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World faces choice on human cloning: U.N. study

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posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 04:52 PM
Being against cloning rates right up there with burning witches at the stake or believing the world to be flat, or being against space exploration because it is heaven.

If a human being was cloned it would just be another human being. It would share your DNA and looks but it would experience its own life and have its own thoughts and mind. It would be an individual just like us.

If you changed the DNA so that it would not be born with a brain you would have a nice copy of yourself for spare parts and who knows someday we could transfer our mind into the new body.

Fearingn cloning is like fearing voodoo or the boogy man.

For you religious folks out there God said he made man in his own image wouldnt that include the ability to create life and become imortal? Whosays he is done creating us anyway (evolution).

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Boondock78
i've yet to hear a good argument that will sway me.

There's many arguments against it. The United States has imposed a moratorium on human cloning and a ban on federal funding of cloning research, that will be reviewed every five years. One bill to make human cloning lawful and another demanding its prohibition were both rejected by Congress in 1999. The British government claimed that existing legislation regulating embryo research banned human cloning, but a strict interpretation of the statute would suggest that cloning remains lawful in Britain.

As I stated, it can't go ahead, although it will for numerous other purposes.

The technology is unsafe. The nuclear transfer technique that produced 'Dolly' required 277 embryos, from which only one healthy and viable sheep was produced. The other foetuses were hideously deformed and either died or were aborted. Moreover, Ian Wilmut and other commentators have noted that we cannot know whether clones will suffer from premature ageing as a result of their elderly genes. There are also fears that the reprogramming of the nucleus of a somatic cell in order to trigger the cell division that leads to the cloning of an individual may result in a significantly increased risk of cancer.

Cloning will lead to eugenics, or the artificial manipulation and control of the characteristics of people. An American geneticist, Dr. Dan Brock, has already identified a trend towards ‘new and benign eugenics’ that is perpetrated by developments in biotechnology. When people are able to clone themselves they will be able to choose which type of person shall be born. This seems uncomfortably close to the Nazi concept of breeding a race of Aryan superhumans, whilst eliminating those individuals whose characteristics they considered unhealthy. The ‘Boys from Brazil’ scenario of clones of Hitler, the baby farms of ‘Brave New World’, or even the cloning or armies of identical and disposable soldiers, might soon be a very real prospect.

As I said you can choose whether soldiers can feel emotions etc.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Xeven
If you changed the DNA so that it would not be born with a brain you would have a nice copy of yourself for spare parts and who knows someday we could transfer our mind into the new body.

man, thats what i'm talking about...clone me up right now...if i need a transplant or something, it...
no waitng list for me....
where do i vote?

that would be too cool though if say we could clone ourselves but keep the clone in a vegeative type state or something...
figure out a way to make sure the musles and stuff don't atrophy and the blood flows and when i die, just download all the data from my brain into my clone(my second body) and unplug me and flip the switch.

as soon as the download is done, the clone(with my data, now actually me)walks on out and gets back to daily life the next day.

i like it.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Arawn

i know there are arguments against them, i just don't agree with them.

i don't think it would 100% lead to eugenics but either way, that is not what i'm talking about.
i'm not too into eugenetics. i am talking about a clone of myself.

i like the idea. the more i talk about it here the more i like the idea as a matter of fact.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by NJ Mooch

If you knew that there is no soul in the clone you create to save your life would you do it?

I wouldn't no, there is a reason for life and death... besides I don't really beleive that your soul can be transfered over to another body even if it has your genetic code.

Here's a bit of a conumdrum tho... I think that if the docs take your DNA and can make you a new and better heart or whatever other ailments you have without making a human being, fetus, etc that is fine. Other than that... if it has a brain, a soul, or resembles a human no I would not.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:21 PM
I personally am all for cloning. I think that we should be able to suck the brian out of our clones then be able to harvest any organs. Thats if we are developing Fully grown clones, Clones that are being "Born" are different. These should be given equal protection under the law. This being said, If a person makes a full clone of themselves, then allows it to gain consciousnes, that clone should have equal rights.

As far as cloning goes in order to make the perfect human, I think its awesome. I think this is mans opportunity to make Homo Superior. this being said we could probably make several different version of man. One that hopefully would be Stronger, Healthier(without genetic defect), and Wise(able to use more brain capacity). Thats my hope anyway. I've often thought about going into biology, then seeing if a millionare or billion would finance me making the next evolution of man. If it hasn't be done already.

Anyway, most people are scared of change, and chance. Cloning creates the ability for both to flourish, and that makes people scared.

I say bring it on.



posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:22 PM
Cloning is a horrible idea. Cloning a human once is fine, but the clones clones clones clone will lose part of its genetic makeup. Thus creating a dying race. Very bad idea and I am totally against it.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:27 PM
who says they loose there genetic makeup? It all depends on the person doing the cloning. If your willing to settle for 95% instead of 100% then yea, that is possible. But if your a perfectionist, which I think most genetists would be, I think they would keep trying for the 100% perfect clone.



posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
Cloning is a horrible idea. Cloning a human once is fine, but the clones clones clones clone will lose part of its genetic makeup. Thus creating a dying race. Very bad idea and I am totally against it.

are we not a dying race now?
i think we are

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 11:22 PM
According to people who believe in aliens the grays have relied on cloning for a long time and the reason they abduct humans is to create gray-human hybrids. This is to save their race from extinction as cloning through the generations has withered away their genetic code.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 02:32 PM
just sounds like laziness in the scientist to me.
. If I were in charge, I would ensure that only perfect replicas were continued. Additionally, you need divergence somehow in order to expand the population. We use sex, but other means would and should be available. Anyway, as I said before, I'm all for Homo Superior, The next evolution in man species. Perhaps something that opens our minds abilitities to 95-100% vs the 5-15% we currently use. After that, we could look at the next evolution of our species into something even better. That being said, until our next evolution occurs, I can't imagine what we would be or look like after that.

Thanks for your guys thoughts though,



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