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A Shadow Person story. Has anyone else had this happen to them?

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posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 10:49 PM
I believe these shadow people are the closet monsters and monsters under the bed of urban legends.
I've seen my fair share of them. I kinda live with them constantly. They are not frightening anymore, but I don't exactly know whether they are good or bad. I get the feeling that they are neutral, and we benefit them in some way, so if it benefits them to act nice or to portray themselves as a friendly image, they will. If it benefits them more to instill fear, they will do that also.
My experiences with them make me believe that the short ones are the "greys" and the taller ones are the "men in black". I use the word "men" loosely there, because I'm not referring to the movie type men in black. I dunno if they are actually conventional "men" at all.
I say that I think they are closet monsters/bed monsters because I have seen them literally open up a closet of mine and run inside closing it behind him/her/it. I have also seen them appear from under beds, chairs, standing outside windows...
My theory sounds a bit like a whacko with psychosis, and even if you believe it somewhat, it could be unsettling... but these beings most likely number several to a household, and they work as a team, and most likely our governments are not only aware of them, but they are somehow afilliated with them. Why do I think the governments are afilliated with this? Somebody mentioned they would see a strobe like light at the window sometimes around the time, before or after, they would see a shadow being... Well, I'm pretty sure I know what you saw there. It was a small, mostly cloaked probe, that mostly glides past windows, but sometimes enters through chimneys into the home. I've seen this, and there is a little neon blue LED light on the top of the probe, and I guess sometimes later at night, they are less cloaked, so you can actually see the flash of the LED.

All in all, I think the shadow people, the "aliens" (only in quotes because I'm not sure if they are actually foreign to this planet or not), and the government surveillence/mind control programs are closely connected.

A crazy theory, but I've had my fair share of reality shattering experiences, and the shadow people are a daily occurence that I mostly tune out now. I know they are real because several of my friends have seen them in my home, and been subsequently followed home by them.

Once again, my stance on them right now is neutral, because I just don't have enough info to say whether they are god or evil. Most likely, they are capable of both, just like humans.

EDITED: for spelling AND I wanna add that, whatever these things are, they are just doing their jobs, I think. Like humans, some of these beings take what they are doing a little too serious, and some take advantage of the power they have over us and can do cruel and frightening things to us.

Most are just doing their jobs, and they do it quite well, since people as a whole aren't aware of their existance. I think this could explain most paranormal events.

[edit on 27-12-2007 by indierockalien]

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 11:48 PM
I had an encounter with a shadow (or ghost) person. I was exercising between my parents bedroom and the dining room. The lights were turned down low and all I could see straight ahead of me was my reflection in a portrait hanging on the wall.

For some reason, I felt VERY uneasy that night. Then as I continued to exercise and make other images of my reflection, I saw a distinct, shadowy figure walk quite briskly from left to right.

The image was about my height and obviously male in appearance. I couldn't see his face but he had his hands in his pockets. His head was cast downward and there as a noticeable slouch to his shoulders.

I didn't tell my parents at that time because, once again, noone would believe my story. Also, I didn't have my camera or video with me to take any visual 'proof' of my paranormal experience. Moments like these are instantaneous.

This event occurred towards the end of July 2007 of this year. And this would be my first 'ghostly' encounter.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by indierockalien
I say that I think they are closet monsters/bed monsters because I have seen them literally open up a closet of mine and run inside closing it behind him/her/it. I have also seen them appear from under beds, chairs, standing outside windows...

this is weird. have you ever opened the closet door up and looked inside after one went into a closet? you sound like you are used to them and probably not scared, so i am interested to hear if you have tried this. either you would see one there hiding or maybe they hide then disappear?

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:48 PM
Shadow people scare the Sugar Honey Iced Tea outta me. I have seen a few and they just feel baaaad. Ive only seen them in very depressed areas where ugly things have happened. I keep reading accounts that say different, but my experience is not good.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 10:52 PM
i think i might have had a shadow person experience when i was 5. we had just moved into our new house a couple months and i woke up and in the corner of my room by my brothers desk i saw a tall guy that looked really bulky and it looked like there were people behind him. I know this sounds really weird but if anyone has ever seen the show pokemon and know who giovana, because that is exactly who the shadow person looked like. but right when i saw it i screamed and my parents came in and i have never seen it or them again. But i do believe that shadow people are the "boogeyman" that kids are afraid of, because their descriptions of the boogeyman sound exactly like a shadowperson

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by evo80
I had a similar experience 2 weeks ago. I had been sleeping in the basement on the futon while my wife was teaching our 2 month old baby to sleep on her own through the night upstairs. I was tired and went to bed a little early. For whatever reason I also woke up early. I think it was 4 or so and I usually get up at about 5:45. Anyway I found myself fitfully awake and I had thought of finally trying this "New You" c d I had purchased a few weeks earlier. My life has been hectic between work and the baby so I really never rose early enough to try the meditation c d before this time. I put it on and lied down on my back in the dark (but there was a dim nightlight). I listened to 3 or 4 of the sessions when I guess I fell asleep. Here is where everything takes a turn. I don't know if my eyes were open or closed but I was instantly aware of a figure standing next to the bed. The figure was a tall person utterly black but with definition and I almost recall a distinct face like a pig man. The chance for me to scrutinize "HIM" further was immediately disrupted by him lunging at me and I struggling not to be enveloped. I then remember nothing except sleep paralysis which I have had a few times in my life.(a uforic state in which the whole body feels like it has gone numb but you are sleeping) When it ends I slip into regular dreaming which I remember experiencing several times that night. I finally awoke to find the c d still playing which indicated that less that an hour had passed. In the last few weeks nothing else has happened. I have not listened to the c d again, I have moved back upstairs to sleep, and I haven't risen early. My interest to tell my story has been rekindled by a drawing on website today of my experience exactly by another person. As George Nori says," I don't believe in coincidences."

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