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Cynthia McKinney: `We Must Resist!`

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posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 08:24 PM
Cynthia McKinney is back and boy is she PO'd. Touching on many issues her commentary lashes out on national security issues, black politics, general politics, foreign policy, 9/11, poverty and more.

We need more people that are not afraid to speak out.

Some of her highlights include:

An obvious swipe at Obama without mentioning him by name.

I have long said that the black body politic is comatose: unable to sustain itself after the massive infusion of COINTELPRO-type "clean Negroes" who don't truly provide representation for a body of people in need.

Taking the democrats to task for not going after Bush.

In the meantime, we have to demand more from our representatives. How can you be against war if you finance war? And how can you be against George Bush if you won't impeach him?

Finishing up with a 1970's styled motivational rant.

The American people are being fed madness as sanity. But, this is not Oz, Wonderland, the Twilight Zone, and it's not 1984!

With every fiber in our being we must resist. Resist like Mario Savio told us to resist: with our entire bodies against the gears and the wheels and the levers of the machine.

We must resist because we claim no partnership in war crimes, genocide, torture, or crimes against humanity. We claim no complicity in crimes against the American people.

We will build a broad-based, rainbow movement for justice and peace. And we will win.

Black Agenda Report

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 01:32 PM
Wow! That was a really good speech! She's very inspiring.

Is she running for president?

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 07:14 PM
Nah... She makes to much sense...

She must be crazy!

Cynthia continues to vote against record Bush Administration Pentagon budgets and challenged the Pentagon to explain how it "lost" over $2.3 trillion in un-trackable transactions. She continues to decry the Pentagon's sweetheart deals with Halliburton, the Carlyle Group, and DynCorp and its successor companies.

Cynthia speaks out against the loss of our fundamental freedoms during Bush Administration prosecution of the War on Terrorism and reminds Committee members of the well-known and documented abuses during the COINTELPRO era.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 08:08 PM
She is a very strong speaker, just reading her words are like wow. I can only imagine them in person. She sounds very firery and would probably make a good leader. I know that she was the only one brave enough to try to get investigations re-opened into Cointelpro, which some of us were counting on. Then she lost her seat. Those electronic voting machines.

I think someone like her should be running for politics and in politics. I think this is what is wrong with a lot of things nowadays and I think that is what is missing.

It's just like when the FBI tried to get Martin Luther King to kill himself, they had a nice safe black politician that they had hand picked waiting in the wings, to make everything look all fair and good. Kinda like the admin in Iraq, all hand picked.

People like her that have a voice should be in politics and standing up for the people. I think she would do a really good job, and I hope she gets that chance again.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:39 PM
The woman is a moonbat. She spouts emotional, untrue soundbites in order to get the masses riled up. She doesn't have her facts straight, but she knows that those who believe her rants don't know the truth anyway, and she counts on that fact to spread her disinfo.

For example, from the base article:

They're asking poor, devastated university students to return their Hurricane Katrina money, but I don't see anyone going after Blackwater mercenaries, the law enforcement officials who took federal money and then denied Katrina survivors safe passage over public thoroughfares. They're not going after the Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff whose incompetent behavior directly led to the delayed response, causing as-yet unmitigated pain and suffering on the people of New Orleans, and whose continued bumbling results in one of the largest depopulations of an American city in memory.

What's wrong with that statement? Look at the underlined part. Chertoff was not in charge of Homeland Security during Katrina. Michael Brown was. Remember Bush's statement, "Brownie is doing a fine job"?

But the uneducated will not know that. All they will hear is her loud mouth decrying something or other, and the frustrated among us will cheer her on, regardless of whether what she says is true or not.

She is an anti-Semitic and a racist. Plus, she is a loon. One look in her eyes, and you know she is unsound.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:43 PM
Brown was head of FEMA, a division of Homeland Security. Chertoff suceeded Tom Ridge as head of HS back in January of 2005.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:19 PM
Hi jsobecky.

She is an anti-Semitic and a racist. Plus, she is a loon. One look in her eyes, and you know she is unsound.

Was the rest of her article flawed? Cause it seems that you found one error, and used that to dismiss the entirty of what she said. If we took this example and compared it to all the mistakes that George W. Bush has made over his career, then that does not say much about the leadership of the country and the people that voted for him. She made an error in something she said, good catch, but that does not make the woman unsound, any more than it makes the president unsound.

Also when did looking into peoples eyes become enough to psychologically evaluate if someone is stable or unstable? Also can you tell me what your educational background is, so that you can determine just by looking into someones eyes who is stable or unstable? Not that you always need a psychological background to determine something like that, but in this case, I would ask for qualifications.

I have not come across anything thus far in what she said in the above statements to classify her as a racist or a antisemite. Also, if I am going to go purley on the evidence of someone who can classify someone as unsound by looking into their eyes, I think I will skip your assessment till you provide more evidence. Evidence in context that is.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:30 PM
Now to be fair to jsobecky, I did go to the woman's photo gallery, and I could not tell by looking into her eyes if she was stable or unstable. I do admit that picture 22 didn't do her any favours, but out of 22 picks, all the others seemed to be pretty sane and stable.

Also in this pick on her site, the intro pick, she looks pretty sane to me, but then I do realise that I could not use just this picture to make an assesment of someone, but if I used jsobecky method, then I would say that to me she looks pretty stable in this pic.

Also her wikipedia pick is not hurting her either, and we all know that widipedia is the be all and end all of the Internet nowadays.

Ok maybe she could work on the smile it looked a little bit forced, but then what politician does not from time to time. Otherwise I guess I am not seeing what jsobecky is seeing based on her pictures.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Harassment, See my earlier post that points out Jsobecky's error. Chertoff was indeed head of Homeland Security during Katrina. Just proves that even the best make mistakes.

I think McKinney's really quite beautiful and in most pictures, she looks quite sane.
I do like her hair better in some than others, but that's a matter of personal preference. But I agree, in most cases, sanity cannot be determined by looking into a person's eyes.

I'm curious about the anti-Semitic thing myself. I don't recall a story or thread about that...

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 03:37 PM
BH, I stand corrected on the Brown/Chertoff thing. But even so, it shows McKinney was wrong in blaming Chertoff.

As for McKinney being anti-Semitic:

In 1994 McKinney refused to vote for a resolution condemning the anti-Semitic speeches of Khalid Muhammad, a firebrand disciple of Nation of Islam leader Rev. Louis Farrakhan.

Beginning in 1997, McKinney voted repeatedly to cut U.S. aid to Israel.

In 2001 the United States withdrew most of its diplomatic participation in the United Nations' World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia And Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa after it became clear that the gathering would give prominence not only to anti-American but also to anti-Israel and anti-Semitic leaders.

Despite this, seven members of Congress including Congresswoman McKinney attended, and they, plus another seven congressional Democrats, lent their prestige to what became an anti-Jewish hatefest.

In May 2002 McKinney was one of 17 House Democrats who voted against a House Resolution (HR 392) expressing support for Israel as it faced terrorist attacks that killed more than 600 civilians. The resolution she opposed stated that, "the United States and Israel are now engaged in a common struggle against terrorism."

In 2002, after McKinney lost her bid for the Democratic nomination to her seat in Congress, her father offered the media a four-letter word as explanation: "The Jews, J-E-W-S." McKinney lost to a more moderate African-American woman, Denise Majette.

"McKinney has enjoyed strong support from the Arab and Muslim community, which views her as a prime backer of a Palestinian state," wrote investigative reporter Matthew E. Berger in 2004. "A review of her Federal Election Commission filings shows a slew of Arab surnames, and she received $1,000 from the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee."

And McKinney in exchange was willing and eager to speak out in concert with such views.

When a Saudi prince tried to use his $10 million 9-11 charity donation as a platform from which to criticize U.S. support for Israel, New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani returned Prince Alwaleed bin Talal's check. Congresswoman McKinney then immediately wrote to the Prince to offer her services in helping him spend his $10 million.

"A growing number of people in the United States," McKinney wrote sycophantically to the Prince, "recognize, like you, that U.S. policy in the Middle East needs serious examination."

There's plenty more where that came from.

As for her eyes, well, they never smile. She's good at flashing teeth, but there is no sincerity in her smile. She doesn't look at you, she looks through you.

Maybe it's just the gypsy blood in me, but I know crazy when I see it. Not everything boils down to scientific study, or is easily explainable in technical terms.

Just look how easily she flies off the hook - remember the Capitol Hill Police incident where she struck the officer in the chest just because he asked for her ID?

She's a flake.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 04:23 PM
jso, you know my political standing. I agree that McKinney is racist. But I can't agree that she's an anti-semite. Speaking out against or not supporting the country of Israel doesn't mean a person is against Jews. Also having friends and supporters in the Arab community doesn't indicate anti-Semitism. I haven't looked into all your examples, but her father being anti-semitic doesn't mean she is.

"A growing number of people in the United States," McKinney wrote sycophantically to the Prince, "recognize, like you, that U.S. policy in the Middle East needs serious examination."

I agree with this 100% and I'm not Anti-Semitic.

And are all the people in Congress who voted the same way she did on these various bills Anti-Semitic?

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 05:29 PM

Many other politiicians have been labeled as racist,etc., for just one simple misinterpreted statement. For exaple, Tony Snow's innocent "tar baby" staement.

McKinney has a history of statements and votes that show her to be anti-Semitic. People are reluctant to call her what she really is for fear of being labeled racist themselves.

She hasn't come out and said "I hate Jews" - yet. But her words say otherwise.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 05:47 PM
This is the same women who complained that Hurricanes lacked "black sounding" names.

If she ever had a shred of legitimacy she lost it with that rant.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 05:49 PM
Bravo, McKinney, BRAVO!

I'm also waiting for an answer to those questions you asked. Like:

What happened to the "missing" TRILLIONS from the Pentagon?

Why were war games mirroring the attacks going on simultaneously with 9/11?

Why wasn't Dyncorp punished SEVERELY for being involved in child sex slavery rings?

But, don't hold your breath, Cynthia. I won't.

To becky...please.
I am SICK AND TIRED of this crap. But, I still have to break it down.

1) First off, "anti-Semite" is a LIE. Arabs are ALSO Semites, and they FAR outnumber the Jews. But, anyone can criticize Arabs and/or their countries all day and NEVER be called anti-Semites.

2) All Jews of the world are NOT Zionists. Most people who are critical of Israel are critical of ZIONISM, not JUDAISM.

3) I will OPENLY say I hate the state of Israel, and this will NOT mean I hate the Jewish people. And, why shouldn't I hate a country that practices apartheid, ROUTINELY abuses their weaker neighbors, does NOT allow interracial marriage (you can't legally marry a Jew in Israel if you're not Jewish), researches ethno-specific bioweapons, sponsors terrorism, and uses sophisticated propaganda to control the most powerful country in the world.

Two thumbs up for McKinney:

Three thumbs down for Israel:

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 06:44 PM
Cynthia McKinney IS AND anti-Semitic, racist. She supports the New Black Panthers[racists] and Nation of Islam[racist.anti-semitic]. While in congress she refused to vote for a resolution condemning the anti-Semitic statements of a disciple of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. She has accepted contributions from radical Muslims.

[edit on 24-3-2007 by rdang]

[edit on 24-3-2007 by rdang]

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Bravo, McKinney, BRAVO!

Hey, truth! It's nice to meet in a thread we can mostly agree on.
Your 3 points are spot on. (Except I think it's "Inter-faith marriage", isn't it? Jewish isn't a race, I don't believe.)

Originally posted by jsobecky
McKinney has a history of statements and votes that show her to be anti-Semitic. People are reluctant to call her what she really is for fear of being labeled racist themselves.

I'm not!
I'm not afraid to call it how I see it. I haven't seen anything that shows she's against Jews. She has voted against the government of Israel but that's an entirely different thing than hating Jews (or ANY Semites).

People don't like Bush's policies in the world, but that doesn't mean they hate Americans. Anti-Israel doesn't mean anti-Semite. They are 2 different things. Just as Anti-Bush doesn't mean Anti-American. And Anti-Iran doesn't mean Anti-Muslim.

In my opinion, it's important to keep these things separate... And I understand we disagree. And that's ok.

[edit on 24-3-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 08:09 PM

I think you made a boo-boo in one of your quotes...

Originally posted by truthseeka
Bravo, McKinney, BRAVO!

I'm also waiting for an answer to those questions you asked. Like:

What happened to the "missing" TRILLIONS from the Pentagon?

Why were war games mirroring the attacks going on simultaneously with 9/11?

Why wasn't Dyncorp punished SEVERELY for being involved in child sex slavery rings?

But, don't hold your breath, Cynthia. I won't.

To becky...please.
I am SICK AND TIRED of this crap. But, I still have to break it down.

1) First off, "anti-Semite" is a LIE. Arabs are ALSO Semites, and they FAR outnumber the Jews. But, anyone can criticize Arabs and/or their countries all day and NEVER be called anti-Semites.

2) All Jews of the world are NOT Zionists. Most people who are critical of Israel are critical of ZIONISM, not JUDAISM.

3) I will OPENLY say I hate the state of Israel, and this will NOT mean I hate the Jewish people. And, why shouldn't I hate a country that practices apartheid, ROUTINELY abuses their weaker neighbors, does NOT allow interracial marriage (you can't legally marry a Jew in Israel if you're not Jewish), researches ethno-specific bioweapons, sponsors terrorism, and uses sophisticated propaganda to control the most powerful country in the world.

Two thumbs up for McKinney:

Three thumbs down for Israel:

ceeca, technically you are correct, but we all know what she means. She hates Jews. the same as her father did/does. Put as much lipstick on that pig as you want, she's still a pig.

Sem·ite (sĕm'īt')
A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.
A Jew.
Bible. A descendant of Shem.

2. I don't know of any Jews who are critical of Judaism, so your point is really ... uh... dumb?

3. A country does not exist without it's people. So for you to say you hate Israel but not the Jews who live there is incongruous and a lie.

And I suggest that you hate the state of Israel not because it is, in your opinion, "apartheid", but because you hate Jews in general. You see them as above you in the social ladder, and that infuriates you.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 09:32 PM
Well, BH, THAT certainly is new.
As for your question, Jewish is considered both a religion and an ethnic group.

But, what ISN'T new is ignorant, lame lies coming from becky.

Originally posted by jsobecky
ceeca, technically you are correct, but we all know what she means. She hates Jews. the same as her father did/does. Put as much lipstick on that pig as you want, she's still a pig.

PROVE that she has said "I hate Jews." Oh, wait, you CAN'T; all you can do is lie and say she does. And, what does her father have to do with this? The Governator's father was a NAZI; does that make him a Nazi as well? (not defending Arnold, as his own actions/words make him look bad)

And, I don't think she's a cop...

2. I don't know of any Jews who are critical of Judaism, so your point is really ... uh... dumb?

Was it not YOU who recommended that another member take remedial English classes?
Where did I say Jews are critical of Judaism?

3. A country does not exist without it's people. So for you to say you hate Israel but not the Jews who live there is incongruous and a lie.

Taurus feces. Most people who hate America around the world hate our govt, NOT us.

And I suggest that you hate the state of Israel not because it is, in your opinion, "apartheid", but because you hate Jews in general. You see them as above you in the social ladder, and that infuriates you.

Don't you ever get tired of being ignorant? Don't you ever want to learn something?

Israeli apartheid was only ONE of the reasons I gave. And, newsflash becky, people OTHER THAN JEWS live in Israel!
You really should learn something besides waving an American flag made by Chinese slaves. But, thanks for using classical Zionist propaganda to label anyone critical of Israel as a Jew-hater.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by truthseeka

PROVE that she has said "I hate Jews." Oh, wait, you CAN'T; all you can do is lie and say she does. And, what does her father have to do with this? The Governator's father was a NAZI; does that make him a Nazi as well? (not defending Arnold, as his own actions/words make him look bad)

Hey boyface, read my response to BH. Just because McKinney hasn't said "I hate Jews" doesn't get her off the hook for everything else she has said and done.

She's a racist pig.

And, I don't think she's a cop...

Yeah, we're all aware of how much you hate cops,ceec.

2. I don't know of any Jews who are critical of Judaism, so your point is really ... uh... dumb?

Was it not YOU who recommended that another member take remedial English classes?
Where did I say Jews are critical of Judaism?

Neither did I, ceec. You forgot what you wrote:

Originally posted by truthseeka
2) All Jews of the world are NOT Zionists. Most people who are critical of Israel are critical of ZIONISM, not JUDAISM.

You implied it, ceec. Too many 40's?

3. A country does not exist without it's people. So for you to say you hate Israel but not the Jews who live there is incongruous and a lie.

Taurus feces. Most people who hate America around the world hate our govt, NOT us.

Bullcrap, ceec. You hate Jews. It's so obvious in all your postings. Don't try to crab-crawl your way out of it now.

You've already shown that you hate whites, cops, and others in your bile-filled posts, so it comes as no surprise that you also hate Jews.

I suppose that the next thing you'll be saying is that they are the reason you can't escape the ghetto. Bang and blame.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 02:34 AM
Whatever it was that ceeca posted JSO,

You pretty much nailed him on the head...

Again, I wish I had a WATS, you will have to settle for my "KUDOS"..


[edit on 3/25/2007 by semperfortis]

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