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posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
This whole subject is silly. Are there underground bunkers and military bases? Sure. But that's about it. To sit there and claim there are tunnels all over the world and baby eating aliens just makes you sound foolish.

There is a reason no one takes ufology seriously, and threads like this are it.

Well good for you young man. We all have different opinions and that is normal. For you, we are all a bunch of lunatics. And for me, you are just a lost little sheep who decided to troll on the ATS forum in the grand - but painfully unadmitted - desire to find proof to believe in his far fetched inner beliefs. And thus, the little sheep reacts aggressively, whenever he feels he is not given adequate proof, in order to challenge the ATS members into showing proof that would be suitable enough in his standards to support his inner beliefs. Go back to sleep little sheep, your government is in control.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by Atlantix]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:35 PM
Umm...right. Or possibly the little lost sheep really does think claims like these are silly. There's a difference between being open-minded and believing every outlandish thing you hear. Even Luna Lovegood (according to J.K. Rowling's recent interviews) grew out of that.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Siblin
Umm...right. Or possibly the little lost sheep really does think claims like these are silly. There's a difference between being open-minded and believing every outlandish thing you hear. Even Luna Lovegood (according to J.K. Rowling's recent interviews) grew out of that.

This particular sheep, of the trolling I've seen him do on every thread he posts on, doesn't have much common sense in his wooly head, nor has shown any open-mindedness at all. Besides, I enjoyed using my intuition to write my little theory about him all by itself, I don't care if I'm right on wrong. He will probably run here to deny everything, regardless if it is true or not, no point in arguing I'll simply enjoy this entertaining moment.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by Atlantix]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Atlantix

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
This whole subject is silly. Are there underground bunkers and military bases? Sure. But that's about it. To sit there and claim there are tunnels all over the world and baby eating aliens just makes you sound foolish.

There is a reason no one takes ufology seriously, and threads like this are it.

Well good for you young man. We all have different opinions and that is normal. For you, we are all a bunch of lunatics. And for me, you are just a lost little sheep who decided to troll on the ATS forum in the grand - but painfully unadmitted - desire to find proof to believe in his far fetched inner beliefs. And thus, the little sheep reacts aggressively, whenever he feels he is not given adequate proof, in order to challenge the ATS members into showing proof that would be suitable enough in his standards to support his inner beliefs. Go back to sleep little sheep, your government is in control.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by Atlantix]

Oh, your one of them "government is super powerful" people that think the government can control everything. Dude, the government is incompetent, they couldn't control jack, buddy. But it is convenient to believe they can, that way you can write off anybody who has COMMON SENSE as being controlled by this fictitious all powerful government you believe in, lol. Seriously, people who act as you do harm the greater casue of ufology.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 04:06 PM
The acronym to this thread says it all. Reptilians eating children sounds just like the satanic devil worshippers sacrificing babies in their rituals. There is no proof for any of this--just wide eyed fear and panic from people who will believe anything they are told. I believe in an open mind as much as anyone, but not so much that your brains fall out. D.U.M.B. Yup. That's about right.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 05:08 PM
Well, the tunnels all over USA is truth. The whole baby eating thing I doubt very much. But yes, I don't understand why its so hard for people to believe tunnels are all over the USA, I mean, the gov. probably has multiple tunnel bore manchines so I know they at least had underground roads.

Heck, just read about the underground base under "Grand Central Station (terminal)". They made those by drilling deap holes and throwing explosives in them to create an underground cave. Then they work their way from there.. That was their method yeeaaarss ago. Now they probably have tunnel technology that will lazer its way through the ground...

[edit on 15-8-2007 by 11 11]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts

Originally posted by Atlantix

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
This whole subject is silly. Are there underground bunkers and military bases? Sure. But that's about it. To sit there and claim there are tunnels all over the world and baby eating aliens just makes you sound foolish.

There is a reason no one takes ufology seriously, and threads like this are it.

Well good for you young man. We all have different opinions and that is normal. For you, we are all a bunch of lunatics. And for me, you are just a lost little sheep who decided to troll on the ATS forum in the grand - but painfully unadmitted - desire to find proof to believe in his far fetched inner beliefs. And thus, the little sheep reacts aggressively, whenever he feels he is not given adequate proof, in order to challenge the ATS members into showing proof that would be suitable enough in his standards to support his inner beliefs. Go back to sleep little sheep, your government is in control.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by Atlantix]

Oh, your one of them "government is super powerful" people that think the government can control everything. Dude, the government is incompetent, they couldn't control jack, buddy. But it is convenient to believe they can, that way you can write off anybody who has COMMON SENSE as being controlled by this fictitious all powerful government you believe in, lol. Seriously, people who act as you do harm the greater casue of ufology.

Lol, my last sentence was sarcasm referring to how little sheeps let themselves be controlled by the government. You totally missed it, and jumped to conclusions instead, why am I not surprised?

[edit on 15-8-2007 by Atlantix]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 10:08 PM
Why do they have so many bases in America when they could just eat the indigenous people of South America and save the rain forest in the process? Oh, add New Guinea to that list too.

Maybe they are too spicy with all the peppers they eat…damn those south Americans..

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 08:08 AM
I was posted to CFB Cold Lake, AB for 5 years. No requirement to wear a radiation badge. Sorry to burst a good story folks. By the way, I am a retired Air Force Major working in Military Logistics.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by exrcaf
I was posted to CFB Cold Lake, AB for 5 years. No requirement to wear a radiation badge. Sorry to burst a good story folks. By the way, I am a retired Air Force Major working in Military Logistics.

Don't waste your breath. There is nothing you can say to dissuade some of these people from believing in what they believe in. In fact, I can tell you that some of them read your post and want to come on here and accuse you of either being a paid shill or a useful idiot.

Aliens eating babies and such at underground bases. Yeah, right........

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 03:53 PM
I live close to the Hutchinson area, I have ridden my motorcycle up and looked around, to date I have not found anything out of line, nor have we had any children disapear from the area. There is gov. fuel storage in the same area, maybe they are in there, I will continue to look. This idea was one of the reasons I came to this site.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by IronDogg

Map is great Ive heard loads about the underground tunnels even in the UK where i'm from Dulce is the more popular ive read about Phillip schneider, however his story seems far to fantanstic to carry on reading no one can experience all he went through I mean shooting a alien, and being shot by one dont think so, most case's of anything Ufo, or secret goverment related, has its limits, only so much can happen to one person, still the map is good it is a possibilty, apparently England has its tunnels and dodgy goverment policies to, but i would say on a smaller scale to the US,

All the best the guys & girls

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 11:30 AM
all, here in the UK we have and most probably still do have DUMBS and Tunnels

I have it on good authority that Mnay of the Royal Ordanance Factories that were in use in WW2 did have and im guessing still exist Tunnels Linking one to the other or at least it's closest one.

The closest one to me whilst i was youndger would be ROF Chorley, locals who worked and Lived there do tell tales of certain Steam locomotives going missing on site into the Tunnels specially designed to transport their ordanance around without it being on show! (if i can find the site with the old boy talking about the tunnel i'll post it up) BTW these "Factories" also had exact replica's built usually south of the actual unit. Mainly too divert attention fro German Bombers, which in the case of ROF Chorley worked well thus the ROF working well into the 1980's

There is word that the tunnel actually linked up to it's sister faux site, if that were the case in ROF Chorley, the varied terrain and geographical make up of the area's it would go through would make a good argument for the Gov to be more than capable of doing so these days without too much hard work!

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 10:52 PM
Hey all I found this underground base on Google earth. Type in schriever AFB. there are over couple thousand cars at this base with no airstrip. There are definatly not enough buildings for the amount of cars there. I could not find very much info on this base at all. Very interesting though.

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 11:17 PM
Some of the above is clearly disinformation:

A: If aliens were involved, it is unlikely that a mechanical boring machine would be required for digging tunnels.

B: We all know where the Mexican children are really disappearing to.

However, there is credible evidence that such bases and tunnels do exist. Subterranean tunneling is not exactly a new science, there have been several documented large scale underground tunnel projects here in the United States since the early 1950's. In Northern California for example, Lake Shasta, Whiskeytown Lake, and several others were connected by large underground tunnels during the 1950's. Each of the tunnels are about 12' across and several miles long and were bored under several mountain ranges by machines. Several of these tunnels are also connected to underground hydroelectric power plants.

The East Wing of the White House was built during World War II in order to hide the construction of an underground bunker to be used in emergency situations. The bunker has come to be known as the Presidential Emergency Operations Center.

Some other documented underground facilities exist at:

Warren AFB
Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center
Kirtland Air Force Base (two underground bases)
and a large storage facility, with more than 300,000 square feet located entirely underground.
Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center

The following web site has an extensive list of alleged Deep Underground Military Bases in America:

Many of our early missile sites were connected by tunnel systems in order to conceal their locations, it is very possible that these tunnel systems were latter expanded.

For missile site locations see:

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 11:36 PM
By the way, the keypad mentioned above at the Denver International Airport DOES exist, as well as the dedication stone for the Denver airport upon which is a Masonic symbol and the names of those who contributed to the building of "the New World Airport".

For pictures, see:

additional info can be found at:

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 12:10 PM
Great thread. DUMBS have been discussed on ATS before. Info has been around for years. To think that our government is not capable of having DUMBS is just DUMB! 75% of the human race is asleep however, so I can see where people would not believe that they exist. As for the claim that children are being eaten, I think that is a bit far-fetched. Abducted children are most likely being sold to sex slavery rings, being held captive by some pervert, or possibly being experimented on. Cloning is too easy for the ETs. They do not need to kidnap kids for food! Take Care, Angel

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 08:47 AM
As an ex-serving Officer in the British Military, I can confirm that underground bases and tunnel systems do exist. For a brief insite to what is possble and what was possible many years ago, just look at the extensive tunnel system under the Rock of Gibralter. The intial tunnel system there was started in 1704 in order to build gun platforms in the clif face to bombard the advancing Spanish forces. If they were capable of that back then, I will leave it to your own imagination.

As for aliens? I am sure that we are not alone and there is a high possiblity that we have been visited in the past. Baby eating aliens in DUMBS??? I very much doubt it.

Just for reference, human flesh is proported to taste like pork. Hence the name "Long Pig" given by canibals to human flesh.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 05:56 PM
I was astonished when I did a little research on how many people come up missing each year. one article mentioned that roughly only 10% of missing people in third world countries are even reported. Here are a few sites with statistics. This is pretty wild stuff

800,000 kids missing each year
77,000 UK children missing each year
100,000 active missing persons cases in the United States

Just a monkey on a rock

Here is a photo of Schriever AFB. I counted over 3200 cars. With only a few building and no landing strip. It is 18 miles from Cheyenne Mountain and 10 miles from Peterson AFB. HMMM maybe it's a government used car lot....

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 10:16 PM
I guess I'm safe here in Canada.

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