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When can I use lethal force. CCW question

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posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 09:05 PM
I expect to be issued a concealed weapons permit for the state of pennsylvania in the near future. I was surprised at the lack of literature the officers were able to give me about proper usage of the weapon.

For instance, if I am carrying and someone comes at me with a weapon and I fear for my life, I would probably draw and either defuse the situation or open fire.

However, what if I am in a bank and I am carrying and someone tries to rob said bank, am I authorized to shoot?

If I leave my gun at a loved one's house and someone breaks in threatening my loved one's life, is she authorized to use lethal force? What if she is under age?

I have more questions like this, just basic what if scenarios that I cant seem to find answers to.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by xenya
I would probably draw and either defuse the situation or open fire.

I don't think it's a good idea to draw your sidearm unless you are going to use it. In other words don't try to use it as some negotiation only escalates the situation.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 09:15 PM
I'd suggest you look in the phonebook in your town for the address of the local gun club, or the local gun store and ask there.

In general (I'm not a lawyer), you are liable even if your shooting is justified. IOW, the 'victim'/'criminal' can sue you, or his family can sue you if he dies, and recover damages. So shooting in a public place where your life was not in imminent danger would be 'iffy' if you're not a law enforcement officer.

But bear in mind that most police officers go through their entire career and never have to draw their weapon. So unless you're in a high risk occupation, such as a courier or something, it's unlikely you'll have to face these kinds of decisions.

Still, it's a good idea to know. I'd suggest one err on the side of NOT using their gun unless there is absolutely no other alternative. It's not advised by most experts to 'draw your gun' to threaten or defuse a situation.

Also, by having a gun, you sort of become a target for burglars. There are stories of gun dealers letting lists of new gun owners be sold and burglars targeting those homes. (a gun is probably a 'hot' item).

So make sure you have a good gun safe and you've educated your family on proper handling; store your gun and ammo in separate locations, etc.

Good luck and be safe!

posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 04:40 AM
Check the laws for the municipality and state that you live in. Training requirements and places where you can lawfully carry your weapon can vary greatly. Examples of places you're (generally) prohibited from carrying include government buildings and facilities, polling places, schools and bars.


Myself, I keep a S&W TAC40 9mm in my purse.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by xenya
I expect to be issued a concealed weapons permit for the state of pennsylvania in the near future. I was surprised at the lack of literature the officers were able to give me about proper usage of the weapon.

For instance, if I am carrying and someone comes at me with a weapon and I fear for my life, I would probably draw and either defuse the situation or open fire.

However, what if I am in a bank and I am carrying and someone tries to rob said bank, am I authorized to shoot?

If I leave my gun at a loved one's house and someone breaks in threatening my loved one's life, is she authorized to use lethal force? What if she is under age?

I have more questions like this, just basic what if scenarios that I cant seem to find answers to.

Might try here.


posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Badge01

Also, by having a gun, you sort of become a target for burglars. There are stories of gun dealers letting lists of new gun owners be sold and burglars targeting those homes. (a gun is probably a 'hot' item).

Badge, you know this for a fact??


posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 01:54 PM

Might try here.


Thats awesome, thanks.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Roper

Badge, you know this for a fact??


I've read this in a book by a reformed cat burglar. One of his tips was that burglars don't go around randomly targeting houses, but they know ahead of time (through various contacts) what is in the house, from jewels and furs, to industrial secrets and firearms.

Is it so hard to believe? Gun dealers are, as a group, reliable and trustworthy people, but they do deal with the criminal element and some of that definitely rubs off.

As you might imagine, for a criminal type to get a look at the various forms that one has to sign, would be a boon; an apple ripe for the plucking.

Do I know of any actual cases? No, just what I see in the newspapers or in movies.)

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by xenya

For instance, if I am carrying and someone comes at me with a weapon and I fear for my life, I would probably draw and either defuse the situation or open fire.

Do not draw unless you are ready to kill. Brandishing your gun in hopes of "defusing" the situation is not a good idea.

However, what if I am in a bank and I am carrying and someone tries to rob said bank, am I authorized to shoot?

Why would you want to? Have a need to feel like superman? Lets say that scenario occurs, you draw and shoot at the bank robber. Instead of hitting him, you miss, and place a bullet directly between a bank tellers eyes on accident. Guess who is going away for manslaughter at the very least. You.

Personally, I look at it like this: I have one simple duty, to protect myself and my family. I couldn't care less if the bank robber shot everyone in the building. I wouldn't do anything until I felt a threat to myself or whoever I was with. At that point, the threat will die.

If I leave my gun at a loved one's house and someone breaks in threatening my loved one's life, is she authorized to use lethal force? What if she is under age?

Of course she is justified in using lethal force if there was a threat to her health or safety. It doesn't matter who the gun belongs to, or how old the defender is. The standard for juries is that a "reasonable" person would have felt a threat of death or grave bodily injury if lethal force wasn't used.

I have more questions like this, just basic what if scenarios that I cant seem to find answers to.

Check your local gun shops and police departments for info on local laws.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 06:34 AM
well to start, you're not going to be carry it into a thats out...if i were you, that would be the first thing...check the laws for your state cause even though you will have a permit, there are a LOT of places you will not be allowed to carry it.

i would use the ole don't pull the steel unless you are definately going to use it.....these days man, there is no tellin what could happen.

best intentions couls land you in the joint on some kind of weapons charge.

my bet would be to learn the laws on this inside and out and stay on it

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 12:17 PM
The link posted above is awesome. Generally, you are allowed to carry it most places except for a few government buildings and schools. Private property is allowed until the owner or a representative of that property says you must leave, then you must comply. Bank is ok unless they ask you to leave because you are carrying.

I agree though, trying to stop a bank robbery isnt going to help me at all. It makes me a target, I could get sued or some nonsense from the perpetrator, and if I save the day I'm not going to get paid by the bank.... :shk:

Seriously though, that link is amazing, it has answered all of my questions.

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