:

Dear Readers of Venezuela, please remain confident in the Divine Providence plan to bring again stability, harmony and peace to your country and to the continent that has been so menaced by the megalomaniac plans of Chavez, to continue building a Bolivarian evil Axis of puppet republics around his communist empire. I have promised to you that Chavez will be soon be out of scene and also that his regime will be finally overdrawn, please take faith and be strong in the defense of your rights and liberties.


The Angel of Lightness

edit on 3/5/2013 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

Dear Readers,

it is now a fact, no way to continue hiding it, Colonel Hugo Chavez Frias, that ruled Venezuela since 1998, in one of the most polemic and also agitated periods of the History of his country, that spread a revolution of confrontation in between social classes to many other countries of Latin America, died today in Caracas at the age of 58.

There was no a miracle as he or his followers expected to see, also he couldn't remain until 2020 in the power,as many times he claimed in very arrogant tone it was going to be the case.

Also it is clear that there lies the ones that Fidel Castro told to the media recently about a recovering of the Good health of the Venezuelan leader, thanks to the Cuban medical treatments.

What it was true is my forecast of yesterday at night,when the world was still ignorant of the true, that Chavez was actually dying in a Military Hospital in Caracas,where the physicians were disparately trying to maintain him in artificial life, and my prediction of years ago that by this year 2013 the rule of Hugo Chavez might be ended definitively.

if the constitution is respected, Venezuela must have new Presidential Elections soon.

Here the reports of the news:

Of course, Hugo Chavez is leaving Venezuela extremely divided and in a huge interrogation of who is going to replace him in the Power. VicePresident Maduro only can remail temporally in the office, as the constitution prescribes, so is likely a confrontation in between leaders of the revolutionary forces for the power.

As I also predicted yesterday at Night, a general mobilization of troops started to take control of the situation,
in order to prevent a general insurrection of the population.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 3/5/2013 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

Gradually the media is getting access to what it was a top secret until some days ago, the real health condition
of Hugo Chavez during the last two years.

Even his family joined the campaign of the regime to lie openly about Chavez health, in order to do not allow the people to be informed of that they were reelecting a person that clearly was unable to continue ruling the country.

Pls read:

As I predicted, he was in a severe so advance state of metastasis, with the cancer invading a lot of his vital organs until the monday when it arrived to the lungs produced the coma he entered it.

Chavez was, as I also predicted, living with artificial life, he was several times resurrected in his last surgery on la Havana in December 11th and after his arrival to Venezuela he was all the time breathing through a tube connected directly to his throat.

He suffered of horrible pains along all his campaign of October, but his uncontrollable passion for the power pushed him to overcome it in order to be relected for last time President of Venezuela.

Pls read:

His condition couldnt be worst for a leader doing the job of President, and in normal circumstances in a trully Democracy he might not be allowed to run again for the office.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 3/9/2013 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

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