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Making a hot dog dissapear using microwaves

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posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by jedimiller

My first thought is that you have an awful lot of free time

My second thought is that I really hope you are not serious

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:45 PM
You didnt think of the horror you would create by this experiment..
Did you know that the chilli dog was a multi universe within itself!!

You just destoried an entire universe of beings and life!! I hope you are happy Jedimiller!!

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 03:07 AM
well, I've got numerous private messages about this. if anyone out there is interested in making this into a movie, let me know. something between back to the future and animal house. i'd be happy to sell the rights and help in writing the script.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:32 AM

I work on Radar systems where they put out 180kw of power which is focused in a beam....a microwave uses the same concept (a magnetron which small surface surveillance radars use) now microwaves put out about 1/200ths of what I usually work with.

I know guys that have been directly in the beam of these radars and it causes some damage internally. Urinating blood for weeks!! I have seen seagulls heads explode from being around the beam. I can tell you for a fact you are going to get nowhere with this. This has been researched for quite sometime!!!!

Please do not go and take a microwave apart and try getting the magnetron!!! There are sheilds in the microwave for a reason! To prefent that RF from leaking. I trust that you won't I just had to add that/

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 08:08 AM
I have U2U'd you about this mate

And I reckon this could be one of the all time classic amateur short films of all time

You know where to find me

Could easily kick in a small contribution for costs...If we can get a couple others, who knows ?


posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 01:11 PM
I have no way to know if it was true or not but I remember a while back reading a thread about a guy who made some sort of hole appear in his kitchen wall using a microwave. I think it said something about opening a hole to another dimension but I cant really remember. All I do know was microwave=hole

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by Rilence
I have U2U'd you about this mate

And I reckon this could be one of the all time classic amateur short films of all time

You know where to find me

Could easily kick in a small contribution for costs...If we can get a couple others, who knows ?


hey thanks, next year for sure I'll come up with a video about this. I'll have to be very carefully white shooting the video. wear protective googles and all. if I do make the video, can I send it to you so you can put it on youtube? because I have no access to that.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 02:19 PM
You're onto something here far more serious than you could ever imagine.
According to MW experiments conducted by the Yugoslavian Secret Servive a standard US microwave CAN bend the structure of time. All thats needed is a banana, standard size, coiled in 30 cm of copper wire. After precisely 12 minutes of heating the banana will be transformed into 'Over-Matter'. This then deposits at the area of greatest 'Over-Matter' pull, which on this planet happens to be Spain.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 01:15 AM
I know the topic starter is really taking this seriously (I think) but I have to say it made me LMAO. I mean come on, do you think a microwave really has the power to bend space and time! TIME, really! If that's the case then maybe you should be trying to build a time machine instead of causing hot dog to break down on the molecular level. That is just priceless, but really though from a organic and non organic perspective all a microwave oven does is just cause the molecules of water and the water in the fat to vibrate at a particular frequency. Quote from wikipedia "A microwave oven works by passing non-ionizing microwave radiation, usually at a frequency of 2.45 GHz (a wavelength of 12.24 cm), through the food." That type of heat induction causes the molecular structure of the water and other solvable material to vibrate quickly so quickly in fact it gets hot. Its the same thing as boiling water on a stove in a pot. Without a touchable hot surface using conduction but instead is using convection in the from of energetic microwaves which are quite commonly found in outer space. Like a central heater in a house so to speak.

Test it out if you like take a dried piece of wood and put it in there for say a minute. Then take it out and feel how warm it is. Shouldn't be very warm at all, but then take a small cup of just water and put it in there for a minute. I should be so hot it will have steam coming off of it. So basically unless you can find a quantum singularity in your utility drawer. Your attempt to send the horse jaws and pig balls into the fifth dimension for a moment or two in the hopes you can phone it to your friend across town is really just a fun way to spend an afternoon zapping hot dogs to oblivion.

Hey maybe you could put in some aluminum foil and create a temporal breach which would induce a state of internal molecular distortion in the hot dog and then by reconfiguring the frequency of the cell phone you could use it as a sort of remote control to guide the now partially out of phase electorally stimulated hot dog into a total radio signal and transmit it using the frequency of your microwave to the cell towers in your area to then recombine the thing in lets say an adjoining room where you have the exact setup running but in reverse.

I have no idea what I am talking about in the last paragraph, just figured I would feed the fire so to speak. Hope I didn't sound a like a prick to anyone was just trying to make a little humor from what was already funny as hell.


posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 04:27 AM
Well I recently saw a (documentary I think) where the 'blue radiation'' from a microwave cooking popcorn mixed with the 'red radiation' of a red giant going supernova.

This did in fact cause a 'temporal breach' and resulted in propelling a craft back through time.

Wish I could remember where I saw it now.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:41 PM
you wasted a perfectly good chilidog
that should be a capital offense.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:47 PM
Oh, why do people with the abundance of food waste their time and electricity to find out how and if hot dogs do disappear in microwaves? This is truly a waste of deliciousness as people like me hunger to sink our teeth into that which provides empty calories, like hotdogs.

[edit on 2008-2-2 by pikypiky]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 01:13 AM
Well Jedi, any success yet? You know I think your on the right trail there Jedi. You just need more power for the microwave is all. You got to really amp it up and then you may be on to something. Only problem is the power requirements exceed the amount of available power world wide. So why don't shift your effort to producing a fusion reactor first, then with the revenue you make from that invention you can move on to your glorious dream of propelling a hotdog or whatever you want into another place.:w:

[edit on 2/9/2008 by Some_Guy_With_no_Life]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by jedimiller

Okay dude... I LOVE you and I am adding you as a friend! Everybody here tries to make fun of your imagination and they don't take your experiment seriously! I however would like to start with this!!!

First of all this is hands down the best use of work time I have ever heard of! I enjoy taking craps at work because I am getting paid to take a crap, you topped that and then some!

Second... all great scientists in time were made fun of when they tried off the wall experiments and without them, we wouldn't have electricity, light bulbs, television, etc...

Third... I would like to add some advice, I think the problem was the fact that the microwave and phoneline were not connected? I think if you were to repeat this experiment with a 2 line phone... try this...

-plug phone line one into the wall socket...

-instead of plugging the second line into the wall, extend the cord into the microwave with the hotdog and shut the door on the cord so that the phone line is in the microwave with the hotdog...

-then call a second phone... with phone line one...

-answer the second phone (also a two line phone) and leave both phones off the hook... repeat the steps with the first phone only place the second line into an empty microwave

-place the two phones on (conference mode) so that now there is a link between the hotdog, the phone, and a second phone and the second microwave...

-turn the microwave 1 to 36 minutes and wait

-if successful the hotdog should teleport through the line two into the first phone, through line one into the wall and then into line one of the second phone, then through line two of the second phone and into the second microwave!


posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by sparda4355
reply to post by jedimiller

Okay dude... I LOVE you!!!

Third... I would like to add some advice, I think the problem was the fact that the microwave and phoneline were not connected? I think if you were to repeat this experiment with a 2 line phone... try this...

--if successful the hotdog should teleport through the line two into the first phone, through line one into the wall and then into line one of the second phone, then through line two of the second phone and into the second microwave!

Ok first of all dear, the i love you to him disturbs me on numerous levels including our personal relationship! Second of all this has to be the most off the wall, crazy, but hilarious idea I've EVER heard you come up with. I dont think I've ever heard a sentence that started with a two line phone and ended with a hotdog teleporting thru time. I'm sorry I can support you on your most craziest ideas...but this...this hotdog bending time, I cannot. But I can laugh at you because I love yhou.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by diana

Originally posted by sparda4355
reply to post by jedimiller

Okay dude... I LOVE you!!!

Third... I would like to add some advice, I think the problem was the fact that the microwave and phoneline were not connected? I think if you were to repeat this experiment with a 2 line phone... try this...

--if successful the hotdog should teleport through the line two into the first phone, through line one into the wall and then into line one of the second phone, then through line two of the second phone and into the second microwave!

Ok first of all dear, the i love you to him disturbs me on numerous levels including our personal relationship! Second of all this has to be the most off the wall, crazy, but hilarious idea I've EVER heard you come up with. I dont think I've ever heard a sentence that started with a two line phone and ended with a hotdog teleporting thru time. I'm sorry I can support you on your most craziest ideas...but this...this hotdog bending time, I cannot. But I can laugh at you because I love yhou.

Oh baby... You know I only love you, it's only a respect love for Jedi!

Now baby... you remember you couldn't back me up on this when me and Jedi become world famous for being the first to successfully teleport a hotdog using telephones and microwaves!

And... It won't stop there baby... we will teleport, cheese burgers, pizza slices, maybe even small animals! We quite possibly will be able to solve world hunger by nuke teleporting food to third world countries and as the technology evolves, we will be able to teleport people back and forth between super sized micro machines!

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 06:26 PM
Please tell me you were not standing next to the microwave during this "experiment"? Although that might explain a few things, heh.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 07:23 PM
Thanks for making me laugh right out loud Jedi!! Your documentary on the experiment was great, and everyone's reaction...priceless. Sometimes it's wonderful to not take ourselves and life too seriously.

On a side note...who had to clean out the microwave afterwards?!


posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 09:23 PM
I can make a hot dog teleport. It's weird, I'll ingest it through my mouth and then like two hours later it teleports out my butt. I wonder how that happens?

[edit on 1-3-2008 by thehumbleone]

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by sparda4355
And... It won't stop there baby... we will teleport, cheese burgers, pizza slices, maybe even small animals! We quite possibly will be able to solve world hunger by nuke teleporting food to third world countries and as the technology evolves, we will be able to teleport people back and forth between super sized micro machines!

Sweetness sparda! just imagine the possibility? a simple experiment could turn into all of this? wow. My doors have opened even more. If I get the nobel prize or something i'll share it with you man.

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