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Iran: UN nuclear team arrives

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posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:04 PM

Iran: UN nuclear team arrives

TEHRAN, Iran - A high-ranking delegation from the U.N. nuclear agency began talks with Iran Tuesday on the country's disputed nuclear program, state media reported.

The discussions are the latest attempt by the International Atomic Energy Agency to address outstanding questions on a program that many Western countries believe is cover for weapons development, but Iran insists is focused on power generation.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:04 PM
Okay lets see if I can get the picture straight here. North Korea got years of on again off again diplomatic initiatives and no one seemed to bat an eye. Even after detonating a fission weapon But with Iran it seems we want to jump right to the bomb them back to the stone age phase. Now I ask you was Kim Jong Ill at the very least an equal threat?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:19 PM
While NK and it's Great Leader are about as whacked out as you can get, they didn't reside in the Middle East, which is the tinderbox of the World primarly due to the Oil Reserves. The Arab/Israeli conflict is also a major factor, but to me it really comes down to the oil. The whole world needs it to run, sort of like the spice in the "Dune" books. The oil must continue to flow.

Plus Iran's leadership is on par with the Great Leader in terms of whackiness, like that is even a word. Their support of terror groups is well documented and overall poses a more substantial problem for the world than North Korea does.

The Middle East is far more complex in the Geo-Political/Economic scheme of things than the Korean Pennisula, in a nutshell.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by pavil
While NK and it's Great Leader are about as whacked out as you can get, they didn't reside in the Middle East, which is the tinderbox of the World primarly due to the Oil Reserves.


It is all about the oil and this makes Iran the bigger threat, however not just for big oil companies.

Disrupting the flow of oil can be just as deadly to civilians as bombs and bullets.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Operation AJAX
Now I ask you was Kim Jong Ill at the very least an equal threat?

Of course not.
Kim has neither massive oil exports to plunder, nor the ability to present successful defiance towards the US in the Middle East.

Iran's attempts to develop itself into a first world nation is a threat that the US cannot tolerate.

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