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GET the U.S. OUT of the UN?

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posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 01:21 AM
I have been wondering about and studying our relationship with the UN for a few years now and really question its validity and motives.

A story was recently added to the unimpeachable and revered ATSNN by my brilliant and beautiful wife, Valhall that has relit my concerns to a fairly high level.

Admittedly this article is spun by the relatively right wing group quoted BUT the flags it raises are quite real...

I understand the fear-mongering argument that gets passed around about a world in which the rich Western Nations are left unchecked to conquer the world because there is no UN to stop them.

This argument holds no water historically because if that was the desire of the US and her allies it would have happened immediately following WWII. It did NOT happen.

What DID happen was we handed Japan back to the Japanese after expending BILLIONS rebuilding her and we handed West Germany back to the Germans after much the same expenditures, we all know what happened to east Germany...

Additonally, if the West desired conquest there is nothing the UN could do to stop it.

I guess my fear is that the UN seems to be the womb of the NWO. At the very least they are trying like hell to be the womb of the NWO.

It appears as though the Islamofascists, the tyranical dictatorships and others of that ilk get the ear of Kofi Anon and the general assembly at the expense of the humane and SUCCESSFUL governments of the world.

I could probably deal with a NWO that came from a group of humane/successful governments, but the likes of the Isalmofascists, North Korea, African dicatorships, and oppressive communist regimes? NO WAY.

Let's look at the appointment of Iraq's delegates to the Human Rights committee... WHAT WAS THAT?! That was the UN at work my friends. Let's look at the stalling of the inevitable demise of Hussein's regime. THAT was the UN getting fed by groups who had a strictly financial interest in that regime staying in power. PERIOD.

What kind of an organization allows thugs to hold sway over legitimate and humane peoples? What kind of an organization seeks to undermine the successful to bring them down to lowest common denominator under the FAUX guise of equality? The UN.

Equality is righteous virtue to be sure, but it is incumbant upon those who seek success to WORK FOR IT and EARN IT. NOT bring those who have done so DOWN to their level just to attain it.

Humanity must rise above not level out. If this crazy world is to survive we must pursue excellence and fair treatment not subvert the best and the brightest with underhanded schemes and ploys aimed at despotism.

I fear this movement toward eliminating the free and independant governments of the world and absorbing them into some halfwitted conglomerate run by the likes of Kofe Anon will be Humanity's undoing.

While I am sure there are many who disagree with what I have stated here I think it is a wonderful thing that I CAN state these things without fear of reprisal against me or my family and I would like to KEEP it that way...


posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 01:32 AM
the main concern of the UN now and its supporters is to bring the US to heel.

some like that idea and others do not, frankly I don't.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 01:39 AM
Since the US went to war with Iraq without UN support, appears the UN is less of a factor in the world today.

Interesting that even though the US 'gave back' Japan after dumping in billions,...that Japan is the Number One purchaser of US Treasury Notes, and has been for years, financing most of the US budget defecits, and helping to support the fiat currency. IMO,..succesful dollarization into another country.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 02:11 AM
US get outta the UN? Keep dreaming. Leave the IMF and World bank to the europeans and Asians? No way.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 02:41 AM
What has the UN done for America....NOTHING!!!!
They give us # on everything we do, yet we supply them with most of their funding. I say quit funding and throw the S.O.B.'s out of New York. This country isn't perfect, far from it. But compared to the rest that are out there...we are far and above, number 1. So if they want a 1 world government, model it after the United States of America...(Hell call it the United States of the World). We ain't perfect, but we sure as hell are better than the rest!!

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 03:38 AM

this is the kind of thinking that fuels these ideas. If America leaves the UN then it becomes America -VS- the entire world.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by CSRules
What has the UN done for America....NOTHING!!!!
They give us # on everything we do, yet we supply them with most of their funding. I say quit funding and throw the S.O.B.'s out of New York. This country isn't perfect, far from it. But compared to the rest that are out there...we are far and above, number 1. So if they want a 1 world government, model it after the United States of America...(Hell call it the United States of the World). We ain't perfect, but we sure as hell are better than the rest!!

Wahahahahaha!!! id-iot in a box. Are you for sale? You would be great for parties. "Look! An id-iot!!"

I am glad not every American citizen thinks like you!

About the funding:
The US pay most that is true but related to the size of their population Japan, Germany, France. Italy and Great Britain pay more than the USA.

About "They give us # on everything we do":
*meeep* wrong! The US gives a # about what the UN decides(e.g. war criminal court...). Maybe it is too complex for you but the UN represents or shall represent an opinion that is for the good of all humans and peacekeeping.
And by that, they can't always agree with the USA.

About "But compared to the rest that are out there...we are far and above, number":
Sure, and I bet you don't even know more than 20 or 30 countries.

About "So if they want a 1 world government, model it after the United States of America...":
Yea! One world government like that. That is exactly what Adolf Hitler had in mind. And guess what?! He was backed up by many people at that time because HE MADE GERMANY LEAVE THE V�LKERBUND(later UN)!!

Take a look here:

and tell me again that you want the US to leave the UN. You want all that to stop?

[Edited on 25-1-2004 by shoo]

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 01:42 PM
IF the US and her allies pull out of the UN the rest of the thugs will be left to squabble with each other and will eventually disolve the mayhem...

IMHO, either this needs to happen or the UN needs to be completely re-vamped leadership wise. That's my point.

To say that we coax Japan into buying US treasuries shows an utter lack of understanding of economics. Japan is desperately trying to get its economy back in swing and is buying US treasury notes because they are the BEST and SAFEST investment on Earth period.

China is a HUGE purchaser of US Treasury notes as well, I suppose you think we "dollarized" them too huh?

The UN is a rogue organization led by representitives from the worst of Humanity's governments.

To those who say this change would create a "US against the world" scenario I say, it's ALREADY the world against the US and her allies SO WHAT'S the difference?!


[Edited on 1-26-2004 by Springer]

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Springer
To say that we coax Japan ionto buying US treasuries shows an utter lack of understanding of economics.

Japan is desperately trying to get its economy back in swing and is buying US treasury notes because they are the BEST and SAFEST investment on Earth period.

China is a HUGE purchaser of US Treasury notes as well, I suppose you think we "dollarized" them too huh?

I understand what you are saying, but we may have crossed wires.

Plus I am having probs posting a reply..bear with me one moment.

[Edited on 25-1-2004 by smirkley]

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 01:57 PM
Why does the rest of the world act like a bunch of adolescents that criticizes its parents all day long (the US), like the insecurity that adolescents always display?

The truth is they see themselves as rivals able to do the job but they can't, it is all imagination on their part.

The germans could have run the world if everyone was a robot and looked the same.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by ArchAngel

If America leaves the UN then it becomes America -VS- the entire world.

No. It will be the whole world VS America. Because " the whole world " need the USA and without them it would be the mess everywhere.

Also, if you remove the USA and the Western European Nations from the UN, what's left ? A conglomerate of tyranic nations.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 02:11 PM
The Japanese have increased their holdings of U.S. Treasury debt by 26% this year to almost $500 billion, so one must begin to wonder how much longer they will continue to increase their purchases of Treasury debt or if they are nearing the point of saturation. According to Ken Landon, senior currency strategist at Deutsche Bank, �Asian banks have been major buyers of Treasury bonds, but historically that hasn�t pushed the dollar higher � it has only kept it from collapsing.� As time goes by the U.S. is becoming more and more dependent on foreign capital to sustain our financial assets. The Federal Reserve has done virtually everything in their power to give us easy money, and for a �considerable period,� but we must continue to get more money from our foreign friends just to support the status quo.

China: Follow the Money

Basics of Dollarization

Although my monetary experience is not as broad as yours, I do understand the concept of dollarization, and it's international purposes.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 02:22 PM
Hmmm, The UN wants/wanted to control the internet:
"Resentment, fear drive U.N. quest for control"

Also, see Mr. Bill Gates on this and concerning his latest donation to the UN.....

The UN want the ability to levy taxes on guess

"Radical U.N. tax target"

Wants our lands:
"Private land ownership ... contributes to social injustice.... Public control of land use is therefore indispensable."
- United Nations "Habitat I" Conference Report, 1976


Here's a suggestion: MOVE THEM!

"UN: Get Out of New York!"


"As the UN is now constituted, a far better location for it would be in a city near the gravitational center of the Afro-Eurasian landmass. There it would be close to the realities of the problems it ought to be tackling--poverty; bad, cruel and corrupt governments; international lawlessness; civil wars."


posted on Jan, 26 2004 @ 10:55 AM
Well, we all know I'm a new yorker. The general feeling of a whole lot of New York City residents is if this body is going to do nothing but criticize America then they can take their offices elsewhere. All we get out of having them here is traffic. Traffic because with their egos they need entourages wherever they go even though no one here would recognize any of them anyways. Then of course there's the fact that they take up all parking in the midtown area when they decide to go out to lunch and don't pay for meters or the tickets that they get. All in all New York doesn't want them here. At least Rudy had the balls to bitch them out. Bloomberg doesn't. Go to Paris. The Parisians would actually want the UN, I think.

posted on Jan, 26 2004 @ 11:35 AM

US get outta the UN? Keep dreaming. Leave the IMF and World bank to the europeans and Asians? No way.

Bing bing bing....

posted on Jan, 26 2004 @ 11:36 AM
I purposely left the NYC bit out of my original post. If I lived in NYC I would most likely be in jail over the BS these "diplomats" get away with...

The whole bloody outfit is irrelevent, inconsiderate and a terrible WASTE of NYC's limited resources.

I can imagine during the early years it was a source of prestige for the city to house the UN now, as evidenced by Djarums post above.


posted on Jan, 26 2004 @ 01:50 PM
Oh yes I'm sure in the 40's some men with top hats did a fantastic groundbreaking and it was a whole pageant to start the process out. Maybe back then the neighbors liked seeing the limos passing by and the fancy dignitaries.

New York has changed since then. The days of the top hats, moustaches, and bowties are done. More people own cars now so there's more traffic.

I know I'm going to offend someone by saying this, but for the average New Yorker absolutely NOTHING negative would happen if the UN picked up and moved to Paris tomorrow morning. Not a thing. In fact some people who work on the upper east side would be able to drive to work. Wouldn't that be uh... tragic... lol

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by shoo

Originally posted by CSRules
What has the UN done for America....NOTHING!!!!
They give us # on everything we do, yet we supply them with most of their funding. I say quit funding and throw the S.O.B.'s out of New York. This country isn't perfect, far from it. But compared to the rest that are out there...we are far and above, number 1. So if they want a 1 world government, model it after the United States of America...(Hell call it the United States of the World). We ain't perfect, but we sure as hell are better than the rest!!

Wahahahahaha!!! id-iot in a box. Are you for sale? You would be great for parties. "Look! An id-iot!!"

I am glad not every American citizen thinks like you!

About the funding:
The US pay most that is true but related to the size of their population Japan, Germany, France. Italy and Great Britain pay more than the USA.

About "They give us # on everything we do":
*meeep* wrong! The US gives a # about what the UN decides(e.g. war criminal court...). Maybe it is too complex for you but the UN represents or shall represent an opinion that is for the good of all humans and peacekeeping.
And by that, they can't always agree with the USA.

About "But compared to the rest that are out there...we are far and above, number":
Sure, and I bet you don't even know more than 20 or 30 countries.

About "So if they want a 1 world government, model it after the United States of America...":
Yea! One world government like that. That is exactly what Adolf Hitler had in mind. And guess what?! He was backed up by many people at that time because HE MADE GERMANY LEAVE THE V�LKERBUND(later UN)!!

Take a look here:

and tell me again that you want the US to leave the UN. You want all that to stop?

[Edited on 25-1-2004 by shoo]

If the UN is so great...then why do the PEOPLE...not the politicians want to tell them to # OFF!!! Last I checked this was a Country "FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE", Maybe your socialistic liberal ass should leave!!!!

posted on Jan, 28 2004 @ 10:43 AM
Ok, wow. I hope someone read the link posted above about the taxes the UN wants.

Look at some of these quotes from the article.

The chairman of the U.N. panel that first endorsed creation of an ITO said it would "take a lead role in restraining tax competition."

This is known as putting your nose where it doesn't belong. This group of idiots cries about America infringing on other people's sovereignty but has no qualms about putting itself as a financial authority in every country.

According to this mentality, it's unfair for America to have lower taxes than places such as France and Germany

Hey, if you don't like what you're paying, move. I lose 30% of my annual paycheck to taxes. Federal, State, and City (in order of amount). I'll be damned if I'm going to allow myself to lose more just because people in other countries do. Not to be an isolationist but that really isn't my problem.

But the prize for the worst U.N. idea probably belongs to the proposal to give governments permanent taxing rights over emigrants.

So in other words, when a brilliant man from Liberia escapes his country because they're all trying to kill each other there, and he gets a great job in America, or England, or Canada, he should still have to send taxes to the lunatic government in Liberia?

Fortunately, some members of Congress are trying to address this. Rep. John Sweeney, New York Republican, has introduced legislation to end U.S. funding of these bureaucracies if they insist on pursuing policies that undermine America. Bureaucrats at the U.N. and OECD don't want to risk their bloated budgets and tax-free salaries, so this is a good approach.

Some of you will have problems with this. I ask you, why do the citizens of the United States have to foot the bill of parts of the UN that have an anti-american agenda. You can sing songs to me from today till next week about how America has a responsibility to pay it's UN dues etc, but really... if groups like this committee discussed in the article are going to do nothing but target America, why should we pay for anything of theirs?

I'd be curious to see what would happen if the UN moved to Paris and the US dropped it's membership. Any ideas?

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