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Christianity is based on Egyptian Myths - Jesus Christ is Horus

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posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 03:05 PM
hehe. First thing you watch for. is when they tell it in King James English. When they do that, you know they are going for a certain "biblical" effect. For example, they translated the text to read like this:

thou lord to whom invocations are made in Anti, thou who art over the offerings in Annu

i'm sorry.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 03:20 PM
Ooooooooooo, this is interesting!

"Thou art the Soul of Ra, his own body,"

If Osiris was Nimrod, and Ra was Enki....
This might explain why it says that Nimrod BECAME A MIGHTY one before the Lord. He wasn't born that way but became that way. It sounds like he might have been altered in the likeness of Ra (Enki).

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by XcLuciFer

Plutarch? As in the Greek historian that lived after Jesus? But let's continue. Keep reading the details of Osiris:

He is depicted as having green skin in the Egyptian artwork. Why? Because he is depicted as being dead. The other gods never allowed him to return to the world of the living. So, he was deemed the god of the Egyptian underworld while being depicted as corpse-like. He never achieved a victory over life and death like Jesus did.

Osiris was never crucified. He was either hacked to bits in battle and later reassembled by his wife Isis or was tricked by Set into being sealed inside a coffin and being sent out to sea. After Isis reassembled her deceased husband and (sorry for the crudeness that is about to follow but we're all adults) she masturbated his phallus, placed the semen inside of her, and became pregnant with Horus. So, there goes our assumption of a virgin birth.

Horus was associated with the signs of the zodiac. Jesus' apostles were actual people whose writings exist to this day. Furthermore, adding Barnabas would make thirteen so there goes that correlation. Because of this, many are now claiming the "13th hidden sign of the zodiac must represent Barnabas." This isn't Christianity being taken from pagan origins. This is Christianity being forcefully compared to pagan origins. It's a square peg in a round hole.

Ok help me out with this one Ash. "This Egyptian deity under many names appears as the principle of natural fecundity among nearly all the religions of the ancient world. She was known as the goddess with ten thousand appellations and was metamorphosed by Christianity into the Virgin Mary, for Isis, although she gave birth to all living things--chief among them the Sun--still remained a virgin, according to the legendary accounts."
You sure did step in it this time.........LOL

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by XcLuciFer
Ok help me out with this one Ash. "This Egyptian deity under many names appears as the principle of natural fecundity among nearly all the religions of the ancient world. She was known as the goddess with ten thousand appellations and was metamorphosed by Christianity into the Virgin Mary, for Isis, although she gave birth to all living things--chief among them the Sun--still remained a virgin, according to the legendary accounts."
You sure did step in it this time.........LOL

Once again... look at the timing of this writing (a Christ-Myther's modern commentary). Way after the life of Jesus. Also, what does the New Testament say about Mary? Really not that much other than being a virgin who mothered Jesus. She was only exalted to "semi-divine" status later under Constantine. And you already know how I feel about that and Catholicism.

Mary was never (and is not now) believed to be the mother of all. Also, Isis was not a virgin. She was the wife of Osiris and became pregnant with Horus after inseminating herself with her husband's semen. How does a married woman being fertilized through her husband's phallus and semen equate with a virgin birth? It doesn't. But the Christ-Mythers like to claim it does anyways. It's a square peg in a round hole.

Not to mention secular and pagan historians also reference Mary as an actual historical person who was the mother of Jesus the "bastard." Check out Celsus and the Talmud. It's all there.

In summary: You are quoting a Christ-Myther's analysis. NOT the actual Egyptian texts. Don't read someone's personal interpretation- neither Christian nor secular. Read the texts themselves. These correlations simply are not there. Period.

[edit on 1/25/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 04:55 PM
Just my opinion but here's what I gather from lurking and now my second post.

We are all doomed unless something happens. The whole NWO, man made religions, aliens are everywhere and never ending conspiracy theories leave us little choice as to what our options are. You either go with the flow or stir things up. Either way, you have a choice.

It is interesting that this site is out here and not shut down by the so called powers that be meant to control our free thinking and exchange of ideas. Maybe those people know who we are and track what we post and maybe not. I'm really not sure what or who I believe anymore but I know that sooner or later we'll figure it out and it may be ugly and too late.

In the meantime we keep goin along with our daily routines and spend time on sites such as these feeling like we are somehow making a difference and yet we are not. This is a new age indeed with all the new technology and all the while, no one agrees with anything or anyone leading us nowhere.

What do I believe in, everything and nothing. I am happy to say that I do live in the U.S. and it is so much better living here than it is in so many other places all over the world. I was born in Yugoslavia, my wife is from Kenya, we are both U.S. citizens and we both know how much life really sucks coming from a third world country. I could go on and on about how lazy Americans are but that's not the point of this posting.

Thanks for your time.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

Wait I got the info off of your site!!! Did you not read the stuff in this site. This is beyond me, it clearly says "metamorphosed by Christianity into the Virgin Mary" Now that it says something that is contrary to what you've been told its not valid. Talk about blind faith. Are you sane?

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by XcLuciFer

Lucifer. What you quoted is not from my site. I do not own that site nor is that my work on that site. My site is TDE linked to above. Not

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 05:30 PM
Wow what do you guys think about this, another lie?

"That is why Pagans have as much right to claim this holiday as Christians. Perhaps even more so, as the Christians were rather late in laying claim to it, and tried more than once to reject it. There had been a tradition in the West that Mary bore the child Jesus on the twenty-fifth day, but no one could seem to decide on the month. Finally, in 320 C.E., the Catholic Fathers in Rome decided to make it December, in an effort to co-opt the Mithraic celebration of the Romans and the Yule celebrations of the Celts and Saxons.

There was never much pretense that the date they finally chose was historically accurate. Shepherds just don't 'tend their flocks by night' in the high pastures in the dead of winter! But if one wishes to use the New Testament as historical evidence, this reference may point to sometime in the spring as the time of Jesus's birth. This is because the lambing season occurs in the spring and that is the only time when shepherds are likely to 'watch their flocks by night' -- to make sure the lambing goes well. Knowing this, the Eastern half of the Church continued to reject December 25, preferring a 'movable date' fixed by their astrologers according to the moon.

Thus, despite its shaky start (for over three centuries, no-one knew when Jesus was supposed to have been born!), December 25 finally began to catch on. By 529, it was a civic holiday, and all work or public business (except that of cooks, bakers or any that contributed to the delight of the holiday) was prohibited by the Emperor Justinian. In 563, the Council of Braga forbade fasting on Christmas Day, and four years later the Council of Tours proclaimed the twelve days from December 25 to Epiphany as a sacred, festive season. This last point is perhaps the hardest to impress upon the modern reader, who is lucky to get a single day off work. Christmas, in the Middle Ages, was not a single day, but rather a period of twelve days, from December 25 to January 6. The Twelve Days of Christmas, in fact. It is certainly lamentable that the modern world has abandoned this approach, along with the popular Twelfth Night celebrations.

Of course, the Christian version of the holiday spread to many countries no faster than Christianity itself, which means that 'Christmas' wasn't celebrated in Ireland until the late fifth century; in England, Switzerland and Austria until the seventh; in Germany until the eighth; and in the Slavic lands until the ninth and tenth. Not that these countries lacked their own mid-winter celebrations of Yuletide. Long before the world had heard of Jesus, Pagans had been observing the season by bringing in the Yule log, wishing on it, and lighting it from the remains of last year's log. Riddles were posed and answered, magic and rituals were practiced, wild boars were sacrificed and consumed along with large quantities of liquor, corn dollies were carried from house to house while carolling, fertility rites were practiced (girls standing under a sprig of mistletoe were subject to a bit more than a kiss), and divinations were cast for the coming Spring. Many of these Pagan customs, in an appropriately watered-down form, have entered the mainstream of Christian celebration, though most celebrants do not realize (or do not mention it, if they do) their origins."

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by XcLuciFer

Everyone with an IQ over 25 knows all religious holidays were merged under Constantine. But why does everyone forget this was not a part of original Christianity? Christmas trees, December 25th, Easter eggs, and fuzzy little bunnies are not Biblical and were never part of the Jesus movement. Again, it was not a matter of Christianity (the spiritual movement) being taken from paganism but having our holidays merged with it. Why can no one understand that Christianity existed centuries before Constantine and his littler merger? Even still, Catholicism did this. A branch of Christianity. Not the whole of Christianity. What is so difficult about this?

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by XcLuciFer

Everyone with an IQ over 25 knows all religious holidays were merged under Constantine. But why does everyone forget this was not a part of original Christianity? Christmas trees, December 25th, Easter eggs, and fuzzy little bunnies are not Biblical and were never part of the Jesus movement. Again, it was not a matter of Christianity (the spiritual movement) being taken from paganism but having our holidays merged with it. Why can no one understand that Christianity existed centuries before Constantine and his littler merger? Even still, Catholicism did this. A branch of Christianity. Not the whole of Christianity. What is so difficult about this?

LOL what is so difficult is your refusal to accept that fact that all of this is crap and has nothing to do with the real God of the Universe. You accept what Constantine did but I can go back further than that for you. Christianity comes from Judaism, If you want to know what Judaism is all about read this

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by XcLuciFer

Christianity is derived from Judaism? Bahoozelsnoots! I never knew. I always wondered what all this nonsense was about with whatever they call "The Old Testament" and what they call "The Messiah" (Jewish word). Or the messianic prophecies. Thanks, Luc. I wouldn't know how to tie my shoes in the morning without you.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:10 PM
Is there a point to all this? Pages and pages of who is smarter than the other person. I don't care who is right, to each their own, end result is the same - death. Does it really matter, just live your life and don't be stupid.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by XcLuciFer

Lucifer. What you quoted is not from my site. I do not own that site nor is that my work on that site. My site is TDE linked to above. Not

Originally posted by AshleyD
Which is why I pointed everyone to the Egyptian texts on Instead of taking a Christian's word for it that the accusations are false or a secularist's word for it that the accusations are true, go and examine the Egyptian texts and mythology for yourself. The parallels will go up in flames. The same is true for Buddha, Krishna, Mithras, Dionysus, and the dozen other pagan figures constantly claimed as an inspiration for the life of Jesus. When it doubt, go to the sources of the figures in question. Simple really.

Those were your words not mine own up to it. You should read things before posting links and references!!! If that is how you do all your research it no wonder you are clueless

[edit on 1/25/2008 by XcLuciFer]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:13 PM
Rabbits were apart of Chrisianity. There's a secret society called the Hare Club For Men. THCFM have guarded the secret of Easter for generations. Saint Peter wasn't a person but a rabbit(Peter Cottontail). They hid that and the grail which is marijuana THC [FM]. That's why they hide the eggs or "prize" in the green. They put the green in the basket or bag it.

[edit on 25-1-2008 by Shawn B.]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by XcLuciFer

No, I know exactly what that site says and know that it has Christ-Myther commentaries. They have commentaries on all sorts of faiths. Many times they offer disclaimers that the commentaries were later proven erroneous but still on the site is to discuss all views on all faiths. What I was pointing you to is the actual religious texts of various religions. Not the commentaries from the peanut gallery. You are still quoting people's views (which I am well aware of existing on that site) and not the religious texts reproduced on the website. You will also notice commentaries debunking the Christ Myth hypothesis in our favor on that site. I don't want you to view those either. I want you to read the actual Egyptian texts reproduced online. In doing so, you will see the original beliefs.

It's the same ordeal on Early Christian Writings and Early Jewish Writings. They put the actual texts as well as both secular and Christian commentaries. Don't worry about the commentaries- those are still opinions. Read the original texts.

[edit on 1/25/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by jitombe
Is there a point to all this? Pages and pages of who is smarter than the other person. I don't care who is right, to each their own, end result is the same - death. Does it really matter, just live your life and don't be stupid.

Don't let it offend or get to you. Luc and I like brothers and sisters. He likes to pull my pig tails and I like to tell our Mommy to make him quit looking at me. We may give each other migraines but we still like each other as people. This thread isn't our first rodeo together and probably won't be our last.

[edit on 1/25/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:28 PM
So is there a point to be made here, how many more pages are needed to come to a conclusion that this topic will not be resolved? And we complain that our politicans never solve anything. I love America.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

LMAO!!!! You know what Jesus could come back a tell you, Ash you got it all wrong, And you would call him a Christ Myther to. When you see smoke better check it out cause that means theirs a fire, LOL a big fire in your case. Keep On Believeing!!!!

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

I glad you know I love ya =)!!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by jitombe

It's just an online discussion. No one is trying to change the world here. One thing I never understood is those who enter a thread to do nothing but question why those who are participating in a thread are doing so. Easy solution is to stay out of threads that you think are pointless and to let us hard noses continue beating a dead horse.

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