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Writing the bible

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posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:06 AM
I was thinking and guess I shouldn't have been. The bible was written by many men over many years. However, it stopped being written over 1000 years ago.

Why after all the time that it was written, all the "predictions", all the letters to so and so (Corinthians etc) and everything else, has no one "received info from god" to continue writing the saga?

People believe the book so much and believe the info was written by gods word, yet, if someone wrote more to it, claiming it to be from god, xians would laugh in thier face. So how is it so easy to believe that they did it so long ago? At least now, we have the technology to make it even easier for gods to communicate to "deciples" and "prophets".

Any thoughts?

(prepares for flames)

[Edited on 27-1-2004 by ImAlreadyPsycho]

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:11 AM
this is gonna get interesting (good topic)

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:18 AM
In theory it was hard to belive back then, only they didn't get laughed at as much as fed to lions by the Romans.

It wasn't a universally accepted truth even back in the beginnings of Christianity.

Possibly the founders of the church just decided that the ideas put forth by the bible were all that wer eneeded to spread the faith, and since then the leaders haven't diagreed.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:18 AM
I know I am setting myself up, but, no risk no reward.

Thanks exdog

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:21 AM
Not setting yourself up at all, at least not in my opinion. You are just putting somehting out there for discussion. I would hope noone would flame you, as this site is supposed to be a haven for free-thinkers who want to have their own opinions, and not just take for granted what is told to them by the establishment.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:21 AM

Its a very good question and my answer is simple there is not much that needs to be added.

This is not the first time that God has been silent, though it is the longest time of Him not speaking out loud. Before Jesus' incarnation, there were 400 years of silence from the time of the last of the minor prophets. Prior to that there were shorter periods of silence.

The Hebrew Bible was basically codified as we know it today sometime around the beginning of that 400 years of silence. All of the Hebrew Bible is the historical Word of God, and it was left alone for 400 years, until Jesus came along and added His message of love.

We don't need a new revelation, we simply need to live by the revelation we've already been given.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:24 AM
Gadget brings up another good point too. Beginnings of Xianity.

Beginning?????? God created Adam and Eve and therefore there should have been no religion before the time they were created. Therefore all religions of today EXCEPT xianity were newer then it. However, xianity came after Catholocism (according to everything I learned in my history classes in high school) so this seems to be another discredit to the bible.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:30 AM
1. The majority of people "wised" up, and realized it was a tool of control...

2. With the changes in language, the new parts didn't "fit" right, and people couldn't handle prophets saying, "Yo, G, what's up?" so the additions never caught on....

3. Satan won, but isn't telling anybody....

4. God's on vacation... Since some argue that one of God's days is like 1000 of ours, then he could just be taking a "day" off...

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:35 AM
I like #4 Gaz. I wonder if I could tell the boss I want a "day" off. LOL.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by ImAlreadyPsycho
Gadget brings up another good point too. Beginnings of Xianity.

Beginning?????? God created Adam and Eve and therefore there should have been no religion before the time they were created. Therefore all religions of today EXCEPT xianity were newer then it. However, xianity came after Catholocism (according to everything I learned in my history classes in high school) so this seems to be another discredit to the bible.

Here is a Timeline of the Worlds Religions

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:39 AM
Yep...when talking of "mainstream" religions....Christianity is pretty much a new kid on the block, as is Catholicism....

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 12:30 PM
There really isn't anything more to write....

The Old testament was written by a number of people, both as an historical docuement (the first 5 books,written by Moses and taught to him by Jethro the midianite), as instructions for living (how to live a clean life if you havn't got Christ basically), and as an on going journal of what God was doing with the Isaelites.

There are books, such as maccabees, that are not in the Protestant bible that are part of the OT as well, they are not included as they are pure history and not God's actions with the people. Esther was almost left out as its a nice story but God isn't in it.

Anyway that wraps up the OT.

In the New Testament the primary part are the Gospels. Which record the actions of Jesus and the importance of his life and death. After Jesus died the NT also records the founding of the Christian faith, in Acts and theepistles etc. Why we believe what we do.

There was great debate and anxiety among the churches, at that time they were very small and vulnerable to any teachings that passed through.

The NT books provided the grounding of what is accepted and what is not. (don't forget these guys new NOTHING about how to live and what was true, there wasn't a Romans, or Corinthians to guide them).

Some were lost as well, that are inferred in the NT by Paul and Peter, and some in there were debated about if they should be included such as Jude.

Even then there were books that were not included, such as the Gospel of Thomas and one by Barnabus. They either were frauds, or their theology was not correct.

Also, like some of the OT books, there was a record of just how the churches came about in ACTS, so that it was recorded and remembered.

So what is left to write? We have the books of history the books of what to believe, and how to live it. Its a full and complete work, including what is going to happen in the end.

There ARE other books written later, such as the "Desert Fathers" written by the early church leaders, and lots of books by St John of the Cross as well as he books written by Josephus (which was a companion to the bible until relativly recently), heaps of medieval books about God (Imitation of Christ), and just visit and christian bookshop today and you will see its a thriving business writing books about Christianity.

But none of these has a place in the Bible. As it is complete.

[Edited on 27-1-2004 by Netchicken]

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:41 PM
"Not setting yourself up at all, at least not in my opinion. You are just putting somehting out there for discussion. I would hope noone would flame you, as this site is supposed to be a haven for free-thinkers who want to have their own opinions, and not just take for granted what is told to them by the establishment."

very well said!

to the question, what was the last time you heard of a miracle? 1000 years ago? if there are no news, the newspaper won't be published!

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:54 PM
"Miracles" as defined as?
"Miracles" according to believers is an ever on going occurance, whether 'they' are reported or not reported.


posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 11:59 PM
i think people who wrote bible exaggerated lots of things! everybody does! cause everyone wants their story to seem more interesting and exciting, like in Scotland Willaim Wallace was killing 20 men with light bolts!

imagine this! what if a bible was started by some writer(God we don't know him)! he it was the first science fiction story ever written! his main character Jesus! then other people rewrote and republished his story with little addons and changes! so it evolved and evolved and finally everyone knows it!

posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 09:46 AM
As far as I know, those fallible humans that wrote the bible could be filling it full of BS and making us worship satan, but call him god. They may have fear satan and been forced to lie to us through the bible.

My point really is just this. No one can prove that God spoke with anyone back then, yet people believe it to be true, yet, if someone swore the spoke with god today and wrote more in the bible, they would be persecuted, laughed at, bullied, called sacreligious, and probably get killed.

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 01:33 PM
Go to the shrink grab some bi-polar to mentaly retarded, and everything in between and tie them up and write down everything they write as the word of god, and ta da! Bible.


posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 02:08 PM
I think the bible is just a collection of short stories combined to form a large book. The ten commandments on the other hand I believe is just common sense written down.

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 08:18 AM
You find the continuance of the Gospel in the chronicles and sagas of the kings and nations of Europe. The return of the Ismaelites to God is also to be seen in context. The history of the religious wars etc. The Catholic Church has her own saintline even. Martin Luther is another chapter etc. etc.


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