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Mystery South Minneapolis Booms

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posted on May, 29 2007 @ 04:10 PM
About 4 years ago, my wife and I moved to the Longfellow neighborhood of Minneapolis, which is just south of downtown, very much in the heart of the city.

The first summer we lived here, we started hearing these enormously loud booms, that varied in proximity, distance and time that they occurred. They were all in the evening or later, but were not happening necessarily after dark.

For four years now this has been going on, and many in the neighborhood have heard them. I've had them happen as close as directly in the alley behind my house - and it left NO EVIDENCE whatsoever. Every time one goes off, neighbors in close proximity of the mystery sound are drawn from their houses expecting to see at the least a blown transformer or a natural gas explosion. And 99% of the time, there is nothing to be seen.

Apparently enough were reporting these booms that the police were investigating and a few weeks ago they "solved the case" by reporting they were simply fireworks. NO WAY.

I'm not an explosives expert by any means, but there are no fireworks that I know of that can shake my windows and make a thump big enough that I can feel in my chest when they go off. THERE IS NO WAY THESE ARE COMING FROM FIREWORKS.

I've ruled out transformer's blowing, because there aren't power outages after the booms. The sound is similar to a sonic booms, and there is an airport not far from this particular neighborhood - but all of those planes are taking off and landing - and are commercial airliners. Common sense would dictate that probability to be quite low considering the frequency and the odd timing.

Long story short, I'm trying to get more attention on this subject. I'm curious if there is anyone else in other locations that are experiencing the same thing, or maybe someone that could offer more insight as to what they might be?

I also want to add/emphasize there is never any damage done from these - I'm aware that large mortar type fireworks would possibly be close in volume and thump - but there would have to be at least an obvious mark or some evidence - and there never is - except for in this one instance that the police used to "solve the mystery".

They didn't solve anything, they merely used 1 event to say "silly people, we have better things to do than this, here's your explanation."

[edit on 29-5-2007 by slicely]

[edit on 29-5-2007 by slicely]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by slicely

I'm not an explosives expert by any means, but there are no fireworks that I know of that can shake my windows and make a thump big enough that I can feel in my chest when they go off. THERE IS NO WAY THESE ARE COMING FROM FIREWORKS.

I'm no expert either but when its 4th of July around here there are plenty of fireworks that make windows shake. I've also been inside when some go off and felt the reprecussion in my body, not so much just my chest. But as you said, no evidence supports this.

Maybe they are doing some underground drilling and/or blasting in your area. You should ask around the mining/construction community to see if anything is going on. If no answers turn up, you might be living on top of one of these "underground bases" I hear so much about on ATS.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 05:03 PM
This sounds somewhat simlar to the booms that were being heard around San Diego.

The "prognosis" that was determined by some investigators was that a super secret government spacecraft was passing overhead causing the booms.

Now I am not sure if there are any top secret facilities near or around the MSP area, but if there is , I think that that would be a great place to start investigating.

Nothing like the good ol media brushing off an incident like this with the classic "it was fireworks exploding" excuse. That one is almost as good as the infamous "Swamp gas" excuse. Some people are so gullible.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:10 PM
The booms are back. Just heard another one shortly ago - and apparently now homeland security is involved- and the Minneapolis Police are very interested...

South Minneapolis Booms open investigation...

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