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Your vote doesn't matter!

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posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:43 PM
You guys argue over the next future president as if it matters... the same **** is gonna happen again. Industry and jobs will move away, the rich will get richer and the poor poorer.

Look at us, we have absolutly no industry or production. All the factories are moving away. Industry is what built America to what it is today, not a bunch of bumbling fashion designers.

We are relying on the world as our colonies to produce everything we need. We must become self sufficient and increase our industry and production. Let's stop relying on other countries and pick up our own slack. Instead of spending our money on hollywood and clothes, we need to spend our money on increasing our infrastructure and industry.

As for our election system, we are getting screwed every time you goto vote. This is a two part monopoly, it does not matter if you are "Democrat" or "Republican", both are destroying our country. Politicians switch parties on a regular basis...

All elections are a game of musical chairs between the two parties. It's almost a dictatorship or an oligarchy. These two groups OWN our government, and our lives.

This MANDATORY two party system must be destroyed. How can the voice of the people be heard from two monopolistic parties who are taking turns at running our lives?

All these parties do is split us up! They tell us to hate each other so they can thrive off of our hate! Instead of bickering with each we should come together and take back what is ours.

Let's take back our country!

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by PolskieWojsko

Look at us, we have absolutly no industry or production. All the factories are moving away. Industry is what built America to what it is today, not a bunch of bumbling fashion designers.

We are relying on the world as our colonies to produce everything we need. We must become self sufficient and increase our industry and production. Let's stop relying on other countries and pick up our own slack. Instead of spending our money on hollywood and clothes, we need to spend our money on increasing our infrastructure and industry.

I agree with that part

All elections are a game of musical chairs between the two parties. It's almost a dictatorship or an oligarchy. These two groups OWN our government, and our lives.

the musical chairs part is true, and yes they own the government, they ARE the government!!!!

My question is how do you actually plan to do this??? Starting a BRAND NEW government is pretty hard, if not impossible....

[Edited on 1-8-2004 by TheMachine]

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:59 PM
We must destroy two party politics and the electorial system to allow all parties to compete equally
If not violence and revolution is the only real option...

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 10:07 AM
the rich get richer and the poor get poorer... hmm isn't that the way that it has always been? Isn't that the way our economy works?

It sure is... It takes money to make money, that's the beauty of America man.

If we did not have a large percentage of poor people, this countries economy would collapse.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 10:23 AM
I can see a revolution, or an economic breakdown coming soon. America cannot long continue at it's current rate. I cannot, however, see how you could start a revolution without a breakdown.

'eres how it goes...

After 9-11, we instituted a whole new cabinit post, Homeland security. We also passed the Patriot act, which to my great surprise and dismay, passed almost unchallenged. It's a great act, but also a very dangerous one when combined with the Sedition act.(which only works durring wartime.

But anyway, the probability of a large terrorist attack is almost, if not close to 100%. Not long ago a high ranking general(Gen. Franks I believe) stated that if there was a terrorist attack with casualties reaching into the thousands,(Much like the DC sniper wrote of on his prison wall) Marshal law would be used, and the constitution thrown out the window for a while.(I refer you to the above acts)

Now it has been said by, many people over the years, that marshal law would be the starting of a revolution in America.(civil war between washington and the lovers of democracy) This would cause many, many deaths, but would purge us of the #-eating cockroaches(thank you Mr. Dean) in Washington.(now I refer you to the John Titor fiasco)

You guys know how to add, right? Connect the dots. It's not for sure, but there is a good chance. This is, after all, a conspiracy sight.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 11:11 AM
You guys think it's odd of me to say somthing like this, but that's not the oddest part. The oddest part is that I am a moderate-conservative, and I am a member of the military. I pledged to protect America, and the people who reside there. I also pledged to obey the officers appointed over me, but I'm not sure that counts if they are commiting felonous or treasonous acts, does it? Anyway, I pledged to protect our freedom, and will do so, no matter what the cost.(great, now I'm probably being watched by the government)

Does anyone agree? Anyone think I'm a raving lunatic?

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by joehayner
You guys think it's odd of me to say somthing like this, but that's not the oddest part. The oddest part is that I am a moderate-conservative, and I am a member of the military. I pledged to protect America, and the people who reside there. I also pledged to obey the officers appointed over me, but I'm not sure that counts if they are commiting felonous or treasonous acts, does it? Anyway, I pledged to protect our freedom, and will do so, no matter what the cost.(great, now I'm probably being watched by the government)

Does anyone agree? Anyone think I'm a raving lunatic?

nope your not crazy and I agree 100%.....
The military is supposed to protect "the people" of america...not protect the government!

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 12:39 PM
You know how all the big corporations are in cahoots and know something the sheeple don't and how they are involved in coverups etc etc? Well, they are all moving their jobs overseas now. When they all start moving their headquarters overseas too, I'd get REALLY nervous then. That means they REALLY know something and they're not telling. I'd say it may have something to do with America and the plans our government has for it. Of course they revealed the plans to their buddies in high corporate offices. The same buddies who sponsor Al-qaeda I'm sure.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 12:52 PM
"Voting doesn't work. Why? When they don't like what we say then they stop it in the courts"-Corporate Avenger

Just look at how Bush acquired presidency.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 02:15 PM
To the soldier above and all active service people: You took a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies,foreign and DOMESTIC...and if you are facing a choice of obeying an order that you know in your CONSCIENCE is against th intent of the founding fathers and the Constitution the the choice is clear: you MUST disobey the orders and try to form alliances with other loyal soldiers to find a way to stop the treasonous actions of those above you. If you blindly follow orders and kill fellow citizens for fighting for what is right, then you will be no better than the Nazi guards who slaughtered human beings for no reason other than' following orders'. You are NOT required to follow illegal orders and only YOU can, by your individual conscience, decide what is an ilegal order. If it offends your sensibilities and gives you reason to believe that it is immoral or unConstitutional then the choice is clear. I do not envy any service member these will PROBABLY be faced with this terrible dilemma in your term of service and better to be prepared mentaly and emotionaly now before you are in a situation that will not allow myou the time to make a thoughtful decision. I hope you make the right choice..I would HATE to see you in the sights of my weapon as an enemy when we should be brothers in arms against the enemy. The enemy now is not cannot trust the President anymore and your officers may be unable to resist the orders given them so be prepared for the most difficult times ever just around the corner. Thank you for your service to our country and God Bless you.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 10:36 AM
All that matters is what the electoral college does. I don't see the point in voting exept to humor out corrupt government. They will do what they want anyhow, theyve already proven it with Bush and his false election!

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by deathtoaliens
To the soldier above and all active service people: You took a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies,foreign and DOMESTIC...and if you are facing a choice of obeying an order that you know in your CONSCIENCE is against th intent of the founding fathers and the Constitution the the choice is clear: you MUST disobey the orders and try to form alliances with other loyal soldiers to find a way to stop the treasonous actions of those above you. If you blindly follow orders and kill fellow citizens for fighting for what is right, then you will be no better than the Nazi guards who slaughtered human beings for no reason other than' following orders'. You are NOT required to follow illegal orders and only YOU can, by your individual conscience, decide what is an ilegal order. If it offends your sensibilities and gives you reason to believe that it is immoral or unConstitutional then the choice is clear. I do not envy any service member these will PROBABLY be faced with this terrible dilemma in your term of service and better to be prepared mentaly and emotionaly now before you are in a situation that will not allow myou the time to make a thoughtful decision. I hope you make the right choice..I would HATE to see you in the sights of my weapon as an enemy when we should be brothers in arms against the enemy. The enemy now is not cannot trust the President anymore and your officers may be unable to resist the orders given them so be prepared for the most difficult times ever just around the corner. Thank you for your service to our country and God Bless you.

That is my justification also. If I have to, I will protect this country against it's domestic ememies as well. I'd rather not be in your sights, but I'd gladly stand by you if the time came. I don't believe the government is bad, just horribly misled. If they think the public wants security over freedom, they've got another thing coming. I would only willfully disobey an order if it involved the killing of a citizen or taking the rights of a citizen away. But until that time comes, I still serve and protect just as always.(I hope you're prepared as well)


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