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Pictures of Iran: You decide

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posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by LordBaskettIV
If the USA and the president gets you mad, buy a rifle, and vote that way.

Surely, you are not using ATS to advocate an assassination attempt on the president of the U.S. Besides violating federal laws, I would think (and hope) that this would also be a pretty severe violation ATS rules.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by antar

The main thing I want to impart here is to view these pictures with the thought of war with Iran in mind.

Hi Antar, Nice post, nice find! I think most of us had no idea that Iran had some pretty places. I thought is was all sand, sand fleas and etc.
I just wanted to mention that Iran has a pretty kooky leader right now. Americans seem to persist in overlooking this. Mr. Amadinijhad is a member of a radical Shia sect often refered to as the Twelvers. I think this is what makes Amadinighad so kooky. Twelvers believe that the 12th prophet that descended into a well in the 12th century will come back up out of the well and administer salvation to him and the people of his religeous order if and this is a big if... if he developes the bomb and uses it on Isrial and starts and Armegeddan. I really doubt if this would send Mr. Amadinijhad off to the land of the virgins and eternal bliss. Also I think a lot of Isrialis and other Mideasterners would be very upset.
How many of you had heard of the Twelvers?

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by 4thDoctorWhoFan

No one said that the President has to go to Iran. What I said is that it would be the day if he would go. It would largely be a symbolic gesture. A gesture that connotes the the desire to open up a dialog not only with Iran's leaders but also the country of Iran. That's what a trip to Iran by the current President of the United States would mean. President Ahmadinejad has easy access to American students studying in the United Arab Emirates, he did not have to come all the way over here, but he did. Whether one agreed with anything that he had to say is another matter, but he did come here and have a dialog amongst people who hate his very guts and all that he stands for. Some who, perhaps, would rather see him dead than alive and talking on American soil. Without question, his visit was a historical event.

Would President George W. Bush visit the country that his administration has so thoroughly demonized? A country where perhaps he has been demonized likewise? Well, that's still an open question, isn't it? To concede to a visit to Iran's universities to meet with faculty and students would be a first step at conceding to a loss of military and corporate objectives at gaining strategic geographic position for the purpose of exploiting the major natural resource of the region. Oil. Negotiating with Iran is clearly not on the Bush Administration's to do list.

I wonder what would happen if Iran said, "Forget it. We no longer desire nuclear technology. We have enough oil to last us for awhile."

Anyway, back on topic.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by antar

Sorry, but I take issue with someone making political statements, then the very next post chastising other members for making the same. You assumed we all agree on your assertion "We must insist that this administration and any other future leaders remain in a state of peace with all of our planet." This is also political in nature. If you wish to make rules for your thread, please abide by them yourself.
Off my high horse now.
There are many beautiful places in areas you would not expect. Chernoble has some very nice country, also North Korea, China, Cuba, Iran, etc. But beauty is also in the eye of the beholder. I find some empty desert and bare rock mountains beautiful, the middle of the ocean has a powerful beauty. I look at these things, sometimes photograph them, and enjoy them for what they are, NOT with war in mind, as in your opening post.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by robwerden
We can not allow this to be destroyed


posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Manincloak

We can not allow this to be destroyed

Since Amadinijhad is the one that wants the distruction via the Bomb so he can die a martyr with virgins. How are we to prevent this?? Do you think talking to him or giving him money will help?

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:57 PM
This is such a beautiful country who in there right mind would have the heart to want to destory it...the people who want to are sick people they need to get a life..

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 09:06 PM
Iraq was once a beautiful place too... as was afghanistan .... and....

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:25 PM
Though I've been to Tehran and stayed there only for 5 days, one would be surprised to find that the common man on the street is hardly anti-US. Cabs play western music on their car stereos, and they generally dislike their president. They voted him into office because of his promise of prosperity, and they never thought he'd take the country on the path of enmity.
It'd be a shame if the US tried to destroy such a beautiful country.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:12 AM
As others have pointed out on this thread, it matters really not if we are discussing Iran or any other country. People are beginning to awaken to the reality we have been controlled and conditioned to look at places other than our own homelands with intolerance and, distrust and from the prospective of those that want to use propaganda to rally war efforts to invade and occupy others countries for gains.

My point as has been completely understood by some here and obviously misinterpreted by others is still to 'simply look at the country', see it in a new way, because in doing so, you will begin to look at everything in a different light. A different light is what is needed.

This planet and the majority of its people are ready, so ready to step up and accept responsibility for the mistakes of the past and to join together as a one world planet. A new world order so to speak, but not in the militarist, political, capital gains industrial complex sort of way. One that unites instead of dividing, one that accepts all human beings as worthy, one that works in unison to make this our beautiful planet, this planet with all the potential to be a paradise, a utopia.

I want disclosure. In every aspect of this planets growth. And only then can we begin to take our place in a wider development of a higher order.

'I' know for a fact, that there is more to this Universe than what we have been lead to believe. By being kept in the dark it has only delayed our future progress, not stopped it.

Taking responsibility for our planet and for the safety of its people is our #1 priority, The forces of darkness will not win this time. But it is going to take strength and courage to create this new paradigm.

Just looking at these pictures and seeing past the agenda, is the first major step.

We will together then begin to lift the veils one by one until no more shadows will have the power to guide humanity.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by plumranch
Since Amadinijhad is the one that wants the distruction via the Bomb so he can die a martyr with virgins. How are we to prevent this?? Do you think talking to him or giving him money will help?

Another Fox News viewer?

Educate yourself please.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 08:04 AM
oh look, thayhave buildings... and countryside, and a shoreline... and architecture... and scenic views... and history....

well i'm sold, let them develop nuclear weaponry, they appear responsible enough to me, why doesnt anyone show that slideshow to the u.n.?

i'm sure that'll get 'em to come 'round, eh?

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by ericksonehrin5
This is such a beautiful country who in there right mind would have the heart to want to destory it...the people who want to are sick people they need to get a life..

yes, we should only go to war with the ugly countries that threaten nuclear war.... because we know from disney that pretty = good and ugly = evil, right?

is this a joke?

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by planetfall
well i'm sold, let them develop nuclear weaponry, they appear responsible enough to me, why doesnt anyone show that slideshow to the u.n.?

Yes, lets. Is there any reason why you feel you have the right to prevent them from doing so? Israel, pakistan, india, north korea and all the super powers have nuclear weapons you know. Its not the end of the world.

US alone have used them. Twice. So before you start saying that nobody else can have those weapons, how about removing the US ones first since they are the ones using them?

Practice what you preach kind of a thing you know. And please dont say the US is a responsible nation when it comes to using force... they use their military powers to get their way all the time.

[edit on 7-11-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Copernicus
Yes, lets. Is there any reason why you feel you have the right to prevent them from doing so? Israel, pakistan, india, north korea and all the super powers have nuclear weapons you know. Its not the end of the world.

US alone have used them. Twice.
[edit on 7-11-2007 by Copernicus]

we used them properly. wiping israel off the face of the earth may be seen by some, as a possible improper use.

i wonder also, if islamic fundamentalists would be so bothered if some of their nuclear materials somehow found their way into the hands of the idiots they manipulate into doing their dirty work (you know, their "martyrs")

why dont you let them have their nukes, then, but only on condition that you relocate to isreal when they do, deal?

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by planetfall
we used them properly. wiping israel off the face of the earth may be seen by some, as a possible improper use.

Oh, so you used them properly? I think the Japanese may disagree with that. And that "wipe them off the map" quote, did you get that from Fox News? Because its not what he really said at all. US propaganda, and you can verify that easily if you have the wish to do so. Dont you realize there is a propaganda war going on? Catchy phrases like that are designed to stick in the minds of people. Dont fall for their tricks. Separate yourself from the sheeps.

Originally posted by planetfall
i wonder also, if islamic fundamentalists would be so bothered if some of their nuclear materials somehow found their way into the hands of the idiots they manipulate into doing their dirty work (you know, their "martyrs")

What about the American fundamentalist Christians like Bush and the neocons, who believe they are fighting a holy war against islamofascism? Its the exact same thing.

Originally posted by planetfall
why dont you let them have their nukes, then, but only on condition that you relocate to isreal when they do, deal?

I guess this is intended to be some kind of intelligent comment, but... it just fails. You are showing how you truly believe the Iranians would bomb the world if they got nuclear weapons... if only people like you would educate yourself on this instead of believing the US lies and propaganda.

The typical Iranian is not the bearded man wearing explosives around his chest you know... please realize that they are people just like you and me, living their lives, paying their bills etc. I dont blame you personally for not knowing the truth though. Its just too bad to see people getting fed that garbage by the US media.

[edit on 7-11-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Copernicus

Oh, so you used them properly? I think the Japanese may disagree with that.

of course, they had other interests in the war, as you might imagine.

Originally posted by Copernicus
And that "wipe them off the map" quote, did you get that from Fox News?

actually, i'm a bbc man myself...

Originally posted by Copernicus
What about the American fundamentalist Christians like Bush and the necons, who believe they are fighting a holy war against islamofascism? Its the exact same thing.

not more played out anti christian b.s. dont you lefties ever tire of it? you may not be aware of this, but it seems christians arent wont to detonate themselves among crowds of innocent people, or fly jets into tall buildings, or stone women for infidelity, or chop off heads of non believers, or... shall i go on? because theres much, much more

lets not waste everyones time by bringing up the inquisition or witch burnings, unless you want hard figures posted here.

exact same thing? if by not the same thing at all, then yes, its the exact same thing....

Originally posted by Copernicus
You are showing how you truly believe the Iranians would bomb the world if they got nuclear weapons... if only people like you would educate yourself on this instead of believing the US lies and propaganda.

yes, i do, but i'm only taking their word for it. allah demands this to be a muslim world, infidels must be converted or killed. period, not many ways to interpret that, is there?

are you ready to convert, infidel?

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by planetfall

Well, we're not making much progress in this discussion, and I can see that we probably wont either.

Maybe its not possible for you to see my point of view, since I have the hardest time seeing yours as well.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 08:51 AM
To much television & video games and not enough of getting out in this world. Get out people, go see for yourself what other countries think and do. Learn about their cultures and what they think about everyone outside them. Back in the days of my youth it was get out and meet people or you wouldn't know anyone. But now it's different, it's almost like they don't want you to get out and see wants really going on. Stay home and watch the news, movies, play your video games and hop on the internet, but for gods sakes don't go out and see the world for yourself.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Copernicus

i'd be glad to help you out, what have i written that you're not able to comprehend clearly? no offense intended in any way.

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