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Actual living proof of aliens in past 75 years?

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posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 03:43 PM
Personally, I don't believe in Aliens. Aliens being living, breathing(or not), upright-walking creatures. I've never seen anything in my entire lifetime that makes me even question the thought of Aliens walking amongst us. Even if the government has them hidden in some ridiculously remote location, why aren't there more? And we are pretty much just talking about one supposed Alien captured from Roswell. How come no one has indisputable evidence that really can't be skepticized at all. Why aren't there any other reputable sightings with Aliens actually in the photo? It's been how many years since Roswell, and do we even have any other evidence? Not really. One "crash" in the history of mankind with press, and no others. A possible DUI? What kind of Alien crashes anyways? Apparently, there has only been one dumbass Alien stupid enough to crash his cruiser into the desert. They must've gotten flying lessons and new driver's ed, and some decent brakes on those things since the crash heard round the universe, cause they aren't crashing anymore. It's BS, and until I see a craft actually land, or an Alien or "reptilian" walking by me on the street, it's all hype. It always has been to me.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 03:48 PM
I'm not sure about the alien thing but as far as UFOs are concerned, if you get me my own personal NORAD setup I might be in a better position to answer the question... and those who already have one ain't talkin'!

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by SpadeofAces
Personally, I don't believe in Aliens. Aliens being living, breathing(or not), upright-walking creatures. I've never seen anything in my entire lifetime that makes me even question the thought of Aliens walking amongst us.

And we thought these weren't around either.


Thought to be extinct for 65 million years. They are still alive. We thought wrong about this. Why could there not be life out there? Just hasn't been made public yet? I agree with you about without a body, it will be hard for people to believe. But can so many people be wrong? I doubt it. I haven't personly seen one myself much less an alien, but I've researched enough to make me a believer. I'm just waiting for something bigger to happen so there won't be anymore doubts.


posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by SpadeofAces
And we are pretty much just talking about one supposed Alien captured from Roswell...

One "crash" in the history of mankind with press, and no others.

Well done on your fine troll-bait post, where you guessed your facts to stir trouble.

If you care to deny ignorance, then you might even consider doing some research, which may lead you to find that Roswell was not the only alleged UFO crash in the history of mankind.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 05:26 PM
hi spade
even if all the sightings and videos are lies or fakes
do you honestly think that the earth is the only planet with life on it........
billions of planets in billions of galaxies and only one planet has life growing on it

what would the odds be

just one planet
there has been reports of more than one alien craft crashing on the earth
maybe they are not as smart as we first thought

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:25 PM

The idea of crashed saucers being somewhat of an absurdity is a recurring theme with Jim Moseley over at Saucer Smear. He has also done quite a bit of serious debunking of Roswell and other famed incidents. If you are not familiar, you should really check it out.

wow, sorry. I see they are charging for issues now. These used to be free to view on the net.

[edit on 30-7-2007 by Geekzilla]

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:59 PM
i think is a good place to find other crashes that supposedly happened. Or it's, either way you can't go wrong. I kind do agree with the op on certain things, but all the other ufo crashes in the past year have never had as much media attention then roswell. What about the virginha crash? Or the one in russia? I still wish ufo researchers from other countries could work together. There's gotta be a few in europe, asia, south america, the middle east, and even africa.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 11:05 PM
I'm sorry if I came across as sounding as if I thought there was no life on other planets. I have a strong belief that there IS life on other planets, and other systems. All I'm saying is there is no tangeble, hard proof of anything that has happened on Earth. The only cool thing I've seen that I know was debunked were all the drones, and "artifacts" that were CGI's. Cool to look at, but a little too far-fetched to believe.
Mars has really gotten my attention lately the past year with all of the great discoveries and deep surface holes leading elsewhere. I'm excited for the new mission there to take surface ice samples to see what is in the water. I also am curious as to what is beneath the surface as well. John Lear, amongst others, including myself, believe there is something going on beneath the surface where water is most likely present, and flowing well. But once again, skeptics come into play as we have several satellite photos of Mars, with again, no reputable evidence that Aliens are actually present, or have even been on the surface (no left over artifacts, monuments etc..)
I've seen all the posts saying there are 20 or more UFO's flying above certain countries in the world. So why is it not plastered all over the news like it was in the movie Signs. If something really does occur, and the government doesn't cover it up quickly enough, I will finally believe. Everything is just hearsay, hallucinations, and far-fetched imaginations trying to stir-up controversy about the topic, someone's 15 mins. of fame.

It's has nothing to do with "denying ignorance", it has to do with the time frame from the Roswell incident, until now, and not having a ROCK SOLID answer if Aliens exist or not. I'm sure they are out there, but until I actually see raw videotape, or an AMAZING satellite photo that has not been F'ed with in some way or another (which is also rare), I choose to not get too overwhelmed or excited about it. I do research these things, but only the major stories that have stuck around for a long time. It's hard to filter out truth these days with photo editors, and people wanting to make a quick buck with some video they made with a friend and a stupid shaky camera angle with the sun reflecting off the lens.

If there is life on other planets though, I don't see them being advanced enough as everyone thinks. Who actually made the ideology that Aliens are actually super intelligent anyways? It is based on supposed crafts they fly, and the technology there vehicles hold. No one gave an Alien an IQ test, or sat down and interviewed one, so how the hell do we know they are more intelligent then us. And yet again, I come back to the whole basis of my topic...proof.

Ignorance is something more along the lines of something happening right before your face, that is true, and choosing to not believe it, that's my opinion anyways, as are my thoughts on this topic.

[edit on 31-7-2007 by SpadeofAces]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Quazi176

Originally posted by SpadeofAces
Personally, I don't believe in Aliens. Aliens being living, breathing(or not), upright-walking creatures. I've never seen anything in my entire lifetime that makes me even question the thought of Aliens walking amongst us.

And we thought these weren't around either.


Thought to be extinct for 65 million years. They are still alive. We thought wrong about this.

But the Coelacanth has been known about by scientists for around 40 years or so and on a TV programme a few years back, scientists went to many islands in Indonesia and other places and spoke to the locals and they hadknown about them for many many years.
Simply because scientists only discover something recently doesnt mean it has been known about for many years

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 05:24 AM
So you believe that in this whole never ending universe we are the only intelligent beings around? ignorant can you be? open your mind a little bit, this little planet we are in is really just a dot in the whole universe. There has to be some other more advanced intelligent being around.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 02:29 PM
Seriously, Aztec, read everything I said. I do believe there is life elsewhere, I just dont think they are as advanced as everyone thinks they are.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 02:48 PM
NASA's official public stance on the matter of extraterrestrial intelligence is that there is no proof it exists, not that they deny the existence of intelligent alien species. I don't think the government has ever said "aliens do not exist" which is a much different statement than "we do not have proof that aliens exist".

As for visiting the earth, I believe it is possible if they have found a way to bend/break the laws of physics by folding space-time over itself in some way that our feeble human minds can't comprehend.

I also believe if they have visited earth, then they have a reason for not revealing themselves. Perhaps they are only here to study. Perhaps they are here to help us, but they must work covertly. Perhaps they do not want to reveal themselves because we have not matured as a species and they fear public disclosure will give humanity the desire to conquer the galaxy and harm other civilizations below our evolutionary level.

I don't think they are here to destroy us, but I suppose it's possible their intentions could be evil and wish to enslave us by slowing getting into our systems and influencing world governments over centuries.

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