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Yes, I posted a Theory (underground base)...

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posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 04:22 PM
I posted one (John Lear), Video, But there are so many other(professionalUFOlogists,ex-Military,ect...) out there "talking it up about these Underground Bases, as well as a "Treaty And The people were "Taken", with Our GOV.Permission, in exchange for Technology.
Not The Serpo,story, not exactly the Dulce story, but Other Underground Bases such as Dulce, they exist "For a Reason"; People who worked Building them, are speaking out, in regard to these bases and their GOV.
Secrecy regarding them. Our GOV. has & does "keep So Very much from Us; "We The People"; can NEVER be 'told the truth'. I Never intended to (as a newbie Or otherwise),"make any enemies", or seem to have grammatical errors(as an undergrad, I was an Enlish MajuorLOL), But I find it difficult at times my arthritis in my right hand is in pain&Iam not typing WELL; I will try to 'do better'. I only meant In the start, to post My Theory of "What Might have happened to The 911 Passengers".It was not my intention to anger, upset, or argue with anyone. Just waned to make my theory known.Whatever wrong I've done,besides make "newbie mistakes", I apologize, as I hope to remain a part of ATS, and glean some truth&opinions, & theories of others.As well as write my theories.
I hope that is *Suitabe to all concerned. My respect or others knows no bounds, until a person denies me that same Respect. Ibelieve we can exchange INFO, and attempt that action, in a Responsible & Open-Mined,
Manner.I can! Peace&goodwill2All!*LibBLVRdoc

Mod Edit: Shortened title. You might want to think of breaking paragraphs up a bit in the future.

[edit on 24-6-2007 by ZeddicusZulZorander]

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