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a kind letter fox's psyop teams

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posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 03:00 PM
I for one am tired of reading about how Fox news always tries to incite and insult. This is an obvious tactic of a bully. Its out of control. Take this last article by truth and freedom hero Alex Jones. Ill add first that Alex Jones is not an anarchist nor a mind controlled patsy. If so he would have been de legitimized a long time ago.
Glen beck calls truther insane..
Tucker carlson clueless..
Fox spreads fear..again..

All Fox news the psyop geeks can do now that 911 truth is convincing people of the truth is cry like babies while they watch jay and silent bob..i mean the country turn on them for the lies and wicked behavior. Bullying is the mark of desperation or nazi's, are you all nazi's fox news, because bushes engineered world war 3 will turn into ww4 if the people of the world find out theres neo con nazis plotting another holocaust in our backyard. Is there a reason when it comes to 9-11 you can never engage without calling someone kooky or spooky? It shows how mature you all are not, as well as your leader president saudi arabia sell out man. I for one will not call you human anymore. grow up losers.

[edit on 24-10-2007 by mastermind77]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by mastermind77

You do realize that Glen Beck and Tucker Carlson aren't on Fox News right?

Your remarks about PSYOP, Nazis, etc.. show that you might want to do a little more reading on the subject, before drawing conclusions/comparisons with words you're not well versed on.

My advice is to turn off your computer, and get outside from time to time for some fresh air, as that statement was an incoherant mess.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 05:36 PM
Not to berate you for your post but I find Alex Jones a poor source of news information.
I can't comment on the external links he provides but the journalists who write for him present sensational one sided, and exaggerated stories.
I did gain much insight after researching on my own though, so it wasn't a wasted year.
Check out other sites and other news sources.
I don't watch Fox or CNN because it's not even news, it's entertainment.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 07:34 PM
ok fine, i realize i may have conveyed some ignorance with this post. I was merely emotionaly charged after seeing these posts by alex jones. But i still believe Fox news is a branch of psyops as well as other major stations of disinformation. I can research up and down the town, but one thing is still the same, Fox supports the Bush administration and they supported this war, they slander and bully the 9-11 truthers and alex jones.

That to me is the mark of a control freak, which hitler was, which Bush and the rest of so the called americans at home pretending to know and enforce laws in this constitutional republic based in democratic values, not christian, not muslim, not fudalism, not socialism...truth, fairness. and a right to depose a government that becomes corrupt.

So far Bush is refusing to be called to the stand to answer to these charges against him which ignorant followers make fun of because they believe bush "couldnt be" the criminal he has proven himself to be to so many already. So sure i understand you can say im disjointed in my post, but from where i was coming from, I was fairly acurate i think.

Its my fear that bush and friends are mounting a violent takeover of america using the system he now has control over..thanks ignorance..

and by the way. I see the world daily. working in a heavily masonic/hidden symbolism town, i know these people are two faced liars or ignorant followers. Thats my conclusion of them, some dont like that..oh well.

[edit on 24-10-2007 by mastermind77]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by mastermind77

I understand where you're coming from and no insult was intended.If I offended you, I apologize.
I agree 100% with you that Fox is with Bush.Their "news" is so slanted that a four year old could see it.
Fox and the "reporters" like to pick on the truthers who don't stay calm and show snippets of calm ones who "um and ah" a lot, which translates to the viewer as people who aren't sure of what they are saying.
They have no basis in facts and are happy to call people UnAmerican,unpatriotic and crazy.They suggest hangings and jail time for doubters of the decider.
I appreciate your passion and search for the truth.If I came off as heavy handed, it was not my intent.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 01:14 PM
Do you see any irony when you complain about Fox being one sided, but quote Alex Jones/Prison Planet as if that's not one sided as well? Most mainstream news media sources would probably take the same opinion of 9/11 truthers, if they started acting irrational in a public setting. Bill Maher has gotten a lot of criticism from Truthers, and he's hardly a "neo-con."

I'm still not getting the Bush/Hitler comparisons. Living in the USA circa 2007, is in no way analogous to living in Germany 1936-1945. Show me the mass imprisonment/excecutions of those who are in political disagreement with Bush, or fall into the wrong demographic racially/behaviorally. Show me the mass confiscations of personal property. Show me the limits on travel in or out of the country(we can't even keep millions of illegals out). I understand you disagree with Bush's policies, and that's certainly your right. Your analogies need a little more work though.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 04:29 PM
Thats the thing, it randomly does happen in large scale like the women in washington recently who were reading the constitution in public, arrested in mass. Ed and elaine brown. The war on blacks and pot smokers. Mass prison camps with large gas tanks/trains built/contracted and staffed by foreign troops. Radioactive bunker busters used in the middle east. Bush's 1 million lies served. I mean theres a whole lot of coincidences that lead up to one conclusion. This country is obviously being manipulated and used by a cou de tah and Bush and Fox news are either willing participants or complete dupes. Fairly fascist whould be Fox's tag..become a christian or well bunker bust your good names by slandering you if you dont join our sports loving coke snorting reality of self rightious indignation..thats all I get from Bush and Fox news..self deluded reality.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by BlueRaja

You should look up Prescott Bush.He had ties to the Nazi's through Holland America(shipping or cruise, can't remember).
As far as G.W. goes, maybe the U.S. isn't there yet but it's slowly on it's way.
Read the Patriot act.Read the Military Commissions Act.Research the increase in police/security aggression on peaceful protesters.Research the corralling of
protesters or anyone anti-Bush. This doesn't sound like a democratic nation to me.
Look up FEMA camps.I've posted this before but I'll show it again.
Not to derail, it's a reply and people always want proof.

You are correct that Illegals from Mexico are entering America but that might be part of some plan yet unseen. I'm supposing and have no proof of that.Maybe Americans have a better idea about this.

I agree that Alex Jones is biased and that's why I no longer visit his site.I really doubt there is any "fair and balanced" sites out there.People are on opposite sides of the spectrum so it does nothing to bring others close to the real truth.I believe it lies somewhere in the middle.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by mastermind77
Thats the thing, it randomly does happen in large scale like the women in washington recently who were reading the constitution in public, arrested in mass. Ed and elaine brown. The war on blacks and pot smokers. Mass prison camps with large gas tanks/trains built/contracted and staffed by foreign troops. Radioactive bunker busters used in the middle east. Bush's 1 million lies served. I mean theres a whole lot of coincidences that lead up to one conclusion. This country is obviously being manipulated and used by a cou de tah and Bush and Fox news are either willing participants or complete dupes. Fairly fascist whould be Fox's tag..become a christian or well bunker bust your good names by slandering you if you dont join our sports loving coke snorting reality of self rightious indignation..thats all I get from Bush and Fox news..self deluded reality.

I think you're confusing law enforcement with Bush agendas. Bush doesn't make laws- your local, state, and Federal legislators make the laws. If you want to smoke pot, not pay income tax, or violate town/city ordinances, it's not Bush that you have an issue with. You need to vote for legislators that will pass laws accomodating your lifestyle choices, rather than complain about Bush's fascism.

As for prison camps with foreign troops, radioactive bunker busters used in the middle east, and forced conversions to Christianity, I'd love for you to provide some examples of even one these things having happened.

You do understand that there is no such thing as absolute and unregulated freedom- that's known as anarchy, and you really wouldn't want that.
In a civil society, there are laws for a reason. If you wish to exercise civil disobedience, you have that right, BUT.... there are consequences. Your rights don't trump everyone else's rights, and that's why there are laws.

Can you explain how a cou de tah is manipulating and using the country, as that's a bit confusing for me to understand?

coup d'é·tat (kū' dā-tä')
n., pl. coups d'état (kū') or coup d'états (dā-täz').
The sudden overthrow of a government by a usually small group of persons in or previously in positions of authority.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by BlueRaja

I think you're confusing law enforcement with Bush agendas.

No ill highlight the drug war, its highly suspect that the federal government grows high strength medical plants for less than 20 people yet tells its citizens that it's dangerous when for a fact, this constitutional republic was founded on products from england and india like hemp, tobacco, tea and stronger pharmaceuticals we now call "illegal drugs" oooohh scary!. I know its hard for people in denial of truth and reality to understand it but someday you will have to get over yourself rightiousness and hatreds, or fears of something new or different and stop projecting it through unjust laws onto others for greed or an excuse to beat up the "hippy" losers you consider everyone who isnt wearing polo and golfing to be.
The president has the power to reclassify this plant and so does congress etc, its all engineered fear and ignorance through 70+ years of oppression and murders, so its the president unwilling to do the right thing that prevents it happening, like at least make a speech about how its time for a change, at least make it an economic excuse and tax it commercialy like the constitution allows for. The drug war is the best example of how the federal controllers dehumanise, making them beg for freedom, and scolding them for nothing but a need to connect to the earth, some camp, others well..go figure humanity is chaotic, the order is learned through more advanced things like plants. Its just people who have too much want more, and look for ways to control others to get it.

Bush doesn't make laws- your local, state, and Federal legislators make the laws. If you want to smoke pot, not pay income tax, or violate town/city ordinances, it's not Bush that you have an issue with. You need to vote for legislators that will pass laws accomodating your lifestyle choices, rather than complain about Bush's fascism.

So are you saying you sense bush's fascims? As far as voting..heh, we know what happened the last few rounds, who knows how many more..were rigged. Oh and dont lump me as a criminal of any kind, I love love, and love knows itself, and can judge properly the world around it. BAMO!

As for prison camps with foreign troops, radioactive bunker busters used in the middle east, and forced conversions to Christianity, I'd love for you to provide some examples of even one these things having happened.

you have to read the news it is out there, im not going to provide you the sources, go find it for yourself. Like the matrix.

You do understand that there is no such thing as absolute and unregulated freedom- that's known as anarchy, and you really wouldn't want that.

you imply i say that or imply it, I dont, I hate chaos. What im saying is our system is designed by elitists to control and manipulate the populace on many perceptual levels.

In a civil society, there are laws for a reason. If you wish to exercise civil disobedience, you have that right, BUT.... there are consequences. Your rights don't trump everyone else's rights, and that's why there are laws.

How is following the raw words of the constitution civil disobedience? in my interpretation any "civil disobedience" is disobeying a flawed interpretation of social control based in false belief structures using external impositions onto a populace to create a state of paralized denial of the fear they know they have because they know they cant fight back..but the happy leaders we have so love to protect us prolonging there power to transform slowly as they themselves state they are, and fail to offer us free choice rather than the mommy/commy/nazi style state mastership and the "watch out or youll go to jail" mentality which is inhuman at least in my mind, i think law was once a tollbook for life and the mind, now the mind is lost and confused, society and laws today are a product of followers attempting to lead, all they do is constantly fail and fall. Slipping into denial and taking it out on the populace through unjust lies/laws.

Can you explain how a cou de tah is manipulating and using the country, as that's a bit confusing for me to understand.

gladly, since jekyl island and before, foreign countries have had vested interests in America for ages. How is it so far fetched that just maybe, given all the cults, the money, the power, drugs and perversion that goes to peoples heads that men who sought financial gain, perhaps for positive intent, did the wrong thing by faking an attack, reaping the benefits, and using mind control gained from secrets america discovered or used before, and used them in a small tightly nit scheme, and knew somehow that the undulating masses would fall in line to die and serve their country, not that that is not honorable it is. I know they fight because they believe in the cause, but how am i wrong for not seeking out trauma or death to serve in my view, a lie told by the most vile people ever? In my view he is using the troops like other politicians, he just has a good speech director and is learning actual words lately which is good. I know what you think too, that im a kooky nutbag, and your denial will in the end show that im being completely rational, and that 50% of americans are insane for giving power to a shameful human being in my humble opinion..
the good he does now is temporary and used to keep him in power so that corporations can reap sick amounts of money to manuever themselves for a near future which is going to be..planned chaos by the elitist accusers..a.k.a in my mind, satan, the beast, the dragon, armageddon...etc. The devil has your eyes on the microcosmic forces, while he manipulates the macrocosm in order to conquer your inner universe, i.e the brain and heart, hearts and minds.. Think im lying?

[edit on 29-10-2007 by mastermind77]

[edit on 29-10-2007 by mastermind77]

[edit on 29-10-2007 by mastermind77]

[edit on 29-10-2007 by mastermind77]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:58 PM
I have a problem with the notion of every citizen interpreting the law for themselves. That too leads to chaos, as you might have 300 million different interpretations. Can you point out a period in time in the entire history of the USA, where citizens could do whatever they wanted, based upon their interpretation of the Constitution? I'm more concerned about the erosion of freedoms from the PC/Left crowd- they've done far more damage to free speech, the notion of personal property rights, the notion of Government putting everyone on the dole, than "neocons" have.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:06 PM
"If you want to smoke pot, not pay income tax, or violate town/city ordinances, it's not Bush that you have an issue with. You need to vote for legislators that will pass laws accomodating your lifestyle choices, rather than complain about Bush's fascism. "
But the fascist bastards stole my vote. What do I do now?

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:15 PM
You may not like Bush, but it's not really a fair criticism to complain about your state laws, as if he was the one responsible for them. Are you saying that every election has been stolen, if the candidate you like didn't get elected?

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by BlueRaja

3 years ago-New Mexico precinct 12. All Votes got lost. Nobody will talk about it. It should make at least half of us angry but no, just me.
I don't want to take up arms. I just want to vote.

[edit on 29-10-2007 by earthman4]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:35 PM
Well if that in fact happened, it is certainly a legitimate complaint. I don't think it's fair to blame Bush for every ill though. He's certainly made a lot of mistakes, but you can't blame every mistake on him, if you want to remain intellectually honest about it.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by BlueRaja
I have a problem with the notion of every citizen interpreting the law for themselves. That too leads to chaos, as you might have 300 million different interpretations. Can you point out a period in time in the entire history of the USA, where citizens could do whatever they wanted, based upon their interpretation of the Constitution? I'm more concerned about the erosion of freedoms from the PC/Left crowd- they've done far more damage to free speech, the notion of personal property rights, the notion of Government putting everyone on the dole, than "neocons" have.

this statement is flawed logic. It says: "Its ok to keep the laws in place today, which is based in flawed interpretation of constitution." State laws base there laws on federal mandates and regulations. Like getting road money for drunk driving reductions. The decriminalization of anything medicine wise would begin at a federal level. I would look for an apology to the american people, but some would say im dreaming. What I dont understand is how a man who has had his personal life out there, we know he (bush) has done drugs..but now im supposed to believe his ultra compasionate conservatism prevents him from doing so, claiming its dangers yet, the reports say otherwise, unless they've been.."doctored".

The left is the same as the right as far as i can see, just polarized in competition over nothing, a constiutional republic requires a series of compromises. Not oppressive excuse making for elitists who have had too much in life for their own good. Fox news tv personalities reflect this aura of "snootyness" and "im so glad im better than you" attitude, that coupled with the tendencies towards a police state via drug laws and smoking bans etc.. how is oppression not at our heels via the allowance of a continuance of unjust policy touted as law? Im not arguing that everyone interpret law their own way, im saying theres a better way to live, using the law to help people see that reactionism is 2 sided (enforcements or citizens) and that a center viewpoint in the mind can be reached by left or right thinkers using knowledge of a natural state of mankind and the law which was revered as high wisdom once by scholars. If they all (americans/europeans/english/chinese-everyone compromises and lets go of resentment, we might find some peace. Can Fox and elitists do this? this is my main motivation behind my scathing tone above. I admit i made some vague connections between my point and the sarcasm which was taken as literal, sorry for that.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 09:18 AM
I agree with you to an extint with regard to the Federal government encroaching on State's rights. That's certainly not what the Founding Fathers had in mind. That's why it's so important to have Constructionist judges rather than Activist Judges, as so many policies have come into being through precedent, rather than legislation. I will disagree that society's ills are Bush's fault though. These things have been going on for longer than anyone here's lifetime, including drug policies(Bush's use or lack thereof of drugs in his earlier years really has no bearing. I'm sure you wouldn't say Eric Clapton has no credibility with his current anti-drug stance, just because he used to be a heroin addict/alcoholic). I will say this though- while I disagree with Federal government usurping State's rights, until the Judicial branch rules against a policy, it's not the individual's prerogative to ignore laws that they don't agree with. There are a lot of laws that I disagree with, but that doesn't mean I can ignore them with impunity.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 09:47 AM
I am only vaguely familiar with Alex Jones so I can't say that I support or reject his claims. As far as 9/11 is concerned, I think it was most likely not a conspiracy but, if it was, it was probably "let it happen." I also don't know jack about Mastermind 77 or any of his postings. Furthermore, I almost never go to the NWO or 9/11 threads.

That being said, it is not my intention to be provocative or to start a flame war by making these statements. My point is that I bring a completely different perspective to this thread than others might.

However, I mostly agree with the premise of the OP that FOX News is a shill for the Bush administration or a neo-con agenda. They mock all forms of dissent against the administration and act to quell free speech through baiting and name-calling. Their journalistic style is more like tabloid info-tainment than news. I think they are no better than a school yard bully.

The most disturbing aspect is how many people use FOX as a primary source of information. It is exactly this fact that makes them so dangerous. They are clearly biased, have a huge audience and use bullying tactics.

I have not always held this opinion of FOX. However, I am a media watcher and, lately, I have observed a more intense effort on their part to influence public opinion and not just report the news.

FOX News Labels Dissent As Anarchy:'

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Here's the problem I have when folks bash FOX as being biased. It's kind of disengenuous, as every other news media is biased as well, with the vast majority having a liberal bias. FOX is no further to the right, than CNN, etc... are to the left. FOX doesn't just have folks with conservative views on either, but they do provide some balance with the rest of the MSM's liberal slant.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 10:09 AM
I hate the cable news. Yesterday CNN had a "Special Report" about Britney Spears' new album. How about those nukes that were flown over us? No? I'm sure some of you have seen Outfoxed. All that may not be true, but when a guy can buy a news group/station... it turns into what he wants people to view as "news". Yea it's all "news", but as someone above me said, it's entertainment first and foremost. Fancy flashing graphics and banners... makes me hate this stuff.

Edit: Did you guys see Bill O'reiley bash that guy who lost his dad in 9/11 just because he held views that were opposite of the official statement? That was nuts. All these news channels are told to downplay any of that stuff, make them look crazy, turn them into potential threats etc.

[edit on 31-10-2007 by depth om]

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