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Another Past Life Memories/Dreams Thread

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posted on May, 16 2007 @ 11:47 PM
Hello all,

From searching through the ATS/BTS archives, it appears it's been about 3 years since a thread on this topic was posted, and since this is a very interesting subject to me, I thought I'd go ahead and start a new thread on the subject. Here is the subject or question involved: Have you had memories or dreams of yourself in a situation or place/time setting that you know you have not lived in this life?

Let me start with some personal anecdotes: from the time I was twelve or so I have had intermittant "trace memories" and vivid dreams of myself living another life in an earlier time period (before I was born) and some that may have occured in possibly an alternate reality/universe. I'll give just two examples for now:

When I was twelve, I had a very vivid and distinct dream of being a 1st Lieutenant in the Army during the invasion of Guadelcanal. Now it'simportant to understand that at that point in my life I had not seen any movies or read any books on this subject but in my dream I distinctly remember that my name was Johnson(not my real last name) and that I was responsible for the 8 remaining men in my platoon. We were entrenched in fox-holes taking heavy machine gun fire from a Japanese emplacement about 25-30 yards away and were getting shot up really bad. As the dream proceeded, I rose up to return fire with my sidearm because that was the only loaded weapon I had left and was shot through my helmet and suffered a mortal head wound. As I lay dying I remeber thinking how sad I was that I would never get to see my wife and kids again. Then I woke up. I was very disturbed, to say the least and brooded about the dream for weeks but I never told my parents or anyone else because I thought they would think I was crazy.

And I have occasional memories of conversations that I have had with people and memories of being places and experiencing events that I never have in this life; these seem to come to me especially when I am tired and my mind is wandering and not focused on a particular subject at hand.

I have had maybe fifty to sixty "other life" dreams in my life and they always seem as if I am remebering something that happened to me and it seems perfectly natural to me, until I wake up.

How about you all, are any of you as "crazy" as I am? Let's talk about it, come on, you know you want to!

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 11:10 PM
Hey man that's really cool. I'll tell you a story about my father. He really hates water, he can't stand swimming in lakes or anything. One time, a carnival came to town and a world renowned psychic was there. Without my dad even telling him his fear, the psychic told my dad he had a fear of water. My dad was amazed. He then told my father in a previous life, he drowned from falling off a boat. He was amazed, he also told me he was extremely shook.

I do believe others and us, ourselves, are able to see our previous lives. I believe we've had them.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by cartapo
Hey man that's really cool. I'll tell you a story about my father. He really hates water, he can't stand swimming in lakes or anything. One time, a carnival came to town and a world renowned psychic was there. Without my dad even telling him his fear, the psychic told my dad he had a fear of water. My dad was amazed. He then told my father in a previous life, he drowned from falling off a boat. He was amazed, he also told me he was extremely shook.

I do believe others and us, ourselves, are able to see our previous lives. I believe we've had them.

Thanks for your response, cartapo; it certainly is a mystery, at least to me.

The jury is still out on the matter as far as I'm concerned but I would like to hear from some others about it. Come on, don't be shy.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 12:56 AM
This is a little different from yours. One day me and my girlfriend were driving in my truck and we were just talking about random stuff. She started talking about one of her dreams. She was in the desert running away from someone. She ran to this abandoned house and was hiding. That person went inside the house also, so she quietly snuk outside. Before she told me where she went and hid, I told her did you hide under a car. She was startled and couldnt believe I knew that. When she was telling me her runaway story I was starting to get some clear recolection of what she was talking about. To make this short, I had the same dream as she did, except I was the person chasing her. And thats how I knew where she hid. I swear im not making this up. Do you know why or what kind ot dream this is.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 05:39 AM
When I was about 16, and on my way out one night, I put my head round the door to say I was going out, to my parents. They were watching a film on tv. I remember thinking the actor in the film was a bit gorgeous. I forgot all about that and went out and had a thoroughly good time as usual.

That night, I dreamed I was working with this guy (the actor) and we were putting up a picket fence (not very common in Liverpool where I was living!) and then he told me to follow him as he had something he wanted me to help with, that he couldn't ask anyone else to help with. Next thing we were digging, and we struck oil. Then we started to build one of those towers - I don't even know what they are called - and we were really excited about this oil and what we could do together. I remember the scenery vividly, because it was very different to what I'd ever been familiar with.

Next morning, I asked my parents who the actor was, as I'd never seen him before, and they told me it was James Dean and then told me how he had died and the furore that had surrounded his death - even some fans committing suicide.

Because he had been in my dream, and you all know what it's like when you dream of someone - you feel you know them - it felt really like a personal blow when they told me he was dead. Next time I was near the book shops (no internet in those days, this was about 1974) I looked for books on James Dean. I was overwhelmed when I read and saw photos of the film 'Giant', as this was the film my parents had been watching, and was about him striking oil! This led to a long term fascination with James Dean, and I wondered if I had been a fan and seen the film in a previous life - he died in 1955, 3 years before I was born.

I've had other dreams that were prophetic, and also a dream where I was saying goodbye to my warrior/partner who I knew was going off to war and we knew that the situation meant he was never coming back (they were greatly outnumbered) but he had to go - there was no question he wouldn't - and we both pretended we would see each other soon, but inside I was dying, knowing it was the last time I would see him. That one sticks with me, as I still feel I am waiting for him to come back.

There's a few for you!


posted on May, 21 2007 @ 06:25 AM
If you ever get a chance to see a movie titled: Clan of the Cavebear....that movie & theme pretty much depicts the past life & times that
i recalled...
a recollection and conviction i had years before that movie or idea was presented to the pop culture,
but i always was considered ?odd/weird...or in polite language - creative!

which included my insistance i was a medicine-man cave-man, once before

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 09:40 AM
I miss this place so much!
Anyway, back on topic...
I've been having alot of clients want me to do past life regressions.
It's fasinating. Even those people (like myself) that don't believe in reincarnation can 'remember' something. Rearly there is a person that can 'remember' something detailed enough to actulay look it up and varify it. Most of the time, those things they remember are things they could have (and probley did) read or hear or see somewhere.

I think I changed my signiture line at some point.... but it use to say. "The body doesn't know the difference between reality and vivid imagination."

That is very true. And the subconscious don't know the difference between a lie and the truth!

Anyhow - thought I'd through that out there. Hypnosis can get all that good info for you, but as to the reality of it's truth.... I think each has to decide for him or herself.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Mr.TopSecretX
This is a little different from yours. One day me and my girlfriend were driving in my truck and we were just talking about random stuff. She started talking about one of her dreams. She was in the desert running away from someone. She ran to this abandoned house and was hiding. That person went inside the house also, so she quietly snuk outside. Before she told me where she went and hid, I told her did you hide under a car. She was startled and couldnt believe I knew that. When she was telling me her runaway story I was starting to get some clear recolection of what she was talking about. To make this short, I had the same dream as she did, except I was the person chasing her. And thats how I knew where she hid. I swear im not making this up. Do you know why or what kind ot dream this is.

That is very interesting, indeed. I have heard of the concept of two people having the same dream, but until now had never talked to one. I have no idea what the name for such a phenomenon would be, or even if there is a name for it, since it's so rare. Has this type of think occured before, in your life? Thanks for sharing it with us; you might consider doing a bit of research on the subject and letting us know if you come up with anything.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Nebankh

I was overwhelmed when I read and saw photos of the film 'Giant', as this was the film my parents had been watching, and was about him striking oil! This led to a long term fascination with James Dean, and I wondered if I had been a fan and seen the film in a previous life - he died in 1955, 3 years before I was born.

Giant was actually the the last film that James Dean completed and he was nominated for an Academy Award for his performance. He was actually killed several months before the film came to theaters. Joe Hyams who wrote Deans biography, "Little boy lost", said this about Deans popularity:

"..There is no simple explanation for why he has come to mean so much to so many people today. Perhaps it is because, in his acting, he had the intuitive talent for expressing the hopes and fears that are a part of all young people... In some movie magic way, he managed to dramatize brilliantly the questions every young person in every generation must resolve."

James Dean only made 3 movies, all in a little over 1 year's time. I've had a few dreams where actors and actresses from TV and the movies make guest appearances, too and they are always very interesting.

I've had other dreams that were prophetic, and also a dream where I was saying goodbye to my warrior/partner who I knew was going off to war and we knew that the situation meant he was never coming back (they were greatly outnumbered) but he had to go - there was no question he wouldn't - and we both pretended we would see each other soon, but inside I was dying, knowing it was the last time I would see him. That one sticks with me, as I still feel I am waiting for him to come back.

There's a few for you!


Thanks, Nebankh; those are the type of dreams that I was talking about; ones where you can clearly recall your emotions and thoughts while you were "there", wherever "there", is.
The other thing about these types of dreams is that years and years later you can still feel or remember everything that happened to you as if it happened in real life.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
I miss this place so much!
Anyway, back on topic...
I've been having alot of clients want me to do past life regressions.
It's fasinating. Even those people (like myself) that don't believe in reincarnation can 'remember' something. Rearly there is a person that can 'remember' something detailed enough to actulay look it up and varify it. Most of the time, those things they remember are things they could have (and probley did) read or hear or see somewhere.

I think I changed my signiture line at some point.... but it use to say. "The body doesn't know the difference between reality and vivid imagination."

That is very true. And the subconscious don't know the difference between a lie and the truth!

Anyhow - thought I'd through that out there. Hypnosis can get all that good info for you, but as to the reality of it's truth.... I think each has to decide for him or herself.

Thanks for the contribution, Angela. Although I am not ready to completely claim that reincarnation is a fact, there are too many unexplained instances of past lafe recall to dismiss it all as repressed memeory or vivid imagination, Here is a fascinating website that I came across that actually lists several of thos cases and gives links to other sites with more info. I recommend it to all; look over the facts and then mke your own decision about how valid the evidence is. Like I said earlier, the jury is still out for me, but I find myself being drawn closer and closer to accepting it all the time. here is the link to the site that I mentioned.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 05:41 PM
A year or so ago I had an extremely vivid thought about being an old lady (late 70s or 80s in age) from the late 18th century knitting quilts amongst a couple other elderly women in a wooden shack of a house.

I'm a 30 year old male who has for not one day of my life been interested in knitting, quilting, or the historic record from any point in the last 1,000 years.

I really don't know if its a memory from a past life, but it was certainly one of the strangest thoughts I've had.

[edit on 21-5-2007 by Frith]

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Stormrider

Giant was actually the the last film that James Dean completed and he was nominated for an Academy Award for his performance. He was actually killed several months before the film came to theaters.

Yep - believe me, I read everything I could find for many years on Jame Dean - even have a couple of 1st Anniversary magazines from the year after his death....

But what started it all off was the dream, and although there's every chance I saw the film at home when I was too young to remember it, and maybe just that one glimpse of Dean on tv 'revived' the story from Giant in my consciousness and made me dream it, I didn't know anyone else at the time- 1974 -who was a James Dean fan.

Re the warrior dream:

Thanks, Nebankh; those are the type of dreams that I was talking about; ones where you can clearly recall your emotions and thoughts while you were "there", wherever "there", is.
The other thing about these types of dreams is that years and years later you can still feel or remember everything that happened to you as if it happened in real life.

It certainly does stay with me, every second of it, and I can remember his face

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Frith
A year or so ago I had an extremely vivid thought about being an old lady (late 70s or 80s in age) from the late 18th century knitting quilts amongst a couple other elderly women in a wooden shack of a house.

I'm a 30 year old male who has for not one day of my life been interested in knitting, quilting, or the historic record from any point in the last 1,000 years.

I really don't know if its a memory from a past life, but it was certainly one of the strangest thoughts I've had.

[edit on 21-5-2007 by Frith]

Thanks for that, Frith; I too have had sudden memories of being someone of the opposite sex, involved in everyday routines like dressing for dinner or tea. Very mysterious, indeed. My father used to tell me that he had vivid memories of being a young boy in an African village, where everyone lived in straw huts and cooked outdoors. None of our ancestors, that I know of, can be traced back to Africa, and yet his one distinct "memory" of living another life was as someone of an entirely different race.

I have always had a peculiar affinity with the celtic peoples of Ireland and Scotland; having a very keen interest in celtic music, art and history, even from before I knew that I was of celtic bloodlines. I have also had remarkable memories and dreams of actually living 100's of years ago in Ireland. Now, did my interest in all things celtic cause the memories or did the memories cause my interest in celtic art, music and history. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 12:08 AM
No problem Stormrider. I appreciate your input. And this a pretty cool thread you have posted.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by lightseeker
I have always had a peculiar affinity with the celtic peoples of Ireland and Scotland;

I'm a Celt too :-) And Grandpa is Irish-Scot.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 02:14 AM
I was thinking about this topic today. I'm always having dreams that I'm some type of soldier/spy. I can't really explain much b/c I never really remember my dreams. Anyone know of a way I can find out more about my dreams, maybe even who I was???

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
I'm a Celt too :-) And Grandpa is Irish-Scot.

I am Nordic descent but my Dad is french descent so not sure what that makes me

an intersting mix?? lol

Anyway, back on topic, I have had 2 past life readings by a lady. They were both very interesting and a little unsettling. I didn't meet her before the 1st reading. I just rang and she asked my name and DOB and then rang me when she had done it. For the two days I waited for the 1st reading, I was extremely dizzy. I have also been quite weird whenever I visit somewhere, my friends will vouch for that, like I went to Perth to visit my friends and could feel the movement in the ground and was like, oh I wouldn't live here...cos earthquake... all the time, I do that. lol

Well anyway, the lady told me that I had died from an earthquake in ancient china.

she also told me about my children, I didn't tell her anything except my name and DOB so that was uncanny.

either way, it was interesting, but I don't hang on to every word that she said.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 06:18 AM
To be honest, one of the first things I recall was during the Cretaceous period. Since I was young I told everyone that I died being eaten by Tyrannosaurus although the T-rex was suspected to be a scavenger...maybe a predatory relative of the T-rex? Well, then I saw myself as one of those smaller raptors running along the shore digging for eggs. I think there may been other lives in between, but those seem to be the most important. I guess it's because dinosaurs have been around longer than humans.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 07:56 AM
I've had a lot of weird, wonderful, aweful, interesting and paranormal dreams in my lifetime but i want to share something i remember which isn't a dream, but a memory of the life i was living before i incarnated for the first time as an individual soul.

I remember being a particle of energy amongst a field of these same particles, we were like god, we knew everything and we would just sit there in our space vibrating and resonating to our own humbleness, we didn't think or do we just sat there being whole. And it was like I was one particle yet all the particles at the same time, it also felt like i couldn't exist without the other particles and they couldn't exist without me. We were all interconnected. It was also very different from the usual 5 senses we have, it was more like having just 1 sense and that is sense itself, its like all the senses wrapped into one and i could sense the other particles around me like being able to sense someone nearby without them touching you. I knew absolutely everything there was to know, and because of this I didn't need to think about anything so i would just sit there resonating with my humbleness. So anyway, I'm sitting there being a particle of energy amongst a giant mass (most likely infinite mass) of particles of energy, just resonating with my own self-satisfaction and humbleness, then all of a sudden i have a thought and bang, i'm cut off from all that is and put here in this reality. I'm not quite sure what the thought was, most likely something along the lines of "i wonder what its like to be able to create".

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 08:22 AM
My boyfriend has some past-life memories, and so do I. But the one thing that may not go across well is the fact that my memories seem to be of lives in which I was not human.

There's a reason I have "hawk" in my name. I'll just say that.

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