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Anymore information on this photograph?

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posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 09:02 AM
The photo below is scanned from an old UFO book I have, published in the 1980's. Anymore information on it would be appreciated as the book it is in doesn't really give much info on it. Text from book under the photo.

There are very few photographs of UFO entities, and no reliable ones. There have, however, been some very spectacular hoaxes, or suspected hoaxes. This photograph allegedly depicts an alien taken alive from a UFO that crashed near Mexico City in the 1950's. The alien died shortly afterwards and was sent to Germany for analysis. (Most modern day reports suggest that recovered cadavers were sent to Wright Patterson in Ohio.) There have been similar photographs from Germany and it has been suggested that at one time faking outrageous UFO stories was a favourite pastime of the American troops stationed there. There is no supportive evidence for this photograph.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 09:08 AM
That is a photo that I have never seen before. I would say that it looks better than some of the hoax photos that I have seen coming from that era. But thats it.

The men and women look like they are are wearing fairly heavy winter clothes. Does it get that cold in Mexico City? Think I'll look that up in a second.

If true, why would they send alien corpses to Germany? At that time, most of the quality German scientists were in the US.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 09:10 AM
IF im not mistaken this pic was a proven hoax. I think the lady in the back originally had a baby carriage, and someone came up with that picture. I think this is the one but don't worry, you'll get a clear answer in a few hours.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by hikix
IF im not mistaken this pic was a proven hoax. I think the lady in the back originally had a baby carriage, and someone came up with that picture. I think this is the one but don't worry, you'll get a clear answer in a few hours.

Thanks, it's just that I never come across this photo online and was digging through some old books I have and found this photo and just had to scan it and get it on here. If it's a confirmed hoax then thats fine, can be eliminated from future studies

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 09:23 AM
Here is a little bit about it. Perhaps from the same book.

Randle, Kevin, & Russ Estes Faces of the Visitors: An Illustrated Reference to Alien Contact (New York: Fireside, 1997), pgs. 241-242.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 09:33 AM
Ok I think we can safely say a hoax then, the comments posted there confirm what hikix said about the baby carriage. Would be nice to locate the original photo that shows this though.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 09:47 AM
A few months ago somebody asked in "Questions for John Lear" if there was any picture of an alien that I thought was iron-clad real. I posted this one and it didn't take more than a day for it to be proven as a hoax. I would post that page on the thread but I am too lazy and don't want to learn how to use the search feature.

Of course I believe that while the photo may in fact be a hoax that doesn't necessarily mean that the alien was a hoax. There are numerous stories of beings identical to us but 2 or 3 feet tall. (And no, I am not grasping for straws.)

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 09:52 AM
I couldn`t help noticing the size of the womans foot just underneath the right hand guy`s jacket-looks totally out of proportion to me.
Classic hoax that one,got it in a book here,which says the same thing as the posts on the linked site.
Old one but a good one.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
I couldn`t help noticing the size of the womans foot just underneath the right hand guy`s jacket-looks totally out of proportion to me.

I see what you mean. Safe to label this a hoax then I think. Would still like to see the original photo though.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
A few months ago somebody asked in "Questions for John Lear" if there was any picture of an alien that I thought was iron-clad real. I posted this one and it didn't take more than a day for it to be proven as a hoax.

Hi John,

I assume you are referring to my post at the link below, which responded to your posting by giving some details from my database of infamous UFO photos:

to which you replied "I hereby fall on my sword. Good bye cruel world. May the great soul catcher on the moon give me a fair shake" at the link below:

At some point, I'll post a fuller account of the backgroud to this photo...

All the best,

Isaac Koi

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Txhunter67
At that time, most of the quality German scientists were in the US.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 10:23 AM
Still a nice hoax though for the time.

The story of the alien dying would make sense based on his attire compared the people around it... Looks cold in Mexermany.

A big 'red flag' for me when I first saw this, was why would any intelligent life form be brandished around like a little child between to big men?

( The next photo would have the two men catapulting the poor alien over a mud puddle with sounds of glee all around ).

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 10:41 AM
Originally posted by IsaacKoi

At some point, I'll post a fuller account of the backgroud to this photo... all the best,

Isaac Koi

Thanks Isaac. And we will expect a full accounting of whose womens legs those are and what they are supposed to be doing in the picture. Thanks again.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:57 PM
Can someone tell me who that leg belongs to, just to the left of the guy on the right's coat. (I know what I mean). Also, can someone draw the pram in'cos I'm not seeing space enough for a pram and the leg has the sun on it. If there was a pram wouldn't it be in the shade? It does look like they're holding a pram handle. Either that or the "alien" has very long hands. I thought most old fashioned pram handles were just a horizontal bar though? It would be great if someone could draw the pram in for me though. Thanks in advance.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by wigit
Can someone tell me who that leg belongs to, just to the left of the guy on the right's coat. (I know what I mean). Also, can someone draw the pram in'cos I'm not seeing space enough for a pram and the leg has the sun on it. If there was a pram wouldn't it be in the shade? It does look like they're holding a pram handle. Either that or the "alien" has very long hands. I thought most old fashioned pram handles were just a horizontal bar though? It would be great if someone could draw the pram in for me though. Thanks in advance.

Good idea Wigit,sort of like a hoax buster photo,to show how it could have been done.I like the idea,it could be applied to many a photo.I`ll see if I can get my Bro into the idea,hes got photoshop at work-but I don`t know hes busy.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 03:51 PM
Looking forward to it, thanks very much. I've done a google image search on vintage prams and they're just as I thought they were; huge, deep chassis, loads of spokes on the big wheels, and a horizontal handle, so I don't think the light should be on that leg. In fact, I don't think that leg should be there. But the light is also on the trenchcoat. If that was a big pram there should be a big shadow. Interesting photo. Funny how these day folk report aliens as being really small and here we have a hoax picture from the 40s? Maybe it was a kid in the original photo? Funny hands though.

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